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Pierre, are you in need of accurate maps of the region?

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I launched this terrain project last year,... as soon as possible I achieve it!


The terrain is made, It is possible to fly over but I need to add accurate items...


I don't forget this project!





Can we see pics of it and a list of what you need? Tiles with all those bushes will be needed too. Is a terrain we really need for the series.

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tod creation ain't nothing ... it's having the correct tgas for bushes that's a (very) small problem

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Hello guys,


At this day, I have this... needs work!


@ Kevin,... I've tried to find accurate map! I've used Google Earth and french aviation magazines.


Best regards,









Edited by Coupi

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I have a MUCH better source. You tell me what part of the world, and I'll go get the charts. Need exact country names and such (looks like western South Africa and points north, cape of good hope?)



you're gonna HATE the choice of IsrealME tiles...trust me on this!!! The city tiles need to be completely rebuilt to properly orient them to the cardinal points, the tods will need replacement to match the new tile headings (they all twisted 45 deg off the usual N/S, E/W orientation of ALL the other tilesets. I had nightmares -- and still do -- from the Midwest USA map when I had mistakenly chosen the IME tiles for use.

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We need a Canuck also for WOE front (CAF & BAF users).


An ugly lovely bird.


As Blackfly (Canada) never ended one project someone could take it in charge ...



Do You?


Glad to help.



I´m praying for a CF-100 for so long...

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I´m praying for a CF-100 for so long...


I prayed Blackfly to share the almost finished model he has .... but no way: this was a project for Canadians, made for Canadians, that only Canadians could finish up! :blink:

I realy can'y understand him.

At his site a plenty of unfinished (Canadian) items lost .....

So we need another modder to do the job.

Maybe not from Canada!

But we need a CF-100!

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Coupi, that looks goot so far! :good:

Edited by Soulfreak

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you're gonna HATE the choice of IsrealME tiles...trust me on this!!! The city tiles need to be completely rebuilt to properly orient them to the cardinal points, the tods will need replacement to match the new tile headings (they all twisted 45 deg off the usual N/S, E/W orientation of ALL the other tilesets. I had nightmares -- and still do -- from the Midwest USA map when I had mistakenly chosen the IME tiles for use.


Here are a few additional tiles for IsraelME.

I wanted to try how the stock SFP1 desert would look with the israelME set.

needs this too: http://combatace.com/topic/25858-woi-mountain-color-mod/



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Did that already, on the 'modern North Africa' map -- a rebuild of the ww2 version for post-1960s

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What is the best choice my guys?


I would like rebuilt my early stuff with the stock desert elements...



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Did that already, on the 'modern North Africa' map -- a rebuild of the ww2 version for post-1960s

Good to know where you put it.

I was just thinking if we pool together what is already prepared for IsrealME, would it stop being unadvisable?

IMO it is the only stock tileset with natural colors, sampled from satellite imagery. The only stock one to do justice to the game.

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Chad and southern Lybia...


It would be perfect for the Mirage F-1 and the Jaguar A...



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Chad and southern Lybia...


It would be perfect for the Mirage F-1 and the Jaguar A...



I agree

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the most major problem with the IME tiles are, as mentioned, the city and city2-*** transitions. As everything is "square" in the game, having these rotated 45 deg off prevents proper city-**- road and city-***-river transtions. Also makes TOD building difficult, as they have to be placed with random facing, as opposed to the more general "grid pattern" seen all over the world

 I know I imported a LOT of the GCE or Desert river tiles, and remade them in the IME stand, along with the stock IME rivers - which are more like streams. Don't remember if I used them on the Modern NAfrica terrain, but the psds are here somewhere...


standard river tiles, desert/GCE/VNSEA have a water width of about 200 meters (measured by the vBridge* section, with ARE 100 meters long). The IME "streams" are between 50-70 meters wide., and again are NOT square.


JSF_aggie's desert set, as I used on the Eretria map -- with a GREATLY expanded set adding a LOT of missing transitions- could be considered as an alternative tileset for SAfrica.


I agree the IME set has MUCH better coloring for some of the northern Sahara regions (the mountain tiles are nearly perfect for the Atlas mountains; the green  tiles could be used for savannah or veldt? -- need to study sat photos -- even the brown valley tiles can be used for a LOT of mountain/hill regions -- color is excellent, and I used them for the mountains in cyrenacia), and possibly even sub-Saharan Africa. I've never really liked the desert set's coloring -- it reminds me of ERB's Barsoom (as described in the books, and the movie wasn't far off in the look)


what's needed are extensively modified city and city2*** transitions, plus complete sets of all the road and river tiles -which MUST cover all terrain type -mountain, valley, farm, desert, city, jungle -- that could be upwards of 50 or more tiles in and of itself. And probable expansion of the IME rivers to include those confluence tiles (river-y), wherein they transition to the larger D/GCE/VNSEA type rivers

It's a fair amount of work, but CAN be done.

It's just the cities that's got me bugged --- but one can do amazing things with the clone stamp tool!! :biggrin:  (to say nothing of city port tiles...)


edit: there's a lot of the oddball transitions already done, check both the "Modern North Africa", and "Midwest USA" terrains for them


editx2: and if you think THOSE 2 are expanded, wait until you see the expanded CGE set I'm using for WW2 Norway/North Sea/Scotland/Denmark/Germany/Netherlands terrain!!!. 8 new port tiles, and all sorts of odd things!! (some examples below)

Edited by Wrench

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Are you saying the IsrealME '45 degree/non-square problems' are issues in relation to the tools of the TW terrain editor?

I think you wrote somewhere that there were two versions of that editor, but both have this issue?


JSF_aggie's desert tiles are very very impressive, I have only one remark on it (as usual, please forgive me). that is that the cities are square in the same direction as the tiles, which kinda points out the tile-pattern. Making a good tile set is definitely not easy, you have to use every trick possible to hide its tile-based nature. IsrealME has the best city tiles in this regard.


I like these screenshots with these ports.good stuff!

I did something similar (but less extensive) with your Cape Titaan and Dry land oil refinery in Waterworld. maybe I should share my waterworld mods, or pass them to you to merge them with your base install?

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I'd LOVE to see them!!



The IME city tiles issue is the tiles themselves, not the TE (for which I ONLY use the WoE/WoVE version of the TED as it a bit more complete, and just plane works better than the original Desert/SF1 version)


as you can see in the screenies below, one shows the desert, Germany, Vietnam and 1 one the isreal city to farm 25 (although the desert is called 75, as 75% is desert, not not city)


the IME set further compounds the twistiness by have 5 different city to farm 25 tiles!! (other picture)


it's even worse on the 2 **50 tiles, expecially when one wants to add a road, since the straight roads need to be along the centerline of the tile (usually!)

Edited by Wrench

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I am still in doubt wheter I am understanding you enterily. I see the IsraelME tile in the screenshot is principally equal to the to desert one, both are 180 degrees different from VietnamSEA/GermanyCE.

Which I can understand complicates exchanging work between these two sets. I did find the original Desert.TFD tilemap works with IsraelME tiles, by just using an adjusted Desert_Data.ini and some new transition tiles.

Obviously nothing is enterily horizontal or vertical in the displayed IsrealME tiles, which will make the end result more convincing. Though it makes it a little blurry too.


OK, I will pack up my waterworld with the necessary modified tiles and send it over, later this week.

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Obviously nothing is enterily horizontal or vertical in the displayed IsrealME tiles


that's what I meant!!! I was just using the wrong terminology (which is not usual for me!!)




iirc, in the Midwest USA map (aka "CenUS"), there's a BUNCH of new river tiles, using the IME style rivers, for valley, green and maybe mountain, and all the transitions between the various types. If you need the bmps for the TE, let me know and I'll shoot them to you (or whomever wants them. Plus a bunch of "oddball" tiles that fill in and/or create NEW transitions. Hell, who ever wants, I'll send my IME-Only TE too! Be easier then separating out the the various tiles! Lot's of 'specials', too -ports and the like)

Edited by Wrench

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The Desert and GermanyCE tilesets are really the best TW ever did.

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What about an US/Nato backed Ausie vs soviet backed NZ situation? I don't think there is anything in that area?

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What about an US/Nato backed Ausie vs soviet backed NZ situation? I don't think there is anything in that area?


There is this little NZ terrain which is due a refit - I have been quietly messing with some wip hi-res tiles, and I never got round to finishing off targetisation:-




Wrench has also sent me some custom tiles, ports and things which I will (probably) eventually get round to incorporating.


I had in mind more of a Mordor-backed North Island vs Fellowship-backed South Island sort of thing for the campaign, but that's still just a gleam in my eye ;-)


No point duplicating effort on the terrain front, it's just too much work to create something from scratch.

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