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I love the smell of burnt flesh in the morning





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Better run trough the jungle, lalalala... :biggrin:

Edited by Leidgenosse

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Little Dieter Needs to Fly :minigun:







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It's been such a short time for the new Super Hornet here at CA.

And yet and still, she has already come such a long way.

I have been working on Rhino skins ever since the addon's arrival,

and I intend to cover the whole Fleet as developments come along.

Once I finish there...perhaps I might turn to re-skinning other Naval

platforms as well. :wink:


...However, back in personal life, I have been given an opportunity

to move up in the world, concerning my Maintainer's grind in the Navy.

Therefore, I will need to severely cut back on activity in the forums,

as far as uploads, mods, and screenshots are concerned.


Consequently, I am no longer planning to put preview or 'WIP' screens

to CA Forums. Instead, screens will be posted upon the project's completion,

whenever that happens.


...With that said, all completion screenies will be put on the

Official WIP Thread from here on out.


This announcement is for whoever follows the Super Hornet's progress here

at CA. Thank you to all those who hear me out, all those who were involved

in making such a fine addition to the CA Stable, and most of all, those who

slave their butts off to keep this awesome combat sim alive!


Thank You, one and all.





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I'll be honest man I'm not really much for decalling... but your work is definitely nice man, hope things go well :good:

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"You lucky bastard!" :biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:





"Do ya want a dag..."

"A what?"

"A Dag, you know what a dag is right"

"Oh a dog, no thanks..."


Ive got micky's accent nailed haha :biggrin:

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Hey Sid - If you were to finish right now you've left a superb body of work for us to enjoy :clapping: . Good luck with your career move :good: .





Moonshot Deuce*


* Good name for a rock band! Remember where you saw it first!

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Best film ever, for ever and ever and all the eternity :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:





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Strike Eagle loaded down with GBU-24A/B's on the way to make someone's day unhappy.



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Damn cool ! Will you be releasing this at some point ?

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Homeward bound


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Riders On The Storm ....



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Indian Hunter vs Pakistani F-6 (the one going down in flames)

Man, them 30mm DO tear s**t UP!!!!! :rofl:


(also, please ignore the tiling screw up -- I have to redo those. I promise! and ignore the 'white thingy' at the bottom center)



kevin stein

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Damn cool ! Will you be releasing this at some point ?



you can expect to see her soon. there are still some minor bugs but shes in good hands

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Posing, Escort, Enroute, and entering the pattern.





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you can expect to see her soon. there are still some minor bugs but shes in good hands


Look forward to its release when its ready. Thanks in advance.

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