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Is this something we can fix ourselves?

Yep, extract the BM_MIRAGE5E2_*.BMP files from the DLCData028.DLC, use a tool to convert them to true normal maps (I used Paint.Net and the NormalMapPlus plugin, however I do not know the settings used by TW originally, my attempts so far seem either too flat or too strong) and place the result in /Objects/Aircraft/Mirage5E2


But that would still need fixing by TK at some point anyway, I already reported it.

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Can't have too many Mirages!


Isn't the Libyan roundel for the '70s a green dot?

This is what I'm getting:


Edited by arthur666

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-2.5 is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to far back. Pilot's shoulder's should line up the forward flap line (0r is that the radiator?)

Don't forget,




is TRUE in the data ini.


if you turn OFF the fuselage, you loose the prop, for some reason. that should be the nose mesh


albeit it a bit forward, try this:




it's jussssssssssstt forward of the external windscreen framing. Of course, we could ask at 3rdWire the windscreen mesh name ... and I can hide easily.


screenie: correct 1948 serials numbers


nuts... forgot the cockpit pics in the last post!

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@ Arthur, green roundel for Lybian from 1977 to 2011... I think!

Edited by Coupi

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@ Arthur, green roundel for Lybian from 1977 to 2011... I think!


Yes, you're right. I guess Qaddafi had been in power long enough to get good 'n' kooky by then.

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Can't have too many Mirages!


Isn't the Libyan roundel for the '70s a green dot?

This is what I'm getting:


LARAF Mirage 5Ds markings at the time were essentially the same as those of the Egyptian Air Force aircraft, but without an eagle on the white field of the fin flash, and the serial applied in Arabic characters before delivery from France

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Kev try this? "spinner" rename if different.


Under [AircraftData]







Edited by russouk2004

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Nice Pack and a Top Price! Next Pack Comes with MiG-25, F-22 and some F-5´s?!

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Entries I added work ok...

s199 ,flaps dont work.

mine dont anyways

slats stay extended ?

on WW2 terrain it bounces like a bunny...and goes off centre...autopilot takes off straight tho..

heres my pit entries...using the 109E pit.



also I noticed flashing polys on the wing intakes\coolers each side in middle...




Edited by russouk2004

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I'm going to open a thread in the Prop Forum (WW2) just for the S-99/S-199


so we don't clog this one up toooooooo much! :biggrin:

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Got it. While all are great additions, the zippers kick ass. Agile, hot tempered, death ray with the M61...I had trouble for gun kills as i´m temporarely without a joystick (wich is why i don´t fly propeller driven aircraft, can´t compensate the torque well) but it was awesome to go on a rodeo with one of those ponies and shot down migs with the gun as long as i could keep it straight.


Btw, about the FM...IIRC, Starfighters were quite sluggish in modded installs compared to the stock ones...wich one is correct? Is the modded FM made this way to prevent spins or something? I heard the 104s were quite agile, if unstable and unforgiving, and this fits better with the behaviour of stock FM, but i read criticism towards this as well: "They are just like smaller Thunderchief" or something like that. And USAF versions are even more agile and unstable than F-104Gs and CF-104s



EDIT: As an example -First mission: 1967, 4 F-104C escort 8 F-100D into North Vietnam. 4 MiG-21 appear. After merging, we engage the MiGs while the Huns go ahead (i know, bad idea, there could be more MiGs along the way)


While one of them turns into firing position for a missile shot, i do a hard turn. My aircraft rolls inverted, but i manage to recover it. I lead the target and spray into his way with the gun, tearing his port wing off. I fly into another wich is chasing my No3. I shoot an AIM-9 when i get tone, 1.5 miles behind him. Before the winder hits, i´m warned of a missile against me, so i pitch up and right. The Atoll flies meters beside me, already spinning after the evasive maneuver, into the trail of my winder, wich already hit his MiG.


I go down from around 16000 ft to almost 2000ft, when i finally level with the horizon. My chasing MiG managed to stay on my tail all the way down. I fly as fast as i can, leaving him behind in an smooth turn, when my wingie puts a Sidewinder into his tailpipe. The other element already downed the 4th MiG. If that isn´t awesome, i don´t know what is.

Edited by macelena

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@macelena, I tried this experiment:


Take the new F-104 to 400kts @2000ft while running due North. Roll left 90*, then pull stick all the way back and make the tightest loop you can back to due North, while timing yourself. Now, try it in the stock TW Netz. The F-104 wins. That can't be right.



Found an old F-104J DATA.INI that was based on the old stock F-104G(I think it was changed recently?), and copied all of the surface data to new .INI files.


Here's the "A". It feels better to me. Fun to fly but can't out-turn a Viper!


Edited by arthur666
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Mac, I think the Zippers were another plane that got a bad rep from people who didn't know how to fly it properly, check this out: http://www.916-starfighter.de/Sounding%20off%20about%20the%20Zipper.htm . Lots of other good stuff at the site. A lot of aircraft don't respond well to the "yank and crank, pull harder on the pole" method of ACM, the F-104 was definitely one of them. Hell, "everybody" knows the F-4, for instance, turns like a brick; and it does if you just yank on the stick and try to follow a MiG-17 through a level turn. Put it into the vertical though, and fight the Rhinos' fight and it was very often a different story. Aircraft lose energy quickly in sustained hard maneuvering, having a high thrust to weight ratio allows you to maintain energy and therefore speed, and as we all know, Speed is Life! :biggrin: Anyway, click that link and enjoy yourself.

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cant seem to get the mirages to show as flyable. got the s-99 and 199 and the f-104's though. Anyone else?

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No trouble on my end using the Mirage5BA and Mirage IIIO cockpits.

Edited by Gunrunner

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cant seem to get the mirages to show as flyable. got the s-99 and 199 and the f-104's though. Anyone else?


Post your first section of Miragexx.ini . Maybe you overlooked something.


AircraftFullName=Mirage 5E2
AircraftShortName=Mirage 5

Edited by arthur666
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@macelena, I tried this experiment:


Take the new F-104 to 400kts @2000ft while running due North. Roll left 90*, then pull stick all the way back and make the tightest loop you can back to due North, while timing yourself. Now, try it in the stock TW Netz. The F-104 wins. That can't be right.



Found an old F-104J DATA.INI that was based on the old stock F-104G(I think it was changed recently?), and copied all of the surface data to new .INI files.


Here's the "A". It feels better to me. Fun to fly but can't out-turn a Viper!

Hello, many thanks Arthur,... From the stock Data, I don't understand why the F-104A engine nozzle don't move! Idem for the "C" What do you think? Best regards, Coupi. Edited by Coupi

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Btw, about the FM...IIRC, Starfighters were quite sluggish in modded installs compared to the stock ones...wich one is correct? Is the modded FM made this way to prevent spins or something? I heard the 104s were quite agile, if unstable and unforgiving, and this fits better with the behaviour of stock FM, but i read criticism towards this as well: "They are just like smaller Thunderchief" or something like that. And USAF versions are even more agile and unstable than F-104Gs and CF-104s




When you say "agile" - it probably had a good roll rate with those small wings and small body - and in the vertical was probably comparable top other jets of the era like the F-4 Mirage 3 or MiG-21. As far as horizontal turns go - Andy Bush tells us that it could turn okay at high speed with maneuver flaps - but at other speeds out of that high speed range then maybe not as good. I would expect the MiG-21F-13 to be better in the Horizontal at lower speeds (proved to be very good in Constant Peg) based on a bigger wing area and lower wing loading.

  • It was very fast on the deck as well as up high
  • No Buffet at max turns (any buffet means back off)
  • Moves Andy performed at Top Gun consisted of keeping a high energy state with lots of burner and probably G.
  • A 1975 EM diagram for the F-104C I have suggests a 15 deg max turn rate at ~480KCAS (Alt = 5,000ft, 2 x AIM-9E, weight =18,457LBS).

Another pilot (walt BJ) claims the corner speed was on par with the F-4 with takeoff flaps.


When Andy describes the turns it seems a lot of effort needs to be put in to fly it to get the best out of it - now when I last flew the AI only TW F-104G it was easy to take off (almost by itself), fly and I seemed to be able to turn in the horizontal with the MiG-17 at lower speeds - so if its anything like that then I would say the old Modded F-104s are far more accurate.

Edited by MigBuster

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Guys, I placed the F-104G cockpit on the DLC F-104C lates but can´t get the in-flight refueling probe view. If I set "ShowFromCockpit=TRUE" to the nose, all the cockpit stuffs apears. As the .LODs are hidden I have no idea how the correct parts are named. Could anybody help me (us) please?

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Guys, I placed the F-104G cockpit on the DLC F-104C lates but can´t get the in-flight refueling probe view. If I set "ShowFromCockpit=TRUE" to the nose, all the cockpit stuffs apears. As the .LODs are hidden I have no idea how the correct parts are named. Could anybody help me (us) please?

Hmm... that worked for me. Changing "FALSE" to "TRUE" is the only thing I did, except, I had installed the pit from http://combatace.com...-sf2-by-supgen/ over the old TW pit.


BTW, haven't played with pit positioning yet. Maybe Wrench could post his findings?


BTWBTW, the FM data I got was from the F-104J from pappychksix.

Edited by arthur666

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When you say "agile" - it probably had a good roll rate with those small wings and small body - and in the vertical was probably comparable top other jets of the era like the F-4 Mirage 3 or MiG-21. As far as horizontal turns go - Andy Bush tells us that it could turn okay at high speed with maneuver flaps - but at other speeds out of that high speed range then maybe not as good. I would expect the MiG-21F-13 to be better in the Horizontal at lower speeds (proved to be very good in Constant Peg) based on a bigger wing area and lower wing loading.

  • It was very fast on the deck as well as up high
  • No Buffet at max turns (any buffet means back off)
  • Moves Andy performed at Top Gun consisted of keeping a high energy state with lots of burner and probably G.
  • A 1975 EM diagram for the F-104C I have suggests a 15 deg max turn rate at ~480KCAS (Alt = 5,000ft, 2 x AIM-9E, weight =18,457LBS).

Another pilot (walt BJ) claims the corner speed was on par with the F-4 with takeoff flaps.


When Andy describes the turns it seems a lot of effort needs to be put in to fly it to get the best out of it - now when I last flew the AI only TW F-104G it was easy to take off (almost by itself), fly and I seemed to be able to turn in the horizontal with the MiG-17 at lower speeds - so if its anything like that then I would say the old Modded F-104s are far more accurate.


Yeah, that's WaltBJ in the link I posted above; according to him (and several other sources) you can drop flaps (to the first notch) at up to 550KIAS; of course, you can't leave 'em out there forever, but it'll definitely boost your turn rate.

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Guys, I placed the F-104G cockpit on the DLC F-104C lates but can´t get the in-flight refueling probe view. If I set "ShowFromCockpit=TRUE" to the nose, all the cockpit stuffs apears. As the .LODs are hidden I have no idea how the correct parts are named. Could anybody help me (us) please?

try "refuel"

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Not only can you drop flaps at 550kts, the leading edge flaps are linked to them. Sweet!

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Yeah, that's WaltBJ in the link I posted above; according to him (and several other sources) you can drop flaps (to the first notch) at up to 550KIAS; of course, you can't leave 'em out there forever, but it'll definitely boost your turn rate.


Expect it provides more lift and lowers the wing loading a little - and as far as I know the F-104 is the only design that benefits from this

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