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I'd say bump mapping also, you can clearly see the difference on the tail with regard to the panel lines. Nice job FC.

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For those who said bump mapping, you are correct!


The latest patch has implemented bump mapping (If you run Object Texture at 'Unlimited'). Also, TK has released the newest 3d Max 2009 exporter to support bump mapping. I've just been playing with the parameter...it's pretty easy to implement. The hard part is doing it well...my attempt here was a 3 minute 'use the panel line layer' bitmap to see if the effect worked.


The absolute best way to make a bump map bitmap from what little I understand is building an ultra detailed mesh, then using a program that builds the bitmap from that model. Then taking the resultant bitmap and bump mapping it onto a lower detailed mesh. But that's currently beyond my skill and effort interest. I'd much rather hire a decent skinner to give me good panel lines and wells and build the bump map off of that.



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I was in the middle of my beauty sleep when the god damn alarm went of. Apparently we had 4 angry bombers comming to blow the crap out of our beloved runway.

Intercept mission



Funny thing is when i got closer it was a s**tload of fighters flying in close formation. Took out a couple of them but they got my wingman =(

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during the take off on CAP a formation a mig-17 tried to straff me and my flight

some of them crashed and some other were shot down by aaa

first time seeing it in the sim

the ai is more and surprising in this game







Edited by Murphy'S

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My wingman snapped this picture of me and my RIO on a CAP mission. We had it made into a postcard. :good:


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Grumman Tomcat F-14A - No.26 Squadron 'The Daggers', Indian Air Force


(Wrench's RN skin modified and with some Indian decals by me)

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Nice work Ant! The E-3D looks awesome!

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Thanks Jeff...still stuff to do tho..

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For those who said bump mapping, you are correct!


The latest patch has implemented bump mapping (If you run Object Texture at 'Unlimited'). Also, TK has released the newest 3d Max 2009 exporter to support bump mapping. I've just been playing with the parameter...it's pretty easy to implement. The hard part is doing it well...my attempt here was a 3 minute 'use the panel line layer' bitmap to see if the effect worked.


The absolute best way to make a bump map bitmap from what little I understand is building an ultra detailed mesh, then using a program that builds the bitmap from that model. Then taking the resultant bitmap and bump mapping it onto a lower detailed mesh. But that's currently beyond my skill and effort interest. I'd much rather hire a decent skinner to give me good panel lines and wells and build the bump map off of that.




I'd like to help, but for continuity's sake, you may want to ask the original skinner, in my professional opinion though.

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Grumman Tomcat F.2 of No.608 (North Riding) Royal Auxiliary Air Force



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I was in the middle of my beauty sleep when the god damn alarm went of. Apparently we had 4 angry bombers comming to blow the crap out of our beloved runway.

Intercept mission



Funny thing is when i got closer it was a s**tload of fighters flying in close formation. Took out a couple of them but they got my wingman =(


Hey guys, ever since I went to a flat screen monitor I've noticed that "stepping" quality of the sky at night. No matter if its a screenshot or in game the night sky and certain rain and fog effects appear to make sudden transitions in color like in this screen shot. Is that endemic to flat screens or is there a fix? ( then again, if YOU don't notice it, then its completely on my end)

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On Approach to Suwon AB


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That last pic looks like modern day Singapore.

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Doing more research...




The bump mapping is not tied to the LOD file. In other words, as you can see I deliberately renamed the body bump map as the wing bump map. I then also deleted the body bump map. So, the dark fuselage is the result of not having the bitmap at all, and the bad lines are the result of having the wrong bump map match.


What this does mean is that skinners can determine the bump map appearance of the model. But, the bump map bitmaps need to be posted in the main aircraft directory...they don't work posted in the skin directory. So, if a 3d modeler is inexperienced in bump mapping, a good skinner can take up where they left off.


Also, here's a better skin to show off the bump mapping:





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Does the bump map have to be the same resolution as the texture bitmap? Or can it scale up and down? Reason I ask is because it would be nice to have fine lines for the bump mapping which aren't always possible with the normal texture sizes we use.

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HOLY CRAP FC!!!! :yikes: I damn near jizzed myself with that last picture!!! :clapping::salute:

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Doing more research...


The bump mapping is not tied to the LOD file. In other words, as you can see I deliberately renamed the body bump map as the wing bump map. I then also deleted the body bump map. So, the dark fuselage is the result of not having the bitmap at all, and the bad lines are the result of having the wrong bump map match.


What this does mean is that skinners can determine the bump map appearance of the model. But, the bump map bitmaps need to be posted in the main aircraft directory...they don't work posted in the skin directory. So, if a 3d modeler is inexperienced in bump mapping, a good skinner can take up where they left off.


Also, here's a better skin to show off the bump mapping:





Also, if my mind serves me correct from the GRAW days, you don't necessarily have to make a new skin to get the effect. You simply need a transparent bump map overlaid on top of the main map.

Edited by EricJ

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The early bird gets the worm:




A thinly disguised MiG-21SM flight from a Soviet 'Volunteer' squadron during Operation Rattlesnake:




Fiddling about over the Kurzah docklands:



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