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Noooo! Not the stackable midgets!! I was planning on having a midget tossing competition ... I have a little midget that can fly a couple hundred feet if you have enough centripacle force behind him.

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But now where am I supposed to store my: MP5, Ocelot, Plutonium, and Belorussian stripper?

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JonathanRL is going to loose a lot of his export market

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oh, hell. and I just bought a case of chem light batteries... was gonna sell them at an indecent profit!! DAMN!!

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No trunk monkies, no enlistment!

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This is great starts off serious, then #3. 

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JonathanRL is going to loose a lot of his export market



Nah, had to abandon it since I started to serve on the lost city of Atlantis that the Air Force keeps in a broom closet in Cheyenne Mountain.

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not my inflatable love sheep!!!!!! :P 


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How about Thai strippers??? after a very detailed check to see if is a real female ;)

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I want my tank of Eelz and my pen with Lasercatz.....

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But now where am I supposed to store my: MP5, Ocelot, Plutonium, and Belorussian stripper?

in the CONEX,  the way you have to get them home anyhow...

how will i make money without my meth lab in the B's?  that will cut into my profits having to rent a house in Bonnie Dune.....

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