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Norway capital Oslo bombed

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Watching it on CNN now....

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A sad day.


Last report I saw said one dead.



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Reports are saying it was a children's summer camp?


I hope the losses are minor and they quickly act against these terrorists.

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Reports are saying it was a children's summer camp?


I hope the losses are minor and they quickly act against these terrorists.


Actually its a camp for Youth of Norway social democrats. I am guessing this is some kind of political terrorist attack since that particular political group was targeted.


So far 4 people are dead and 1 suspect is in custod from the camp.

Edited by xclusiv8

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The first attack in the country? Damn...

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Over 5 dead now, maybe 7. Was this another "we'll kill innocents to demonstrate our resolve" idiocy?

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It's actual 2 attacks. A bomb in Oslo at the government buildings which claimed 7 lives. And a gun attack at a summer camp for young political on an island 10km from Oslo which has claimed all from 4-6 dead and up to 25-30 dead. But the gunman is caught

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Nothing surprises me anymore

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Norway is part of the anti Ghadaffi coalition, doesnt it? Maybe an act of revenge ...? Ghadaffi had threatened the west that he would do terror acts if the NATO doesnt stop the bombing.

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Norway is part of the anti Ghadaffi coalition, doesnt it? Maybe an act of revenge ...? Ghadaffi had threatened the west that he would do terror acts if the NATO doesnt stop the bombing.


If Ghadaffi wanted to make a statement i think he would pick a bigger country/power to bomb. No offense to my neighbors but France, Germany or UK would be far better candidates for such a thing.

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If Ghadaffi wanted to make a statement i think he would pick a bigger country/power to bomb. No offense to my neighbors but France, Germany or UK would be far better candidates for such a thing.

But the nations you named are better prepared for a Terrorist outrage... So pick a soft target (No offense) and a country that has not had a terrorism attack run on it, the impact is much more. But until we know more there is nothing that can be said about who did it...


Condolences to the injured and the dead...

Edited by Slartibartfast

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He's a Norwegian citizen...possibly a home grown Nut-Job...Like that dude in the States a few years back.


But talk about a 'soft' target...Norway is probably a Bombers dream come true!

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If Ghadaffi wanted to make a statement i think he would pick a bigger country/power to bomb. No offense to my neighbors but France, Germany or UK would be far better candidates for such a thing.


Nope, if there was a country in the coalition wich would chickens**t to terrorists, that´s us. Thanks God our cops are good on antiterrorism.

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No country is safe frm terrorism

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I'm thinking to myself, who the heck did Norway offend? I guess the soft target theory is as good as any. It's not like these terrorist attacks have any "real meaning." It's become like the mad bomber's equivalent of computer hacking by a 14 year old. It's destruction just to see what kind of numbers are reported by the press. A scorecard measured in deaths and wounds. These guys aren't fighting for a religion or a cause. This is the lunatic fringe of the world playing a twisted game of one-upmanship.

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My money is on a McVeigh-style nutjob, given that the guy they arrested was described as "ethnic norwegian".

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I just learnt that dead toll rises to 87, i´m not sure how many on each attack. Despite we´ve seen almost anything lately, it is still shocking. Many nations have had a day of terror, some got many. Norway got his yesterday, sadly.

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Yeah, it's two attacks, bombing in the capital and a shooting spee at a youth camp.




Apparently the f*cker was dressed as a cop before he started shooting at the youth camp.


One of the current theories is that the shooter's a far right nutjob. And I thought they it was reported that one gunman was in custody.

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They've had problems with Neo-Nazi groups in the past (ironic really, as they were occupied by the tossers)


Death Toll now 91

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Some information on the caught terrorist has surfaced. Apparently there were two of them but they just caught one. He views himself as a conservative Christian and has some seriously screwed up political views. He wants to keep the Norwegian culture ethnically clean and this was his way of telling the state about his views. Apparently he bought massive amounts of fertilizer to make the bomb/s as well.


Hope they get his associate soon.

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