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Hallo pilots :biggrin:


There is no way for me purchase WOI for next cca three/four mounths. I need succesfully finish study on my school. That is the reason why I can not purchase WOI now :shout:


BUT there is somebody on this forum, who can post arab planes screenshots, I hope :yes:


I saw tons F-16/15, Mirages, Kfirs, Ahits, Phantoms etc. screenshots . But just a few arab planes. So can you anybody post screenshots some arab planes, please?


There are many good Migs and Sus in WOI + new nice planes (not on arab side only of course). Espetially there is new Mig-23BN, which served in our ex Czechoslovak air force too. There are Mig-21 versions too in WOI. Czechoslovakia exported some Mig-21F-13 series to arab air forces.


WOI is interesting game for many other nations

Soviet union - Migs, Sus etc. exported to "WOI theatre"

USA - Phantoms, F-15/16 (etc.)

Czechoslovakia - Spitfires, S-199s, Mig-15/21 etc.

France - Mirages etc.

Great Britain - Spitfires, Furys, Hunters etc.

China - export Mig-21 versions etc.

and many others...


Post some Mig and Su screenshots, if it is possible, please :yes:


There are onother Mig and Su fans who want see them too, I think :biggrin:


Thank you, pilots :hi:

Edited by kukulino

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I will post some shots tonight of some Migs and Su's.....in pieces..... :biggrin:

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Here are some... 'scuze me for the low quality of pics, but it's the best my laptop can get with WoI.

I'm eager to see the novelties of the game into WoE! :)





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Mhmmm '21f-13 with open canopy cool, and what about BIS version, it is real new BIS lod model or tweaked MF ?

By the way write something about new avionics... please

Edited by ArturR

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I'm currently in a 6 days war campaign, so I'vn't see much of the new avionics. ;)

Same thing for the -bis.

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the -21bis uses the -21MF 3d lod.


short list of new avionic features ( not complete, just what runs through my mind atm.. ) :

- RadarRangingOnly , in both avionics dlls for gun ranging radars without a radar screen

- additionally functions for the ranging radar, French avionics specific, used on Nesher, which is a heading scale used to indicate radar range in gun mode

- avionics70.dll is enhanced and has ground mapping radar mode ( no other new modes), and some new readouts for the HUD, which include :

*RadarRangeScale with moving caret

*Vc readout

*target aspect caret

*Selected weapon (generic) and gunsight mode readouts

Radar has some additional functions enabled, like text readouts, target bearing readout is now working, and other stuff

Edited by Crusader

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Is the bis different from the MF in preformance(weapons, radar and stuff)?

Edited by Wolf65

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Also added, for all aircraft, are 'damage bmps', show internal structures as if panels have been blown off, andd...


damage tgas for ALL the MiGs!!!!! So, you all can toss my old ones out.


I'll try to get some damage screens later. Been working on the Vautour right now....and upgrading another semi-secret project for WoI :wink:



kevin stein

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Also added, for all aircraft, are 'damage bmps', show internal structures as if panels have been blown off, andd...


damage tgas for ALL the MiGs!!!!! So, you all can toss my old ones out.



kevin stein



Which BTW is mucho cool!!!!!!!!!!! :cool:

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So, I guess these birds can be made flyable? Will the older pits in download section work?

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Is the bis different from the MF in preformance(weapons, radar and stuff)?

Yup, the MiG-21bis L and N! The bis has a more powerful radar which is the RP-22SMA Sapfir-21M not the RP-21MA TsD-30TP Izdeliyie 830MA which the MiG-21M's and MiG-21MF's had. The RP-22SMA has a longer range and better scanning than

the old RP-21 that was used on the Early Radar Mig's like the MiG-21PFM,PF,M,MF and etc. Plus it had way better radar modes which so far I was trying to do. The RP-22 also can with other aircraft like the Czech built MiG-21MF-75 which is a Mig-21 with a

RP-22MA radar. Also other Migs like the Mig-21SMT,MT,early Mig-23's and etc. Other than the radar the bis had a bigger fuel tanks and can carry the R-60 (AA-8). The Soviet bis also had flares but no chaffs. Well in some later production Mig-21bis's like the MiG-21bis N had chaffs and flares. Early types of the bis like the "L" model had the cockpit as same as the Mig-21MF with no

HUD but with a different aiming sight for the Guns and AG weapons. Later production MiG-21bis L's had HUD's with basic information about the speed,AoA,and G's. Not until the N model shows status about the Radar range,Ammo type,AA,AG modes for the weapons. Also the bis version is powered by a Tumansky R-25-300 turbojet engine, and carries 2880 liters of fuel. The engines are capable of "extreme afterburner" for up to 3 min - increasing the thrust from 7100 kgf to 9900 kgf. It can accelerate from 600 km/h to 1100 km/h in 18 seconds (the MiG-29 does it in 11,6 sec). The climb rate is 225 m/s. In comparison the F-14 has a climb rate of 152 m/s, the MiG-17F 65 m/s, the F-16A 215 m/s. So yeah some different stuff about the MF than the bis :biggrin:

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Think he ment in Game.

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Wow, looks like good debate here :biggrin:


Yeah, Bis is old but good sting :ok:


Paladrians cockpits for Mig-21 series are compatible with WOI migs I hope :blink:


Oh, and I like your screenshots Emp_Palpatine :wink: especially that with Mirage and Mig-17 is HOT :biggrin:


Czechoslovak Mig-21F-13 were exported with no cockpit window behind pilots head. There is not this version included in WOI I suppose. But we have modeled it by Mirage factory. I have read that some czechoslovak Mig-21F-13 were exported with typical sand camo schemes. But we have no sand camo skin for MF F-13 for this time, and I have no photo czechoslovak Mig-21F-13 with this camo scheme for this time too.


And avionics improvements soound good, I think :yes:

Edited by kukulino

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Thank you for another nice screenies :good: Camoufled migs looks very nice. Can not wait!!!


Mmmm, I can purchase WOI this night, and I will finish school later :rolleyes:

Oooor I do not need finish school when I have WOI :idea:

I can start my Mig and fly far, far away... :search:

Edited by kukulino

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Did not meet them yet!

I've also deal with MiG-19, but was before I managed to get nice graphics, and I was so... immerged into the fight that I forgot to take screenies!

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Look what I found, F6ing around after I landed my Kfir.


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Here is some I promised. :biggrin:

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man, that looks good!


do the MiGs still twirl and spin like mad when they get hit?

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