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Hi!!! I am planning a new fictional terrain, so I need some ideas! I am planning a Cold-War scenario, featuring a recently independent WWII nation with internal problems during the 50s and 60s. Here's my idea:


             A Brithish colony that was granted its independence by Great Britain in 1947 and is supported economically by the West. It's neighbouring country has always been indepenent and that due to its strategic location, was used as a Soviet base of operations.

             In 1955, and with unofficial Soviet support, the north made a small-scale invation of the south, in orther to create a new and united socialist republic. With western support, our newly independent nation struggled succesfully for its existance, until two years later, 1957, a stalemate was reached, with no official peace, only a temporal ceasfire between the two nations.

             Now we are in 1966. With the American intervention in South-East Asia, and fearing a similar situation, the north, now fully and officially backed by the Soviet Union, sees the chance to make the dream of a united socialist republic come true. A naval blockade and an air campaign are the prelude to a full-scale land invasion. Some border outposts are quickly taken, toghether with three air bases. NATO responds with a full-scale deployment of forces to return stability to the region.


As I am not that creative, I would like you guys to give me some ideas regarding the names of our two little nations, names for the capital cities, etc. and other suggestions.




                                       Thanks very much!!!!

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it's be easy ... no cities, no trees, and maybe uses 10 tiles
















was thinking of the old board game 'war on the ice'

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Central Europe and southeast Europe (Balkan)

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there are 2 Balkan maps already, one by Colum 5 (that  I have and needs MAJOR reworking), and one by Baltika, that I don't know the status of -but that's more better than C5s (and was much further along last I saw, 18+ months ago)

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Any chance of a release?

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Here is one thinking out of the box,  Sri Lanka 

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My vote is for CANADA with artic ocean full of bombers ...... :biggrin:

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Canada! (Hmm CF-100 Canuck).

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I'd go for the Arctic, USSR on one side, Alaska and Canada on the other - Bears, Genies, Voodoos, Bison, Arrows, Falcons, Canucks, Deltas, and Phantoms.

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im thinking some mystical country in africa. You can have the coast, desert, and then patches of thick jungle. Lots of technicals too.


An arctic terrain would be cool too. Intercepting soviet bombers. Stopping soviet ground invasion. Im thinking 633 squadron, where you would have to hit a sheet of ice to drop a glacier on commie troop staging area. Sickness.

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What about a nice new Mountain map?

Full scale Alps or something like that....

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Not fictional... but its one that hasn't been done- Pacific Northwest-  Canada to northern California

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yes, but WHERE would your enemies reside??


one of the major things people don't consider. Anything like that, automatically becomes a fictional "Red Dawn" or "The Wingman" style universe. (occupied USA)


the entirety of north Africa, from the Atlantic to Eastern Med (Israel) has already been covered.


the best suggestion is, go through ALL the terrain downloads, and see what world "hot spots" are missing from our vitural globe. Those that make practical sense, given the terrain engine limitations (don't go above 35 deg north or south latitude)



I'd go for the Arctic, USSR on one side, Alaska and Canada on the other - Bears, Genies, Voodoos, Bison, Arrows, Falcons, Canucks, Deltas, and Phantoms.


1st gen downloads ... lexx luthor's 6 Million Meter Map ™

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Bush war south east Africa, or Balkans are the only real things I am pining for except maybe South America.

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if it's fictional what was the name of the Kingdom Eddy Murphy came from in the movie Coming to America ;)

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yes, but WHERE would your enemies reside??


one of the major things people don't consider. Anything like that, automatically becomes a fictional "Red Dawn" or "The Wingman" style universe. (occupied USA)



I was thinking occupied Canada, soviets pushing into Washington state,  the Soviet and/ or  Chinese  Fleets off the coast... and off map airfields for the bombers


sort of like what i plan on  doing with occupied Mexico in   JSF Aggie's SO  Cal map  rebuild

Edited by Icarus999

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Angola, Namibia and South Africa. We need this map and we don't have it. Mirages, Fishbeds, Floggers, Impalas...


BTW, not too many cities to add, but we will need some huts new 3d objects, and maybe some Baobab trees too.

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How about an area such as this below. This is a project I am working on in SFP1 (yes I know I am back there with the dinosaurs).



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 Pacific Northwest-  Canada to northern California..........

with the nas fallon for the .....top gun..... ????

Between the aggressors.....???

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Zumunda -The Eddie Murphy country you were thinking of. Let's retake Grenada! Ha Ha.

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Canada! (Hmm CF-100 Canuck).



We need a Canuck also for WOE front (CAF & BAF users).


An ugly lovely bird.


As Blackfly (Canada) never ended one project someone could take it in charge ...



Do You?


Glad to help.



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Angola, Namibia and South Africa. We need this map and we don't have it. Mirages, Fishbeds, Floggers, Impalas...


BTW, not too many cities to add, but we will need some huts new 3d objects, and maybe some Baobab trees too.




I launched this terrain project last year,... as soon as possible I achieve it!


The terrain is made, It is possible to fly over but I need to add accurate items...


I don't forget this project!



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I launched this terrain project last year,... as soon as possible I achieve it!


The terrain is made, It is possible to fly over but I need to add accurate items...


I don't forget this project!






as you know this one my favorite projects.

Please go on!



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