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That's what I like to fly these days...

Where did you find that beauty? Is it compatible with sf2???

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If my mind serves me correctly, it's just a skin, and not bad either :good:

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Yes, that's only a skin, I am working on. I am using it as a project to learn this and that about skinning.

Thanks EricJ, that's quite encouraging.

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FANG Interceptor



Kills Bears Dead



Shadowhawk on the prowl



A host of Demons



Blue Diamond Scooter


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Vought F-8E Crusader of No.808 Sqd, Royal Australian Navy escorting a heavily laden USAF Phantom.

Edited by Spinners

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563th TFS Inbound to strike the POL storage at Haiphong

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My wingie and me inbound Vinh on a SEAD Mission.

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mirage IIIC, EC 2/13 Alpes, 1964...



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Phantom FGR.5 of No.54 squadron, RAF Strike Command.

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Nice one, Spinners!



So there I was, in an F9F panther over Korea. I had started up a single mission (strike) just to test out some changes. I planned to look around briefly and quit the mission. Then I realized the target was a bridge...unusual. So I stayed to get a look at it. This is what I saw...





My jaw hit the desktop. I'm in a Panther, on a strike mission...and I'm flying into the Bridges at Toko-Ri! Oh yeah, I am SO William Holden now. I couldn't let this pass. I dove in, trying to stay clear of the steep canyon walls, and trashed the bridge.






That was so awesome. I loved this mission!

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Now that's just plain old awesome. Why hasn't somebody made a mission file out of that?

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Sorry, no screenie but a request - how do I get a message to you? The messaging system says you "can not use the messaging system"...huh?

- Steve

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Post strike damage. The AAA was just too much. I nursed her home to a hero's welcome.



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Nice one, Spinners!



So there I was, in an F9F panther over Korea. I had started up a single mission (strike) just to test out some changes. I planned to look around briefly and quit the mission. Then I realized the target was a bridge...unusual. So I stayed to get a look at it. This is what I saw...




My jaw hit the desktop. I'm in a Panther, on a strike mission...and I'm flying into the Bridges at Toko-Ri! Oh yeah, I am SO William Holden now. I couldn't let this pass. I dove in, trying to stay clear of the steep canyon walls, and trashed the bridge.






That was so awesome. I loved this mission!



This is stunningly beautiful. In my opinion, the Korean terrain and missions are the best and certainly my favorite. Is this Strike Fighters 1 Vietnam with the free Korean add on from the download section or is it the paid version form a third party developer?

Edited by EricJ

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Super job on that city by the river. Great work





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This is stunningly beautiful. In my opinion, the Korean terrain and missions are the best and certainly my favorite. Is this Strike Fighters 1 Vietnam with the free Korean add on from the download section or is it the paid version form a third party developer?


Thanks much. This is the free Korean terrain (all inclusive campaign) installed over Strike Fighters Gold. I also added the terrain updates that came later. Sorry to the developers, I can't remember off the top of my head who made them, but each addon is still in the download section. Well worth it in my opinion.

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Willy Peter...Will Make You A Believer!



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Just so people stop whining....

I'll let you in on a secret...I've been revisiting BOTH the original Korea/Korea Winter terrains -in fact, I've combined them into a 4 season variant for 08+ level games. Unfortunately, springsummerfall uses the same tile set, winter of course being the white tiles. Have all but 1 sea/land tile working properly (oddity in the alpha, methinks) The major problem comes from the BNSeries tiles themselves --they're pretty much crap. And, just to make life interesting, the s/s/f tiles object postioning (ie: city tiles) don't match the winter tiles AT ALL!!! So terrain object buildings don't wind up where you put them. (what the terrain REALLY needs is a to be completly redone, from a new DEM, using Stary's 4 season Germany tiles -- they're probably the closest to the actuall terrain as seen in Google Earth, and from friends/family I've had stationed over there)

On the good side, the season switch to works perfectly.


For the superdetailed fall/summer tile set that EricJ was refering too -with all Stary/Brain32s super cool tiles and trees; that's a 63% terrain (size wize), and was ~85% finished when I was told I had the wrong one. So, that one too is being worked on, to try and finish it. Unfortunatly, it will NOT work with the original terrain, due to tile naming conventions, so in essence, when I finally get finished with it, you'll have 2 terrains -one with them fugly BNtiles and the other with custom Korea tiles.


so be paitent ... there's a LOT happening, both in-game and (unfortunatley) in my Real Life ™. And some new/revamped skins and airplanes (yes, the NKPAF IL-2M3,standing in for their RL™ IL-10s -as we ain't got one- will finally make it's appearence)

If you all are real nice, maybe I'll post some screenies



kevin stein

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