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WOV - Target Object Placement Interface Tool WIP

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This topic is a bit rusty but I was really looking forward to this tool. Any news?

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I was really looking forward to this tool. Any news?


I´m looking forward to it too.

Any news? is this still wip, or is the project stopped? :blink:

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I like many of you look forward to this wonderful tool.


Swambast, I have tactical patience.



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if you are still working on it Swambast,

will you make it compatible with SF2???

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Merry Christmas Everyone! Guys, I am really sorry for the delay…


...not only is the project still alive and well, it’s completely being overhauled, updated and super charged!


I’ve now built in native SF2 series support – working flawlessly between ANSI and UNICODE files, which was a major pain in the a$$. The biggest challenge also has been making this natively Win7/Vista compatible, which requires a huge re-write of the code which is still in progress but about 60% complete. In addition, for a few of my long-time beta users, I have addressed most things on our "wish list" and now it's soon to become our "test list". I’ve got a special surprise coming soon which was by far the most requested feature of the tool (guesses welcome...think "on the fly" object adds...). At the time, it seemed like such a simple request. Once I started delving into it, it was surprisingly complex but now getting close to completion. And another nice update is most of the objects have their width/length dimensions updated, so that scaling and placing of objects is more accurate than ever. Finally, I've made file management immensely better, where you can now create "Favorites", use drag and drop of any files, etc. that basically allows for one-click loading. And by far the most awesome feature of them all, is something I call "Quick Convert." But to fully appreciate it you have to see my quick video I made which I will post in the very near future. Don’t forget that we also have the SOC (STT Object Collection) function built in to the tool, which basically allows you to take any pre-defined target area (imagine an army camp with 100s of objects already placed) and move the entire camp to a new area using a simple drag and drop. The tool has exceeded everything I thought it was capable of doing, so it's just a matter of updating it. As some of the guys know, I also have a special version of the tool we're using for our SF2 Vietnam based project work that is helping out immensely with our terrain work.


Finally, for my other projects I’ve been working on something I’ve called the “Swambast Thirdwire Developer’s Notepad.” Honestly, it’s something I wish I had coded years and years ago. I’ve got that just about out of Beta and created a bunch of quick and admittedly lousy videos for the team to show off what it can do (will connect with Dave to share). Admittedly, for quick fix target area work needed, I find myself using this even more that STT at times (and this tool has now recently been made SF2 series compatible).


I hope to show off some updated screenshots of the tools soon…until then happy holidays everyone!



Edited by swambast

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Swambast (Steve),


Merry Christmas to you and yours. I am certainly awaiting this tremendous tool.



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Merry Christmas Steve!


And it's always exciting to hear about the new developments.


Cheers :drinks:

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With the STT re-write underway to natively support Win 7 / Vista and Series 2 titles comes some additional improvements and advanced functionality. As promised, I made some quick videos demonstrating these features (note I did not include sound this time). The coding continues, probably another month or two and it will be there.


First Video:

On The Fly Additions: Click here to download

All Target Entries within the .INI area are checked to determine if they have a corresponding library macro. The library macros are important since they define each objects width/length. If a macro entry is missing during conversion, you can now “on the fly” dynamically and very easily create one to update your library! No more painstakingly copying macros, editing each one’s individual code, etc. STT will now do all of the behind the scenes scripting for you after you simply tell it the dimensions of your object, how you would like to categorize it and other misc. project details. [AB: this one’s for you!]


Second Video:

STT Fast Convert: Click here to download

With the re-write to Win7 comes speed and optimized array handling…WOW! In this example, a new capability I’ve coded allows you to select an area and use STT to fast convert. In the example, an airbase area with 223 entries was selected along with the “STT Fast Convert” option. The result was a conversion that took about 5-6 seconds to complete; it not only created the output file, but merged it back into the source _Targets.ini file, loaded the scenery designer for you and put you right back in front so you can continue your work - VERY NICE!!!


Enjoy and thanks for the continued encouragement from all the PMs, emails, etc...!


The true genius of efficiency...





Edited by swambast

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Hello Steve,

glad to hear that your project continues, this is the tool with the most potential

I have seen for SF2 titles.

Monty CZ

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Monty, I hope you are doing well and am humbled by your comments, thank you! You have been a great supporter to me personally and an incredible contributor overall. Rest assured that if you're interested, I've added your name to the user list when the latest version/updates are ready. I'll reach out to you via PM and provide personal help as needed when the time is right; I'm still making slow but steady progress...

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All, thanks for the private messages and emails...I apologize for the delay but real-life demands have had me absolutely buried the past month or so. However, progress is definitely still moving forward! Thought I'd drop in and post a progress report of where things are. This is, by far, the best revision of STT ever and will natively support every Operating System and just about every Thirdwire game...thanks for the kind words and continuing interest.



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Ahhhh, great to hear from you again m8.... :clapping:

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At long last...after incredible time and effort...with thanks to a wonderful beta team...and perhaps one of the most awesome accomplishments...the latest breakthrough is complete. Integrated terrain tile to precisely place target objects...everything I could have hoped for is just about finished, now to clean up the code, update the installers and work on the quick mission editor features a few have requested.





Terrain Tile imported for Precision Target Placement



Edited by swambast

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Looks fantastic !

Is it available for download somewhere ?

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Unbelievable - what amazing work - even TK would kill for this capability I bet!

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Unbelievable - what amazing work - even TK would kill for this capability I bet!


Interesting you should say that.... :wink:

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Interesting you should say that.... :wink:


What by some miracle he has decided to use the tool and future patches / games will have more than 1 ground object?

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Simply amazing. Continued success to you on this fantastic project!



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Wow, pretty cool!

Btw, will you check that out in SF2 too?

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Thanks guys... :biggrin:


Yes SoulFreak, I have already made it fully compatible with SF2 series (the ANSI/UNICODE conversion was a nightmare to code through but finally got through it)...

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can i just say i cannot wait for this .......great work mate

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Steve, will it be available for general public?

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Thanks guys... :biggrin:


Yes SoulFreak, I have already made it fully compatible with SF2 series (the ANSI/UNICODE conversion was a nightmare to code through but finally got through it)...


Any news ?

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