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is the F-100F available for d/l? that would be awesome for Misty Fac and Wild Weasel 1 mods!






mandatory screenie: the Dave solution to lead ships of Russian battlegroups................

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some missile testing , i needed 3 missiles to get that Dagger :heat:







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Where'd you get that F-100F from?


Yankee Air Pirate , including the RF-8A in the screenshot



mandatory screnshot


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As I understand it any YAP stuff is off limits right...unless you pay for it?

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Vertical Dawn





Faster then sound




Evening tranport - hopefully some vodka))))



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@CB34 You know my motto, when all else fails, use nukes.

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Coming soon.Mig29-K..just a little to do and can release


Bort No`s may be dodgy as hard to find,



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Gruppe für Rüstungsdienste - Flugversuche





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juuuuuuuuussst a little decal experimentation

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Nice, :good:

but the Swiss Testplanes wear the normal Camo under the test marks instead of white...

Swiss Tigers only wear that one (2 tone grey) paintsheme, but It often looks like one color due to weathering.

Very helpful, for detailed skins Paulo:


Ok Carlo thank You. I will upgrade the pack with Your material.



Semi-mandatory screenshots:



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so, who else likes post-war Oddities???

(and before anyone spouts off about 'what ifs..', I suggest googling "nc.900")

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F-4E , some more detail shots


i hope i can satisfy any rivet counter´s :grin:










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Ok Carlo thank You. I will upgrade the pack with Your material.



Semi-mandatory screenshots:




Looks like my ROCAF skin pattern... Nice Work.


Coming soon.Mig29-K..just a little to do and can release


Bort No`s may be dodgy as hard to find,


Are you going to make the changes that include the 'extended' trailing flaps and the 'sharktooth' horizontal tail? Nice Work...

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F-4E , some more detail shots


i hope i can satisfy any rivet counter´s :grin:


Nope! Its missing a rivet work harder! :biggrin:

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Nicely done... did not get a chance to browse through your work or photos. Question? You are adding the 4th pylon and the inflight refueling probe, correct?


I hope you guys make all the Mig-29/35 families. Would love to see the Mig-29M and a 'what it' Mig-29M(SMT) mode.



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