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Honestly, the future at this point for SF 2 is here.  Right here.  I have no reason to anticipate the Mirage F1 from Third Wire, I do have a good reason to be hopeful about the third party F1.


I am quite honestly more interested in seeing some newer Russian birds, but to be frank, we already have a lot of what we need.

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probably not high on the list but one thing I would like to see implemented would be  multiple ground units in one formation. maybe have a call out the can change the ration of say Mobile_AAA TANK and RECON. that way when doing close support missions you have to think about what you are shooting at. I would also like to have it that bases could be set for general use or a certain nation only.

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I would like to see the ground units like that instead of my M-60's being attacked by Firecan's (fixed):)

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the Firecan issue was fixed some time ago.


(OTH, perhaps they're Directed Energy Weapons?? Gonna microwave ya to death)


I've seen mixed columns in Armed recon missions; something that got added in 2013? 2012? After NA came out, irrc. (meaning: mobile AD units supporting truck convoys)

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I've seen mixed columns in Armed recon missions; something that got added in 2013? 2012? After NA came out, irrc. (meaning: mobile AD units supporting truck convoys)


Wow never seen that myself. Attacking such a column will be a lot more fun.

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As for me, i just would like to see phone games exclusive planes (like mig-25, f-5, su 27, rafale and f-18,...) as a DLC for PC. This wouldn't be a big job, and would make a ton of $$$. The other thing I would like to see is a properly working alpha channel, but this might be a bit more complicated...


Considering SF2 future, i don't blame TK for making mobile game at the moment. I mean, anything that brings money to TK is good for the PC sim too. TK being broke, on the other way...

I think at some point he'll come back with a little something for PC game. maybe he just need to talk about it a bit more, and we just need to a bit more be patient, and a bit less complaining (this is just my 2 cents here, i'm not targeting anyone :) )

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Flak Trains.

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Flak Trains.

trains in general? I think sort of vector roads map with v2chicles automatically following them would be more desirable


but generally what swambast proposed is the most plausible idea but would require the hardest part, which is TK rethinking his view on modders/3rd party developers support. And I have hard time seeing that happen

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I don't know if it would involve much in-game recoding, but I've always hoped that there would be an AttackSpeed= prompt in the Flight Control section of an aircraft's _DATA.ini file.

I always despair when I see aircraft attacking ground targets while plodding along at their cruising speed, which with some aircraft can be as low as 270 to 290 knots; while at the same time getting riddled by AAA.

Let's say they could proceed along waypoints 2-4 at cruising speed, and then from waypoints 4 to 6 change to a more realistic attack speed as in real life. By doing this, you wouldn't have to worry about increasing the cruising speed in the INI file, which increases fuel usage and decreases range :ohmy:

Another issue I'm totally pissed off with is trying to regroup my flight while egressing a target area. Most of the time it's like dealing with a litter of puppies running riot. :hyper: AI flights are also very easily distracted, often breaking from the formation while en route to a target in order to attack some AAA that shot at us.


As an afterthought I'm sure everybody will agree that the SF2 series has a huge potential for improvement. While not necessarily reducing the game's "playability", both of the above suggestions and many others mentioned in this topic can greatly improve the enjoyment factor and make it a little more realistic.

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Always willing to pay anything.
Well, if what happens.



New Terrain

New Cockpits


Thirdw..... make nothing.

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infanty anyone?


like, individual units that do act and fight? We had them in Hind times and these were great :ok:


side note: this CAN be made by making new low poly units and new infantry-specific formation ini entries for sort of say human wave for example (spacing of few meters etc, grup sizes of 50+)

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And progressive damage. It would be great, specially in Vietnam. CAS against tanks only is not only inaccurate in some scenarios, also, gameplay wise, it is either too difficult or too easy, depending on having mavericks or not

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As far as new features go, an "Arm All" would be nice.  Also, can we break up the wingman commands for attacking targets?


Jane's used to break up the wingman targeting.  You could command them to hit air defenses, other targets of interest, fighter escorts, targets of a particular class.


I think that would require a very extensive rewrite of the game, though.

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+1 To the attack speed data ini setting and the ability to have different ground unit types in one unit on the strategical map.

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I think that would require a very extensive rewrite of the game, though.


Exactly that was the original initiative of this topic...

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Exactly that was the original initiative of this topic...


No, sorry. A extensive rewright of the game is not going to happen. We can ask TK two things.


1- Add some limited (note the limited adjective) features in a DLC after a kickstarter.




2- Ask TK for the code or help in modding some features.


BUT a extensive or really deep rewrite of the game is not going to happen. TK will not take his now almost abandonded game and rewrite almost everything cause we ask for it. And there are too few modders that will be able to take a look on it if TK agrees.

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My requests by order of preference:


*Aerial refueling


*Manual selection of targets  when Laser or Optical guided weapons are used


*Allow us to the do the taxi at the base runway and also at aircraft carriers like in the old F-18 Korea.


*Datalink , and for example , be able to launch radar missiles agaisnt a target being guided by an AWACS


*A more accurate way of launching antiradiation missiles because the system by default in the game is totally arbitrary, you launch it and then you'll never know.


For me that's enough and not to much

Edited by cangas

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BUT a extensive or really deep rewrite of the game is not going to happen. TK will not take his now almost abandonded game and rewrite almost everything cause we ask for it. And there are too few modders that will be able to take a look on it if TK agrees.


I though it is all about to convince him to continue development on community funding. Because most of us suppose that he abandoned it because of financial reasons.

It is not about asking him (completely pointless and hopeless to ask him anything), but to pay him to continue and make new features. Maybe even SF3. "Money speaks, dogs bark."


Point 1, about bugfixes and DLC is not serious enough as an offer... why to pay him to fix bugs and make us new DLC planes - you can see most people already started DLC asking instead of the original topic about community funding..


Point 2, completely without any chance TK will never give out his code, unless we may want to buy the whole game all together with rights and so. And what we would get in this case anyway? A source code and maybe some development progs... Then we have to hire a team ourselves to discover the entire code... and try to rewrite and add.. Horribly hard work.

Ask a coder, how easy is to fiddle into, understand  and modify an entire game code which was written by someone else... Believe me I was in a freeware game development team in an exactly same situation. Even if you have the source code it is a real pain in the a$$ to modify someone else's work. You fix a bug and create three. Because you dont know why the original programmer did things way he did. Almost better to write a new one from scratch.


So that is why better to fund (hire) TK to improve his own game than to beg for code (pointless) or to buy him out (and hire others to do it) or to come up with with little modications and fixes not serious enough for TK to listen




And, with all respect, please, separate  the topic of wishes into game development ideas and DLC planes wishes. Both are important as it is also a good idea to poll for DLC planes and handle it as a separate offer.  Or I can think about modding tools like FM Editor as DLC. But please make it separate from the things mentioned above because it's a different viewpoint and people can get confused.

Edited by Snailman

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I'd be happy with a smarter AI


AI evading attack when RTB or attack the aggressor when armed with AA missiles (and with enough fuel)

and obviously AI capable to deliver laser guided weapons (even with Mavericks AI's tend to get stuck in a loop over the target).


The promotions should go slower i think and it's a bit weird to see that many 2nd LT in a squadron...


BUT, was this discussed with TK in advance? If not chances are that he's not going agree on this. Why would he be spend time on this while he could spend time on making actual money with mobile games??

I'd first check with him if he'd be interested in making these improvements to the game with financial support from the CA community.



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BUT, was this discussed with TK in advance? If not chances are that he's not going agree on this. Why would he be spend time on this while he could spend time on making actual money with mobile games??

I'd first check with him if he'd be interested in making these improvements to the game with financial support from the CA community.




That's exactly what needs to be done, but first we have to come up with a reasonable concept and plan. Can't just call him without concrete offer...

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The store has been under maintenance for a week.


Does that make it official?

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in case you hadn't noticed, it's back up.

according to TK's post on FB, maintence and/or security issues repaired

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Sf2 game engine seem to be completly worn out, graphics on how they are with the fps how much you get them are completly dated.

While some new additions to the game could be done or improved its not worthed anymore to update it for small stuff while the sales wouldnt go up.

The only solution would be to make a new game engine and there seem to be alot game engines available that far more could be done.

BMS actually did better job updating that old falcon game than TW did from sf1 to sf2.

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SF2's terrains look a lot better than anything I've seen in BMS. In fact, nothing in BMS is that impressive from a graphics point of view. SF2 can be made to look much better than that.

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