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And did those feet, in an-c-i-ent time,

Walk upon Winder's moun-tains green...?


Maybe not that JC, no, but I bet John Constable's up there, copying those clouds. Reminds me of Suffolk skies.


They look just like the kind of photographs that make me want to get my walking boots on!

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Alsace indeed Lewie. Really beautiful now even the burnt out shell WM :) went for a pleasant fly sight seeing (following the train you see in the distance for a while) so something must be good.

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Excellent as always - although I'm more of a Flanders chap myself (although I must admit that being from Cumbria I do find myself pining for the hills. :grin: )


No doubt the modeling for the rest of western Europe will look equally as excellent as this though of course! :salute:

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Oh damn...... I got wood! I mean, that looks good!

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I'm not a big wooooo hoooo fan. But have to give credit where it is due. Very nice!!!- scenery and the sunset pic is superb. Thanks for all your hard work.

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...even the burnt out shell WM :) went for a pleasant fly sight seeing (following the train you see in the distance for a while) so something must be good.

Well, Winder, olde chap, you should take some time off forthis more often.

You may have missed, that the scenery in P3 was very beautiful already? :grin:

I love flying in the Marne region with Jasta 15 or 21 for example.

Now you got another step further - it's amazing.

When you now connect the main towns with the roads, as they had been there, it's perfect! :good:

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maybe bung a few more of these teasers up on the site......they're really nice to look at!!!!!

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Yeah, and if that would mean to give Winder more time OFF for just making some joyrides - give the man the time, guys! :grin:

Edited by Olham

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Yeah they will be on the site, eventually, just t i m e ;) there wasnt 48 hours per day last time I checked :(

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Yeah, I know the very problem! :lazy:

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The new scenery looks fantastic and the atmospheric perspective on those hills in distance is spot on! :ok:

Only one remark on a tiny little detail though...

Would it be possible to add shadows on the forest trees as well?

At least when flying at lower altitudes...'cause as it is now they give me the impression of kind of floating on the ground.

Is such an addition, (if ever possible), going to cost a great deal in FPS count? :blink:

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One solution would be to sleep less so that you could devote more time into OFF development work. :grin:

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Truly beautiful scenery...I can't stop looking at it...dreaming of flying my Snipe! (sigh)


Happy Days to come!...life is all about looking forward to things! :cool:

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One solution would be to sleep less so that you could devote more time into OFF development work. :grin:



We already do that. Lots of time to sleep when we're dead :stars:

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We already do that. Lots of time to sleep when we're dead :stars:


That's the spirit! :drinks:

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Very nice indeed - the lighting is very subtle in the first picture. I take the ones of the De Havilland were taken during a cloudy day? It'd be very cool to see shadows on the aircraft itself, where applicable. Perhaps that's there and the weather conditions didn't suit it, or the sun angles all to cock? Any hints on that Pol?




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We haven't changed the rendering engine Si, the day was overcast so no shadows particularly.

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Would it be possible to add shadows on the forest trees as well?

At least when flying at lower altitudes...'cause as it is now they give me the impression of kind of floating on the ground.

Is such an addition, (if ever possible), going to cost a great deal in FPS count? :blink:

I bet, exactly that - shadows for a whole forrest - would bring your framerates down most.

And when you see a dense forrest from above, you wouldn't find much light and shade anyway - it would be all dark.

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In my best Keanu Reeves voice..."Whoah!" :blink:

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The depth of these images is stunning - nice work!

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The loneliness of the long distance virtual tree planter. I tried to replicate the Black Forest in TargetWare using their base models for Stone Pines and Red Fir, they just ended up looking like a tree farm. It takes talent to be able to make a forest look like it's naturally planted.

Edited by Lewie

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The loneliness of the long distance virtual tree planter. I tried to replicate the Black Forest in TargetWare using their base models for Stone Pines and Red Fir, they just ended up looking like a tree farm. It takes talent to be able to make a forest look like it's naturally planted.


I've never done modeling before but I think you have to look at a lot of reference photos to get a good idea of how to place them. I've had to create a lot of natural-looking background environments in Photoshop mostly for print work (magazines, newspapers, etc.) and would never begin without some good reference points. And yes I agree, talent goes a long way.

Edited by Shiloh

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Very nice screen shots, is that the Alsace region? It pains me a little that I'm probably going to be stuck with a new machine quite capable of running OFF P3, but P4 may stretch it's abilities.


Has there been any mention of new computer specs for phase 4?

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