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Strike Fighters 2 Europe

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Wow that is a considerable increase in detail for the radars and countermeasures. Light sim my arse.

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I imagine the community will find a use for those additional unused RWR icons...

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Well, that seals the deal. There go another $20. Can't wait to try it with the Saitek HOTAS I'm getting!

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pulled this from 3rd wire - might be useful


The ALR-69 RWR display can identify radar type and display different symbols. The symbols you're likely to encounter in the game are:




As Don says, lite sim my arse.


Sadly the F4,LOMAC guys wont even bother.


More sad, my f*** bank still haven't registered cash to my paypal account... need more patience, damnit!

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Patience, my ass!! I"m gonna download something!!!



kevin stein

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I think their priority is to make every game Vista compatible then make the add-on planes.

We all know that an add-on for WOI / SF2:I has been in the works (but I guess put on hold).


I was right all along


Yep, sooner we can get these Vista "remakes" done, sooner we can start working on new stuff to add icon_wink.gif (both in new games and add-ons)

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Patience, my ass!! I"m gonna download something!!!



kevin stein


Purchased, downloading :smile:

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Man I hope I will get my Tax refund soon. Dont have none of the new series yet :not_i:


Saw in the list a Hunter Mk51, then I can finally have a true Danish Hunter.


Is there added new bases in the Terrain??????

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...still waiting for my new computer. I swear this one has alzheimer's, just running the internet and it informs me that I don't have enough virtual memory so it has to shut down other programs, even though I have the max RAM for this thing.


As soon as I get it, though, I plan on putting a healthy chunk of my well-earned cash towards some high-quality TW games.

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Man I hope I will get my Tax refund soon. Dont have none of the new series yet :not_i:



Mine came last week. I´ll now go shopping @ TW-Online store.... :biggrin:

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After several fierce dogfights I can only complain about lack of debris collision feature -flew few time through fireballs full of detached flaming parts left by MIGs without effects.


maybe in a next release?

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You can collide with fuselage. I learned it the hard way when an unmanned Fishbed with a wing ripped off spinned and crashed right into my cockpit.

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You can collide with fuselage. I learned it the hard way when an unmanned Fishbed with a wing ripped off spinned and crashed right into my cockpit.


Roger on that, but not after colliding with ie. shattered wing or fin, not to mention the lack of damager from near plane explosion -the close missile detonations cause damage, exploding plane (gunkill) not. Anyway i have no such experience.


Small issues aside, great job TW! :ok:

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Two things I think I noticed once but have not noticed again:


1. AIM-9 lost lock on target and reacquired lock on a second target.


2. Dropped tanks in a high-G turn and collided with them causing significant damage.



Has anyone seen either of these things happen in SF2E? Or am I just imagining things?

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In SF2V I saw a Fishbed in a group fire a missile at F-105. The seeker glitched and the missile went for another Fishbed.

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I'm having a serious problem: on my XP machine, I get CTD each time I want to start a second mission. Not only in SF2E, but since installing SF2E also in SF2 and SF2V.


I reinstalled everything, confirmed that SF2 and SF2V are working fine, install SF2E again and bang! each time I start a second mission, it crashes.


I updated my Nvidia driver, DirectX and Audigy drivers to latest versions: still no solution.


On my Vista machin eI do not have this problem.

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All the old games are vista-compatible anyway, are they not?

Yes with Oct2008 patch all titles could work perfectly fine in Vista and now the funny stuff, a major feature of Vista aka DX10 is not fully supported because TK thinks not many people would use it - funny eh?


Anyway I do think new features, models, cockpits and other stuff are super great, but marketing theese games as Vista editions is a complete miss IMO

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Am just converting a ton of jets over into it at the mo - flew back to back missions ok yesterday though.


am on XP SP3 with merged SF2/2v/2e - is this single missions or campaigns?


do you have any mods?

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Yes with Oct2008 patch all titles could work perfectly fine in Vista and now the funny stuff, a major feature of Vista aka DX10 is not fully supported because TK thinks not many people would use it - funny eh?


Anyway I do think new features, models, cockpits and other stuff are super great, but marketing theese games as Vista editions is a complete miss IMO



Well on that issue TK says this

"The old games do not run under Windows Vista unless the user jump through some hoops (run as admin, don't install to default folder, etc).


This may be okay for someone computer savvy like you, its not acceptable for most users. And we don't want to be getting all the techincal support phone calls and emails and posts on the forum about "problems" - as more time I spend answering these posts about "how do I get this to run on Vista", less time I have working on the game




on a positive note - separating the mod folder from the core files is fantastic - and means less newbies having to risk moving core files .Not only that but a merged install will cut a lot of time and make it easier when patches are released in the future - for me any way.

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The terrain in all TW sims has had bump-shaders since SP4.


Note to self: Fly closer to the ground more often or get better contacts.



It's actually a thinly-disguised "space cannon", capable of hurling house-sized objects, moonward. Notice the empty houses nearby. After all, would you risk living in one of them, knowing that you stood a good chance waking up in Tycho's Crater, or the on Sea of Tranquility? :biggrin:





In SF2V I saw a Fishbed in a group fire a missile at F-105. The seeker glitched and the missile went for another Fishbed.


Note to self: Never ever call your wingman for help when being chased!

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So, after unpacking all the objectdata.cat's in a search for the new RWR .tga files, I have found them instead in the flightdata.cat in the flight folder of the core SF2E install.


Some of the currently unused .tga's include










RWR_SU-27.tga (I thought the Su-27 and MiG-29 used the same radar. Could be wrong...)


Nice of Tk to include these.

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Great news.

As soon as I get a new comp', I'll be downloading all the new games!

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So, after unpacking all the objectdata.cat's in a search for the new RWR .tga files, I have found them instead in the flightdata.cat in the flight folder of the core SF2E install.


Some of the currently unused .tga's include










RWR_SU-27.tga (I thought the Su-27 and MiG-29 used the same radar. Could be wrong...)


Nice of Tk to include these.


Yeah - ive made some of my own anyway :)









































have still got a few things iron out with the tews and some add on jets - taking ages!

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I'm having a serious problem: on my XP machine, I get CTD each time I want to start a second mission. Not only in SF2E, but since installing SF2E also in SF2 and SF2V.


I reinstalled everything, confirmed that SF2 and SF2V are working fine, install SF2E again and bang! each time I start a second mission, it crashes.


I updated my Nvidia driver, DirectX and Audigy drivers to latest versions: still no solution.


On my Vista machin eI do not have this problem.


Which dll is playing up here?

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Patience, my ass!! I"m gonna download something!!!



Patience my ass!! I´m gonna downshoot something!!!


(Got my PC crashed, waiting for repair)

Edited by macelena

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