+Fates 65 Posted February 1, 2009 I came with the Building. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MaverickMike 10 Posted February 1, 2009 I had purchased SFP1 and was quite happy with it as i didnt have much time to learn hardcore sims. Was thoroughly enthralled by watching other peoples combat online (youtube) and noticed that their were aircraft on it that i didnt have so i realised it must be moddable. Google search and ended up here. This is most probably the best 'virtual' decision of my life Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
column5 63 Posted February 1, 2009 the odd uber idiot Who you calling odd? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MarkF. 0 Posted February 1, 2009 (edited) QUOTE (whiteknight06604 @ Feb 1 2009, 01:33 PM) I migrated here from SimHQ when it became obvious that that site was being infiltrated by whiners and idiots... Me too. Hey..wait a minute..... Edited February 1, 2009 by MarkF. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DarthRevan 3 Posted February 1, 2009 I got here from link at SimHQ many years ago Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ClutchCargo22 0 Posted February 1, 2009 Been kicked out of every other bar in town............ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coolpilot 2 Posted February 1, 2009 I bought WoV 3 years ago and I liked the game so much I played it every time I could. Then (after 2 years) I found this video on youtube: http://mx.youtube.com/watch?v=gaBzKRvRfp0 I went to column5 and clicked on the combatace link , you can guess what happened. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nesher 628 Posted February 1, 2009 i'm here too since the good old BioHaz days... the guy the brought me down here was a member of my VFS "Dragon's Shadow" (flying Jane's USAF) he told me about a great forum to get info + stuff and i'm here since Joined: 22-May 03 damn... almost 6 years!! i was a little kiddo, well.. not that little Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Alexander51 3 Posted February 1, 2009 Me too. Been here since this site was formerly BioHazard. Found BioHaz from a link someone posted at SimHQ (I think). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rodent 0 Posted February 1, 2009 It actually started with PlanetSide for me, an MMOFPS. I made a video of it and posted on youtube. I checked the videos of one of the people who replied to mine and one of them was a video of Strike Fighters Gold. I thought it looked fun and it reminded me of the old days where I used to play a lot of flight sim games. It took a while, but eventually I came across a games collection box in a bargain bin and one of the games featured was Strike Fighters Gold. I remembered that video and picked it up. I also heard there was a very active modding community for it so I did a search on mods for SFG and came here. Best thing I have come across in a good while Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i90807065 0 Posted February 1, 2009 Its all coming back to me... I had just gotten interested in modding MSFS9, so one day while searching for more weps mods(other than the nuke) I stumble across "Weapons pack...MSFS" on google and went berserk...until I found that it wasnt for MSFS but for strike fighters. I browsed the site for a bit and realised I liked this game, just from pics and discussions, unfortunately, I couldnt find anything in any store. Later on in the year I was discussing about this crazy awesome game I found over the summer and he said he had something like it, he let me borrow it and the rest is history On another note, I think ive seen some of yall before here... I "know" eric from westcoastATC although I never visit anymore...Thirdwire eats my time whenever it can Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MigBuster 2,893 Posted February 1, 2009 SimHQ was my main haunt for this series long before the Modder wars - although Biohaz/CA was the main TW Mod download site so I joined up pretty much straight away. After the aforementioned the main core of the community moved onto here - thus combining the downloads with the people and creating a proper home for the Thirdwire Series - where better control could be maintained against the evil rivet counters :) And long may it stay here! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest pfunkmusik Posted February 1, 2009 (edited) I wanted to bridge some of the hard feelings between members of SimHQ and here. I joined have done my best to be a part of the community, even learning how to do some of the simpler 'tricks of the trade' (you really don't want to trust me with too much). I made a critical mistake. I committed a cardinal sin, if you will. I reviewed Wings Over Israel for SimHQ (where I am a staff member), tried to get a weapons pack to work (understand that I had just begun to dip my toe into the dangerous waters of modding), couldn't get it to work, and stated that I couldn't get it to do what I wanted it to and that furthermore I didn't care because I'm an out-of-the-box kind of sim fan. You'd have thought I was Satan incarnate. I owned up to an honest mistake and then proceeded to go one further. I decided to learn to modify the series. Not just adding airplanes, but truly trying something a little more difficult than getting an F-14 to carry a nuke-you-ler weapon. So, I started with something I could easily get started on with minimal capital, making a terrain. The Black Sea is the result of that effort. I am now working on three more terrains, I bought 3D Studio Max 09 and am taking college classes for credit this summer on how to use it, and I am trying very hard not to disappoint some really good friends I've made along the way. The best way to understand this culture that surrounds this game is to get involved and I encourage anyone out there to play around with stuff and submit it to the good folks here who will give it a thumbs up or thumbs down. They're fair, but they're demanding. Bring your A-game. Dave and Erik have been very kind, patient, and tolerant to me and I only hope that my efforts to kind of rebuild some bridges doesn't irritate them. I think that the ThirdWire series (especially now after seeing TK's latest efforts in SF2) is fast becoming one of the most viable sim platforms out there and the attention to fidelity and detail is only increasing, thanks in large part to the dedicated efforts of this community. Even after nearly seven years, people are still playing the game. MSFS has gone belly up, but TK's still bringing us amazing work and that simply gets mirrored by the members here. I try to be as ecumenical as possible because I absolutely love my job at SimHQ, but I have a deep and abiding respect for the work that goes on here and I've decided that the best way to keep this sim going is to simply be a part of it and I'm telling you all to get involved and take part in this enterprise, because it's been the most fun I've ever had. EDIT: Also, a HUGE thanks to the men and women who make all this fun possible, the modders. Also, thanks to the admins and management of CA. You're doing great work. pfunk Edited February 1, 2009 by pfunkmusik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+DoctorQuest 129 Posted February 1, 2009 I got here from link at SimHQ many years ago Yup. Me, too. Never looked back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
firehawkordy 34 Posted February 1, 2009 (edited) I'm like Fates and a lot of other folks. I came with the building Been here since it was Bio Hazard, found the link on the TW site. At the time I was just getting into flight sims and had a S***load of questions for both SFP1 and FS9, the denizens here had the patience to answer every last one of them. I've been away from the TW series for a few years concentrating on FS9 so I missed out on the "Modder Wars" and other fun at SimHQ. While I still post there,SimHQ, from time to time, CA is my main venue to rant, praise, brag and grieve. Oh yeah, I sometimes even make a worthy contribution to a post. Edited February 1, 2009 by firehawkordy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serverandenforcer 33 Posted February 1, 2009 I was going to a variety of places for the SF series, starting at Mc FLy's, then to Skunkworks, and once that disappeared, I only knew of Mc Fly's site and the links there to other various sites. I think I might have stumbled on in here from one of those links while looking for mods for SFP1, WOV, and WOE and said to myself, "Hey, this place is pretty cool." CA is now the first place I go to when I go online. It's a great site with great people who can tolerate me even after I act like a douche bag on a few occasions... at least I think they still tolerate me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Erik 1,943 Posted February 1, 2009 I came with the Building. Like the plumbing .... well over used ... probably getting tired ... but oh so appreciated and useful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hide86 0 Posted February 1, 2009 I stumbled here while suddenly discovering the existence of a Tomcat for the just acquired WOV; but the really shockin' piece of news was that the bird was available in a wonderful macross zero finish! XD I looked around and found out a place called CombatAce.com......mmmmmmh.....let's check this out..... might be interesting....... Well, I'm still here bothering you all.....and it's been wonderful so far! Thank you everybody, this place is one of the examples of how a great community should work! Now, let's go with some better storytellers, c'mon!....:) See you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+russouk2004 6,959 Posted February 1, 2009 Erm....I clicked on the Link...doh...!...lol Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted February 1, 2009 I was here when it was Biohazard Central. Then Madjeff was looking to close the site or sell it and the next you know Erik, Fates and Mk2 Shanghaied me. Was frequent over at SimHq but when things went down hill there, I put my 100% effort here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dload 0 Posted February 1, 2009 I went here as a guest multiple times to check the the place out, then I decided to register, but now I'm losing intrest in the SF series in favor of IL-2 and Rome:Total War. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gunrunner 323 Posted February 1, 2009 Combat Ace ? What's this Combat Ace you're talking about ? This is BioHaz right ? What year is this ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
firehawkordy 34 Posted February 1, 2009 It's the eels Combat Ace.... Come For The Downloads Stay for the EELS Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted February 1, 2009 Combat Ace.... Come For The Downloads Stay for the EELS I think we have a site motto now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites