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Hi All

I've noticed this 'small' issue with the Ali Cat.

Is one wing sweeping at the old settings and one with the new or I just need to clean the mod folder again?

FM was on hard and showed while i was pulling g's.




Edited by Karyovin

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we're going to post an update probably today with some fixes. thanks for the heads up Karyovin.

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I tried these in WOE but the engines just go off after i use the afterburners.

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... :good:


Many thanks!!! :salute:

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Thanks Spectre


The detail of the gear and wells have more detail than the pics above. and the AC does handle better. Excellent work! Thanks!

Edited by James T Kirk

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How come the IP for James T Kirk and you match exactly and have the same ISP? You have a 2nd account and you're thanking yourself? Or is someone using your log on?

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Thats my Dad's account. this is Ian is son. I log in through his ISP when i'm home, i'm at an internet cafe at the moment. you'll notice the IP should be different. when he logs in he's using my

old account with his name as Spectre.

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Roger. Just making sure his account wasn't hijacked.

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The Tomcats look super-awesome now... Thanks a lot Spectre....

Edited by SkyStrike

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Sorry everyone, i seem to have inadvertently left out the Pilot and Seat files.

unzip these into the "Objects\Pilots\" Directory of the Mod you put the F-14's in.


Edited by Spectre8750

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Sorry for the inconvenience everyone. Pilot and Seat files are now included and some residual files removed that caused cockpit visual problems. Repack should be good to go.



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Fantastic job, guys.


Any chance of enhancing the stock Tomcats as well? After flying your Tomcats I find the 3W 'cats lacking.

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I'm not sure at the moment, but that might be a possibility. A better solution may be to use "The Mirage Factory" ones in place of the TW F-14A models. And the Campaigns can have the TW ones replaced for Campaign play by editing the Campaign.ini's or by using the Campaign editor.

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BTW HomeFries, i'll put you in the next ReadMe for the NATOPS Manual Textures. I forgot to add you this time. Thanks for the Pic! Looks much better than the old one.

Edited by Spectre8750

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