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October 2008 patches for ALL ThirdWire Sims has been released.

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For those who don't know, ALL ThirdWire sims are now at the same standard with the just released October 2008 patch.


That's all of them, including First Eagles (with and without the expansion pack), Strike Fighters Project One and Strike Fighters Gold, and ALL three Wings Over xxxx series.


So go get the patches!


And don't be the guy who patches their modded install directly...you WILL pooch it up! It is no one's fault but your own if you torpedo your install because you didn't stop and think about what would happen!


Don't be THAT guy!



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YES!!! :biggrin:


Ive got backups too! Just wait till after X-mas ill (hopefully) have a video of bomb runs n such set to the dunkin doughnuts song! And I can actually maybe probably hopefully get this done quickly so it wont become another of my "infintely-two-weeks" projects :rolleyes:


"doin things is what I like to dooo, YES..."

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Oh Boy here we go again! I can just hear the questions now...

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Don't be THAT guy!




I take it you were the guy that wore the shirt of the band you were going to go see back in College??? :P


PCU for those that don't know, Funny movie that could have been funnier

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OK, I'm just going to throw this out there... and I'm well aware the answer may be "no, do a fresh install", but I'm gonna try any way...


I just (and I mean just) finished getting all my installs back to where they were before the last patch. It looks like there aren't that many changes from Sept 08 to Oct 08, and that maybe the changes would just have to do with a few of the core game files. Would it be possible (and easy enough) with this latest patch to install over a fresh install and then just copy the updated files over to a Sept 08 modded install?


I guess what we'd need is what files exactly were updated in this newest patch...


Does anyone know?

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Well, I guess it is a good thing I did NOT do the scorched earth thing for the last patch.


I am bound and determined to make a combined install of all the jet sims, patch it, and throw it's pristine-ness on an external drive (DVD?) and then

go ballistic on add-ons. Might take a week or so, full time...




Oh, and cheers for the heads up FC...

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Now I just need to find my disk again... I seem to have misplaced it after the last reinstall.

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Swap current install with backup install, patch, PROFIT????

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no room for backup... Curses!


well, at least my somewhat lethargic comp is still reliable.

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For those who don't know, ALL ThirdWire sims are now at the same standard with the just released October 2008 patch.


Same standard... What does that mean?

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I take it you were the guy that wore the shirt of the band you were going to go see back in College??? :P


PCU for those that don't know, Funny movie that could have been funnier


You should win a prize if only for making the first (prolly) reference to PCU Pit Party on this site.





Bantam: "A casual shoe for yachting...?"

Rand: "What is a blucher."




Greycap, they should all feature added features of the newer games and have a pretty high rate of commonality.

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So, do I need to patch up? And what I mean by that, are there any new features/fixes etc that would make my WoX experience better? I spent a lot of time bringing ionstalls back to where I like them, I don't want to have to do that again if there's no tangible benefits.

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Go read the readme.txt files, linked on the same page as the downloads, and decide for yourself if they are things you want fixed and/or added to your experience...

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Right, nobody reads the readme these days:


List of changes in this Update include:


Oct 2008



* EASY HUD Option now display labels with name and distance for all

active objects.


* HARD Targeting Option is changed so objects are always identified.


* In-flight map has been changed to show individual aircraft and their

names instead of just squadron.


* Fixes runways not displaying when playing Multi-player Dogfight.


* Guided bombs, when EASY Weapons Effectiveness Option selected, are

made to hit their target easier.


* Autopilot maintains level flight better.


IMHO most, if not all the fixes are based on the feedback TK received after the release of the Sept 2008 patches.

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Sounds like mostly core file changes. The best idea (like is ALWAYS recommended) is patching a clean install. What might be even better is note the changes in dates of files between a Sep 08 patched install and a Oct 08 patched install. Transfer over the newer files...and if none of them are ini or cat files, more than likely no objects have been changed.



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Gotta read those read me's for the patch.Alot of labels on screen now.Like the idea that MP Dogfight fix with the runway issue.

Rock n Roll!Or Funk-a-delic Parilament!George Clinton in PCU was great and was a party to remember!

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First impressions:


D'oh. TK fixed recon mission loophole. Now you really have to fly to the mission waypoint to complete the mission. :wink:


Also, I like the updated map.

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Great news! For me, it means that SFG will see the light of day again as once I got used to having the 'check six' rear view at the flick of a switch I've been unable to play without it. I think I'll use the fictional SFG for introducing new downloads and testing my mods and keep the WOX games for the authentic and semi-authentic (what-if) stuff.


Yes, it can be a pain starting from scratch but 'scorched earth' can be good and it's been ages since I've had a CTD.


Well done TK and thank you!

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ARGGGG! after all the work of bring my install up to the Sept 08 patch i have to start over? No way. I'm skipping this one for now, maybe in a few days i'll feel like putting up with this BS again!

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I don't see what people are cracking the sh*ts about. Pretty much whenever there's been a new patch, we've all come out and said "for best results, patch a clean install." You don't have to install any new patch, nor do you have to do it to a fresh install. But patching a fresh install does allow you to take a peek at the changes without screwing up any of your existing mods. If you do notice an discernible difference between the new patch and the previous version you have been using, it's all up to you. Don't like it? Don't apply the new one to your modded install. It's as simple as that. It's not like COD or something where you have to be up to date in order to play online.


That said, after patching, I'm not a big fan of then porting all of my modded stuff over to my up to date install , but the beauty of this game is it's modular format. It's freaking simple to do, it just takes time to add everything and make sure it's working and time is something I have increasingly less of these days.


This isn't like patching an EA game where your 100-500meg patches are fixing important stuff that never fully worked anyways. These patches are designed to bring all the features (whatever they may be) that were introduced incrementally through the SF/WOX/FE series and produce a more rounded, enjoyable experience for you, irrespective of which one you own.



Right, I'm gonna go have a little lie down. :stars:

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Never Mind, patched my totally Stock install and the only files listed as changed in the Update log were...








So i backed up the ones in my modded install and replaced them with the new ones and i'm up to date and it seems like everythings working fine. It just seemed like a nightmare to re-do weeks worth of work for very little gain.


Oh well, Live and Learn I guess.

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Just patched mine up and went out on a F-14D VF-2 farewell tour to intercept some 23's that was on a strike mission.This is an old mod from 2004 for SFP1 from AVSim.The D flew smooth and pretty as it gets.Hunters were bringing up the rear.Got todo a little f6ing around and found varies static aircraft (nothing new right?) and each one started to disappear one by one.Found some buildings in the rive,minor fix.MF weapons pack installed and weapons showed up this time without the weapon editor eventhough I will keep it on standby for farther mods gonna add.Reading the map in flight was a real pleasure,knew where flight was at all time.Combat lasted a total of 1:33 secs and one helluva dogfight ensued!RTB and was jumped by some,chk this out,8 Mig-29A's while in the landing pattern.Needless to say chk'd fuel,good togo!Chk'd weapons,2 heat L's, 3 Radar E's and 35% gun.Let's rock!My wingman and flight engaged without a word from me and it was raining MiG's!Jumped back into the landing pattern and went for the easy autopilot to runway (was taking screenshots) and set it down to hard...Big Dang Dummie!

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