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Why Being at Wright Patterson AFB is cool.....

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Being near the approach areas this is what I saw this week. Anyone want to make a donation to help me get a 300mm lens? :biggrin:

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Any T-38 Pictures?




!(%#!(%$@(%#! PRICK !*#$^#$&^ :biggrin:

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you know, usually jets constantly flying over your house lowers the value and makes the occupants grumpy. But not for Dave, for him it's just a big, private airshow.


Now, if everybody here mails one dollar to him, we'll have some really nice pics. Just make sure you send it in pennes. One at a time.

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I got a 300mm lens in my grubby hands ill give ya,,,,,

if ya get me in to see the aliens,,,,,

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Is it as cool as living near Edwards AFB flight path or flight line?

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Okay, that was funny!


Where's HrntFixr? :biggrin:




Looking for a bag of Doritos. :biggrin:

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Use to work at WPAFB and it's the best place to see the USAF best coming and going.I was there during the 90's and hated that our contract was done.1st place I ever laid eyes on the F-117 and also saw A-10 on display.Lots of old and new for all who are into military aviation as is most my family is.

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Any pics of Hanger 18? Especially the inside of it...? :haha:

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you know, usually jets constantly flying over your house lowers the value and makes the occupants grumpy. But not for Dave, for him it's just a big, private airshow.


Now, if everybody here mails one dollar to him, we'll have some really nice pics. Just make sure you send it in pennes. One at a time.


It would cost more to send them one at a time, than the money we are actually sending.


Got a better idea, buy a video camera and a motion detector, put it on your roof and whenever a jet comes by it tracks and zooms on the jet.

Edited by commander

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you know, usually jets constantly flying over your house lowers the value and makes the occupants grumpy. But not for Dave, for him it's just a big, private airshow.


Now, if everybody here mails one dollar to him, we'll have some really nice pics. Just make sure you send it in pennes. One at a time.


At this point I would take anything. :lol:


Yes it pretty much is an airshow.

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bleh, need audio.


Back in Mississippie, I saw a bumpper ssticker saying Jet Noise Sound Of Freedom. I loved that. And its truly the greatest sound made. As long as it don't rattle the windows, jets put me to sleep. Trains too. Great stuff.

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Any pics of Hanger 18? Especially the inside of it...? :haha:

Been there, walked around the place.....it's empty.

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Been there, walked around the place.....it's empty.


Now base transportation uses it for vehicle maintenance.

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I grew up on SAC/ACC bomber bases, more often than not near the approach, at Loring the housing wasn't near the flight line thankfully, but Minot and Ellsworth were a bit different. It gets pretty old when 3 ships of B-52s are doing touch and goes all night, or when there is a nuclear mission generation execrsise and the entire 23rd Bomb Squadron is sitting on the flight line with live AGM-129s and your friends from school you have to work on a project with aren't allowed on base (circa 1993.) The arguments I had when I was about 9 with kids who's dad's job was to fire Minuteman missiles about who's dad could kill more Russinas were pretty entertaining looking back.

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Been there, walked around the place.....it's empty.


that's what they want you to think...


they actually have secret invisible planes in there. They hang them from the ceiling so you don't walk in to them.

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Any pics of Hanger 18? Especially the inside of it...? :haha:


actually, its called building 38, foreign technology division

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Now base transportation uses it for vehicle maintenance.


Yeah, but what's in the basement?!? :blink:

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Yeah, but what's in the basement?!? :blink:


Sombody's been spending too much time around that newer concrete building to the east of the running track at the 122FW. :haha:

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Yeah, but what's in the basement?!? :blink:

No doubt there is a new conspiracy theory out there................

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Yeah, but what's in the basement?!? :blink:


Mulder found the frozen alien there. But they took it from him!

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that's what they want you to think...


they actually have secret invisible planes in there. They hang them from the ceiling so you don't walk in to them.



just weather balloons....

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Sombody's been spending too much time around that newer concrete building to the east of the running track at the 122FW. :haha:


Hehe, that's just our new skycop shop. Good planning placing it right next to the gun range. :ok:

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The arguments I had when I was about 9 with kids who's dad's job was to fire Minuteman missiles about who's dad could kill more Russinas were pretty entertaining looking back.



Really now. I woulda just said that they would all end up in the same place, or with tentacle out of thier heads :biggrin: , either works for me.

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