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The Mighty Eighth - Trailer

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Hmph, looks like the loss of the engine didn't affect the speed at all. So much for facts, Hollywood wins...

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"Inspired by true events"...now, where did I last see that...I remember, it was Red Tails. Pass the sick bag, please.


Looks like more of the same. "Memphis Belle" (original or 1990s version) did this better without the CGI. 'Twelve O'clock High' too:



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I gave up on realistic presentation of ww2 aerial combat with RedTails.

I guess they are not making those movies for us, they have to appeal to the broader public thus RedTails had to do Cobra maneuvers and other funky stuff not to mention other stuff...


With that said...


This looks as if it will be pretty darn epic so I'll just try to turn of my "aviation enthusiast chip" and enjoy the spectacle this could be...

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I had some hope until the Luftwaffe showed up, that seemed like a pervert combination of Göring's boasting and 300's Persian arrows blotting out the sun.


Where are the days gone when such movies had advisors like Adolf Galland and Douglas Bader?

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Looks like a homemade movie with bad CGI spliced in. Stinks we cant get a really well made movie in this era of huge budget movies. Oh well...

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I just hope that's it not another 'Love story' with a war stuck in for filler!

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I just hope that's it not another 'Love story' with a war stuck in for filler!

yeah and in this day and age of PC BS the love story part will be between 2 pilots......

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She would hold formation on three when empty...Just. Especially when the windmilling prop spun off the shaft. The other three would have to be run at near max power levels. Now the drag from the open bomb bay doors on the other hand...Personally, I can't stand the "having a conversation using our inside voice" in an aircraft open to the elements with four radials five feet away. But hey, at least you can see their breath. Points for that.

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As many of you, i feel disappointed with the looks of that. I hope they can fix them to a better standard matching other HBO miniseries, but i´m afraid it is not as easy to do with aircraft. 

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Personally, I can't stand the "having a conversation using our inside voice" in an aircraft open to the elements with four radials five feet away



considering the (almost) complete and utter lack of insulation and sound-deadening inside a Fortress...yeah!!


also, taking into account the direction of rotation of the Cyclones...WHERE did the prop go???, Especially from #2 engine!

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Well, to me the third HBO miniseries on WW2 should be really good. Band of Brothers was amazing. The Pacific was a rather large disappointment for me. Mainly due to the completely disjointed storyline and the endless hours of sitting around talking. Band of Brothers did not rely on one character to carry the day. The whole company was the main character. The Pacific lacked a lot of that cohesion by spreading it between Basilone, Leckie, and Sledge. I imagine they where trying to fuse those three stories into one but didn't quite get it to work right. Now they have a chance to tell the tale of the men who broke the Nazi's back. The Eighth Air Force of the U.S. Army, had more KIA than the entire USMC during the war so their story ranks in the upper tier of tales of courage and sacrifice made during the war. The trailer looks ok to me. Rivet counting is good but don't let it detract from the story. The HBO team did an outstanding job portraying the material culture in the other two,so I am sure they will get it right with this one. BTW Twelve O'clock High is still the best bomber movie made, so let's hope they take some inspiration from that. Otherwise I would hate to relegate Spielburg and Hanks to "Leper Colony."

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I agree with CB34, the CGI isnt the best, but its about the men of the 8th, more of them died in the skies over Europe than Marines in the Pacific. It was there own kind of hell and being reitred AF, those guys are our and my legacy.

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I share that legacy as well..... being as thought the 8th was a U. S. Army entity. I also have a relative who was a 9th Air Force B-17 waist gunner who was shot down and a POW, flying out of Italy.

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I'm hoping that, due to the pretty sub-standard (for HBO) acting, this turns out to be a trailer made by the CGI company who were bidding on the contract to supply just the CGI (and not those actors!), rather than an actual trailer for the finished HBO series.

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yeah and in this day and age of PC BS the love story part will be between 2 pilots......


LMFAO!!!!!!! !

I think, because we're all Aviation/Simulation Nuts...We'll probably find fault in most Films of this nature...but, that aside...this looks fab!

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Hey guys, how about a campaign for the mighty 8th AF............     How does that tickle your creative juices???

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So a modern version of European Air War to come full circle!

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Where are the days gone when such movies had advisors like Adolf Galland and Douglas Bader?

last time I checked both of them were still dead...
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last time I checked both of them were still dead...



Let me know if their condition changes.



Dang, there goes my coffee again...now where's that rag?

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Here is a South African film, i think that this proves you can do much better than that without a great budget. I just hope they get "The Mighty Eighth" CGI effects much polished in post-production

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