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The grey one almost looks like a carricature :biggrin:

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McDonnell Douglas F-4EZ Phantom - No.2 Squadron, South African Air Force, 1980

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This is not a drill !!!!!!



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McDonnell Douglas F-4EZ Phantom - No.2 Squadron, South African Air Force, 1980


Looking really great, as if it was no what-if!

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That plane looks really great! Nice work :good:

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USAF Super Mystere B.2.jpgUSAF Mystere IVA.jpgUSAF J29F.jpg Edited by GearyMcS

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McDonnell Douglas Phantom FGR.5 - No.6 Squadron, RAF South East Asia Command, 1985


Third Wire's new 'Euro One' skin - note the toned-down missiles.

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USAF Yak-25M.jpgUSAF F-86K.jpg Edited by GearyMcS

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Avro Canada CF-105I Folgore "Thunder" - Aeronautica Militare Italiana - 1974








These outstanding 6° Stormo decals were borrowed by Spinners.

Edited by ValAstur
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McDonnell Douglas F-4EZ Phantom - No.2 Squadron, South African Air Force, 2003

Edited by Spinners

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Edit to my last post: The decals were borrowed FROM Spinners and not by him :this:

Sorry if it caused some misunderstanding.

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Nice spin. phantoms forever, hope ya can share that one with us.

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Nice spin. phantoms forever, hope ya can share that one with us.


Uploaded and awaiting approval.

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Thx, that was quick. Dont see much for South Africa what-ifs. maybe some A-4's huh?

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why are they all carrying Thunderstreak Buzz Numbers??? (yes, I know -stock decal)


pick on from the 'don't exist after 1947 list'

this might help:



AA - Douglas A-24 > F-24, FA

AB - Curtiss A-25

AC - Douglas A-26 > B-26, BC

AD - Vultee A-31

AE - Convair XA-41

BA - Boeing B-17, Boeing B-57

BB - Douglas XB-19A, Douglas B-66

BC - Consolidated B-24, Douglas B-26 < A-26

BD - North American B-25

BE - North American B-45 > BH

BF - Boeing B-29

BG - Consolidated B-32, Northrop B-35

BH - Lockheed B-37, North American B-45 < BE

BJ - Boeing XB-39

BK - Douglas XB-42, Boeing B-50

BL - Boeing XB-44

BM - Convair B-36

BTE - Vultee BT-13*

CA - Beech CQ-3

CB - Beech C-43

CC - Beech C-45

CD - Curtiss C-46

CE - Douglas C-47

CF - Douglas C-48

CG - Douglas C-49

CH - Douglas C-53

CJ - Douglas C-54

CK - Lockheed C-60

CL - Noorduyn C-64

CM - Lockheed C-69

CN - Douglas C-74

CP - Cessna C-78, Convair C-131

CQ - Fairchild C-82, Fairchild C-119

CR - Consolidated C-87

CS - Boeing C-97

CT - Convair XC-99

CU - Douglas C-117

CV - Douglas C-118

CW - Lockheed C-121

CY - Chase C-122

CZ - Fairchild C-123

(F- "Photographic" designation in the next 8 discontinued in 1948):

FA - Beech F-2

FB - Lockheed F-5

FC - North American F-6 > F-51, FF

FD - Consolidated F-7

FE - Boeing F-9 > B-17, BA

FF - North American F-10 > B-25, BD

FG - Boeing F-13 > B-29, BF

FH - Northrop F-15 > F-61, FK

(P- "Pursuit" ended in 1948, became F- "Fighter"):

FA - Lockheed P-38, Douglas F-24 < A-24, Lockheed F-94

FB - Bell P-39, McDonnell F-101

FC - Curtiss P-40, Convair F-102

FD - Curtiss XP-42, Republic F-103

FE - Republic P-47, Convair F-106

FF - North American P-51

FG - Curtiss XP-55, Lockheed F-104

FH - Lockheed XP-58, Republic F-105

FJ - Bell P-59

FK - Northrop P-61

FL - Bell P-63

FM - Fisher P-75

FN - Lockheed P-80 > FT

FP - Convair XP-81

FQ - North American P-82

FR - Bell XP-83

FS - Republic F-84

FT - Lockheed F-80 < FN

FU - North American F-86

FV - Northrop F-89

FW - North American F-100

FY - North American YF-93A, North American YF-95A < YF-86D

GA - Waco PG-2

GB - Waco PG-3

GC - Waco CG-4

GD - Laister-Kaufman XCG-10

GE - Waco CG-13

GF - Chase XCG-14

GG - Waco CG-15

GH - Chase XCG-18

GJ - Chase XG-20 > XC-123A, CZ

LA - Taylorcraft L-2, Piper L-4

LB - Aeronca L-3, Stinson L-5

LC - Piper L-4 (original), Aeronca L-16

LD - Stinson L-5 (original), North American L-17

LE - Interstate L-6, Boeing L-15, Piper L-18 < L-4J

LF - Piper L-14, Cessna L-19

LG - Convair L-13, de Havilland L-20

LH - Aeronca L-16 (original), Piper L-21

LJ - North American L-17 (original), Beech L-23

LK - Aero Commander L-26

OA - Grumman OA-9

OB - Consolidated OA-10

OC - North American O-47

OD - Kellett YO-60

OE - Boeing PB2B-1

PN - Lockheed P-80

PS - Republic P-84

TA - North American AT-/T-6

TB - AT-/T-7

TC - Beech AT-/T-11, MiG-15 (USSR)

TD - Beech AT-/T-21, Beech T-34

PTF - Stearman-Boeing PT-13*

TG - Stearman-Boeing PT-/T-17

TH - Fairchild PT-/T-19

TJ - Culver PQ-/Q-8

TK - Culver PQ-/Q-14

TL - North American T-28

TP - Convair T-29

TQ - Fairchild T-31

TR - Lockheed T-33


fighter will ALWAYS carry a P (pre-47) or F (post-47) first letter


nice skins though!! :biggrin:

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Just picking easy near-year style numbers to Americanize them. Easy enough to change once they're placed.


Skins aren't mine. All I'm doing is re-decaling mostly stock skins. And as you guessed, with stock decals. Just learning how to do this and building the USFAF (United States Foreign Air Force) while I'm at it.


Soon I may try a skin with color/camo. :biggrin: Maybe even make a decal or two.



USAF SU-7B.jpg USAF Lightning F1.jpgUSAF Lightning F1-2.jpgUSAF IIIC.jpgUSAF Venom.jpgUSAF Meteor F8.jpgUSAF Vampire FB5.jpg



P.S. I think one or two have F-100 numbers.

Edited by GearyMcS

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Just a quick doodle as I am currently working on historical skins for the Phantom. It is a shame that this bird never flew in the German Navy. This is it in Norm 76, equipped with AS 34 Kormoran missiles:




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Ooh, that's nice PH. The high demarcation line looks really good.

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Thanks! And yes, indeed, the higher line looks nice. I first tried the RN-style, but it somehow did not please me 100% (it IS a nice camo, but it could be better). Then, looking at the Tornado, I realized that the Norm 76-camo put the demarcation line on the middle of the fuselage, no matter where the wing is. And voila... When I am done with the historical skins, I will release this one too.

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