UK_Widowmaker 571 Posted December 13, 2011 It's number three for me I'm afraid....I can't say much thats nice about the whole experience...possibly watching kids open their prezzies...but that's where it ends for me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creaghorn 10 Posted December 13, 2011 i like it because the lords birth (although historically wrong date) is celebrated. but if you mean about commercialism, i do not like it. the main purpose of the day is lost nowadays. it's a day celebrating getting presents. playing heal world for a day. celebrating the big fat and scary coca cola man etc. if you mean the main purpose. i definitely like it, if you mean how it is celebrated nowadays, then rather not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UK_Widowmaker 571 Posted December 13, 2011 Ok....So I'm a miserable, old grumpy fart...I freely admit it!.....I'm now in my 50th Year....and am about to 'experience' my 50th Christmas. Have I had any mind-numbingly fantastic, memorable, superb, Life Changing Christmas days in those 49 past ones?.....Not a bit of it. Yes, of course it's nice to see the youngsters all excited, I'll grant you that..... But why do they have to get so excited at 3:30am?.....when you only just managed to crawl into bed 2 hours earlier, from wrapping up their new 'Super Toy, Gadget?.......which will no doubt be broken before lunchtime? So...the day starts, usually dull, drizzly, cold (white Christmas?....yeah...only in the Bing Crosby song).... and you're completely exhausted by 10:00am.....But wait!......Surely, I am excited about going to the In Laws at Lunchtime?.....well....No! My Mother in Law (who unlike the traditional ones) was actually...a very nice woman, who sadly passed away about five years ago....I used to look forward to seeing. Now she's gone...I have the Joy of four hours, with my Father in Law.....who lacks any sort of personality whatsoever!....Quite simply put...he is the singularly most benign, racist, Victorian, humourless old bastard I have ever met!....And for him to be joined, by my duplicit Brother in Law, cooking a Microwaved Christmas dinner...brings no feeling of Goodwill to all men whatsoever!.... I actually look forward to the Queens liven the place up a bit!!!! Christmas last yeah was a fun affair.... The Lighbulb popped in the front room standard we laughed!..... I laughed like an escapee from a mental instituition for three hours!!..I actually thought I was going to lose my mind, with all the Hilarity!!! But hey...I'm sorry Jesus....I know it's your Birthday and stuff (well, actually...probably not, as it's a Pagan festival anyhow...and we all know what you thought of Tree Huggers dont we?)...So look....have a great day up there...wherever 'Up there' is....and spare a thought for us mere mortals, with smiles painted like a knife-carved visage down here. It'll soon be Summertime again!....Just gotta keep that dream alive. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creaghorn 10 Posted December 13, 2011 uncleal is your father in law??? didn't know that . sorry, it was very inviting... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UK_Widowmaker 571 Posted December 13, 2011 uncleal is your father in law??? didn't know that . sorry, it was very inviting... Believe me Creaghorn...I WISH he was!..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slartibartfast 153 Posted December 13, 2011 Must admit I am in Widows place on this the commercialisation of Christmas drives me nuts especially when the stores start throwing it at you in September hell I am just recovering from my Summer Holidays... as to everything to paraphrase House... "The notion of picking one time of year to be decent to other people is obscene because it's actually validating the notion of being miserable wretches the rest of the year." Sorry its great to see the kids open presents but as to the rest its just crass commercialisation and a way for the companies etc to make more money out of us. Thankfully my family have placed limits on the spending as it gets stupid only people I go out and spend on is my nephews. Thankfully here in Austria its very very toned down compared to the UK or the States and that suits me fine. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UK_Widowmaker 571 Posted December 13, 2011 Thankfully here in Austria its very very toned down compared to the UK or the States and that suits me fine. Bliss! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MikeDixonUK 5 Posted December 13, 2011 (edited) It's as we feared doctor! A serious case of Grumpyoldsoditis, I'm afraid it may be terminal! Edited December 13, 2011 by MikeDixonUK Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Olham 164 Posted December 13, 2011 (edited) Firstly, in addition to my vote, a clear: NO, SIR! Before the day is there, almost everyone seems to be doing mad shopping or Xmas-partying; almost everyone is stressed; and then during Xmas plus 2 more feast days, we stuff ourselves 'till we burst, whilst we are wallowing in our misunderstood Christian love - if Jesus could see what we have made of his birthday, he'd chase us all out of the temple again. (Oh, I forgot: he CAN see it!) Edited December 13, 2011 by Olham Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Muesli 2,211 Posted December 13, 2011 Eversince Coca Cola shaped Christmas as it is nowadays, it is i.m.ho. a decadent commercial party. But for the sake of my little boy, I will try to enjoy or at least pretend to. Well, we here in Yurp are going the USA way.... al holidays commercially leeched! -Saint Nicholas, now more and more pressed away to make room for that fat dude in his sleigh... -All Hallowes Eve and Saint Martin, the light parades pushed aside to make room for the dress-up and candy begging Halloween... -Valentine's Day. Just something Hallmark is pushing.... I will surprise my wife with a flower or card and declare my love any day of the year! So.... my answer to the question is a definete 'NO!' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gr.Viper 131 Posted December 13, 2011 Wasn't Christmas merged with Roman winter feast to give it more popularity? Stuffing oneself is the whole point then. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MAKO69 186 Posted December 13, 2011 BahhhHumbug, (I enjoy my kids reaction, but the over commercialization bull is way over the top). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JediMaster 451 Posted December 13, 2011 It's fun getting stuff for my kids, trying to find stuff for everyone else just blows. The stuff I get is usually ok, but I can't recall the last time I got an "Oh wow". Did I mention in 10 years I've never had even 1 week off around Xmas, let alone 2? When I'm lucky I get to take a couple of days off before (like this year, the 22 and 23). Time off from work AND getting paid is IMHO the greatest gift there is, and I get far too little of it, especially around this time of year. Oh, one thing I can't STAND is this "war on Xmas" crap. If the thing is EVERYWHERE, how exactly is it being suppressed? Who cares what the employees at a store say to you when enter or exit? "Hi" and "bye" are fine for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Caesar 305 Posted December 13, 2011 Wasn't Christmas merged with Roman winter feast to give it more popularity? Stuffing oneself is the whole point then. Yes, which also makes it somewhat clear as to why the date was chosen, rather than sometime in spring (timeframe when Jesus was most likely born). The thing is, to me the date doesn't really matter; Christmas is the feast day of Christ, or, Christ's Mass. It could have been put at any date, simply as the date that is used in remembrance specifically of Jesus of Nazareth. My own birthday, 29 September, is St. Michael's Mass, and there's Masses for other saints, martyrs, etc. on every day of the year. It would make it easier for integration of Christian celebration into pagan nations to use a day already highly celebrated (winter feast) to mark that day as the Mass for Christ, and that's what happened (if my memory from those college courses is intact - correct me as necessary, but I think I got it). Which brings my own opinion of Commercialism Day into perspective. 25 December is indeed Christmas, namely Christ's Mass, but that isn't what is celebrated. I don't specifically hate that day, or everything about it, but I dislike quite a bit. The "War for Christmas" as has been mentioned is a joke, I am in total agreement with Olham's comment, and yes in America we've got people hocking their Christmas stuff even before our Thanksgiving Day has begun. And the carols/music...ugh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eraser_tr 29 Posted December 13, 2011 Wasn't Christmas merged with Roman winter feast to give it more popularity? Stuffing oneself is the whole point then. I thought it was a Germanic holiday that had feasts and some resemblance in decorating trees and wreaths. But then again, what didn't Romans have feasts and orgies for? I voted option 1. It's still not as great as when I was a kid now that I can buy almost whatever I want any time, but they don't sell eggnog any other time of year, its a great excuse to tell people to lighten up and make and eat food that other times of year you'd complain about being too expensive or too much work to make. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lexx_Luthor 57 Posted December 13, 2011 Post modern christmas is based upon "credit" or bank debt. lexx not during the holidays okay. --- Grumpywidow Widows 7 uncleal is your father in law??? hehe Christmas is neat, I kinda like it, but not buried by it. Just keep it simple, and no debt. stop it lexx okay. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Zurawski 33 Posted December 13, 2011 (edited) If you let the commercialization of Christmas (Yes.. I said it and didn't bastardize it into X-Mas or winter holiday) get to you, it is about as enjoyable as a festering boil topped with a fruitcake. My stance is if you keep your celebratory spending in check, take a moment to acknowledge Christ (And I say this being a firm Agnostic theism)... and revel in the pure joy that children bring to this season... Then "yes", there is much to like about Christmas. Edited December 13, 2011 by Zurawski Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Dave 2,322 Posted December 13, 2011 I like Christmas for the mere fact of spending it with my family. Lots of food, seeing my father and siblings when I can. Watching my kids have fun with there new stuff. I dont care for the commercialization they have done to it so the Slavens do our own thing. This year though like Thanksgiving, I am working the 24th and 25th so the military that was assigned to cover the NCC can be with their families. People did stuff like that for me when I was active duty so I am paying it forward. My wife brought up a good point, you see all the shoppers and the sales etc, but I never realized until Sheila said something, they are out buying things for other people. Think about it for a second, they are out to do something nice for someone else. They may not realize it but that is what they are doing. Everyday people do extraordinary things and do not see it. Just food for thought. My favorite thing about the holidays has always the family get togethers and all the food everyone makes. I come from a big family that can cook and with that in common, we have a great time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Gepard 11,847 Posted December 13, 2011 At the moment i vote for No.3 Or on good old german: "Im Moment kotzt es mich mächtig gewaltig an." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
fallenphoenix1986 603 Posted December 13, 2011 I'm an atheist so the religeous aspect is kinda irrelevant for me and most of those around me. However its still an excuse to get together and have a party in the middle of the dark, cold gloom of winter, which going back to the Pagan origins of the date was the whole point in the first place Craig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jjddoo 1 Posted December 13, 2011 My family has always celebrated Christmas. Never got too much into it (I was never told that Santa Clause was real...and I never believed it either!). I must say, though, that I've never felt so un-Christmassy before in my life! And it came from the Catholics, who took it from the equinox celebration and also implements from the Roman holiday of Saturnalia - a worship of their god Saturn. They decorated with holly branches, gave gifts, and had big feasts. Sound familiar??? Of course, those celebrating the equinox (I'm not sure which culture it was) weren't better. Believe it or not, but it went something like where they thought that some big monster was eating the daylight, and a few days after the equinox when they realized the days were getting longer, they'd celebrate because their god had forced the monster to puke up the daylight or something like that. Funny that they didn't realize that this happened regularly... I'll stop my ramblings. Theres a small bit of Christmas history for you people! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
+Zurawski 33 Posted December 13, 2011 My family has always celebrated Christmas. Never got too much into it (I was never told that Santa Clause was real...and I never believed it either!). I must say, though, that I've never felt so un-Christmassy before in my life! And it came from the Catholics, who took it from the equinox celebration and also implements from the Roman holiday of Saturnalia - a worship of their god Saturn. They decorated with holly branches, gave gifts, and had big feasts. Sound familiar??? Of course, those celebrating the equinox (I'm not sure which culture it was) weren't better. Believe it or not, but it went something like where they thought that some big monster was eating the daylight, and a few days after the equinox when they realized the days were getting longer, they'd celebrate because their god had forced the monster to puke up the daylight or something like that. Funny that they didn't realize that this happened regularly... I'll stop my ramblings. Theres a small bit of Christmas history for you people! Big monsters gobbling up the daylight? Sounds like my ex-wife... Wait, that was may soul she consumed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites