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true, disabling the shader disables the fading, but how the heck you were able to not limit the draw distance?



you're ussing some older flightengine.ini or environmentsystem.ini?




oh, idea, what's your BlendOp= for AlphaObjectMaterial? I used BlendOp=BLEND_DST_ALPHA at some time in my treemods, opposed to standard BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA

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some testing on GH3 Vietnam map, May11:



with shader enabled and BlendOp=BLEND_DST_ALPHA, check what happens somewhere at fading point:




























shader disabled:



























trees display farther, but aplha channel renders wrongly:










this one seems best so far:






























trees render correctly, don't fade, and render far. I have suspiction that DetailMeshSize= in flightengine.ini is taken from first detail setting ([LowDetailOption]) so setting all detailoption DetailMeshSize= to desired distance might do the trick..?

Edited by Stary

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Sooo.. you decide to tweak tree rendering the same weekend TK's testing the new patch?

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I still have to see what the new patch will bring for us, so yes, testing few things

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No fading trees and the horizon is stretching further. Any thoughts?




Check the Fog settings in Enviro....





Ramping the EndClear towards the maximum 1.0 lets more horizon show....okay...The Fog covers up the distant terrain so you can't see it, even if its there. Raising the EndClear to 1.0 lets you see clearly all the way to HorizonDistance=.


If this is Correct Thinking, then no, you don't see a greater HorizonDistance but you do see closer to the maximum allowed HorizonDistance. ie...Stary is using an EndClear closer to 1.0



:dntknw: :dntknw: However, on the other hand, this may NOT be Correct Thinking. Stary?

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yes, I'm tweaking my fog settings, but the above were with default settings, but the above were taken with stock environmentsystem.ini I think

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Guest Pfunk

Do any of the HD tilesets (GH, Europe, Israel, etc.) work out of the box without any .ini editing?

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they should do especially the older ones which had no shaders specifiec or deliberately disabled

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is anyone else getting a non-functional F8 "view target" keystroke??? I just noticed this!

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sometimes it works, sometimes don't, my suspicin is depending on target range -if the target is far way BVR it doesn't is my observation

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nother question for you all. just noticed last night while reloading the F-16 skinpacks that non stock planes/skins dont show up the nations or units in the loadout screen. belgian, danish and dutch squadrons show up on the stock skins for Hunter F6 and F-104G but not for the skins on the F-16A netz or say the Danish Draken. very disturbing as TK has many squadron decals in stock now esp for the dutch! tried matching nations to nations in the userlist, textureset ini and made sure theyu matched the nation ini. what might give here?


oh and warning guys... i've got my internet back! time to p[rove again theres no stupid questions only....i dont gotta finish it do i? :rofl:

Edited by daddyairplanes

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come to think of it i would agree with stary, as i dont seem to be able to see ground targets until between the 10 and 20 mile mark.. dont usually do it with migs unless a winder is on the way and im tryin to take a pic

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I was over the target, a few miles range and F8 didn't work.

does this every once a while..

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worked for me minutes ago, fighter sweep, I was able to view all nearby AAA units and planes

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try to pay attention ... that's NOT the same keystroke for 'view target' -- ie: F8. Seems to work for aircraft, but not ground targets (those assigned for STRIKE) You used to be able to hit it on the runway, and then F8jump to look at it. Not any more. Not even when righ over it

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I just flew an armed recon and the F8 was working like it always have

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Maybe there's a problem with it for some mission types. I've flown mostly strike missions lately and I usually like to do an 'ad hoc' recon of the target area while en route by pressing F8. No joy whatsoever.

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Maybe there's a problem with it for some mission types. I've flown mostly strike missions lately and I usually like to do an 'ad hoc' recon of the target area while en route by pressing F8. No joy whatsoever.


I noticed the same thing a while ago, but forgot to bring it up.

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nother question for you all. just noticed last night while reloading the F-16 skinpacks that non stock planes/skins dont show up the nations or units in the loadout screen. belgian, danish and dutch squadrons show up on the stock skins for Hunter F6 and F-104G but not for the skins on the F-16A netz or say the Danish Draken. very disturbing as TK has many squadron decals in stock now esp for the dutch! tried matching nations to nations in the userlist, textureset ini and made sure theyu matched the nation ini. what might give here?


I brought this issue up a couple of topics ago. Here's a link to the solution:


Thirdwire Forums


It has to do with having an entry for DecalLevel=0,1&2 in the Decals.ini.



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Guest Pfunk

I got GH3 and Stary's HD Germany tilesets working. Haven't found a decent one for the default Desert terrain.


Downloading the IsraelME HD tileset now. You know, I'd considered making a new tileset, but the existing ones work just fine.


I really REALLY like the terrain fade-out technique. I just wish it went out a little further.

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I got GH3 and Stary's HD Germany tilesets working. Haven't found a decent one for the default Desert terrain.


Downloading the IsraelME HD tileset now. You know, I'd considered making a new tileset, but the existing ones work just fine.


I really REALLY like the terrain fade-out technique. I just wish it went out a little further.


I use this one:




No HD tiles, but nice trees and other things. Works in SF2.

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I brought this issue up a couple of topics ago. Here's a link to the solution:


Thirdwire Forums


It has to do with having an entry for DecalLevel=0,1&2 in the Decals.ini.




appreiciate it dels. didn't put a level 2 in the decal.ini for the RDAF Grey skin for the Netz (hey it only has 3 line entries!) and so the service stayed the same but i can now choose the squadron. gonna hafta edit the ini in the Dutch skin for the Netz so that it akes advantage of them stock decals for the RNLAF. kinda a screwy system but it dont mess up my Phantoms (got levels 0-3 there) so i can live with it!

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I got GH3 and Stary's HD Germany tilesets working. Haven't found a decent one for the default Desert terrain.


Downloading the IsraelME HD tileset now. You know, I'd considered making a new tileset, but the existing ones work just fine.


I really REALLY like the terrain fade-out technique. I just wish it went out a little further.


for stock Paran/Dhimari Desert search no further:




Why new Israel tileset? SOmethings wrong with mine? :yikes:


I LOVE the fading trees Pfunk... but the locked distance makes most of my mods quite useless

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Guest Pfunk

No, no, Stary...(jeez, I stepped in it now, didn't I?)...I had considered just making a new tileset just for fun, just to see if I can actually do it, not to try to reinvent the wheel. Let's face it, I'm not groveling when I say this, but when it comes to dirt-painting, you and Wrench are the go-to guys. That's just fact.


I have this scenario that simply will not get out of my head, maybe one day I'll do it. I do want to remake the Black Sea, I was never satisfied with the final product.

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