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Hey DO


Need those Nimitiz class carriers soon? Got an ETA?


gotta do some texture edits this weekend, hopefully ready to be sent to testers saturday nite

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Well, TBH if the indie game is "Mildly Annoyed Birds" then YES, it is a pity! :grin:

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Whenever Dave goes on about testing Nukes I wonder which small country we have to worry about in case something goes wrong... :yikes:

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Well, TBH if the indie game is "Mildly Annoyed Birds" then YES, it is a pity! :grin:



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want to know what boring is??? Trying filling in all the blanks in 150 cities for a terrain mod; all the research of "who has what where"... and the movements, and making sure everything fits...and the look is correct....and and andandnananananananananaadd AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!




maybe classed as a type of insanity?

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Hey Wrench:Schizoterrainia!!! :rofl:


Hey Dave: Tell your wife your bored. :yikes: It's kind of like telling the Training NCO or the Leading Chief or the First Sargent that you are bored. They will always find something to 'unbore' you. Usually NOT to your liking. :punish:

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speaking of terrainianmaina, anyone have a good Mount Rushomre in MAX? I'd like to put it on the map, but we need to change Teddy Roosevelt's face to Dave's.*




































*its was Fubar's idea....I'm just following through....

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i'll never do terrains.. I'll stick to 3d and textures...


the terrain tiles ... maybe... configuring every airbase, target area, city... forget it.... unless there is an App that allows me to set airbases and lights on a map, fill the names in and hit enter to move on to the next, then when im done it will export the ini files for me.


I keep hitting send/receive on my web mail because I'm waiting for XFX to email me back regarding my RMA they've had for a month now...

Edited by SkateZilla

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@DO -it's called notepad!:rofl:

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f***ing A bubba!!!







































Edited by Wrench

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want to know what boring is??? Trying filling in all the blanks in 150 cities for a terrain mod;

That's why you fly at 50,000 so you don't need to make all that detail.


Fly a B-36B across a 12,000km map... :grandpa: ... never mind.


Dave are you into real heavy photography? I never had a real camera, but I'm great at setting up shots for others. I have the "eye" I guess cos I always looked at things most don't. But I'm looking for a really good camera now. Stuff I wanna do, night nature/atmosphere shots especially.

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Guest Pfunk

want to know what boring is??? Trying filling in all the blanks in 150 cities for a terrain mod; all the research of "who has what where"... and the movements, and making sure everything fits...and the look is correct....and and andandnananananananananaadd AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!




maybe classed as a type of insanity?


Agreed. Targetization is the worst part of the process.

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That's why you fly at 50,000 so you don't need to make all that detail.


Fly a B-36B across a 12,000km map... :grandpa: ... never mind.


Dave are you into real heavy photography? I never had a real camera, but I'm great at setting up shots for others. I have the "eye" I guess cos I always looked at things most don't. But I'm looking for a really good camera now. Stuff I wanna do, night nature/atmosphere shots especially.




ST0RM, Fates and Sundowner are the experts, they are the ones that got me started on photography. I have a Nikon D40 and its awesome. But if you want to know how its done, those 3 are the best. ST0RM has had numerous shots in aviation magazines too.

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Fly a B-36B across a 12,000km map...



If I may, my good sir, you WOULD be the one to do that...and accomplish it :haha:








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If I may, my good sir, you WOULD be the one to do that...and accomplish it :haha:

IMHO, the perfect simulation of it is to sit in a greenhouse on a very sunny day, start a chorus of vacuums behind you and spend the next few hours staring intently at your watch.

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Lexx would be the only one to fly 12000 map in a B-36

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Lexx would be the only one to fly 12000 map in a B-36


RB-45 :grin:

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RB-45 :grin:


that would have to wait for Korea mod... 2013, be sure :wink:

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ST0RM has had numinous shots in aviation magazines too.

numinous? gad he's so bored he's inventing new words! :lol: seriously try just going for a drive. no destination, just drive. or as others have said let yer wife know. honey do lists bring ends to boredom. (didnt say you'd be happy....)

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Stop modding for a while and just play the game/s....Or try CoD and then you'll love this series more than ever!

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numinous ... this is goes into the record. Thanks for the tip Dave.



Fellas, you need a new game. B-36 would need detailed nav modelling, targeting modelling, and if you ever saw Jimmy Stewart in Strategic Air Command, weather and tons of contrail modelling. They were making a high subsonic straight wing jet ARD (anti~radiation drone, just made that up) (GAM-67) to home in on surveillance radars.


Also, lots of MiG-15s and stuff to keep all your gunners happy, except none of the B-36 gun sighting systems ever worked except the tail cannon.


And you'd have plenty of air-refueled F-84s for escort and protect you from MiG-15s, so yes you'd have LOTS to worry about there. :grin:

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Boredom proof. If you ever get tired of flying it, shoot it down. Edited by macelena

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How long until they are ultralight (or something) that a soul with a very low mass body could get into and fly?

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Well now I have an updated ODS mod to test on so not bored anymore.



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IMHO, the perfect simulation of it is to sit in a greenhouse on a very sunny day, start a chorus of vacuums behind you and spend the next few hours staring intently at your watch.


Dude, you sure you aren't an airline pilot???



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