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hi..so who misses me lol x

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hi everyone...i read your comments and well wishes..thank you all so much,...i promise ill be back being a bitch to you all as soon as i can learn italian an scream at these dr`s...although very nice hospital...love to you all...i will try post again soon as im ignoring all dr`s recommendations.



kisses n love to you all


xx vanessa xx (the princess bitch...lol)

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Looks like you're recovering .............


Get well soon !!


Derk :smile:

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Thank God! It was getting too quiet without you! :yes: So glad you're getting better, every time I eat an eccles cake I think of you. Many kisses back.

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good to know that things are 'getting better'!!!


Come back home soon!! :wink:



kevin stein

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Glad to hear you're getting better! Hope for a speedy recovery!

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Get well soon Vanessa

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Almost sounds like theres nothing wrong with you - better not be just a scratch after all the sympathy weve dished out ;)

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thank you all..i feel good,just parts of me dont work..lol...and miggy..your the first im gonna bitch slap,the thought of hurting you helps me so much..lol,


i dont know what drugs im on but they better be available in uk..lol,..so,quick run down..i got 7 broken bones.(which include both legs and odly enough my bum...never knew you could break you bum..lol)..had collapsed lung,and part of an italian fence through my abdomen and upper thigh.also had huge chunk in my eye..they thought might be left eye blind..but its blurrey,maybe perm glasses job..but least it works..and i look cute in glasses...quite a crack on the noggin,but they say i aint any more mental than i was before..and worst of all my eye liner was speared n i looked like s**t..!! lol


so..answer me this people...a sexy country like italy,the most perfect cars of ferrari,lambos etc..everywhere...yet i get hit by a freekin fiat ...lol


anyway..truely thank you all...your all wonderful peeps...take that compliment while you can coz u know i dont dish em out alot pmsl...im in good spirits,bit bored here as i dont know italian and theres no shops in the hospital.!!??


love you all xxx v xx

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Hey Vanessa I'm not a doctor, but based on your damage countdown that has got to hurt! I would guess that " a broken bum" probably is a broken tailbone, which a friend of mine told me from personal experience hurt like a MF!

Better late than never, please take care! Rest up and heal quickly.

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Why did you have to leave - wouldnt have happened if youd' stayed where you belong - all safe and wrapped in cotton wool - not taking any risks ever!! :biggrin:


The injuries sound bad ive got to say - still im glad you are still around - kinda ;)


I really hope you didnt get confused and were driving on the right side of the road btw!


i think the tailbone is called the cocksix ........or coccyx now ive just looked :)

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A guy I know once, while walking along the tracks with a bicycle, got hit by a train... off a bridge. Luckily he missed the water. He's fine now mostly, apart from some creaky joints. Married and got a kid after that. I think vanessa will be even more dangerous than that after she gets out of the hospital. :whip:

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heya..yeh gotta say it smarts abit..lol,im lucky that medical wonders numb pain,..as much as i bitch about the dr`s..they are fab..and finally convinced them that im aloud laptop with me...yay...it is awful in a place where you know nobody n dont speak the lingo..lol.


hey any one in italy..visit me,..n bring muffins..lol


and miggy babes..i just couldnt stand being in same country as you..you know that darlin..this will all turn out to be your fault..you do know that dont you !!! x


weather it tailbone or cocxic or however u spell it...(hehehe cocks sick)..or me bum..im sure its just so they can perv at me..they have me on a funny bed with my arse in the air half the time...lol x


xxx ps id be sooo bored without you lot x


xx v xx

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it is awful in a place where you know nobody n dont speak the lingo..lol.


hey any one in italy..visit me,..n bring muffins..lol



Buongiorno Signorina Vanessa, come sta oggi?


Hope you recovery well. Out of curiosity, which area of Italy are you stuck into?

And me and all the italian forum users are available for quick italian lesson. Both in perfect and educated Dante Alighieri's sentences and terrible swearing, of course.

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Hey you, long time no see. Hope you recover soon. From the last thread I kinda assumed u were racin when u wrecked out, was it a triffic accident??? Anyways, hope u recover quickly, I hate hospitals, they all smell the same, reguardless of where, it's not natural.

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Wish you fast recover.

Hope that you won't have any persistent troubles with your health after that accident.

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thank you all..i feel good,just parts of me dont work..lol...and miggy..your the first im gonna bitch slap,the thought of hurting you helps me so much..lol,


i dont know what drugs im on but they better be available in uk..lol,..so,quick run down..i got 7 broken bones.(which include both legs and odly enough my bum...never knew you could break you bum..lol)..had collapsed lung,and part of an italian fence through my abdomen and upper thigh.also had huge chunk in my eye..they thought might be left eye blind..but its blurrey,maybe perm glasses job..but least it works..and i look cute in glasses...quite a crack on the noggin,but they say i aint any more mental than i was before..and worst of all my eye liner was speared n i looked like s**t..!! lol


so..answer me this people...a sexy country like italy,the most perfect cars of ferrari,lambos etc..everywhere...yet i get hit by a freekin fiat ...lol


anyway..truely thank you all...your all wonderful peeps...take that compliment while you can coz u know i dont dish em out alot pmsl...im in good spirits,bit bored here as i dont know italian and theres no shops in the hospital.!!??


love you all xxx v xx


Holy s**t, real Cat 4 damage !!!

You ARE tough are you ?

My respect !!! :salute:




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Italian fence? Is that a fence with breading, cheese, and tomato sauce?? :dntknw:

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Maybe a buyer of stolen goods?

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Damn there's goes the neighbourhood... knew it was too quiet...


Get well soon and will wave on my way to Napoli in September...

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Italian fence? Is that a fence with breading, cheese, and tomato sauce?? :dntknw:



LOL...you penguin head !!! lol..fence..i know your american,(and secretly want to be british)..lets see how many start on that one..lol..hell yeh..


what do you call em then...its a thing that marks a boundry to keep things in or out..except it didnt work coz i went right through it !!..


i cant wait to get back so i can shout at you all properly...its about time you lot were brought in to order...and had a ruler..LOL x


see you all soon..i love some ov you..hahaha xx


PS..any italian swear words would be very very welcome..thank you

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we'll all have to call you one tough lady!!


glad to see you have your famous sense of humor intact and everything else on the mend.


What town are you in?

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