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Most Authentic F-16C Addon Available for WOE?

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My question is simple really but the answer may not be. What is the most authentic/realistic Addon F-16C available for WOE?


I am very new to this sim but what I have gathered so far is this. There is a F-16A included in WOI with a great Flight Model. I don't know the avionics package used for the included WOI F-16A but I am guessing its good. What I understand is that there are two customizable avionics "60" and "70". The "70" being much more advanced and possibly a better fit for the F-16C. Unfortunately it seems "70" may lack ground radar? Is this still true with the latest Sep2008 patch?


My ideal F-16C would be an exported F-16A from WOI into WOE. It would then have a custom pit more accurately representing the F-16C and a weapons loadout to match. Does such an addon exist? If not how might I go about creating one? I know in the downloads section in 2005 Dave uploaded some nice F-16Cs with authentic looking cockpits. I am almost positive the 3D and Flight models are not from WOI. Would it be possible to use the WOI F-16A as a base and import the pit from Dave's F-16Cs? The completed airplane flyable in WOE. Just some ideas.


Thanks in advance.

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My question is simple really but the answer may not be. What is the most authentic/realistic Addon F-16C available for WOE?


I am very new to this sim but what I have gathered so far is this. There is a F-16A included in WOI with a great Flight Model. I don't know the avionics package used for the included WOI F-16A but I am guessing its good. What I understand is that there are two customizable avionics "60" and "70". The "70" being much more advanced and possibly a better fit for the F-16C. Unfortunately it seems "70" may lack ground radar? Is this still true with the latest Sep2008 patch?


My ideal F-16C would be an exported F-16A from WOI into WOE. It would then have a custom pit more accurately representing the F-16C and a weapons loadout to match. Does such an addon exist? If not how might I go about creating one? I know in the downloads section in 2005 Dave uploaded some nice F-16Cs with authentic looking cockpits. I am almost positive the 3D and Flight models are not from WOI. Would it be possible to use the WOI F-16A as a base and import the pit from Dave's F-16Cs? The completed airplane flyable in WOE. Just some ideas.


Thanks in advance.


mmhh i think the best f-16c is yet to come (by the mf of course)


when? who knows? (the famous 2 weeks? :biggrin: )


but one thing is sure, it 'll worth the wait, as usual.

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There isn't a really good F-16C now, have to wait for the MF one really.

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Ok if I must play the waiting game. AAHHH!!! Can I at least experiment with the proposed export of WOI's F-16A to WOE? Isn't it possible when all games are patched to Sep2008? I don't yet have WOI because that particular Theater does not interest me. In fact I dislike it! However I am a big fan of the F-16 and obtaining a "Complete, Accurate, and UnModified" TK representation would be very nice even if it is just an "A" model. Is it possible someone could do the exporting for me and rap it up in a nice flyable package for WOE? That would be great! Pretty Please with Sugar on top!?!


If not, how might I go about doing it myself? If that is my only choice I would like to learn. Perhaps someone could give me some basic steps on the process pertaining to the F-16A. However if it is at all possible I would like to avoid WOI myself.

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Ok if I must play the waiting game. AAHHH!!! Can I at least experiment with the proposed export of WOI's F-16A to WOE? Isn't it possible when all games are patched to Sep2008? I don't yet have WOI because that particular Theater does not interest me. In fact I dislike it! However I am a big fan of the F-16 and obtaining a "Complete, Accurate, and UnModified" TK representation would be very nice even if it is just an "A" model. Is it possible someone could do the exporting for me and rap it up in a nice flyable package for WOE?


Forget that. Exporting TW core files (like stock F-16A LOD files) is not allowed.

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What the man said.


You can either buy WOI, or you can use one of the MF F-16s in the meantime. Those are your legal options.



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Forget that. Exporting TW core files (like stock F-16A LOD files) is not allowed.
What the man said.


You can either buy WOI, or you can use one of the MF F-16s in the meantime. Those are your legal options.



Ok what you are saying is that even if I buy WOI no one will help me export the WOI F-16A into my preferred WOE? Why not? How is that different than all the people explaining how to combining all the sims together into one giant game(A mess I wish to avoid)? No need to jump on me. I said I was willing as a last resort to get WOI and export it myself. I was just hoping someone would help me out and make it easier. I don't want WOI and I don't want to combine the hole thing with WOE just to get an authentic TK F-16A into WOE. Doing it myself didn't seem like a crime to me. Sharing that kind of knowledge is also not criminal either. It just so happens that once someone learns enough to export needed files for his or her mod they will also know how to export a complete plane. I am sure many have done similar things for themselves already. Yes I guess I can see your point. Sharing a complete exported plane could be considered crossing the line. I just figured there were so many modded F-16s available sharing an unmodded one was no big deal. Sorry :blush:


On a side note where is this Mirage Factory URL? I would like to check out there stuff.

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I believe there was a misunderstanding as to what you were requesting. If you buy WOI, then yes, you can import the F-16A into WOE.


Try column5's page...there's a link on the CombatAce homepage.

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Gocad and Fastcargo meant nothing of the sort. Once you legally own WoI, you can do whatever you want with it, short of sharing its models with someone else.


In as far as porting the model into another TW title, well, that's fairly simple. All the necessary files are located in the objectdata.cat, and need to be extracted from there, and placed into the aircraft's folder. Also, you have to create a sub folder for the cockpit, and move all the pertinent files into it.

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I believe there was a misunderstanding as to what you were requesting. If you buy WOI, then yes, you can import the F-16A into WOE.


Try column5's page...there's a link on the CombatAce homepage.

Thanks but I can't find column5's page on CombatAce. I don't even know where to look. Now are you recomending column5's page for the exporting process or a way to get to the Mirage Factory? I definetly would like the process. I also would very much like to find the Mirage Factory but when I googled it, I saw their logo and then was forced into a popup about some antivirus offer thing which promptly crashed my browser.

Edited by LCountach

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Gocad and Fastcargo meant nothing of the sort. Once you legally own WoI, you can do whatever you want with it, short of sharing its models with someone else.


In as far as porting the model into another TW title, well, that's fairly simple. All the necessary files are located in the objectdata.cat, and need to be extracted from there, and placed into the aircraft's folder. Also, you have to create a sub folder for the cockpit, and move all the pertinent files into it.

Yes Yes thats what I need to know but in more detail. What files exactly? How do I know what files I need?

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didn't we go through this once before, when WoV came out without the C-130 and F-104??? (and, obviously, before the Herc was added back and G-Zipper was made availabe as a seperate d/l)


And don't we have instructions for this somewhere in the Knowledge Base??? I seem to recall conscise, step-by-step instructions on aircraft importation somewhere - either here or at C5s site?


It all boils down to actualy having the game in question to extract the parts from -- and THAT set of instruction I KNOW is KB somewhere; how to use Skypat's cat extractor tool.


As the A model Vipers, there are at least 2 superb versions readily available F-16A-ADF (sparrow equiped), F-16A blk10 NDC. Complete with cockpits. They're either here at CA or at C5s. One just needs to look.


I know this sounds like a broken record, but DO spend some time in the KB -- lots of answers there



kevin stein

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A link on the right side of CombatAce's homepage (it's a small yellow banner) will take you to column5's page where he has the MF F-16s for download. There also quite a few here (if not all) for download as well

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Alternatively, just type "column5.us" on google (minus the inverted commas, of course) and that should lead you to C5's homepage.

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Guest pfunkmusik
My question is simple really but the answer may not be. What is the most authentic/realistic Addon F-16C available for WOE?


I am very new to this sim but what I have gathered so far is this. There is a F-16A included in WOI with a great Flight Model. I don't know the avionics package used for the included WOI F-16A but I am guessing its good. What I understand is that there are two customizable avionics "60" and "70". The "70" being much more advanced and possibly a better fit for the F-16C. Unfortunately it seems "70" may lack ground radar? Is this still true with the latest Sep2008 patch?


My ideal F-16C would be an exported F-16A from WOI into WOE. It would then have a custom pit more accurately representing the F-16C and a weapons loadout to match. Does such an addon exist? If not how might I go about creating one? I know in the downloads section in 2005 Dave uploaded some nice F-16Cs with authentic looking cockpits. I am almost positive the 3D and Flight models are not from WOI. Would it be possible to use the WOI F-16A as a base and import the pit from Dave's F-16Cs? The completed airplane flyable in WOE. Just some ideas.


Thanks in advance.


I would say everyone's right, there really isn't a good F-16C add-on...yet. But, If I had to vote on one, I'd say the Block 30 is just about the most comprehensive one out there.



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I thought the Block 50-52's were pretty nice as with the Polish and UAE models-just replace the cockpit!Been a while since I flew them though.

The MF F-16A IDF model is top notch-Ive given them BVR capability and renamed them Barak C version Block 30 and 40 since WOI already has the Netz.

Edited by Stick

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As far as I know xevilpetex's F-16A Block 10 Update is the only F-16C-like cockpit using the avonics70.dll.


Here's the link: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=3099


Apart from no GM radar, CCIP and LCOS features are missing (from what I remember). The AA radar uses F-15A's symbology.


So until TMF's F-16C is released perhaps the closest thing is to use xevilpetex's F-16A Block 10 Update cockpit on the Block 30 or Block 50-52.

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The fix for the gm radar is in the "Things you need to update Thread", possibly in the "Official Patch Thread", and the "how to" is in the knowledge base (which needs a small correction, pointed out to me by Canadair)


Don't know why we even bother with stickies, since no one reads them...It amazing to me how little attention is paid to things...


Me, I'm perosnally happy to wait for TMF's version, because I know it'll be damn near perfect.

Those that can't wait...can either learn paitence, make their own or do without. It don't get any simpler than that.



kevin stein

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Ok I have now edited Dave's Block 50-52's to have fully functioning "Avionics70" including ground radar. Avionics were taken from the stock F-15A and the ground radar from Dave's F-15E. The cannon Pipper CCIP is WAY OFF in ground mode and sits at the top of the HUD. Thats the one and only problem I have with the avionics. I think it is because the BETA F-16C pit sits lower on the screen than other aircraft. Perhaps there is an editable entry that can fix the pipper? I have compensated by putting the "guncross" where the bullets actually go. Ideas on how to fix the ground cannon pipper?


Anyway now that that's done I think I will get WOI and try out the F-16A. So I ask again for help. I want to export the F-16A from WOI into WOE. Please will someone tell me what files exactly I need to export and in what folders they need to be in. If there is a post/sticky already just point me there. I have searched and done a lot of reading but haven't found the answer. I have only had this game a couple days but in that short time I have successfully added "Avionics70" to a modded plane. I learn quickly so please give me a chance and a little of your time. :biggrin:

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Just extract the files (about 30 of em) from objectdata.cat in WOI - put them in a new folder - and move the cockpit files to a cockpit subfolder - if yr not sure look at the file arrangement in other add on planes

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The fix for the gm radar is in the "Things you need to update Thread", possibly in the "Official Patch Thread", and the "how to" is in the knowledge base (which needs a small correction, pointed out to me by Canadair)


Don't know why we even bother with stickies, since no one reads them...It amazing to me how little attention is paid to things...


Me, I'm perosnally happy to wait for TMF's version, because I know it'll be damn near perfect.

Those that can't wait...can either learn paitence, make their own or do without. It don't get any simpler than that.



kevin stein


I agree with every line of your post Kev; I am personally (as you and others) banging my head to update my install and shared all the findings that caused me problems so far. But apaprently people do not do the searches that wpuld make their own life easier,, and making them learn more, so they can help out the community,, and we can all have more fun which is our ultimate goal I hope. On this topic Kev, correct that post in the KB, when you can , since that can lead to another endless line of "my GM radar does notwork" threads.

As for the F-16C, I have the whole series based on the F-16 model made by ?Dave? (can't remember)with an unfinhsed Cockpit of F-16 C (but I like it) that has been around for a while and updated their avionics at avionics70.(CCIP; LCOS; AA AND AG sympblogy) Nothing really MF level, since the cockpit is not finished, and avionics is not F-16, but I do like them and they are perfect until MF model arrives (I can't wait.)

I made them myself using files and .ini available on CA.. and retouched my inis (avionics and cockpit) They have been around for a while now

I could try packing a modern F-16C like those that I have in my isntall,, which again are far way from perfect..but I don't know if I actually can since they use stuff from all over the place..

Maybe posting only cockpit, avionics and avionics ini and cockpit ini?

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I agree with every line of your post Kev; I am personally (as you and others) banging my head to update my install and shared all the findings that caused me problems so far. But apaprently people do not do the searches that wpuld make their own life easier,, and making them learn more, so they can help out the community,, and we can all have more fun which is our ultimate goal I hope. On this topic Kev, correct that post in the KB, when you can , since that can lead to another endless line of "my GM radar does notwork" threads.

As for the F-16C, I have the whole series based on the F-16 model made by ?Dave? (can't remember)with an unfinhsed Cockpit of F-16 C (but I like it) that has been around for a while and updated their avionics at avionics70.(CCIP; LCOS; AA AND AG sympblogy) Nothing really MF level, since the cockpit is not finished, and avionics is not F-16, but I do like them and they are perfect until MF model arrives (I can't wait.)

I made them myself using files and .ini available on CA.. and retouched my inis (avionics and cockpit) They have been around for a while now

I could try packing a modern F-16C like those that I have in my isntall,, which again are far way from perfect..but I don't know if I actually can since they use stuff from all over the place..

Maybe posting only cockpit, avionics and avionics ini and cockpit ini?


EDIT, reading Lcountach post. I have to check again the pipper, I rarely Fly F-16. But I remember fixing it with crusaders help,,will check later,,

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Don't want to be pushy Canadair but did you remember the fix you did for the crusaders pipper? wpnssgt's BETA pit seems very sensitive to "ViewAngles". Only slight angle adjustments can cause the LCOS pipper to stick at the top of the HUD. The CCIP pipper never seems to work and always sticks no matter what I try. It seems xevilpetex ran into the same problem because his F-16A block 10 (only downloadable F-16 with BETA pit & avionics70) has the same problem. Both his LCOS and CCIP pippers are stuck at the top of the HUD. I have a feeling this can be be adjusted out but I don't know how. Canadair? Anyone?


Thanks in advance.


By the way I got WOI and exported the F-16A. I has over 100 files! Most were the HUD symbols. Once I get the Cockpit sorted I plan on making a F-16C out of it. When finished can such a plane be shared as a download or is that frowned upon?

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If that plane is bascially nothing but the WOI F-16A with some edited .ini files then you should definitely NOT upload it.

What you could upload are the files you have made, thereby creating an incomplete aircraft that would require WOI to function.

Edited by Gocad

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Hello LCountach,


I've been flying the F16 MLU with the Block 50 pit for a long time with "70 avionics" , working pippers, also in in A/G mode (that is that it goes down...), but without a working ground radar and without the left "ammo" panel.

It's such a long time ago that I don't even remember exactly what I did in order to get that far.......

Very interesting what you're doing, some sort of working Block 50/MLU cockpit would be great !!




Derk :smile:

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