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New shoes

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Now its about time we had a little womans touch on here,i know we are few,but its time you men learnt another lesson..i got new shoes today and they are to die for,and if you disagree you will indeed die for them,as my heel is pointy..now boys..WORSHIP THE NEW SHOES !!!! xx


good boys xx V xx



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Black fishnets would look sooooo much better, but then I am a dirty old Sailor.

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I;ve seen better! hahahah


well your shoes are always better ,we know that,you pull off heels better than me lol xxx



you have a loose string hanging from your hem.


omg,whet year do you live mr,you and me are now going shopping to show you what women wear..look around the skirt,theres lots of strings from the hem,its how the skirt is,like jeans with holes etc...get you coat,you have an entire day shopping ahead now,and there all girly shops we goin to !!!! xx :lol:


xx v xx

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Ahhhhh..... orange..... good colour!

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ooohhh. i wonder if TK would be interested in making a shoe simulator.


xx v xx

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ooohhh. i wonder if TK would be interested in making a shoe simulator.


xx v xx


now that just sounds wrong...I would hate to think of the people that would be attracted to that game besides the normal women interested in fasion,BTW the shoes are cute and the skirt seems very fasionable I just can't see me in something the hip so I lashed out in a fit of jelousy ;)

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I suppose that's a good way to stimulate the economy, and a new thread!


Good to hear from ya :cool:

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There's no place like home, There's no place like home......... lol.gif



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mmmmm painful. Just stay away from wooden boardwalks. Although I once saw a really tall supermodel~esque lady walk with near like stilleto points on a wooden boardwalk (8 inch boards) with a good half inch gaps, and for maybe 30 feet she never let a point hit a gap, and she never looked down. That's an ace.


Anyways that's the Ussian version of Japanese foot binding, can't run away from a threat....and can't chase a victim. :good:

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Perfect for the Rocky Horror Show... do they make them in a Size 9 ??? :rofl:

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I will just state for the record that I fundamentally disagree with the concept of putting platforms under the soles in order to make the heels longer. They didn't do that until the last 15 years or so and I think it's lame.


My wife almost never wears heels, either. As in more than a couple of inches, I mean.

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The weather is just becoming quite snowy and icy down here in Normandy. I can imagine that's the model of pointy shoes the acrobat clowns should wear to perform their sudden take-offs and crash landings. Indeed, such red shoes would perfectly match with a white plaster around one arm. Or both.

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Great for our Queens birthday celebration.......



Hou doe,


Derk good.gif

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Shoes Simulator?:lol:



why do the peple complain when call us Sycophants?

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Shoes Simulator?lol.gif


Cool Topic !


I have a shoe simulator - it's called real life !


It's rather more of a Boot simulator in the current climate...brrrrrr Salute.gif


They are rather nice those V I must say...

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Cool Topic !


I have a shoe simulator - it's called real life !


It's rather more of a Boot simulator in the current climate...brrrrrr Salute.gif


They are rather nice those V I must say...


well, i think this you call real life is quite dangerouss...you can lost some toes or even a whole foot, maybe both...anyway... you can crash a couple of times in a simulation without have to worry in having any part of your body been ripped off you :grin:

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very cute and slick looking


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They don't look very comfortable. Cool orange color though. Back in the New Wave days I had a pair of red shoes with clear soles that I wore with yellow pants, and I'm male.

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