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Cold War Aircraft

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    1. F-104G Hellenic Air Force

      F-104G Starfighter, Hellenic Air Force Mod
      A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
      This is a compliation of several people's work, placed into an easy to install (and use) package. It is a full aircraft, complete with all the inis, lods, cockpit, 2 skins and various and sundry bits thrown in for good measue. (See Notes section below)
      Basically, what I did was take Ajundair's F-104G, and created a 'nationalized' version for the Greek Air Force. I added Dave's (ex-USAFMTL) SEA-style camo skin, a full cockpit, the necessary decals, and viola! We have a new airplane. I also re-did the Natural Metal skin completely, as the panel and rivet lines were far too dark.
      Included are Euro-green camo tanks, from my Fix Pak for the stock 3rdWire unit, for those inclined to add them. However, I left the data and loadout inis pointing to the stock silver tanks, as while doing research, about half of the pictures showed even the camo aircraft using them.
      It is set up to use either of the weapons paks; the Bunyap Pak or Mirage Factory, or even NONE at all!!! As it is a complete aircraft, it should also be usable in WoI, although this particular aircaft has not been tested as such -- BE ADVISED, that WoI handles flight models differently, and I (and the folks that originaly built this) cannot be responsible for "adverse handling conditions, leading to uncontroled flight into terrain". Be that as it may, it should work passably!
      See the enclose readme for more, pretty simple instructions, and the usual Notes/Commentary/General Noise stuff.
      Happy Landings!!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    2. F7U Cutlass

      Vought F7U-3M Cutlass by MarcFighters
      A Stand-Alone aircraft for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
      This is a General Release of Marcello's F7U Cutlass Beta -(minus), as such it IS an incomplete aircraft, with many parts of the physical model either non-functional (ie: control surfaces, etc), or semi-functional. Please consider this a "Beta - (minus)" type of release.
      It is a complete aircraft, with respect that all the bits needed to unzip and fly away are included. It is fully carrier capable, and has been tested off various US carriers.
      I've tried to do what I can, with ini edits and other 'tweeks' to make it more functional. I don't think they came out too bad. We can only hope that in the future, Marcello releases a finished version. I'm doing this, simply because many people want this aircraft in their stable, even with all the warts still on it :) I hope Marcello dosen't mind!!
      So, please take this in the spirit given.
      Said data ini edits make the aircraft fully carrier capable (!!), via a ''virtual'' tail hook. A full cockpit, based off the F-4Bs in included, as are all the inis. The avionics ini includes an audio-only RWR, beeping ONLY on the 'track sound'. These are basically missile-armed interceptors, with 2 of the 4 20mm guns removed. As such, it is still a fully capable ground attack aircraft, carrying rocket pods and bombs.
      It has a new skin, representing F7U-3Ms from VA-116 , aboard USS HANCOCK during the 1957 time frame. It's one of the few squadrons that painted their aircraft in the gull-gray/white scheme; most of the Cutlass' were left natural metal. The skin was created from a template I drew up, based on the UVmaps supplied in the original limited release in 2006 (?). Templates ARE included, as I'm not real happy with the skin in some respects; it needs further work and there are some bits on the map I can't figure out. So, if any other skinners want to have a crack at cleaning it up; have at it my brothers and sisters!!! :) Panel lines need some additions, small vent details, etc, etc, etc.
      New, historical decals are included for 25 aircraft; modex numbers and BuNums that ARE 100% accurate, as they are real serial numbers as issued by the US Navy BuAer. Those marked with a star (*) in the number list are actual aircraft from VA-116; the other are fill-ins. Meaning, I could find a listing (read: photo) of the others.
      It is set up to use the Bunyap Pak, as only it contains the VERY early Sparrow missiles, and the drop tanks. I've set it to use the drop tanks from FoxMontor's F3H Demon, as they have nearly the proper shape and size. Loadout configurations are a 'best guess' in some cases; there is an extra set of pylons built into the aircraft, that I've used for rocket pods in the CAS and Armed Recon mission assignments. In real life, the -3M that this 'represents', only had the fuselage and wing stations. So, consider this something between the F7U-3M and A2U, even though the A2U never went beyond a planning stage, and had 4 more stations for air-to-ground ordanance.
      A revamped, newer, cleaner version of my really old Cutlass Hangar Screen is included.
      It it advised that if you are using the Mirage Factory Pak, that you copy/import the necessary early style weapons. I've supplied all the necessary bits; they and the accompanying text file with the weapons' data, are in the /weapons folder in the "xtra_stuff" folder.
      As it is a complete aircraft, it should also be usable in WoI, although this particular aircaft has not been tested as such -- BE ADVISED, that WoI handles flight models differently, and I (and the folks that originaly built this) cannot be responsible for "adverse handling conditions, leading to uncontroled flight into terrain". Be that as it may, it should work passably! However, it's my considered opinon, that it NOT be used in WoI.
      As usual, read the enclosed readme, all the necessary instructions are included. As well as an extensive Notes & Comments section. Many explainations, hints, other informative goodies are there!
      With thanks to Marcello for putting this out several years ago, and wishing him a speedy recovery. This one's for you man!
      kevin stein


         (4 reviews)



    3. F4U-4B Corsair, Korea Mod

      F4U-4B Corsair -- A mod of the Mirage Factory's F4U-7
      For SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY!!!!-
      This is a modification of The Mirage Factory's F4U-7 (French Navy version), into the earlier, and almost identical, -4B as used by the US Navy and Marine Corps during the Korea War.
      This pak contains -almost- everything you'll need to create this new version, minus a few critical files that you'll need to copy from the original F4U-7. So you MUST have the -7 somewhere to copy them from. If not, you can download it from Check6 (TMF Home Site), Column5 or CombatAce (?)
      This is to be considered as an "incomplete" aircraft mod, due to the non-inclusion of certain files. I've NOT included the aircraft LOD files or the cockpit folder. See below "To Install" for a complete list of the necessary parts. This should also be considered as a 'stand-in' aircraft, as TMF is/was working on the -4B model for release at some point. I'm sure their's will be better than this small offering
      So, as to soften the blow, I've included 3 new skins, based off the originals, for your use in a Korean Era (or Prop Cold War Gone Hot) type of install.
      They are:
      VF-53, USS Essex circa 1950
      VMA-332, circa 1953
      VMF-214, circa 1951
      The skins are tweekifcations of existing TMF Corsair skins.
      I've included all the inis I've modified, so you'll be copying the minimum number of bits. You'll also get my Korean Corsairs Hangar screen, and a new Pilot figure.
      This mod is designed for use with the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06, as it contains all the needed weapons (minus the Corsair drop tank - it comes with the F4U-7).
      For those NOT using the Bunyap Weapons Pak, the WW2 bombs needed are included, as is TMF's original F4U drop tank. Just in case. The HVAR rockets are NOT included, as they exist in both the BunyPak and TMFs
      =IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed to be used in SF/WoV/WoE -ONLY-, as WoI has almost competly hosed the WW2-ish propeller plane flight models. If you attempt to use this in WoI, you do so at your own risk of flying 'quite oddly'.
      READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions, plus the usual "Notes & Other Ramblings" section
      Happy Hunting!
      kevin stein


         (1 review)



    4. MiG-15 Fagot A mod 1.1 version

      Well, the MiG-15 and MiG-15bis were nearly identical in looks, so I have modded the good ol' Pasko's MiG-15bis into a MiG-15. The Data.ini is strongly based in the new MiG-15bis package from Dave (I love this and the new Sabers).
      The differences are:
      -Worst airbrakes in MiG-15
      -Different guns.
      -Different engine
      -Mig-15 is heavier than MiG-15bis
      I have touched the Data.ini only. Nearly all the credit must be for Pasko and Dave. It's their work!
      The external model is the same than MiG-15bis. All the MiG-15bis skins fit in MiG-15.
      Good hunting!
      Errr....Sorry, but there was an error in the first release, making the MiG-15 lighter than MiG-15bis. This is now corrected.
      As a plus, I have included Ordway's MiG-15 cockpit. It's a Must-Have!
      Remember: I have done a few changes, but the bulk of the work and all the credit for this plane must be for Pasko, Dave and Ordway!


         (2 reviews)



    5. Yak-28P

      Here's the Yak-28P Firebar. I haven't the foggiest idea who made this, all I know is it wasn't me. But I believe this is the one some of you have been looking for. If anyone knows who the author is please notify me so I can write up a credit file and add it to my archive.


         (4 reviews)



    6. Mirage Factory A-7C/E Corsair II

      A-7C/E Corsair II
      By the Mirage Factory
      This pack features an early version and a late version of the E and also includes the A-7C.
      1.1 update: Improved skins and some minor data updates.


         (13 reviews)



    7. Seahawk F.1A, "What If..." Korean War Mod

      Seahawk F.1A, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm - A "What If..." mod for SF/WoV/WoE, Korean War installs
      This is a mod of Bunyap's Seahawk into a "What If..." version, as might have been used by the FAA during the Korean War. It's a sort of "kitbashed" version, as I've combined the F.1 and FB.3 versions, to give a sort of field-modification feel to the weapons loadouts. I say 'kitbashed', when perhaps I should say 'combined', as the F.1s never had any provisions for A-G munitions; no rockets, no bombs, no napalm -- just their guns. So, I figured, due to the extingincies of war, the MoD and/or crews in the field, perfromed a hack-job, and "borrowed" the mounts and wiring and other etc bits off other aircraft to give them the capability to load and fire the 60-lb rocket, so prevalent on RAF/FAA aircraft.
      The skin, which is 'borrowed' from the FGA.6, has been repainted, from a new partial template (new panel lines added where necessary), with the black-and-white Invasion Stripes used in the KTO for identification of Allied/UN/FAA aircraft (as seen on the Sea Fury, Firefly and Seafires). One of the best things about Buny's Seahawks, is they're all mapped identicaly, making the job soooo much easier.
      The skin represents 898 Squadron, Fleet Air Arm, embarked aboard HMS OCEAN in the very-late 1952/early 1953 time frame. New decals have been created by me, with serial numbers for 24 aircraft (probably at least twice the number in a Royal Navy carrier squadron). The serials are 100% accurate, as they ARE all from production F.1s, but since this is obviously a 'What If...' aircraft, they can't be considered accurate for the Korean War. (neither can the aircraft, but what the hell...it's a game and all for fun!!!)
      This is an almost full aircraft package, with all the inis, skin, new decals, lods etc. Excepting that NO cockpit has been supplied with this aircraft. However, for WoE users, I've included a modified version of the HunterFGA9 cockpit ini, with the pilot positon adjusted to match the physical model. In my estimation, it's the best one available, as it has that nice Post-War/1950s steam gauge look. As an alternative, for SF/WoV users, I've included the cockpit ini from my 'jet-modded-Spitfire pit'. You'll see it as "SeaHawk_cockpit.ini". You'll need to download my WW2:1946 Vampire to obtain all the necessary cockpit bits. More, highly detailed, step-by-step information is below, in the "To Instalate" instructions.
      2 Hangar screens have been supplied; one is my old version and another BRAND NEW!! -only available in this mod- WoE style, repsenting a carrier deck. The Loading screen is still the original from Bunyap.
      =You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak to have the WW2/Post-War/Korean War Era weapons!!! I've not supplied any of the rockets or drop tanks with this mod, as they are already in the BunyPak. If not using the BunyPak (ie: TMF Weapons Pak), you'll need to get the Seahawk Package at CombatAce, as it contains the drop tanks. The Rockets you'll have to add from the BunyPak =
      IMPORTANT: This aircraft is designed to be used in SF/WoV/WoE -- it has NOT been tested in WoI. In fact, I don't think I've even flown ANY of the Seahawks in WoI yet!!! But it should be good as is. It's a jet, not a prop job; so hopefully...
      As always, READ the enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions.
      Happy Landings!!
      kevin stein


         (0 reviews)



    8. F-86E-10 "The Hunters" Pak

      F-86E-10 Sabre, 54th FIW "The Hunters" mod for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
      This is a small mod, and reskin, of the F-86E-10 released by Bob "howling1" Hauser several years ago; which in itself is a mod of Zur's F-86 Sabre. I've included Bob's original readme, so you can see his comments.
      This is a complete aircraft, with all the trimmings. EVERYTHING is here to allow you to just unzip, and fly off to MiG Alley. The cockpit ini has had a little mod that includes the K-14 A-A and A-G gunsight tgas (seen also in several other WW2 & Korean era aircraft I've released)
      There are 2 skin included, a slight revamping of the original "USAFSilver1", fixing some decal issues, and one of the most wanted Sabre skins of all time: The 54th FIW, as seen in the motion picture "The Hunters". Serial and buzz numbers for the first 14 aircraft come right from viewing the DVD, the others are 'leftovers' from another Sabre skin I did. Pilot names have been added to the canopy rail, so you can fly as your favorite character from the movie, or famous people from the 3rd Wire Sim community. Damage tgas have also been included, just it case Casey Jones shows up and shoots you full of holes....
      A revamped/cleaned up version of my "Sabre1_Hangar" is also included.
      == You MUST have the Bunyap Weapons Pak of 6/06 to get the WW2 style weapons ,and the Sabre drop tanks. I've not including any of them. So, if you're using the TMF weapons pak, you'll have to import the needed items. ==
      The aircraft has been tested in SF/WoV/WoE. Other Sabre versions work fine in WoI, so you should have almost no problems with it, if installed there. But again, 'use at your own risk'. That's CYA for me!
      Please read the included "readme" file for install instructions. Also, the usual "Note & Comments" by General BS
      Good Hunting!!
      Kevin Stein
      yah, I know it's the same screenie as the preview, but I just don't get tired of looking at it!


         (4 reviews)



    9. Mirage 50FC and FCH

      Mirage 50FC & FCH for WOI
      Mirage 50FC - re-engined version Mirage-5F for Chile (8 planes)
      Mirage 50FCH Cyrano IVM radar modification, AM-39 supported.
      Pack based on stock Mirage-5D, no LOD included, you must have WOI, if you want use planes in WoV & WOE, unpack plane & cockpit LOD's & copy them in arcraft\Mirage 50FC(H), arcraft\Mirage 50FC(H)\cockpit folders.
      Copy engine sounds to sound folder.
      Chile nation not included in standart Nations.ini, choose from 2 ways
      1) install nations pack, copy finflash105.tga to aircraft folder
      2) copy insignia087.tga & finflash087.tga to aircraft folder, add to Nations.ini :
      DisplayName=Chile Air Force


         (1 review)



    10. Mirage 50EV

      Mirage 50EV for WOI
      Mirage 50EV - most powerful version Mirage 50 for Venezuela, have CyranoIV radar, HUD, AM-39 support, ECM & CM Pods
      Note: French ECM & CM pods barrac1 & phimat set NOT EXPORTED in weapon pack on default, you must open WEAPONDATA.INI, find them ( barrac1, phimat)
      and change:
      Mod based on stock Kfir-C2, no LOD included, you must have WOI, if you want use planes in WoV & WOE, unpack plane & cockpit LOD's & copy them in arcraft\Mirage 50EV, arcraft\Mirage 50EV\cockpit folders.
      Copy engine sounds to sound folder.
      Venezuela nation not included in standart Nations.ini, choose from 2 ways
      1) install nations pack
      2) copy insignia087.tga & finflash087.tga insignia088.tga & finflash088.tga to aircraft folder, add to Nations.ini :
      DisplayName=Chile Air Force
      DisplayName=Venezuela Air Force


         (1 review)



    11. CF-104 RCAF v1.0

      FILE TYPE: Aircraft
      Note: this is NOT compatible with Wings Over Israel.
      This is the early Canadian CF-104 Starfighter. At this time they were not equipped with a cannon (but nukes though!)
      Thanks for the written consent of the following community members:
      TK for his consent to upload non-core files,
      bobrock for his awesome template
      and Batman1978 for the cockpit.


         (0 reviews)



    12. CF-104 CF v1.0

      FILE TYPE: Aircraft
      Note: this is NOT compatible with Wings Over Israel.
      This is the later Canadian Forces CF-104. This has an up-graded radar and avionics.
      Thanks for the written consent of the following community members:
      TK for his consent to upload non-core files,
      bobrock for his awesome template
      and Batman1978 for the cockpit.


         (1 review)



    13. WOV F-4C and D Upgrade

      This package upgrades the visual models for the F-4C and F-4D in Wings over Vietnam with several small details that have been bugging me for a while, and is really intended for the detail nut like me until the Mirage Factory releases a real F-4C/D upgrade. It also upgrades the textures for the basic USAF camouflage which I created some time ago, fixing some errors. The decals.ini for each plane are set up to use my USAF F-4 decals package available here at CombatAce (also due for an overhaul and update), but can easily be replaced by the default version for the F-4C/D if you don't like it. The LORAN F-4D uses the default F-4D decals and markings - so if you installed my LORAN packages don't use the
      decals.ini in this.
      This package adds four new airplanes so as to not over-write your default F-4C or F-4D. It consists of the F-4C block 21 (a typical post-1966 C model), an F-4D block 30 '67-'69 (the basic F-4D used between those years), an F-4D block 30 '69-'75 (the basic F-4D after the four nose ECM bulges were removed and capped off) and an F-4D with the LORAN AN/ARN-92 Chelton "towel rack" fuselage spine antenna.
      The textures vary in worn appearance from plane to plane as presented here. The '67-'69 F-4D version has upper surface star & bar with no blue outline as as typical of these airplanes when they left St. Louis for the first years of service in Southeast Asia.
      My minor add-ons include:
      Four nose AN/APS-107 ECM antennas on early F-4Ds (not in quite the correct ositions, but probably good enough)
      Silver radome tip
      Revised under nose RHAW antennas for F-4C and F-4D
      Upper fuselage IFF antenna on F-4D behind canopy
      Two black under fuselage antennaa (TACAN I think)
      Pitot tubes under nose, on left side of nose and inside air intakes
      Structural braces in between intakes and fuselage
      The inboard leading edge flaps work as they are supposed to. I have also added a newer shape for the 370 gallon external wing tank, which I have enclosed. Each data.ini defaults to this. You must know how to use the Weaponeditor to install it. I used the default values from the simulation's default 370 gallon tank in the weapondata.ini:
      Mike Druzolowski


         (3 reviews)



    14. S-3B Viking

      S-3B Viking by Fox the man Monter


         (2 reviews)



    15. Mirage Factory RF-4C

      Unsurpassed quality just extrudes from this masterpiece by the Mirage Factory.


         (6 reviews)



    16. F-104A Starfighter, RJAF

      F-104A Starfighter, Royal Jordanian Air Force, for SF/WoV/WoE/WoI
      This is a mod of Ajundair's F-104A to those as used by the RJAF.
      This is a complete aircraft, all inclusive with all the little various and sundry bits needed to just unzip and fly away. It is designed for use with NO weapons pak, =or= The Mirage Factory Weapons Pak, as the drop tanks are "stock items" in the SF, WoV, WoE, and WoI objects.cat. The Bunyap Weapons Pak can also be used; it really makes no difference who's or which one!
      HOWEVER -- I've included a nation-specific version of the AIM-9B "Sidwinder", set for only RJAF usage. Using the new 'station specific' mounting, you shouldn't run into any problems with it showing up on other aircraft uwanted. Just for fun, I've included that hack-job Recon Pod I did last year for the European Zippers. Full, detailed instructions on adding them to are included below. So, get your weapons editor warmed up!
      The skin is the stock natural metal, as seen on the Pakistani F-104A (in fact, it IS the same skin bmps!) All I've really done is just create a 'nation-specific' version, using ALL stock decals for markings. I have also included the A-Z letter decals seen in some photos I found while researching this. New Arabic serial numbers (900-925) and also included. All in all, I can take NO credit for the skin, just for those few decals I've supplied.
      Loadouts have been adjusted to reflect the 'newish' style of weapons mounting. The data ini is as orignally issued when the aircraft first was released. It may need some FM adjustments, but that's above my pay-grade :)
      A new WoI hangar screen, based off the WoE-style is included. As is the WoE one, for those wishing to install into SF/WoE/WoV, etc.
      While designed with WoI in mind, it is perfectaly usable in any of the other 3W sims
      As usual, PLEASE read the enclosed readme file; installations is pretty simple (for once!), as is adding the weapons.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein
      (taking a little break from targetizing terrains ... and I wanted to finish this for a LOOOONG time!)


         (1 review)



    17. Mirage Factory A-7H Corsair II

      This pack contians the Mirage Factory A-7H and Greek A-7E.


         (3 reviews)



    18. Pride Of the ROKAF F-4 Plane Set

      Pride of the Korean AF by Sundowner.
      These planes represent various schemes used by the ROKAF.
      They are their own planes and use stock LOD's from WOE. This package will work in WOE and WOI but the F-4D will need to be ported over to WOI in order to work.


         (4 reviews)



    19. F4D-1 Skyray

      F4D-1 Skyray V1.0
      Model/Cockpit/Textures/Weapons: Julhelm
      Flight Model: Column5
      Hangar Painting: Julhelm
      * Virtual cockpit
      * Extensive exterior detail
      * Accurate markings for VF-102 and VF(AW)-3
      * Fueltanks with unit-specific markings
      * Custom FFAR Rocketpods with radar targeting and which can be used by the AI when attacking aircraft!
      Installation notes:
      Simply extract the F4D-1 folder into your Objects\Aircraft folder, the files in the F4D-1 Weapons folder into your weapons folder and then add the info contained in the two text files to their respective target files (gundata and weapondata) and run the editors to compile the files.
      Legal s**t:
      This file cannot be used in any payware packages or such, it also cannot be changed or tampered with in any way, or uploaded in any shape or form by a third party without my consent or permission.
      Failure to adher to these rules will be punished by summary execution by firing squad - Your next of kin shall be billed for the expended cartridge.
      You have been warned.
      Nils 'Julhelm' Dücker


         (11 reviews)



    20. Yet Another Spectre GunShip

      Hi there,
      this is a mod based on the old Spectre Gunship by Pasko, so it's yet another Spectre Gunship.
      It represents somewhat better a SEA AC-130A in Surprise package config.
      I've tried my best to improve Paskos work by ini edits and make use of new possibilities with Sep2008 patch.
      Therefor this will only work in WoX Sims.
      I've updated the FM to the new patch, tweaked the guns, groundmap/terrainavoidance radar, added some gimicks like a spotting device and a fixed gunsight view.
      Also added some ECM stations as seen on pics and included the correct serials for Surprise package AC-130A.
      Detailed instructions to be found and followed in the readme_new.txt.
      Have fun.


         (0 reviews)



    21. F-100C Super Sabre

      Here is my attempt at filling a gap in the WoV sim. I've modified the stock F-100D to represent the earlier F-100C.
      I've tweaked the FM a bit to reflect a slightly better climb rate, higher landing speed, and smaller rudder. Of course, these aren't all, but just a few things.
      Included are new high-res skins representing F-100Cs from the 120th TFS, 140th TFW Colorado ANG during their 1968 deployment to Phan Rhang AB, and the 188th TFS, 150th TFW New Mexico ANG at Tuy Hoa AB. I've added 12-14 serials that are accurate for each squadron.
      Special thanks to:
      Sundowner for the use of his high-res camo for the base
      WombRaider for the canopy opening mod
      Kout for the Hangar screen
      Wrench for the tips on light positioning and pilot
      Spillone104 for the new engine sounds (use the J-75-1 sound in this pack http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5910 )
      And TK for this sim
      This has only been tested in Wings over Vietnam with the Sept 08 patch. Since it uses the stock F-100D lods, it should work in SFP1, WoV and WoE. However I do not accept any responsibility if something happens to your computer if you use this. It shouldnt, but I'm covering my butt.
      Jeff "ST0RM" Stoermer


         (3 reviews)



    22. Yak-25 Flashlight v1.1 - pasko, column5 & Volksjaeger

      Yak-25 Flashlight v1.1
      I uploaded this because I found the file whilst going through my old back-ups of Pasko's Yaks, and searching on CA, column5.us and Pasko's Mostly MiGs (now sadly mostly dead links) sites, this v1.1 did not seem to be currently available anywhere else. All credit to Pasko, C5 and Volksjaeger.
      I apologise in advance if I am breaking protocol by uploading this file.
      / I'm just a guy /
      / whose intentions are good /
      / Oh Lord, please /
      / don't let me be /
      / Misunderstood /
      Original Read Me:
      Yak-25 Flashlight
      for Strike Fighters Project 1
      ver 1.1 2004-03-12
      by Pasko, Column5 (FM and avionics) and Volksjaeger (skin)
      Extract everything to ..\strike fighters\Objects\Aircraft folder
      (New folder Yak-25 will be created)
      List of included Files in Yak-25 folder:
      - Test Yak-25 mission.msn move to ..\strike fighters\missions folder
      - yak-25 weapons pack.zip:
      extract to ..\strike fighters\Objects folder
      Weapons pack Readme.txt
      Included are in yak-25 weapons pack.zip UPDATED models of
      AA-1's, AA-3's and Yak-25 fuel tank.
      This is add on Fuel tank for Yak-25, needs to be added to weapondata.ini and
      reloaded with SFP1 weaponeditor ONLY if weaponspack is older than sfp1weaponspack_01feb04.
      All this (or newer!) should be included in new release of sfp1weaponspack_01mar04!
      FullName=675-ltr Drop Tank
      I can not take any responsibility whatsoever regarding using of this add-on.
      This is freeware addon package.
      It is not supported by me or anyone, but your feedback with suggestions and
      improvements is appreciated: pasko_patak@yahoo.com
      Have fun :)!


         (0 reviews)



    23. Sov Stocks ar Flyable

      Flyable soviet stocks!
      You get all Russian stock aircraft from WoE!
      ONLY ini mods.
      Have fun!
      Also, don't use it in payware.
      Thanks to Dave for his guidance.


         (1 review)



    24. F-86F Sabre, Spanish Air Force

      F-86F "Sabre", Spanish Air Force (EDA) Mod
      This package contains a complete aircraft, based on Zur's F-86F, as used by the Spanish Air Force, Ejército del Aire, during the late 1950s through approx 1965, when most were replaced by F-104G 'Starfighters'.
      As stated, this is a COMPLETE nation-specific airplane, with all the trimmings, ready to unzip and fly away. It contains a new natural metal skin and decals for 18 aircraft. It represents Ala 1 at approximately 1959-ish ;) There are some small mods to the cockpit, namely my K-14 sight set (as seen on "The Hunters" Sabre mod), and the addition of an audio-only RWR (track sound ONLY). It is designed for use with ANY weapons pak, or none at all. The drop tanks are included, for those that don't have them, in the post-patch style of seperate folders.
      Loadouts are standard USAF style; with the exception of Sidewinders. Historically, the EDA =did= upgrade their Sabres in the early 60s to the late F-40 standards, with the inclusion of the AIM-9 capability. This is still intact, but the loadout is adjusted to NOT give them to you right off. If you wish them, you'll have to edit the loadout ini or load them manually.
      Included is a new sound "JetEngine2.wav", that has a more whiney turbo-jet sound than the stock JetEngine sound. Also for your enjoyment, is a new WoE-style Hangar screen -only available in the mod!!
      This aircraft was tested in Post-Patch (9/08 & 10/08) WoE, it should work just as well in SF, WoV and WoI. Be advised, the FM might need a little tweeking for the new parameters post patch, but I've encounted no real adverse characteristics. It flys real nice as is!
      For once, there's a pretty simple easy to follow readme (was that a sigh of relief I just heard??) But, still, PLEASE read the it!! As well as the expected Notes and Other Nonsense section for comments and the like
      Happy Hunting!
      Kevin Stein


         (5 reviews)



    25. TA-4H II Super Skyhawk

      This is a (what if ) TA-4H II
      This aircraft depicts what could habve been the updated TA-4H if the israelis saw a need to convert it to an attack role.
      -changes to the 3d model
      -new cockpit
      -new avionics
      -new (modern loudouts)
      -updated FM
      -new countermeasures
      This is my first mod so I hope you enjoy
      There are more skyhawks to come
      Daniel Viner


         (0 reviews)



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