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How did YOU end up here at combatace?

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I went here as a guest multiple times to check the the place out, then I decided to register, but now I'm losing intrest in the SF series in favor of IL-2 and Rome:Total War.
Sad, there is sooo much more here. To each his own.

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I used to fly EAW and mod it as much as possible.

I went to all of the EAW sites to get as much info as possible.

One day I read about this SFP1 game in a thread. I finally flound it at WalMart.(Yes,I still have the original install disk.)

I couldn't get it to work,so I went looking for sites with info(Biohaz,etc). I found out I had the wrong disk.

I shopped around and found the right disk at CompUSA.

I came to BioHaz a lot as a guest. When it switched to CombatAce,I was hooked and I have been here ever since.

The community is terrific. Eric,USAFMTL,Column5,Wrench and all the rest of you modders and persons who contribute so much of your time. High Fives and Salutes for your wonderful site.

Where can you go and fly any aircraft from a Spad 7 to an F-22.

With the upgrades and the new additions to the site,it just keeps getting better.


:good::ok::clapping::wink: :yes:


Special THANKS to TK for coming out with flight sims that are so moddable.

Edited by ezlead

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Picked up SFP1 like, 2001 (?).....Figured out that I could load my choice of airplanes....

Wandered in to Biohazard, figured out the place rocked....Went over column5, same!....

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Sad, there is sooo much more here. To each his own.


That's pretty funny to me. I dipped into IL-2 years ago when i was a seriously hardcore Mechwarrior4 Mercenaries gamer (LIGHT BRIGADE FOREVER /LB\ FOREVER LIGHT BRIGADE) but gave it up when i fell on hard times.


I actually made the move into WOV FROM Rome Total War. Can't tell you how long i spent on that game. Especially the Barbarians expansion! :good::good::good: As a matter of fact, since i replaced the HD on this comp i loaded it just as a test and sure enough, i'm slaughtering Romans once again. :biggrin:


If i ever stop procrastinating and replace the HD on my main comp, the Alexander expansion is what i'm going to explore as well as WOI and FE. Right now though, WOE is the center of my gaming world!

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I bought the first copy of SFP1 I could get my hand on back in 2001, and I played it for years with everything on easy mode. I didn't have internet, and I had no idea that you could upgrade or patch your games. After we finally got connected to the web, I ran aground on ArmorDave's site and tried to download a thud and a hunter. After that didn't work, I gave up for a while, but I came back later to google it and I found this place. After seeing the vast DL section, I had to become a member!


I had also just been kicked off of another forum site after locking horns with a rather uptight member who evidentally had the power to suspend my posts. This is the only place on the web where I have not been booted off after a couple months, so I figure I'll stay.

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migrated from some other site, have not stopped lurking since! I have been playing the series since around the time of the Walmart fiasco. Yes, I am a fanboi, now bite me stigler

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Well, when i first got Strike fighters gold, i saw on the back that there where hundreds of dowloadable aircraft off the internet, so i went on the Thirdwire webpage, but found nothing :( i was so suprised after what it said on the back of the game, i mean i really wanted to download a tornado. But anyway, i decided not to play it for a while, but then i dug it out again and decided to google for a couple of days, and low and behold i ended up here at combat, WHERE I GOT THE TORNADO!

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if you must pry?


Well along about 99 my family and I was part of this long wagon train headin outhouse west, when out of the sun, came the entire USAFMTL nation and let m tell ya he was open for business. He painted allot of pretty planes for us then he mosied on to other pastures I stayed in contact with him and when SFp1 was released I became a quasi member of the community, but had my hands full in the CFS2 community.


the more mods that were released the more interest I had in 3rdwire sims But I tell ya what pulled me over the top was the implementation of moving carriers!! That is what has kept my so long in the cfs2 world WOV I just love! CHHHH UUUGG errrrrr Oh guess I'm getting O/T I was a Biohaz member and just naturally stayed with the combatace team when they moved in..




Thanks Dave!!


Oh and I'm a fanboi too!!

Edited by colmack

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I knew I had signed up years ago but in my move after my divorce I lost track and ended up resigning up as Whiteknight06604.wow it's been a long time.I must have spent 1000's of hours here over the years and don't regret a minute of it.

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Damn Colmack has it been that long? The good ole CF2/3 days.Is Netwings even still around?

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:Warning! Flashback!:


I've always liked to take to the air ever since I was totally addicted to Aces of the Pacific when I was a kid, during the days in which I got out of bed at 5AM on a sunday just to be able to play for at least 4 hours without anybody complaining about it - more if I got lucky :biggrin: . After some time past those classic EGA modern jet sims like F-19 and A-10 I decided I needed something better looking but I never was a rivet-counter, I didn't mind them sims being a bit shallow as long as I could have everything I ever wanted along for the ride, so I ended up with Fighters Anthology.


:Fast Forward a couple of years:


With me thinking that the good old Fighters Anthology really showing its age I decided to go on the hunt for something that'd bring me at least as much content as the predecessor but with the ability to get perhaps even more - and being an Operation Flashpoint fan I decided I wanted something that would be moddable without limits. Some investigating around the web turned out that WOE was just what the doctor ordered and hey - I became a member at Combatace even before I got the game!!!


So here's my thanks to this great community of modders and members and moderators and Lazercats! :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:


(Edit: and... -> EELS?!)

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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Dave invited me to C5 and here when SIMHQ had problems. Been a SF'er ever since then.

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I can surely blame a friend of mine who sent me a link and asked me: hey can you download something from here??? the rest is history, and he no longer got interested on the site.......

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<-- I was Biohaz member #69. Oh yeah, baby. Anyone else active with a 2-digit number?

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<-- I was Biohaz member #69. Oh yeah, baby. Anyone else active with a 2-digit number?

No thats not the reason you are number 69. :tongue::biggrin:

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No thats not the reason you are number 69. :tongue::biggrin:



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I have absoultely no memory of how or why I arrived here when it was Biohaz. I used to pop in now and again, but I was far more a SimHQ guy.


I remember I won a copy of Dangerous Waters when it came out, and that sort of "bought" my loyalty to visit more often. :grin:

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Guest ruhzyo

I was drunk and the bolts were too tight. :biggrin:

Edited by ruhzyo

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I was led to believe there'd be punch and pie here (when it was Biohaz). Instead I found LOMAC skins I was after while everyone was raving about some game called Strike Fighters. I rejoined about 2 years later (when I figured out what this Strike Fighters game was) when it was CA and stayed for the witty banter and fart jokes.

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I remember seeing a demo video for SFG and bought it on the strength of that alone. Found SimHQ, stayed a while, and then joined The Great Exodus here to the promised land. I still look in on the Thirdwire forum but it's not the same.


BTW - Just downloaded the ODS (Only Dave's Sycophants?) mod and am lovin' it!

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I think we have a site motto now.


Well I think we found out what I'm good for :blink:

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I stumbled on this site when I was looking for a way to add a Nieuport to First Eagles.

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