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ThirdWire Android/iOS ... more of it...

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It's got LAU's and Bullpups loaded, so I would assume a yes. Also, I recently extracted the default Red Lightning '79 campaign_data.ini, and came up with a very interesting find...




BaseArea=Brüggen Airbase


Now remember, this is fresh from the core game files, last I checked there wasn't a Third Wire designed Jaguar 1 in the game. For reference I'm currently running the May-2013 patch.

Edited by CowboyTodd41

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The inis have had Jags mentioned for a while now if I remember correctly, Buccs as well. Similarly, Northern Sabre calls for an RF-8G in the stock ini.

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TK always mentions the aircraft the Squadron really did fly whenever possible; regardless if it is in the game or not. I want to believe this is a nod to the modders since using a Jaguar with that name will automatic put it in the campaign - but still.

As for IOS development; could not care less. I am glad TK has found something that works, but I am worried it takes time and effort away from PC Titles.

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Many types are included in the data inis, some of wich have been included later in expansions or DLCs, like Su-22s, MiG-25s, half post-war RAF (Mosquitos, Meteor nightfighters, Venoms, SwiftsJags, Buccs)... it could be great if a MiG-25 was released in another AI pack. My game is trolling me with false new DLC announcements, hope there is something new soon.

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My game is trolling me with false new DLC announcements, hope there is something new soon.

Glad it's not just me!

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same here!! all the damn time!!


I, too, am glad it's not just me

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OH MAN GOOD. Every time that happens I go on a mad dash to my .ini files to make sure nothing got jerked around.

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...and I always checked the aircraft selection screen to see if the inis got refreshed again! :p


EDIT: Crusader was faster :ninja: , though I also found this screenie on TW's FB page: http://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1098466_10153107960565203_88529483_n.png

Edited by wrathbringer21

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On the announcements also depends on how often you work a particulsr install, i've been working two installs specific to naval Phantoms so not so much. But i go onto my SF2E or regular SF2 install and ..... NEW DLC CONTENT AVAILABLE!!! Ugh.....

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I just see that the first release, Strike Fighters Android , has crossed the 1 million downloads mark too. 

SF2I Android crossed that mark some weeks ago already.

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of the 3, SFA Isreal is the most fun. prop on prop/early jet action. the original still has my interest as i am trying to get to level 76 and the Raptor. Attack is ok, but the planes seem much too sluggish near the ground in comparison to the other two (fly the Falcon in all three and see what i mean) and it is a pain in the butt racking up points 50 at a clip. plus (final gripe) can anyone explain to me why those convoys have better IADS than Hanoi or Bagdad?!?!?!? now a merge of the 3 would be very interesting if the AD troops are pared back just a bit.....

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Started playing this when I wasn't in a state to use a PC - I quickly got bored of flying for Israel, was far too easy - so contract fly for the Arabs now.


You do certainly get a semi historical education on all the different MiG-versions and the weapons they use.

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SF2Attack is the one I played the most I think, then Israel one

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Hope it was worth it - suspect you will still be surrounded by 8 MiGs at close range.................

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Fucks I give for mobile games = zero.


He releases more DLC's; he can.....







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