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I think weather won't be updated... but might aswell be that TK is holding some cards close to the chest, not showing all the new features... I think the 3D sea screen somehow slipped through -every other showing new water has it calm in sunny weather. Hey, it's TK, you never know what he's up to

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......and the Tomcat's ability to track 6 and launch against 6. With the above and what I mentioned I think we will have a great start on moving into the future of the series.


I want to be wrong but from TK latest post it looks like we will stay on the same level in avionics department...

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I want to be wrong but from TK latest post it looks like we will stay on the same level in avionics department...



locking and shooting at six targets at the same time doesn't mean the level of avionic is changing.


adding something like DIANE or ground locking radar is changing the level


at least in my opinion

Edited by Murphy'S

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^what Murphy'S wrote, I think locking 6 targets while still in lite way of doing things


select no.1 ->lock, select no.2 ->lock, select no.3 ->lock etc, sounds simple to me

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......and the Tomcat's ability to track 6 and launch against 6. With the above and what I mentioned I think we will have a great start on moving into the future of the series.


Don't know about that, when TK put TWS in the 15, we couldn't fire sparrows from that radar mode. I hope that NA will fix that capability. And oh I second Squid's request; a play back recorder.



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btw Mission recorder / playback please


I am going to have to vehemently disagree with you. A mission recorder/playback is a total waste of time. There are about 10 more features we need would rather have then something most will never use. That is one thing he said he will never put in there. Get FRAPS and make your own and replay them. That is as close as you are going to get.

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hmm I liked the mission recorder/playback feature back in the good old days, but agree with Dave there are more important things to focus on.


I just realized that in all Il2 titles I own, I used the mission playback to watch the supplied tracks to kill time -once, and never used it myself later playing them. Same with Mig Alley and BoB2:WOV. In DCS A-10, I never ever used it, so good point. Movie making guys, and there are some doing great clips around, will use FRAPS anyway



If I had the chance to choose, I'd prefer the time to be spend on 3D view in mission editor (Janes' ATF baby!) or possibility to add target areas via said mission editor...

Edited by Stary

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Don't know about that, when TK put TWS in the 15, we couldn't fire sparrows from that radar mode. I hope that NA will fix that capability. And oh I second Squid's request; a play back recorder.



Really? I can't remember not being able to shoot Sparrows or Amraams in TWS mode?

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I just realized that in all Il2 titles I own, I used the mission playback to watch the supplied tracks to kill time -once, and never used it myself later playing them.


We used the track system in il-2 quite extensively usually for "flight school" purposes, you know stuff like how to beat a spitfire with a fw-190 and stuff like that but also for some bragging when somebody would do something pretty neat.

But then again we also had multiplayer so it perhaps made more sense, other than multiplayer stuff it was more like hey who can fight 4,8 or whatever number of ace AI planes or who can kill 4 tanks with a single bomb, crazy stuff, it was kinda fun I must say...


FRAPS is a bit of a FPS hog and the file takes a lot of space with il2 trk/ntrk system you could make a one hour track that would take up a few hundred KB's...

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i dare to disagree too. what is of Importance is totally subjective here. I should had explained also better that i was not refering to gigabytes of avi recording (ofcourse could use FRAPS or any other of the many good tools out there to video record anything) but the playback Falcon4 and ED provides. Full 3D & timeline controllable debrief style replay. And even in the case of movie making, replaying this way gives you the option to change cameras and angles and thus have proper access to a played flight / mission to properly enjoy making a movie. (its also awesome to my view that players can share tracks ... and this is '98 technology)


For some, its very important to have their moding lives made easier. They get their kicks by moding. TK has shown he understands that and takes it seriously into consideration so he has been providing improvements & tools for modders. Others get their kicks for example making movies. To me personally and subjectively all the expected improvements are kind of equal weight no matter the field. For example If TK won't give me playback or better environment i will just appreciate and have fun with what other improvements he provided and just keep on asking politely grin.gif (i am not the only client ofcourse)


Personally i spend alot of time and find it totally fun replaying missions (or game sessions in general, in any kind of simulation, eg driving) and view them from a third person perspective, pausing, changing cameras, angles, check what was going on in the theatre, on the targets and other areas at the time of the X event, or how the y event looked from a specific aspect , setting up screenshots etc I don't see why my taste of fun is less important than other clients wink.gif

Edited by squid
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As I recall, Streakeagle patiently explained to you why it is impractical (read that as prohibitively expensive) to add any sort of playback/recorder to this series, as per TK.


To refresh your memory: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8585&p=53779&hilit=+mission+recorder+#p53779


Given a choice between adding better avionics (even if it's nothing more than threat-assignable RWR tones) and a mission-recorder, I would vote for the avionics improvements every time. And I suspect that the vast majority of Thirdwire fans would agree with me.

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f***in' a bubba!

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I bet it would be very tough for the programmer to design a mission recorder, if it wasn't included in the design phase.

I would've enjoyed using it too. But since TK has already said this won't happen, its best to drop it.


I also hope people don't crowd TK too quickly after SF2NA is released.

The screenshots show a lot of promise for cosmetic improvements. It's likely to include som improvements for naval battles and avionics too.

Which could introduce bugs/feature limitations.

I will prefer not to pressure him. (at least right away :grin:

Edited by PureBlue

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yeah we'llgive the man one day of rest before Gr.Viper starts SF2:NA bughunting thread, as usual :grin:




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yeah we'llgive the man one day of rest before Gr.Viper starts SF2:NA bughunting thread, as usual :grin:

"The game's just not complete without the corroding effects of seawater"

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As I recall, Streakeagle patiently explained to you why it is impractical (read that as prohibitively expensive) to add any sort of playback/recorder to this series, as per TK.


To refresh your memory: http://bbs.thirdwire...ecorder+#p53779


Given a choice between adding better avionics (even if it's nothing more than threat-assignable RWR tones) and a mission-recorder, I would vote for the avionics improvements every time. And I suspect that the vast majority of Thirdwire fans would agree with me.


Ofcourse . I am sure though that avionics improvements will always come from TK in one way, level, interval or another (like they have been so far). And even at this stage avionics (and other functions / features) are right now, which are good enough fun (not that i am not expecting advances in that field too like everybody) "I would be more than pleasantly surprised if TK provided a mission playback feature" . Just wishing, only for the you-never-know sake. Its just unfortunate i don't belong to the vast majority grin.gif I will never tho stop expressing that can't help it missing the neat Jane's USAF record / playback feature, and since SF has replaced Jane's USAF in my installed sims, its just here i would express that. Doesn't mean i will complain or act like someone promised it (while the contrary), just wishing & please just don't pay attention :tongue:



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Its just unfortunate i don't belong to the vast majority grin.gif

Resistance is futile


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As I recall, Streakeagle patiently explained to you why it is impractical (read that as prohibitively expensive) to add any sort of playback/recorder to this series, as per TK.


To refresh your memory: http://bbs.thirdwire.com/phpBB3w/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=8585&p=53779&hilit=+mission+recorder+#p53779


Not a particularly good one, most track recorders are actually built around mission logging so really logging game events into a file that can be read and executed by the game later...does not sound and really is not like nuclear physics lol.


I think TK having such a small team/coding alone is a way, way better and more reasonable explanation...

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don't forget that mission recorder would most certainly require the exact same installation/mods setup for playback

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Most of those sims that have that style of recorder wind up with broken tracks with each patch. So what's the point?


As for firing Sparrows in TWS, you can't do that in real life. You'd need to double-bug the target to enter STT and THEN you can fire the Sparrow, as I did hundreds of times in Falcon 3/4 and other sims. The AMRAAM and Sidewinder can fire on targets in TWS, yes, but neither are SARH. :wink:

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It´s worth remembering that some avioncs features had been covered in a provisional way. There is no Diane, but the Diane (ccip) mod covers it, i got it working even on B-52s and Vulcans. Anyway, before that, youu can "use the Force, Luke" and drop snakeyes wich rarely miss if employed as they seemed to be in RL. About track and shoot at 6 opponents, you can do it manually quite fast, if you ask me, however it´s of little practical use...on the current, usual game environment. Anyways, any improvement in that sense would be a master point in a new sim. New aircraft may be covered with mods, but improvements in the gameplay and new features, as we´ve seen lately, are what keep the sim alive.

Edited by macelena

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I like mission recorders. Spent hours in the Chuck Yeager's Air Combat one around 20 years ago, fondly imagining myself in the ACMI range at Nellis.

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We don't have pitching decks now, right?

Edited by PureBlue

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