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18 files

  1. ARA General Belgrano (C-4)

    ARA General Belgrano was an Argentine Navy light cruiser in service from 1951 until 1982.
    Originally commissioned by the U.S. as USS Phoenix, she saw action in the Pacific theatre
    of World War II before being sold by the United States Navy to Argentina.
    Transferred to Argentine Navy as Diecisiete de Octubre, 9 April 1951, renamed ARA General Belgrano 1956.
    The vessel was the second to have been named after the Argentine founding father Manuel Belgrano (1770–1820).
    She was sunk on 2 May 1982 during the Falklands War by the Royal Navy submarine Conqueror with the loss of 323 lives.
    Losses from General Belgrano totalled just over half of Argentine military deaths in the war.
    She is the only ship to have been sunk during military operations by a nuclear-powered submarine.
    Sister shipi Nueve de Julio (ex USS Boise) served in Argentine Navy from 1951 to 1978
    WHAT'S IN:
    - an SF-2 working ship class to use out Falklands mod
    - sounds, guns and missiles needed

    - Foxmonter: ship model
    - Richard and CAPUN: Skins
    - paulopanz: SF-2 fix (Seacat works, gunflashes in place) and porting; new names.ini for the wholw class

    - all in you mod folder
    - sounds upgrade
    Edit soundlist.ini in flight folder
    (if you haven't you have to extract)

    -> Add to the bottom of soundfile list and change XX in sequence
    //-- ARA Belgrano

    -> Add to the bottom of soundlist.ini
    If you want to use in Sf-2 Falklands mod only put Belgrano_DATA.ini in belgrano folder and overwrite


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  2. SF2 NA/E COLBERT Cruizer FN

    SF2 E/NA
    French cruiser Colbert (C611)
    Colbert (C 611) was an anti-air cruiser, later transformed into a missile cruiser, of the French Navy.
    She was the sixth ship (and second cruiser) of the French Navy to be named after Jean-Baptiste Colbert
    (the previous one was scuttled at Toulon in 1942).
    She was designed as a powerful ship, the second of the De Grasse series, able to overcome all threats solely by
    her guns' weight of fire - she had 57mm and 127mm turrets for a firing rate of one shot per second.
    Launched on 24 March 1956 in Brest, France, starting her trials on 5 December 1957 and officially entering active service
    on 5 May 1959, she was made part of a 15-ship squadron, with the main aims of protecting aircraft carriers from air attack,
    shore bombardment for ground operations, command hub for naval operations and evacuating French expatriates from overseas.
    In 1964 a naval reorganisation made her the flagship of France's Mediterranean squadron (escadre de Méditerranée) at Toulon,
    which was mainly made up of complementary units such as aircraft-carriers and frigates.
    She served in the Navy from 1956 to 1991, before being converted into a museum ship at Bordeaux from 1993.
    Since 2007 she has been anchored in the roadstead of Brest awaiting scrapping.
    This Model represent's the Colbert from 1960-1980.
    I do my best...to look...very ....close....!!!!!
    To Install:
    For all users: unzip, as I always reccomend, to a temp folder or you desktop, or somewheres else that easy to find.....!!!
    =For SF2 Series Users:
    These are the simple instructions ...
    Copy/Paste the Object's main folder into your ....... /Objects/ GroundObjects folder.
    From the gun's ....data folder' Copy/Paste the gun's folder into your Objects/Guns subfolder.......
    NOTE: if using a weapons pak that includes this weapon, you can either skip it, or let if overwrite.
    There is a choise for time fused.....!!!
    Then, take the subfolder marked Decal's (this contains the hull number decals), and copy/paste it into you .........Objects/Decals subfolder.
    It's all set up for nearly instant use.
    3D Model: AceSfakia
    Gun's.ini files,Sound's effect's etc :KJakker,COMBATACE,TW
    -This Model is FREEWARE under combatace...... Feel free to use this mod for any future projects as long as proper credit is given..
    All copyrights reserved.
    This is freeware; it CAN be distrubuted if the original readmes and all other pieces of the package remain intact.
    The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes.
    This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions.
    Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it..


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  3. CL/CLAA-119 Juneau Class

    USS Juneau Class Cruiser Ver 1.0
    By YEYEYE & KJakker.
    This is the CL-119/CLAA-119 Juneau Class Light AA Cruiser modeled by YEYEYE. It includes both an early and a late version. The CL-119 represents the USS Juneau CL-119, USS Spokane CL-120, and USS Fresno CL-121 when equiped with the 40mm Bofors. The CLAA-119 represents the USS Juneau CLAA-119 after its November 1951 to February 1952 overhaul which replaced the 40mm mounts with 3inch/50caliber Mark 33 gun mounts.
    Note: Three "Data.INI" files for the CL-119 Juneau class and two for the CLAA-119 Juneau class have been included. The AltGuns1 and AltGuns2_DATA.INI variants use alternate guns from the default file; these guns can be found in the Optional Files\Optional Guns folder.
    Also in the Optional Files\Optional Data Files folder you will find subfolders titled Structural Factor x2, Structural Factor x3, and Structural Factor x4, and Default Data File Backup as I was not sure how strong players would want the ship to be. Each version has a Structural Factor that many times that of the Default variant.
    This package was assembled at the request of Do335.
    Backup anything in your SF2 Mods folder that you think may be effected. Extract all the files from the archive to a safe place on your harddrive then take the folder labled "To Mods Folder" and copy it into your Strike Fighters 2 mods folder, overwrite as needed.
    Optional Files
    If you want to use the alternate guns that the AltGuns1 and AltGuns2 data file variants are set up for then afte doing the above go to Optional Files folder and move the contents of the Optional Effects, Optional Guns, Optional Sounds folders to their respective folders in your Mods folder. Then add the data from the Sound List Additions.txt to your SOUNDLIST.INI folder.
    Ship basic model, Distance-LODs, and Skins by YEYEYE.
    Data and Names INI files as well as the Hull names and numbers for the Spokane and Fresno are by KJakker.
    The included optional guns listed below are by KJakker.
    Guns below were originaly from the "Guns Collection for SF2 Series 2.0" by FLOGGER23.
    Most of the included effects are by Stary. The two Effects listed below are by KJakker and are based upon work by Stary & Thirdwire.
    Do not distribute, repackage or post without consent from YEYEYE & KJakker.
    No Modifications without previous consent is allowed.
    And this is freeware, it must not be used in any commercial product.
    Copyright ? YEYEYE, KJakker. All rights reserved.
    Special thanks.
    Thirdwire and TK for their sim and some instruments.
    Hope you enjoy it.
    YEYEYE & KJakker
    July 2016


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  4. Takao Class Cruiser

    Takao class Cruiser for Strike Fighters 2
    Version 1.0 Release 11/27/2015
    This model is not to be used in any commercial or for-profit packages. It may, however, be used in any freeware mod that is FREELY available on the Combat Ace . According to the Combat-Ace terms of use. Upload or use this file in any other site or package not available at Combat Ace is PROHIBITED.
    Sorry but I made this model for everyone and i will not allow to be used in any site that does not have a free access policy.
    Takao Class Cruiser
    Type 95 Torpedo
    (Long Lance soon to be released)
    203mm Cannon
    127 mm Cannon
    25mm Cannon
    Installation (SF2):
    Extract each folder into the matching folders in your mod directory.
    v. 1.0: Initial Release
    Skins and textures: angelp
    Ini files:angelp
    Decals: angelp


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  5. SF2 WW2 Brooklyn Class Light Cruiser by Foxmonter

    SF2 WW2 Brooklyn Class Light Cruiser 4/8/2015
    = For SF2 (Full5 Merged RECCOMENDED!)
    This is a mod of Foxmonter's ARA General Belgrano BACK to it's original USN WW2 version (pretty much!).
    Data ini edits remove the missile lauchers, but all gun aramament remains intact.
    The skin has been repainted to remove any post-war markings, and decals created for the hull numbers and ship names.
    It is as fully SF2NA compliant as we can make it!
    Guns, sounds, and the hull decals are all included.
    This version will NOT conflict with any other ships of this type (DAT), as unique identifiers have been used to seperate and differentiate them from each other.
    As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, as usual, PLEASE!! give the "Notes" section a read, too.
    Happy Landings!
    Kevin Stein


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  6. Jeanne d'Arc helicopter carrier

    This model represents the Jeanne d'Arc helicopter cruiser of the French Navy, in service from 1964 to 2010. The only ship of her class, "La Jeanne" was primarily used as a training ship in peacetime, but could serve as a fully capable helicopter carrier in times of crisis.
    Three different versions are included, covering each major refit of her long service life. Exocet missile launchers were added in 1975, while the aft guns were removed and some electronics were replaced in 2000.
    The Jeanne d'Arc's large flight deck can handle the simultaneous launch of up to four helicopters. Nighttime deck lights and fake arresting wires are in place for your convenience.
    Note: This model's role is designated as an aircraft carrier by default. You may change this by setting WarshipClass=CRUISER or WarshipClass=TRANSPORT depending on your preference.
    Model layout, hull, and components by acesfakia; superstructure, weapons, details, and texture by Samurai
    Decals by FRPignon
    Technical/historical information from FRPignon and Eole2


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  7. SLAVA Class Data File Mod/Update

    This package contains modified data files for the Slava Class Cruiser. It is meant for SF2:NA based installs only.
    You will need the Slava class upgrade package 1.1
    Alternatively if you have the SF2:NA Expansion Pack by eburger68 then it can be used with the Slava included in the pack.
    This package makes numerous adjustments to the Slava Data file.
    The most important is making the SA-N-6 missile launchers function via a Gunner instead of using the [WeaponSystem] entery. As such they operate similar to the launchers on WhiteBoySamurai's cruisers.
    Some slight adjustments have also been made to the SA-N-4 gunners.
    Additionally all other gunners have been heavily overhauled in order to adjust the performance of the ship's gun systems against the AA and CIWS role.
    The Alt1 file is uses stock or existing guns while the Alt2 file uses custom modified guns.


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  8. CGN-25 USS Bainbridge

    This model represents the USS Bainbridge, the only ship of her class, in service from 1962 to 1996. She is based on the Leahy class missile cruiser, but modified to use nuclear power.
    This package contains three versions of the Bainbridge, separated into the major refits the class underwent during its service life:
    As built in 1962: Equipped with Terrier missiles and two 3" twin turrets
    AAW refit circa 1976: Terriers replaced with SM-1ER, 3" guns replaced with Harpoon launchers, electronics updated to support new missiles
    NTU refit circa 1985: New radars, added Phalanx CIWS, SM-1ER replaced with SM-2ER

    Each version has its own names.ini list, so each variant will appear in task forces in the correct era.
    Each version of the ship is substantially different in their anti-air and anti-missile capability, which I have attempted to simulate as best as I can. The Harpoons on the AAW and NTU version are fully functional. SRBOC launchers (as on my other USN ships) are included on the model but disabled by default for simplicity's sake.
    Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


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  9. CG-16 Leahy class cruiser

    This model represents the Leahy class, in service from 1962 to 1995. The Leahy class was dedicated missile cruiser, equipped with fore and aft twin SAM launchers, and primarily tasked with defending fleet elements.
    This package contains three versions of the Leahy, separated into the major refits the class underwent during its service life:
    As built in 1962: Equipped with Terrier missiles and two 3" twin turrets
    AAW refit circa 1968: Terriers replaced with SM-1ER, electronics updated to support new missiles
    NTU refit circa 1988: New radars, 3" guns replaced with Harpoon launchers and Phalanx CIWS, SM-1ER replaced with SM-2ER

    Each version has its own names.ini list, so each variant will appear in task forces in the correct era. Each version of the ship is substantially different in their anti-air and anti-missile capability, which I have attempted to simulate as best as I can. The Harpoons on the NTU version are fully functional. SRBOC launchers (as on my other USN ships) are included on the model but disabled by default for simplicity's sake.
    Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly.
    When setting up a task force, using the USNgrey texture will allow hull decals based on the ship number. If placing the model as a single ship instead of a task force, please use the different texture sets to get a specific hull number.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


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  10. Kirov class battlecruiser (1988 and 1998)

    This package contains the third and fourth ships of the Kirov class battlecruisers: Admiral Nakhimov (ex-Kalinin) in commission since 1988, and Pyotr Velikiy (ex-Yury Andropov), in commission since 1998. The Kirov class are currently the world's only nuclear powered surface combatants and the most heavily armed warships in service today.
    With layered air defense systems, four different SAM types, and six twin gatling CIWS, these vessels are fearsome opponents. Be warned that once installed, these vessels will begin appearing in Soviet battlegroups and significantly increase the challenge level. Note that the Shipwreck anti-ship missiles are not yet functional due to game engine limitations.
    Each ship has two different hull numbers and decal sets representing their service before and after the fall of the Soviet Union, including authentic Russian language name stencils. As a bonus, additional materials are included to create a modern "friendly" Russian military if you have not done so already.
    These ships are also equipped with a functional helicopter deck, but no fake arresting wires are included, so fly with care.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


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  11. Ticonderoga class cruiser superpack

    This package includes every variant of the Ticonderoga class Aegis cruisers, including:
    CG-47 Baseline 1 (Mk26 twin arm launcher)
    CG-52 Baseline 2 (Mk41 VLS)
    CG-59 Baseline 3&4 (improved sensors and weapons)
    CG-52_06 (first round of modernization refits circa 2006)
    CG-52_12 (final Cruiser Conversion Program refits, starting 2012)

    Naturally, all sounds, decals, weapons, ship name and number lists are included. The CG-52 and CG-59 variants are further divided into air defense and land attack versions, armed with Standard Missiles and Tomahawks respectively. Each of the air defense ships also comes with two different data.ini files: the default, which uses a true VLS weapon system (albeit one missile and one target at a time and disables the Harpoon missiles), and a data_EX.ini version, which enables multiple simultaneous engagements and is almost as deadly as its real life counterpart. Use whichever one you like, depending on if you prefer realistic visuals or realistic performance.
    The Ticonderoga has always been my "flagship" project (pun intended), and so I've updated the models using everything I've learned in the year since I started modding. I've also added a small Easter Egg for those of you who want to try a helicopter takeoff from from this ship.
    Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. See the readme file for full details.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


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  12. CG-59 Ticonderoga class Aegis cruiser

    This model represents the Baseline 3 and 4 Ticonderoga class cruisers (CG-59~CG-73), in service from 1988 to present (upgrades and refits notwithstanding). This baseline of the ship is equipped with a number of upgrades, including an improved SPY-1B radar, SARTIS sensors, and missile systems.
    With over 120 long-range highly accurate missiles, this vessel is by far the single most dangerous GroundObject ever released for the ThirdWire games.
    Both air defense and land attack versions of the ship are included, as well as name and hull number decals for each ship of the class, plus the necessary sounds, guns, and weapons. Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. See the readme file for full details.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


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  13. CG-52 Ticonderoga class Aegis cruiser

    This model represents the Baseline 2 Ticonderoga class cruisers (CG-52~CG-58), in service from 1986 to present (upgrades and refits notwithstanding). These were the first vessels to be equipped with a vertical launch system (VLS), granting vastly increased capability and adaptability. With over 120 long-range highly accurate missiles, this vessel is by far the single most dangerous GroundObject ever released for the ThirdWire games.
    Both air defense and land attack versions of the ship are included, as well as name and hull number decals for each ship of the class, plus the necessary sounds, guns, and weapons. Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. See the readme file for full details.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


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  14. CG-47 Ticonderoga class Aegis cruiser

    This model represents the early Baseline 1 Ticonderoga class cruisers (CG-47~CG-51), serving the US Navy from 1983 until 2005. They were the first vessels to be equipped with the Aegis combat system and the advanced SPY-1 radar.
    This is my first major 3DMax project and my first model release for the Thirdwire games, now completely overhauled using everything I've learned about modding over the past year. This update gives the ship full compatibility with the SF2:NA/March 2012 patch game engine. It includes features such as working fore and aft Standard Missile launchers, new effects, optimized collision mesh, and helo deck that doesn't turn the ship unsinkable. Note that these updates may not be compatible with earlier versions of the game.
    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!


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  15. Kresta II Version 1.0

    Kresta II Class Cruiser



    This model represents the Soviet Project 1134A Kresta II class anti-submarine cruiser, which served with the Soviet and Russian Fleets from the late 1960s into the early 1990s.
    This model was designed and optimized for SF2:NA, and that means Windows Vista, Windows 7, or Windows 8. At the very least it requires the latest SF2 series patch for its systems and DX10 visual effects to work properly.
    To install this package, simply place the folders located inside the .ZIP archive into the mod folder of whichever SF2 title you desire the ship to appear in.
    Additional work will be required on your part to ensure that the ship's TEWS RWR symbol (TopSail) is added to the RWR list of any aircraft so equipped. Instructions on how to do this, can be found on the SF2 knowledge base, courtesy of EricJ:
    The SA-N-3 model that’s included, is a high-poly version, that will replace the default Third Wire version. It does not adversely effect frame rates, and will work well on the SF2:NA Kiev model, as well.
    The supplied sound effects will require editing of the soundlist.ini file in order to work.
    I’ve included a modified soundlist.ini file, for those who do not have it extracted.
    Warning: Be careful if you already have an existing custom soundlist.ini file, as it will be overwritten.
    In that case, simply add the following lines (shown below), taking care to follow the existing numbering sequence (the soundlist.ini will reside in your flight folder). Use the supplied soundlist.ini as a guide.
    Priority= Normal
    Known issues:
    1) The main radar antenna (Top Sail) doesn’t have a double-sided mesh, so as it rotates, you will notice that the face of the antenna loses its “grid”. This will be rectified in a later release, when the developer manages to catch a break from his busy schedule.
    Kresta II model and textures, by Julhelm
    SA-N-3 missile model and textures, by Krizis
    Sound & Visual effects, and all data.ini work, by Fubar512
    Testing by Dave, Wrench, Brain32 and Crusader.


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  16. AlbanyV1.5.zip

    USS Albany guided missile cruiser for Thirdwire productions Strike Fighters 2 series
    By Colmack this is my first tip toe into SF2 mods
    v1.0: Initial release
    USS Albany CG 10 started life as USS Albany (CA-123) an WWII Oregon City class Heavy Cruiser she was a little late to make the "hot"WAR But she soldiered on through the coldwar in 1958 she was placed out on commission she spent the next 4 years getting a complete rebuild when she came out she no longer was a gun cruiser she had now sacrificed her guns to be a complete Guided missile cruiser sporting the Talos & tartar missile systems
    I would like to thank WhiteBoySamurai for motivation & advice
    You will need to get WhiteBoySamurai's RIM pack for the missile's that are in the Combatace download section


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  17. 9 Carriers Pack

    A complete SF-2 pack upgrade kit SF-2NA ready
    HMS Albion
    HMS Bulwark
    HMS Centaur
    HMS Eagle
    HMCS Magnificent
    HMAS Melbourne
    HMAS Sydney
    HMS Victorious
    Edited data.inis ready for carrier use:
    - Attacker F.1
    - Buccaneer S.2/C/D
    - Scimitar F.1/60
    - Sea Hornet 20/21/22
    - Sea Hawk Mk. 1/2/3/4/5/6
    - SeaVixen FAW 1/2
    - Wyvern
    - corsair AU-1/F4U-7
    - Hinchinbrooke for original carriers
    - Richard"Gramps" Kaminski for SF-1 Aussie campaign
    - HMS Centaur repaint and upgrades by paulopanz
    To Install:
    - Put all in main mod folder.
    - Aussie Linebaker II what if camp for A-4G (DLC or mod required)
    - Use them with Daring class DD for escort in carrier groups
    This could be an Hinch tribute, hoping he will be back and bring us even more flat tops!
    Maybe useful for Your seaborne operations.
    Happy carrier take off / landings!
    @ paulopanz


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  18. Slava class upgrade package

    This is a full conversion and improvement of the existing Slava class cruiser for SF2:NA/March 2012. Along with the expected effects, weapons, ship names, and collisions modifications, I fixed non-working radars and weapons on the ship and streamlined the data in a more logical, consistent fashion.
    I also created a new flight deck LOD file and adjusted the relevant data to enable helicopter operations. AS I didn't make the original model, the positioning is based on guesswork and trial&error. Embark from the flight deck at your own risk.
    An alternate anti-ship data file for the Slava is included in the ship's folder. If you want it to launch Sandbox missiles, open the Slava.ini file and change "ObjectDataFile=Slava_DATA.INI" to "ObjectDataFile=Slava_DATA SSM.INI"


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