sparkomatic 7 Posted July 23, 2008 Anyone else noticed of late that every web story has a picture of Obama like in some glamor shot or looking posed like a Roman statue while McCain looks like he is belching or scratching or thinking about lunch? I actually saw a couple of google news articles kick up McCain headlines and still had Obama in the photo instead...nice, very nice... So long and thanks for all of the fish! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted July 23, 2008 I have seen that too. I guess its the media who decides elections eh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Tailspin 3 Posted July 23, 2008 Yesterday I was watching CNN (not really watching just happened to "land" there for a few minutes ) and McCain was live at some town meeting somewhere. This left winger posed a "question" in the form of a long rant about the evils of the Iraq war and McCain's unrelenting support for the same. The McCain friendly crowd started razzing the questioner, McCain interceded on her behalf insisting she had the right to talk and let her finish. When she finished her anti-war rant/question, McCain began to give his response....CNN broke away before McCain finished his first sentence. Unbiased? No way! Call me paranoid but I believe the TV "News" is scripted in every detail down to the facial expressions of the talking heads. The unsuspecting viewer is fed exactly and only the information the "ownership" want them to get and its delivered with all the bias they can get away with...which is usually a lot because most folks aren't aware they're being conditioned to respond a certain way. They're all guilty. Fox is the same, just leaning the other direction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted July 23, 2008 Which is why I won't waste time watching televised news coverage. The Daily Show is great at showing how easy it is to warp people's statements and viewpoints with their satirical biases. I think its greatest contribution has been to show people that while they do it to an absurd extreme, they're NOT the only ones doing it. Kind of like "see how the magic trick is done and next time you see it you'll see the carefully hidden sleight of hand more easily." Of course, the SNL coverage of the Obama/Clinton debates was priceless. "My first question is for Senator Obama. Senator, are you comfy? Would you like a pillow?" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Emp_Palpatine 501 Posted July 23, 2008 A french blogger recently made a great post on this issue, how a poll showing a Mc Cain advantage was re-arranged in favor of Obama. It was a futile thing about pet-owner and the election, something like 60% of the owners favored Mc Cain. A couple of hours later, it was "40% of pet owners ready for Obama". And I won't even speak about US election coverage in France, whose left-media (almost everyones) are in love with Obama. During the recent presidential election in France, the socialist candidate was always showed in a very favourable way in terms of pics. Well, the lady isn't disgusting to watch, true... But Sarkozy, supposed to be on her right and to be conservative, was every time showed with some rictus or looking ugly/evil. Basic propaganda. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eraser_tr 29 Posted July 23, 2008 Maybe they just can't get any McCain shots that look appealing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+DoctorQuest 129 Posted July 23, 2008 I haven't really gone back and done the research but I find it kind of odd that Obama and McCain were not the "media darlings" early on in the campaign (way before primaries started.) I'm not sure having those two as candidates mean the system is working properly (some Democrats are complaining about the DNC "fixing" primaries in favor of Obama) but I am not sure the media are really in control of anything, either. And, remember folks, this is not new. The effect that William Randolph Hearst had on swaying national opinion on the Spanish American War is a good case in point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Roopod 0 Posted July 24, 2008 The New Media Monopoly by Ben Bagdikian in 2004 showed that there were only five huge corporations such as Bertelsmann, Disney, Murdoch's News Corporation, Time Warner, and Viacom, controlled virtually all of the media industry with GE's NBC coming in close to sixth. This is from 50 corporations in 1983 to 14 in 1992. That three major network anchors joined the Obama media excursion is further evidence of how the corporate line attempts to influence politics. I myself don't even bother listening to what these corporations say through their over paid mouth pieces anymore. Looking at other more reliable sources for my essential elements of information, until they too get bought out by these corporate moguls. Hey, the truth is still out there somewhere, right? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted July 24, 2008 Anyone see Obama dising the US servicemen when he mused about them prefering Fox news and wondering if it was a presidential order.His arogance will doom him,I hope.Anyone ever think they hate listening to the anti-military rants on CNN international and MSNBC and turned to FOX because they get a fair shake there?AAAHHHH Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Typhoid 231 Posted July 24, 2008 Anyone see Obama dising the US servicemen when he mused about them prefering Fox news and wondering if it was a presidential order.His arogance will doom him,I hope.Anyone ever think they hate listening to the anti-military rants on CNN international and MSNBC and turned to FOX because they get a fair shake there?AAAHHHH here is a description of how Obama "interacts with the troops". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello everyone, As you know I am not a very political person. I just wanted to pass along that Senator Obama came to Bagram Afghanistan for about an hour on his visit to 'The War Zone'. I wanted to share with you what happened. He got off the plane and got into a bullet proof vehicle, got to the area to meet with the Major General (2 Star) who is the commander here at Bagram. As the Soldiers where lined up to shake his hand he blew them off and didn't say a word as he went into the conference room to meet the General. As he finished, the vehicles took him to the ClamShell (pretty much a big top tent that military personnel can play basketball or work out in with weights) so he could take his publicity pictures playing basketball. He again shunned the opportunity to talk to Soldiers to thank them for their service. So really he was just here to make a showing for the American's back home that he is their candidate for President. I think that if you are going to make an effort to come all the way over here you would thank those that are providing the freedom that they are providing for you. I swear we got more thanks from the NBA Basketball Players or the Dallas Cowboy Cheer leaders than from one of the Senators, who wants to be the President of the United States. I just don't understand how anyone would want him to be our Commander-and-Chief. It was almost that he was scared to be around those that provide the freedom for him and our great country. If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to know what kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake. In service, CPT Jeffrey S. Porter Battle Captain TF Wasatch American Soldier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ironroad 218 Posted July 24, 2008 (edited) Yesterday I was watching CNN (not really watching just happened to "land" there for a few minutes ) and McCain was live at some town meeting somewhere. This left winger posed a "question" in the form of a long rant about the evils of the Iraq war and McCain's unrelenting support for the same. The McCain friendly crowd started razzing the questioner, McCain interceded on her behalf insisting she had the right to talk and let her finish. When she finished her anti-war rant/question, McCain began to give his response....CNN broke away before McCain finished his first sentence. Unbiased? No way! Call me paranoid but I believe the TV "News" is scripted in every detail down to the facial expressions of the talking heads. The unsuspecting viewer is fed exactly and only the information the "ownership" want them to get and its delivered with all the bias they can get away with...which is usually a lot because most folks aren't aware they're being conditioned to respond a certain way. They're all guilty. Fox is the same, just leaning the other direction. On point! I could not have said it better. As for Obama's interactions with the troops... Funny he has no problems going out of his way to greet feminist, shake the hands of college students (I have been to one of his rallies where he was mobbed), and go out of the way to please media talking heads. His actions towards our boys is disgusting. But then again he is a lawyer by trade and a college professor. Talk about arrogance and staring one's nose down at people... Edited July 24, 2008 by ironroad Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted July 24, 2008 On point! I could not have said it better. As for Obama's interactions with the troops... Funny he has no problems going out of his way to greet feminist, shake the hands of college students (I have been to one of his rallies where he was mobbed), and go out of the way to please media talking heads. His actions towards our boys is disgusting. But then again he is a lawyer by trade and a college professor. Talk about arrogance and staring one's nose down at people... It's not suprising he wonldn't listen the generals(he says he has a better strategic perspective )Why on earth would he spend time with the grunts on the ground(or air or water) Pure contempt and arogance from him.He always seems to know better than everyone else and dosn't have time for anyone who dosn't agree with his myopic world view.I never thought I would say this but I used to say Obama would be another Jimmy Carter(shudder) but now I think that statement is really too cruel to Jimmy Carter. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eraser_tr 29 Posted July 24, 2008 I guess the mind sees what it wants to see. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted July 24, 2008 I guess the mind sees what it wants to see. Dude we always seem to be on the other side of issues don't we. Hey I'll try to respect your opinion if you'll try to extend me the same.I somtimes get a little carried away but to be honest the stakes are so high I'm truly in my heart fearful for the future of this nation.I have never seen things turning so much in one direction.In the past there were checks and balences and everyone including the media watched out and never let anyone get to big for his breeches now it seems everything is conspireing to elect somone who in my opinion is simply unfit to run anything larger than a bridge club.I'm just really worried for my country and for my childrens future.these are going to be very scary times. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Typhoid 231 Posted July 24, 2008 I guess the mind sees what it wants to see. yes. Some of us see the world as it is. Some imagine what is not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caesar 305 Posted July 24, 2008 (edited) Thanks for the snippet from someone whos over there and who saw his jackassery, Typhoid. I think that may have ceased any doubts about who I'm voting for. Edited July 24, 2008 by Caesar Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DWCAce 19 Posted July 24, 2008 he's off my list. I'm thinking I might take Lewis Black's advice and vote for Ronald Reagan. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted July 25, 2008 he's off my list. I'm thinking I might take Lewis Black's advice and vote for Ronald Reagan. Voting for Reagan is never a bad thing,best damn president in the postwar era. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Viper6 3 Posted July 25, 2008 It seems that who ever ends up CinC faces problems that need more than 8 years to fix. It looks like big corporations and special intrests groups have run this nation for a long time. We used to be a producer now we are a consumer. My questions are : Is it really that hard to provide good education, health care, and to keep jobs here? When the producer plays a tune the consumer must dance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eraser_tr 29 Posted July 25, 2008 (edited) Well, I get the feeling the perception here would be the same regardless of the democratic candidate, or whatever he said or did. And just where does that account come from? and what are more details surrounding it? I've seen a plethora of footage showing the complete opposite, very warm greetings and appreciation for troops. And not, "Oh I'm on camera, I better look good" footage, vido taken when he was busy talking to people from behind, a distance, etc. Nevermind the excellent voting record for veterans. And in response to your signature, McCain originally was nothing like bush, I was rooting for him in the primaries because I thought he'd be above the same **** from bush's crowd. but nearly every single chance he gets to distance himself, he agrees with bush. He's been adopting the same attitudes and policies. The longer the campaign goes on, the more disappointed and disgusted I'm becoming with his attacks and distortions. And I can't speak for everyone in the media, but Bob Scheiffer said directly to my class (When asked about corporate owners trying to tell them how to report) that hasn't happened to him. I wonder if the clips from that class are still up.......;showVid=true Long clip, I'm in it too, front and center at Pace dressed in green. Don't think I said much that day though. Edited July 25, 2008 by eraser_tr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+whiteknight06604 940 Posted July 25, 2008 "Well, I get the feeling the perception here would be the same regardless of the democratic candidate, or whatever he said or did" It just seems that the sane ones are demonized by the dems themselves.Just look at the crap that happened to Lieberman.I live in CT and Ned Lamont was a loon and if the dems gave even a half hearted endorsment to Lieberman there would have been a landslide the likes of which have never been seen.The simple fact that we will elect anyone is our "love" for Dodd here .Never has a more loathsome and dishonest man walked the earth yet he always seems to win here.But Lieberman a man who while I don't always agree with is vilified for standing up for his convictions is sad commentary on how truth and honor are treated in the Liberal North East. "The longer the campaign goes on, the more disappointed and disgusted I'm becoming with his attacks and distortions." LOL what ever.Keep drinkin the coolaid while the barbarians are at the gates. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aintry 0 Posted July 25, 2008 If the Dems had someone like John Kennedy running for President, I'd definitely vote for him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eraser_tr 29 Posted July 25, 2008 (edited) The only ones you can blame for the coolaid would be China and corporate America Really, how can anyone stomach a man saying negative ads have no place in his campaign, then running a negative ad that very day? I give credit to Reagan for posing the most pivotal campaign question that everyone needs to ask: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Most certainly not. Why should people hanging on by the skin of their teeth after eigth years of bush, vote for someone who wants to keep going in the same direction? If the Dems had someone like John Kennedy running for President, I'd definitely vote for him. Obama '08 No really, the parallels are seriously creepy. This is Nixon vs Kennedy all over again. Edited July 25, 2008 by eraser_tr Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SayethWhaaaa 252 Posted July 25, 2008 If this is blunt and to the point I am sorry but I wanted you all to knowwhat kind of caliber of person he really is. What you see in the news is all fake. He's a senator. I've yet to see a Senator or an MP from anywhere who doesn't give servicemen anything but the most token acknoweldgement. Yet they'll always pledge their undying love and respect for them during speeches and rallies, dropping their favourite buzzwords like 'Courage' and 'Sacrifice' (and f**king 'Spirit of the ANZACs' here which is a buzzword/term that's ALWAYS used out of context) as it's allows them to tap into that sentiment and supporter base. Remember, they only want your support, after that watch how only care about you and your cause if it's going to cost them support. This aspect of politics is one that transcends party lines... yeah, I know it sounds a bit cynical, but I'm having a REAL bad day! That said, the only good coverage of this campaign you'll get is by watching Stewert/Colbert Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eraser_tr 29 Posted July 25, 2008 That said, the only good coverage of this campaign you'll get is by watching Stewert/Colbert Share this post Link to post Share on other sites