- MiG-9
- MiG-15
- MiG-17
- MiG-19
- MiG-21
- MiG-23
- MiG-25
- MiG-27
- Su-7
- Su-9
- Su-11
- Su-15
- Su-17
- Su-20
- Su-22
- Su-24
- Yak-23
- Yak-25
- Yak-27
- Yak-28
- Yak-38
- Other
MiG-25PU & RU "Foxbat-C"
By paulopanz
Two-seat conversion trainer for MiG-25P interceptors. Fitted with a new nose section with two separate cockpits.
It has no radar and no combat capability. NATO codename "Foxbat-C".
Two-seat conversion trainer for reconnaissance versions. Fitted with MiG-25R navigation system.
NATO codename "Foxbat-C".
What's in:
- an old model revamped, fixed and great improved (see nose!!!!)
- a new FM tweaked for SF-2
- two versions: interceptor and recon
- a whole new skinset (original reworked):
- SyAF
- IrAF
- Algeria
- Ukraine
- Azerbaijan
- Kazakhstan
- Turkmenistan
- a new decalset, the most accurate possible (Y.Gordon)
- weapons
- PT-5500 fuel tank (even if rarely used)
- pilot
- sounds
Original plane:
- Eburger68 for 1st SF-2 portings
- Dave (USAFTML), Wpnssgt, Tomcat1974, Sundowner,
- Ghostrider, Deuces, Moonjumper, HrntFixr,
- Sidewinder86, Gepard, Wrench, Paladrian (MiG-21 cockpit)
- Boopidoo & Badger the Bad (Su-15 cockpit)
for original SF-1 model
- Spillone104 3D works, rope/spike fixed, model tweaked PT-5500 tank;
- Baffmeister new FM and data.ini;
- Paulopanz skins, decals, screens;
- put all the "to mod" folder content inside your mod folder
- overwrite
@ paulopanz
MiG-25RB "Foxbat-B"
By paulopanz
Single-seat reconnaissance-bomber derivative of MiG-25R, fitted with improved reconnaissance systems and a Peleng automatic bombing system.
The aircraft can carry a bombload of eight 500 kg (1,102 lb) bombs. Entered service in 1970. NATO codename Foxbat-B.
What's in:
- an old model revamped, fixed and great improved
- a new FM tweaked for SF-2
- a whole new skinset (original reworked):
- VVS 7 (3 silver, 1 grey, 3 camo)
- BVVS 1
- EAF 1
- SyAF 1
- IrAF 2
- Algeria 1
- Ukraine 1
- Azerbaijan 1
- a new decalset, the most accurate possible
- weapons
- PT-5500 fuel tank
- pilot
- sounds
Original plane:
- Eburger68 for 1st SF-2 portings
- Dave (USAFTML), Wpnssgt, Tomcat1974, Sundowner,
Ghostrider, Deuces, Moonjumper, HrntFixr,
Sidewinder86, Gepard, Wrench, Paladrian (MiG-21 cockpit)
Boopidoo & Badger the Bad (Su-15 cockpit)
for original SF-1 model
- Spillone104 3D works, rope/spike fixed, model tweaked, new PT-5500 tank;
- Baffmeister new FM and data.ini;
- Paulopanz skins, decals, screens;
References: Y.Gordon - Red Star, Volume n. 34
- put all the "to mod" folder content inside your mod folder
- overwrite
This is the Foxat we like above others.
@ paulopanz
Polish Wings. MiG-21 Fishbeds.
By yakarov79
This is total pack of MiG-21 used by Polish Air Force.
Polish Fishbeds version F-13, PF, PFM, M, MF, bis and R.
Pack is not including two seaters U, US and UM. Unfortunately.
First of all this is huge pack due to skins and decals..
after unpakcing it is little above 1GB.
Pack is using standard TW models and full merged instal is recomended.
All skins are based on great templates by.comrad. http://combatace.com/files/file/14482-mig-21-mfsm-temps/
Ive made few changes to PF/PFM and F-13 models.
INI files are borrowed from MiG-21 Complete pack by ataribaby - http://combatace.com/files/file/9488-mig-21-complete-pack-sf2-18/
FM is (i think) medium setings from Fubar512 settings.
Cockpits and avionics are from Paladrian MiG-21 set
All aircrafts have additional avionics and cockpit ini files for easy way (ccip etc)
I have edited data ini files as follows:
All aircrafts have nation set to Poland.
All aircrafts have edited weaponstations by weight and diameter limits and specific station code. I've separated stations for irm, bombs,fuel tanks etc. So bombs do not apear on missile launchers, also ive corrected some weight limits.
Ive added all weapons moded / required for this pack.
Exept for:
GP-9,PTB-800S MiG-21 Center pylon. although GP-9 have new skin.
All Air to Air weapons are adited to work only with this pack. So not all weapons can be loaded. Ive set only those A2A weapons as used by Polish Air Force.
R-13 Rockets can be fired only by MiG-21bis.
R-3R can be carried only by MiG-21bis due to RP-22 radar.
R-60 shouldn't be carried by F-13 but it makes mess with editing. so somehow its possible to load.
As for air-ground weapons it uses standard weapons like OFABs, FABs, ZABs, UB-series rocket pods etc.
Fake Pilot mod is required to have proper MiG-21R. (althought Polish R had periscopes on canopy instaled)
New skin for GP-9 gun pod. for PF model.
GP-9 for PFM model is separated and is loaded as gun pod. Node is part of aircraft.
New PTB-490 fuel tank.
PTB-800 fuel tank is like in other available packs - can be carried by some late Polish MiGs.
MiG-21bis and MiG-21MF /96A00/ can carry SPS-141Je pod (as addon to ECM pod you can (should) load ASO-2I-E7P decoy dispenser - it is part of SPS in real)
RS-2US is main "unfortunate" air to air weapon for all early models exept F-13 (it has no radar) and bis (it has RP-22 radar and can fire R-3R)
Reco pod as same as in other pack available before - new skin for D type pod.
All weapon loadout.ini files are much "what if" as Polish Air Force never operated MiG-21 in any coinflict.
New PTB-490 and SPS-141Je are made by me.
MiG-21F-13 /model-74/ - first delivered to Polish Air Force Fishbed. 25 delivered.
MiG-21PF /model 76/ - 84 delivered between 1964-1966.
MiG-21PFM /model-94A/ - 120 delivered between 1964-1969.
MiG-21PFM (N) /model-94N/ - 12 delivered, capable of delivering special bomb. It was equipped with different center pylon allowing ot carry tactical nukes. later downgraded to PFM standard.
MiG-21R /model-94R/ - 36 delivered between 1968-1972.
MiG-21M /model-96/ - 36 delivered between 1968-1971.
MiG-21MF /model-96A/ - 100 deliverd between 1971-1974.
MiG-21MF /model-96A00/ - 20 delivered in 1995. Long history behind this aircrafts. In short - all aircrafts were supposed for different country with ongoing war...delivered to Poland small diferences in avionics - capable to carry SPS-141Je Siren electronic countermeasure station.
MiG-21bis /model-75A/ - 72 delivered between 1980-1982. Only Fishbed with R-13 engine and RP-22 radar station.
All skins are as jpg 2048x2048 format. With national markings painted. (different insignia for aircrafts up to 1993) and new one 1993 onward.
All decals are made by me and are historicaly correct and matched to specific units and service year.
Polish MiGs were transfered from unit to unit (sometiems only virtualy) so its is also big mess with serial numbers. Also somewhere in mid 80s it was allowed to pint squadron insignia on airframe. when aircraft was transfered to new unit it usualty retained old squadron insignia.. in 90s some aircrafts got insignia of 3 diferent units...
Polish MiG were silver/grey and not much color here. Although few were wearing special paintjobs. And those are also included (few of them).
During maintenace aicrafts received some paint using some different shades of grey...but here all are silver grey.
Al Polish MiGs-21 when delivered were equipped with R-11 engine and RP-21 station exept MiG-21 bis model - equipped with R-13 engine and newer RP-22 radar station.
Pack also uses:
KV-1 seat by AmokFloo
Weapons ravenclaw and others from CA.
PBP-2-3S Monsun rack by logan4
MBD2 - bomb rack by Snailman.
Pilots by TheTrooper. Repainted and renamed.
SPO-3 pod for MiG-21R by Spillone104
All credits and hails to creator of reco pods!
Also all credits to creators of other stuff that I forot to mention.
Again all credits to you guys who made this game so good after years. Thanks for yours work,
report bugs and missing files.
Jarek Hereda.
- polish air force
- mig-21
- (and 1 more)
Mig-21 F/MF/R Fishbeds in Iraq. SF2. vol.1
By yakarov79
Iraqi Air Force Mig-21F, MF and R versions.
This pack includes some pilot files, weapons and skins.
All skins are new made by me based on comrad's great template http://combatace.com/files/file/14482-mig-21-mfsm-temps/
I repainted few things and added few new (like on F skin).
All national markikngs are painted. Only decals are serial numbers.
Ive added new PTB-490 liter fuel tank.
Also "pilot" folders are added.
fake pilot SPO-3pod is rapainted to match R version skin.
SPO-3 fake pilot by Spillone104
Fakepilot mod is needed to run MiG-21R.
It includes ini files; loadouts, avionics, cockpit etc. Those files are edited little - mostly changes in weapon stations.
INI files are borrowed from MiG-21 Complete pack by ataribaby http://combatace.com/files/file/9488-mig-21-complete-pack-sf2-18/
FM is (i think) medium setings from Fubar512 settings.
Cockpits and avionics are from Paladrian MiG-21 set
AmokFloo for KV1 seat
Decals are set to randomization=TRUE and using standard TW decals set.
Have fun
Jarek Hereda.
If i missed someone work here sorry for that, It was not intensionaly.
LA-15 "Fantail" Redux
By paulopanz
196th IAP skin and two other silver skins (1024)
taken from Y.Gordon - Lavochkins Last Jets book
Plane upgrade:
RR Derwent sound and Mig-15 cockpit added.
drop tank repainted
wheels & start bouncing fixed
Right/left flames ok [remember to configure secondary guns key]
V.3.0 Canopy open key=10 autoclosing at take off
Preview here http://combatace.com/topic/63879-la-15-fantail-redux/
3D Model By Pasko
FM by Column5
Pilot by X-Ray
SF2 updates pcpilot (his great camo/green what if skins are in original SF-2 pack and not included here)
Sound Spillone104
Cockpit Ordway/ V.2.0 Stary
New Skins V.3.0 remade using Temps by Geary
N.B.: Old V.2.0 still there if you prefer original skinset
Install as usual.
BTW read the readme.
SF2 KAW Tu-2 "Bat" by Cocas
By Do335
The Tupolev Tu-2 was a medium bomber used by Soviet Air Force in WW2. Surplus Tu-2s were delivered to Chinese PLAAF post-war and organized into 3 bomber air divisions. During the Korean War, the 8th and 10th division conducted 3 air raids on Nov. 6th, 29th and 30th, 1951, against UN troops on Taehwa-do island, located about 70km southeast of the mouth of Yalu River. The first raid was most successful achieving acclaimed 90% hit rate. The third raid was intercepted by 4th FIW Sabres with heavy losses. Daylight sorties with prop driven bombers were thus phased out by both sides in the jet age.
Mod contains: aircraft Lod, cockpit, Data, NKPAF and PLAAF skins, damage textures, loadout icon, Decals, Pilots, engine sound.
Install requirement: None. Works on any SF2 install.
Aircraft model by Cocas
Skins by Kulbit80
Flight model by Baffmeister
Engine sound by Jiver (from IL2 SAS)
Cockpit by Kesselbrut
Damage dds and ini adjustments by Wrench
Damage model by Do335
(Plz ping me if I missed anyone:X)
IL-76 Candid
By Veltro2k
ATT!!! before downloading if you have the old one , Erase completely including decal folder ,as this replaces all.
The Ilyushin Il-76 (NATO reporting name: Candid) is a multi-purpose four-engine turbofan strategic airlifter designed by the Ilyushin design bureau. It was first planned as a commercial freighter in 1967, as a replacement for the Antonov An-12. It was designed for delivering heavy machinery to remote, poorly served areas of the USSR. Military versions of the Il-76 have seen widespread use in Europe, Asia and Africa, including use as an airborne refueling tanker or as a command center.
Model: Veltro2k
cockpit: Orig by DELLS or Kesselbrut ?, Mod by Wrench
FM, Russian skins, screens: Wrench
IAF Skin: Paulopanz
CRL+O = Cargo Bay open
hit+0 = Side Door open
Not to be used in whole or part in anything that is payware
Sukhoi Fishpot SU-9.7z
By russouk2004
Updated SU-9F
Added canopy animation : shift and zero
mapping missing on gear doors and gearwells only partly mapped:FIXED
Toned down some parts as they were too Bright.IE: Tyres,wells etc.
added some missing base decals.
opacity on canopy fixed.
loadouts fixed.
bmps and dds files all now jpegs.
Just drop contents into your mod folder and overwrite,if you have old version,delete it first,as this pack has all updates etc.
In development:
Further skins,
Ive assigned this a\c to the 179 IAP 8 Army PVO
but you can alter it to any unit you prefer.
Im not much up on my soviet units. :)
I think ive done everything,if not contact me via CA.
TU-104 Camel
By Veltro2k
The Tupolev Tu-104 (NATO reporting name: Camel) was a twin-engined medium-range narrow-body turbojet-powered Soviet airliner and the world's first successful jet airliner. Although it was the sixth jet airliner to fly (following, in order, the British Vickers Type 618 Nene-Viking, de Havilland Comet , Canadian Avro Canada C102 Jetliner, US Boeing 367-80 and French Sud Caravelle), the Tu-104 was the second to enter regular service (with Aeroflot) and the first to provide a sustained and successful service (the Comet which had entered service in 1952, was withdrawn from 1954-1958 following a series of crashes due to structural failure). The Tu-104 was the sole jetliner operating in the world between 1956 and 1958.
Made mostly for eye candy ( Rivet counters beware):P
Model: Veltro2k
Cockpit: Kesselbrut
install in Objects/aircraft folder
Sukhoi Su-11 "Fishpot-C"
By paulopanz
The Su-11 was an upgraded version of the Sukhoi Su-9 ('Fishpot') interceptor, which had been developed in parallel with the OKB's swept wing Su-7 fighter bomber.
Recognizing the Su-9's fundamental limitations, Sukhoi began work on the Su-11, which first flew in 1961 as the T-47 prototype.
The Su-11 shared the Su-9's delta wing, swept tailplanes and cigar-shaped fuselage, as well as the circular nose intake, but had a longer nose to accommodate the more powerful 'Oryol' (Eagle; NATO reporting name 'Skip Spin') radar set.
A more powerful Lyulka AL-7F-1 turbojet was installed, providing 9.8 kN (2,210 lbf) more afterburning thrust for improved climb rate and high-altitude performance (and to compensate for increased weight).
The Su-11 can be distinguished from the Su-9 by the external fuel pipes atop the fuselage, aft of the cockpit.
The Su-9's beam-riding K-5 missiles were replaced by a pair of R-98 (AA-3 'Anab') weapons, usually one R-98MR semi-active radar homing and one R-98MT infrared guided. Like many interceptors of the period, it had no cannon.
- old Pasko's SU-11 upgraded: canopy & shadow bug fixed
- new Anab Missiles
- 3 skins
- decals, pilot, screens
- sounds
- loadout image tga
- Pasko: Original SF-1 plane
- Wrench: 1st SF-2 porting
- Stary: pit
- Spillone: new canopy, shadow fixing, Anab missiles & Sounds
- (?) original decals
- Paulopanz new skins editing, new canopy painting, decals reworking
- All in mod folder
PS: one of my favorite plane ever
Tupolev Tu-95MS Bear-H
By Veltro2k
The Tupolev Tu-95 ??????? ??-95; NATO reporting name: "Bear") is a large, four-engine turboprop-powered strategic bomber and missile platform. First flown in 1952, the Tu-95 entered service with the Soviet Union in 1956 and is expected to serve the Russian Air Force until at least 2040
Model: Veltro2k
Skin: Sundowner
Flaps and gear sounds: TMF
B-52 cockpit: DELS
Revamped RedAir1 pilot : Credit goes to its creator
Decals FM work package assembly screens : The multitalented WRENCH
Mod has few glitches , most notable numbers on front gear doors
SF2 Tu-114 Cleat (Airliner) Remod Pak
By Wrench
SF2 Tu-114 Cleat (Airliner) Remod Pak 10/4/2015
= For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
*Note: this aircraft replaces, in total, the one included in the SF2 Soviet Transport and AWAC Aircraft uploaded in 2013. If you have the Tu-114 from that pack, you are advised to DELETE that aircraft completely, otherwise there will be conflicts and complications. If you don't have it, don't worry! Also, this mod will most likely =NOT= work in 1stGen games at any patch level.*
This is a (nearly) complete rebuild of the Tu-114 airliner (NATO codename "Cleat") as seen in the above mentioned mod pack. It has been (nearly) completely overhauled, and is designed mainly to have something other that the usual An-12s and Li-2s (C-47) seen parked around your Red Airfields .
See "Change List" in the Notes section for all the changes and fixes.
All new decals, with 12 historical Aeroflot/Soviet registration numbers were created. All markings are decals and decal randomization is TRUE. The skin is now in jpg format.
On the Aircraft Selection drop-down, you'll see
Tu-114 Cleat
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read, in particular on Operational Usage.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
SF2 Tu-95 Bear-A Remod Pak
By Wrench
SF2 Tu-95 Bear-A Remod Pak 10/4/2015
= For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
*NOTE: due to excessive changes and additions, this mod will =NOT= work in 1stGen games at any patch level*
This is a Re-release/Re-mod of Veltro2k's Soviet Cold War Heavy Bomber aircraft, originally released in 2008.
This pack represents the 'standard' Tu-95 Bear-A "conventional" level bomber (yes, it can carry one nuke -not supplied).
The skin remains in its original bmp format and all markings are decals. All decals used reference stock 3W Soviet markings (thus, the NON inclusion of any decals). Decal randomization is TRUE.
The inis has been completely revamped, with a "new" FM, avionics, loadouts, sounds, new pilot figures, and an "new" cockpit. The cockpit, while not a perfect match, is much closer to the "steam gauge" Bear pit of the era. See "Notes" section for full change list.
On the Aircraft Selection drop-down, you'll see
Tu-95M Bear-A (v2k)
This will make it easier to select, and diferentiate it from any other Bear-As that might be wandering around in your backyard.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read, in particular on Operational Usage.
For those that may still have the original release (from 2008), as there HAVE been major changes and additions you may want to delete said original in it's entirety.
**This aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, unless a newer model (LOD) become available**.
Happy Landings!
Kevin Stein
with thanks to Veltro for allowing me to remod/reissue this!
An-12 "CUB" & bonus An-8 "CAMP"
By paulopanz
The Antonov An-12 (NATO reporting name: Cub) is a four-engined turboprop transport aircraft designed in the Soviet Union. It is the military version of the Antonov An-10 and was made in many variants.
The first prototype flew in December 1957. Over 900 had been built, in both military and civilian versions, before production finally ended in 1973. The An-12BP entered Soviet military service in 1959. In terms of configuration, size and capability, the aircraft is similar to the United States-built Lockheed C-130 Hercules. Military Soviet and former-Soviet examples have a defensive tail gun turret.
Bonus Plane:
The Antonov An-8 (NATO reporting name: Camp) is a Soviet-designed twin-turboprop-engine high-wing light military transport aircraft.
The first production aircraft was rolled out in December 1958.
The majority of An-8s built served in the Soviet Air Forces, with two An-8s being used to land special forces to seize Plzen airport during the Invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968.Others were used as electronic reconnaissance aircraft, and one aircraft was used for air sampling following Chinese nuclear testing in 1966.They continued in large scale use on front-line military duties in the Soviet Air Force until the 1970s.
1 An-12 flyable plane;
1 An-8 bonus (adapted) flyable plane and edited skin;
A whole new or upgraded An-12 historical skinset and decalset, including many VVs nose arts:
VVS: 4
AFlot: 1
UkrAF: 1
CVL: 1
PWL: 1
JRV: 1
AfgAF 1
EAF: 3
SyAF: 1
IrAF: 2
QJJ: 1
EtAF: 1
IAF: 6
Yemen, Tanzania and Mozambique skins could be added if only someone could send a pic .....
- paulopanz: skins, decals, screens, inis
- Ghostrider883: IAF references
- Mue: LODwiever;
[ready to give credits]
- cockpit: Kesselbrut ?
- An-8 conversion inis: ?
- Aeroflot original skin: ?
I'm so sorry but time went by and I forgot where I took ..... and wasn't able to find.
- All in main mod folder
Inside An-12 folder You will find proper inis to use/change for:
- Paratroop carrier (paratroop included);
- Bomber as in IAF service
- Transport
This realise come after some years work on a model that isn't the best from Tk production (quite the same from Sf-1) but a real jolly to use on almost ALL existing scenery, some in WIP and other I wish to came .................
Thank you to all of you gents here at CA, it's a real plesure to be here with you all.
@ paulopanz
MiG-19S,SV,R,Field Mod FARMER
By paulopanz
Here you gain 4 + 2* MiG-19 FARMER planes.
- MiG-19S, the classic FARMER-C flyable with stock, old, new, restored camo, silver skins and dedicated decalsets:
- Auri (4 silver)
- BVVS (1 Silver + 1 Camo)
- CVL (4 silver)
- LSK (1 silver)
- PWL (1 silver)
- NKPAF(1 silver)
- IrAF (1 silver)
- EAF (1 Silver + 1 Camo)
- SyAF (1 Silver + 1 Camo)
- VVS (2 Silver + 1 Blue + 2 Red)
- VPAF (1 Silver)
- MiG-19SV the high altitude interceptor, made to kill the U-2 - 2 guns
- VVS (1 Silver)
- MiG-19R the recon plane - 2 guns + 1 camera
- VVS (1 Silver)
- MiG-21 Field Mod, late version equipped with 2 IRM
- VVS (1 Silver)
- VPAF (1 Silver)
- MiG-19 Egypt 67 (DLC AI pack 2)*
- MiG-19 VPAF*
Canopies open: key=0
- Spillone104 Sounds & 3D parts
- FastCargo fakepilot (included)
- Stary cockpit
- The Trooper pilots
- Horus3K arab kill Marks
- All in main mod folder
- optional install for DLC AI pack 2 owners*
Tu-4 Bull SF-2 pack
By paulopanz
The Tupolev Tu-4 (NATO reporting name: Bull) was a piston-engined Soviet strategic bomber
that served the Soviet Air Force from the late 1940s to mid 1960s.
It was a reverse-engineered copy of the U.S.-made Boeing B-29 Superfortress.
What's in:
-Tu-4 main production version, originally designated B-4. PLAAF H-4.
-Tu-4A nuclear capable bomber used to test Soviet RDS-1, RDS-3 and RDS-5 nuclear bombs.
The standard Tu-4 was not capable of carrying these weapons.
-Tu-4K/KS anti-shipping version, armed with KS-1 Komet missiles carried between the engines under the wings.
-Tu-4R long range reconnaissance.
This work began only as a limited skinwork for bringing to Jon a better bomber to use in Formosa and TSF.
But after all serials were made, I remade and upgraded all 4 versions.
Especially the Tu-k now fitted with pylons for KS-1 Kometa and Tu-4A with RDS-3 nuke bomb.
- MontyCz for original model
- Lindr2 for the SF1 version
- Eburger68 for first SF-2 edits (Nato)
- new decals, skins and edits are mine.
As usual all in main mod folder.
I hope this will be usefull in NATO, TSF & Formosa campaigns making ....
SF2 Soviet Transport and AWAC Aircraft by Veltro2K
By Wrench
SF2 Soviet Transport and AWAC Aircraft by Veltro2K
= For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's Soviet/WarPac Transport and AWAC aircraft.
It is REQUIRED that you have SF2NA in your merged install, as several of these reference
the stock 3W Tu-95 Bear destroyed model. Some reference the stock 3W An-12 destroyed
model. Hence, the need for a Full 5 Merged install. It is usable without, but you won't
have the dead wreckage on the ground. Also, the AWAC versions use the "AEW" avionics
coding from SF2NA.
Included in the pak are remods of:
An-22 Cock
A-50 Mainstay AWAC
IL-76 Candid
Tu-114 Cleat (Aeroflot airliner)
Tu-126 Moss AWAC
Aircraft that were exported have userlist inis included (ie: the Il-76). Any that I
missed, End Users are encouraged to 'fill in the blanks', and post those changes.
All avionics, in particular for the AWACs, have been brought up SF2NA standards at the
July 2012 patch level. New sounds for the prop engines are included. Although cockpits ARE
included for all aircraft, really people...let the AI handle them. They exist for 2
reasons: eye candy and targets.
Skins remain in their bmp format, and decal radomization is set to TRUE. All decals
reference stock markings, including the Bort numbers. New damage textures are supplied, in
DDS format.
As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage.
The Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft.
For those that still have the original releases, as there HAVE been changes and additions
in several of the inis, you may wish to examine them, mostly in respect to SF2NA, you may wish
to replace the originals with these.
**These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems
that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be
Happy Landings!
kevin stein
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21BisD CroAF
By Stipe
The MiG-21BisD (the D stands for "Doraden" = revised/upgraded) is an upgraded version of the MiG-21Bis that serves in the Croatian air force since 2003. The first upgrade was done by Romanian firm Aerostar where the Fishbeds got their distinctive
olive-green-grey camo and NATO compatible communication, navigation and F.O.F. systems. The second upgrade was done in 2014/2015 in Ukraine by Ukrspetsexport. The 12 (BisD and UMD) airframes were only refurbished and painted a light grey. These MiG-21s will be in active service until 2020 when they are to be replaced by a new 4th generation jet fighter (probably the Next Generation Gripen).
This mod is a tweaked version of 7elevens MiG-21 LanceR A with Russouk2004s Mig21 SM_MF CroAF skin
Russouk2004: CroAF skin
7eleven: Original SF2 LanceR A mod
- Crusader: Fuel tank
- dtmdragon: LanceR SF2 update
- Eagle 99: SF1 LanceR mod
You cannot use this file in any payware payware project, under the "COMBATACE FREEWARE LICENSING POLICY".
1.- unzip the file to a temporary folder
2.- move all the files from the temporary folder to their corresponding SF2 folders
overwrite if asked
that's it!
Special thanks to Russouk2004 for helping me on this project!!
I hope you like it and have fun with it!
Kindest regards:
F-7B MB Series
By russouk2004
F7-MB Bangladesh AF .............
35 sqdn has old sqd Tail insignia (Yellow Hawk) and later 36 sqdn "TigerCats" ive set them to share number decals as numbers were used on older and newer a\c...but differed with the sqd crests.
F7-B Bangladesh AF and Pakistan AF..............
F7-B-IRAQ AF........
Chengdu F7 Original Release by Mirage Factory TMF
3d model and skins further Modded by me Russouk2004 Thanks TMF team....nice job guys....
Added brake chutes bumpmapping....
few skin tweaks...such as new textures,redone details,ie,new panel lines and rivets etc.moved some items about.....may not work on other F7 LODS
Added starys fine mig21 pit to IRAQI F7,feel free to get it for the others.
still need to add the afterburner animation as it disapperas when any mapping is done...so will update it asap.
hope to complete this in next few days
Extract folder to destop.....
copy and paste these folders
to your mod folder....usually c:\users\saved games\your name here\Thirdwire\SF2\
If you already have the a\c folder with same name,suggest you rename one or the other.
for other files just click ok to overwrite as these files are latest and should be fine.
Animation keys.....
Brake chute opens on ground only with airbrake key =S
canopy opens with SHIFT +0
most weapons...suggest you have all latest weapons packs.
some loadouts may not be correct.....If you find alterations needed,and can do it,send me any files and I will update the pack...
takes a lot of time checking stuff and modeling so if missed things,it happens...sorry lol
If any file within causes any loss of your files due to incorrect installation,overwriting wrong files Its at users own discression.
This pack is subject to the CombatAce freeware conditions and may only be used for non comercial use,any alterations to 3d model etc will require previous permission,I have been granted full scope of modding this tmf model,so any permissions must be authorised by me.
Thank you.
hope you enjoy the mod.
MiG-21MF MiG-23MF - RSSW Compatible Test Planes
By Snailman
MiG-21 MF & MiG-23MF
Red Side Standard Weapon Pack compatible test planes.
- Pure, stock Thirdware planes with cockpits added and made flyable.
- Weapon stations and loadouts have been rebuilt and compatible with the current version (0.97) of RSSW.
- Added Hungarian skin/decal configuration - just because. ))
Drop them into the Aircraft folder
Red Side Standard Weapon Pack ver. 0.97
Upcoming Test planes:
- MiG-27
- Tu-22M3
- Su-7B/M
Thanks for the tryout and contact me if any problems appear.
il-38N "May"
By Veltro2k
il-38N "May"
The Il-38N is an adaptation of the four-engined turboprop Ilyushin Il-18 for use as a maritime patrol aircraft for the Soviet Navy. It meets a requirement to counter American ballistic missile submarines. The Communist Party Central Committee and the Council of Ministers issued a joint directive on 18 June 1960, calling for a prototype to be ready for trials by the second quarter of 1962. The fuselage, wing, tail unit and engine nacelles were the same as the Il-18 and it had the same powerplant and flightdeck. An aerodynamic prototype of the Il-38 first flew on 28 September 1961,with the first production aircraft following in September 1967. Production continued until 1972, when the longer range and more versatile Tupolev Tu-142 derivative of the Tupolev Tu-95 strategic bomber had entered service.This is the Improved variant sometimes referred to as Il-38SD for Sea Dragon the new search and tracking system.
Model: Veltro2
Tech Help: 76.IAP-Blackbird
FM Help:Paulopanz
Cockpit: Kesselbrut
And anyone else that contributed to this release that I forgot ( old age is a B-I-T-C-H )
install in Objects/aircraft folder
Aircraft divided into two folders for Soviet and India
IL-38 "MAY"
By Veltro2k
IL-38 "May"
The Il-38 is an adaptation of the four-engined turboprop Ilyushin Il-18 for use as a maritime patrol aircraft for the Soviet Navy. It meets a requirement to counter American ballistic missile submarines. The Communist Party Central Committee and the Council of Ministers issued a joint directive on 18 June 1960, calling for a prototype to be ready for trials by the second quarter of 1962. The fuselage, wing, tail unit and engine nacelles were the same as the Il-18 and it had the same powerplant and flightdeck. An aerodynamic prototype of the Il-38 first flew on 28 September 1961,with the first production aircraft following in September 1967. Production continued until 1972, when the longer range and more versatile Tupolev Tu-142 derivative of the Tupolev Tu-95 strategic bomber had entered service.
*** Model is separated in three folders by Nations : Soviet, India and Egypt but uses just one decal folder
Model: Veltro2K
Tech Help: 76.IAP-Blackbird
FM & TEXTURES: TORNO , Paulopanz
Cockpit: Kesselbrut
And anyone else that contributed to this release that I forgot ( old age is a B-I-T-C-H )
install in Proper folders
Sukhoi SJ AWACS.7z
By russouk2004
Sukhoi Superjet100 AWACS what if..for StrikeFighters 2 Adapted by me...Russouk2004....(Russouk2004@gmail.com
May work in SF1 but if it doesnt work,ive no intention of making it for sf1.
Having seen this nice Russian commercial jet I thought...could be a good platform for airborne early warning..
and it seems to me,to look the part.
I adapted the 3d model to what we have here.See bottom for original creator credits for model and some textures and Templates.
I had to fiddle with some mapping etc as it wasnt perfect...it still isnt,could do with higher res template,but I didnt do more,otherwise I would have done.a full remake,and thats time I havent got.
I think its ok for release as is..further work is possible with templates.which I will upload soon
So please refrain from saying its not 100% accurate as ive spent a lot of time I cant afford on it already...and done what I can without a total remake..as stated. :)
.............................................................Work ive done.........................
Template tidied up a little. To follow soon..
new textures added....slightly higher res.
complete New landing gears front and back..
some 3d body work.
some mapping stretch fixed.
some areas of original texture removed due to being remade or repainted.
added model cockpit area,new glass etc.
New radome dish added.
Contained files.................
\Objects\Aircraft\Sukhoi SJ AWACS
Cockpit .......uses the KC-10 cockpit (C-130J-30_cockpit) originally by Kesselbrut
Uses stock Prop_Pilot.
stock sounds
Squadrons Go to pilotdata folder, open squadronlist.ini...and add this below.( XXX <adding correct number in sequence.. )
Name=2457th AB BP
DisplayName=2457th AB BP
Objects\Aircraft\Sukhoi SJ AWACS
SHIFT_0 opens crew door.
Drop Objects folder into your SF2 Mod folder,should be ...C:\Users\YOUR INFO HERE\Saved Games\ThirdWire\YOUR GAME FOLDER NAME HERE
click yes to add folders into required main folders.
no need for anything else if you have done this properly.
This little jet is quite a nice airplane...in game its got a shortish rotation,ive checked some videos and it can take off in quite a short time,and can climb away well...
If you feel you can improve it in any way ,feel free to do so and I can update it...
To Do possibly......
Cockpit could use a grey repaint..ive no time to...if you like to paint it,please do and share with others ...thanks if you do this.
Model was originally Freeware low poly Sukhoi Superjet 100 model was created by Aleksey Rubtsov aka Rulexy
Additional textures...Engine.jpg engine_core.jpg,Tires.jpg originally from Freeware FS2004 SSJ100 by By Edgar Guinart López
KC-10 cockpit (C-130J-30_cockpit) originally by Kesselbrut
This mod is released under the CA Freeware agreement...
only for free distribution with credits given.
If Ive forgotten something,please contact me via the download support ..
MiG-21F "Fishbed-B"
By paulopanz
MiG-21F "Fishbed B" (forsirovannij, empowered) - short range day interceptor; first mass production variant, but few built in URSS; made in China too as J-7 / F-7 (first flight in 1966).
What's in:
- a new SF-2 plane;
- new decals;
- open canopy 10 key auto closing at take off;
- pilot & seat
- "real" sound;
- New screens;
- loadout.tga;
- TMF - The Mirage Factory SF1 model;
- The Trooper - pilot;
- Comrad - great pit repaint;
- Paulopanz - Skins, Decals, edits;
- all mod folder content in your mod install
- overwrite
Only to complete our Fishbed collection ....
@ paulopanz
PS: the seat i forgot in S-106 is inside here ....
S-106 - MiG-21F13
By paulopanz
Between 1962 and 1972 the MiG-21F-13 version was manufactured under license by Aero Vodochody, in Czechoslovakia.
Aero Vodochody (then Stredoceské strojírny, n.p.), built a total of 194 planes during this period, under the cover designation article Z-159.
It followed the MiG-15 and MiG-19S built in Vodochody factory from the fifties to sixties.
The sole locally built version of the MiG-21F-13 differed externally from the Soviet-built examples by the solid dural sheet fairing behind the cockpit canopy, as opposed to the transparent one on the original Soviet MiGs.
These machines were built for the Czechoslovak Air Force and also for export (26 EAF; 8 SyAF). The R13-300 engines were imported from the Soviet Union.
What's in:
- a new SF-2 plane;
- 11 new skins: 7 CVL (4 silver, 2 Camo, 1 Red); 2 EAF (2 Camo); 2 SyAF (2 Camo);
- Historical decalsets with some special planes badges too;
- open canopy 10 key auto closing at take off;
- pilot
- "real" sound;
- New screens;
- loadout.tga;
- TMF - The Mirage Factory SF1 model;
- Kukulino - SF1 famous planes skins;
- The Trooper - pilot;
- Comrad - great pit repaint;
- Horus3K - Killmarks for EAF/SyAF;
- Paulopanz - Skins, Decals, pilots, edits;
- all mod folder content in your mod install
- overwrite
An old job completed.
@ paulopanz
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