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Sage Burner next? That day-glo orange was pretty!

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New rule


Please keep all "what ifs" in the what if screen shot forum. That is what its there. I'm tired of my PM getting blown up with complaints. Thank you.


No disrespect intended , but it seems to me that some folks should just lighten up... I mean it's just a screenshot why bother the admins because its not 100% historically accurate. Just my 2 cents.

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my feelings exactly ... although I'd have expressed it much more colorfully


So, I take that includes the "X-Birds" as well?

Edited by Wrench
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No disrespect intended , but it seems to me that some folks should just lighten up... I mean it's just a screenshot why bother the admins because its not 100% historically accurate. Just my 2 cents.


I guess someone people dont like "what if" stuff. Also it was a user request for a "what if" forum too. They have their own forum for this stuff so they should use it. The way it is folks, can't make everyone happy.


Now back on topic.....





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Now back on topic.....


I would gladly pay you on Tuesday for a HAF Viper today.... :yikes:

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Hello guys, :good:


More and more accurate and beautiful your mods!!! :clapping:


Coupi. :bye:

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and some Buccaneer S2B with the all grey camo



Oh my. :yikes: Nurse!

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Returning after a successful training mission



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How long for the Bucc ? 2 Weeks


Why asking that question, when you already know the awnser?

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sheesh why do people ask when they know its 2 weeks no matter how long time is stretched it is always 2 weeks... :lol:

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Careful that could confuse people... especially if they have not had their coffee... :drinks:

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shot one ... VF-124 over Miami, 1958


shot two ... i thought Batista was on OUR side (what we were to intercept)

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I did ask two weeks or shorter :grin:


earliest possible date 15.sept.2011 , because of some real life matter that came up for one of the people involved in the project

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Gina returns home after a rocket training flight over the range.

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Doorgunner on a German Navy Sea King gets order to engage...





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P(h)retty Phantom

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Doorgunner on a German Navy Sea King gets order to engage...


perfect animation :good:

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