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got SF2 few weeks ago and when i started my first Mission and and looked around the airfield while sitiing in my A-10 i thought Hugh? A US style watertower on a german airfield. the more i played this Sim the more disturbed me the US style look of the airfields on the german Terrain. They doesn't fit. 

Next i started searching the Internet and found this great community.

Searched around the Forums asked about replacing the watertower and stumbled over Starys wonderfull german hires Terrain textures and later over Gepards German airfields mod. But than i wanted more... 

While i'm somewhat new to this Sim series i'm not new when it comes to game modding. Have done modding since a decade ( Fighter Squadron, StarWars Battlefront series, Kharkov 1942 and others).

Ok enough of the boring part. Just wanted to introduce myself.


Here Comes the more interesting stuff.

While i wanted more (for example the airfield mod wasn' final) i gathered some interest in the german Forum.Here are a couple of screenshots and a list of things that already have been done.

It won' be nothing without the active work from Florian, Ravenclaw007,76.IAP-Blackbird and the whole modding community. I used so many stuff made by you guys many thx for that!


The List first:

Adelsheim Highway Strip - added
All vehicles now GroundObjects - changed
Amberg Barracks - added
Autobahn grey/concret painting/all seasons - done
Border - corrected
Bremerhaven harbour - added
Brocken Mountain ELND Facility - added
Bückeburg Autobahn tile - corrected
Cottbus 3 Cooling Tower - added
Dessau Cooling Tower - added
Duisburg new harbour - added
Göttingen Bridge - relocated
Hamburg - Bridge, harbourCranes/Ships - added
Havelberg Barracks - added
Heidelberg - Bridge - added
Helmstedt Border crossing - added
Hürth Cooling Tower - added
Köln-Wahn Trees on runway - removed
Leuna Werke - added
Leipzig - spelling correction  - done
Magdeburg Cooling Tower - added
Mainz Cooling Tower - added
Marxwalde Airbase Terrain texture - corrected
Minden Bridge - relocated
Overhead power lines for Bremen,Dresden,Duisburg/Düsseldorf,East Berlin,Erlangen, Frankfurt a.M.,Hamburg, Hannover,Kassel,Ludwigsburg,Magdeburg,München,Rüsselsheim - added
Pferdsfeld beta - added
Plön Barracks - added
Radardome now Terrainobject - changed
Radio Tower,HH, F.a.M.,Nürnberg,München, Köln, Koblenz,
Dresden, Kiel, Berlin-Schäferberg, Stuttgart,Kassel,Leer,
Dortmund,Braunschweig, Eseen - added
Rostock Bridge - added
Ruhr Area Coal mines - added
Wesel Cooling Tower - added
Wismar new harbour terrain/texture - added
Warsaw Pact Airbases - New Buldings - switched
West Germany Airbases - New Buildings - switched
RAF Airbase for (Brüggen,Gatow, Gütersloh,Laarbruch,Wildenrath) - New Buildings - switched
Renamed RAF Airbases to "Townname" RAF Airbase - done
USAF Airbases - new Buildings -switched
Tree streets crossing graphic bug - solved
10 new Airbases alpha versions - addded


Don't ask me when it will be released. Whe just started!








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WOW!! Europe will look a lot better with this mods, looking forward to it!!


The photo o the power lines is just amazing, can't wait to make deep strike missions there!

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I have one more. With the help of Wrench and my personal Graphic Guru my daughter :) i was able to place the Ramstein Tower in correct Colors on the Airbase.





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Can we see more pics of the Luftwaffe Air bases? Wondering If you will add civilian cars parked near the bases or in towns...

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Can we see more pics of the Luftwaffe Air bases? Wondering If you will add civilian cars parked near the bases or in towns...

Well it's all WIP right now.



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Fantastic distillation of the communities work. You must have the patience of a Saint to place all those object -- I tip my hat to you (well, I wolud if I was wearing one ;)





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Something I was waiting for since forever; for someone with guts to add and imrove Germany map!


Great kudos to all involved guys!

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Combine that with Starys Tiles, and I think we would have one hell of a map...


Some serious skill, right there.

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That is awesome Rends! Glad Google pointed you this way  :biggrin:

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Oh and also, reminded because I saw Starys AV-8 screenies in the screenshot thread: will you make some highway airstrips avaliable by default?

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Oh and also, reminded because I saw Starys AV-8 screenies in the screenshot thread: will you make some highway airstrips avaliable by default?

Yep, i will add the all. I already include one for test from the Nato Mod just to check if it's work.

I'm not sure if they are any different from the dl version but i plan to add them all.

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Can we see more pics of the Luftwaffe Air bases? Wondering If you will add civilian cars parked near the bases or in towns...

I think i will add some staff building to the bases. there might be room for some civilian cars. This is just the first of several air bases who will get their specific look, based on aerial view.


The shelters and the Ramparts use a Terrain texture, so they will change in other seasons also!  :cool:


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I LOVE how the runway and base is merged with the forest. Accurate item placement like that can be a nightmare!!!


good work!!

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Amazing work. And it really shows what the engine is capable of.

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Ya'll got some serious talent! Looks great!

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Something for the Red Side


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This. Looks awesome... Are you going to use my buildings mod too ?

Guess you are talking about the city building textures. Yes they are already in :-)

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