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Cold War movies

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Hii guys! I am looking for Cold War movies. Please name all of them that come to your mind :)


Thank you!

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Jet Pilot

Strategic Air Command

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The Hunters

The Bridges at Toko-Ri

The Package

Seven Days in May

The Bedford Incident (My Favorite)

On the Beach

The Day After

Pork Chop Hill

The Boys in Company C

Apocalypse Now

Go Tell The Spartans

Gardens of Stone

Edited by Nightshade/PR

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Surprised no-ones put in


By Dawns Early Light

Flight of the Intruder...


And for a laugh


Peter Sellars in Doctor Strangelove or how I learned to love the Atomic Bomb...


Ooop's the last one was already put in but its a great movie it needs to be voted in multiple times :lol:

Edited by Slartibartfast

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One fascinating film I saw *long* ago, but don't know what it was. Black and white film about a NAVY destroyer(?) playing cat~n~mouse with a hidden Russian sub among the icebergs in the Arctic, and they accidentally nuck each other -- nuck torpedo vs nuck ASROC rocket (I guess). No survivors. No heroes. Just makes you're mind go blank. I like those kinds of face slap endings.



THE BEAST, western movie of Soviets in Afghan.

Guy who bought the tanks from Israel ~> http://www.warriorsinc.com/FilmThoughts.cfm?ProjectID=7

Actor training ~> http://www.warriorsinc.com/FilmTrain.cfm?ProjectID=7



M.A.S.H. ... really about Vietnam.


Kelley's Heroes. My top fave, and its often said its really about Vietnam so its here. :)

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Lexx is refering to "The Bedford Incident" with Richard Widmark and Sidney Portier


for definate "cold war", I'd reccomend "Hell and High Water" (one of my personal favorites)


There's 2 versions of Nevil Shute's "On the Beach", the original with Gregory Peck*, and a remake with Armand Assante. I actually like the new one a little better, for 1 simple change in the ending -=no, I won't spoil it


definatly "By Dawn's Early Light" ... very well done. pretty good effects for time, for a made-for-TV movie.


a VERY incomplete listing can be found here:




but not just Cold War



kevin stein


*-watch for HMAS Melborne in the in-port scenes

Edited by Wrench

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see,you learn something everyday...i never knew dawns early light was a made for tv...i loved that and had it on dvd..i presume its same one,with....withhhhhhh,think powers booth and rebecca de somebody..(who also did soft porn lol)..the beast..which in uk was called beats of war is awsom,and always made me cringe when they started to run over the afgans legs.


What about JAWS....hey,theres nowhere in the movie that says the shark isnt a communist hell bent on terrorism acts of munching americans LOL x


xx v xx

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Cool movie from the USSR. German tile "Der Gegenschlag" "Counterstrike"

Soviet naval infanterists during a combat exercise. Cool guys and a nice girl.

I loved it when i was a boy!

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WHAT!!!!!!!! no one mentioned TOP GUN? it was great for showing how to conduct international relations(you know the finger)grin.gif

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and the iron eagle films..all i think there up to number 17 now,but 1 & 2 were best,predicting the future of bombing s**t out of arab countries, and of course...Red Dawn...WOLVERINES !!! xx


xx v xx

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Two more:

Buffalo Soldiers http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0252299/

The Fourth Protocol http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0093044/


Even James Bond movies like From Russia With Love and Octopussy have cold war elements.


btw By Dawn's Early Light is based on the novel Trinity's Child


It scared the cr*p out of me when I read it aged 15 in 1983!


And of course, Spies Like Us http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090056/

Russian Interregator #2: Every minute you don't tell us why you are here, I cut off a finger.

Emmett Fitz-Hume: Mine or yours?

Russian Interregator #2: Yours.

Emmett Fitz-Hume: Damn!

Edited by allenjb42

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the name escapes me but it has Leonard Nemoi aka mr spock as a nuc sub commander


and into the sun

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A Gathering of Eagles.....

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Nimoy as sub commander: "Fer de Lance", aka Snakes on a Sub*. Just awful...terrible...even ripped off scence from Ice Station Zebra for the boat under water. Another made-for-tv loser. (interestering how the US Navy only has ONE boat, numbered 509)


btw, add "Ice Station Zebra", Howard Hughes' favorite film



kevin stein



*= somehow, I just can't see Mr Spock running around with a pistol, screaming "I'm tired of these motherf**king snakes on my motherf**king sub!!!" :lol:

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That reminds me of a missed opportunity for Mace Windu's dialogue in the SW prequels.


"I am sick and tired of these MF'ing Sith!"



Sum of All Fears was a great Cold War book, but the film was updated away from that, unfortunately.


I still maintain Cardinal of the Kremlin was the best Cold War film that was never made. :grin:

Edited by JediMaster

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That reminds me of a missed opportunity for Mace Windu's dialogue in the SW prequels.


"I am sick and tired of these MF'ing Sith!"



Sum of All Fears was a great Cold War book, but the film was updated away from that, unfortunately.


I still maintain Cardinal of the Kremlin was the best Cold War film that was never made. :grin:


Cardinal of kremlin would be an awesome movie.


Im a huge fan of the splinter cell series from clancy. I would wanna see them as movies aswell.

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Red Storm Rising would have been the ultimate Cold War Gone Hot movie!

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Red Storm Rising? Clancys story from the taleswood! Forget it! The Rambo movies are much more real than Red Storm Rising! :drinks:

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Red Storm Rising would have been the ultimate Cold War Gone Hot movie!





However, it would be too long. I would say a miniseries, Band of Brothers sized, would have done better. It would have took a lot of money, btw

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I'm surprised that Dave didn't get this one: Red Dawn.




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