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Germany terrain rework (Part 1 of 3)

This is a major overhaul of Thirdwires stock Germany terrain for Strike Fighters 2 Europe.

This mod includes Starys wonderfull GermanyCE hires terrain textures V3 with some small tweaks like grey painted roads or different river colors and a few new tiles.

All airfields has been modified with new buildings . A couple are made from scratch.

Try out Florians Pferdsfeld or Büchel airbases if you fly for the Nato. They are outstanding! Try Drewitz or Marxwalde or Gerwin field airfields if you are fighting for the Red side .

Lots of strike targets has been modified or moved into towns. Hamburg and Wismar got real harbours and you find new objects all over the terrain.

I also included hi ho silver's new city night textures and a modified ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.INI as additional install if you want to fly night missions that looks like real nights.

Special thanks to Ravenclaw_007 and 76.IAP-Blackbird. Both made some objects i realy needed for this rework and supported me to create this mod. Another Special thank to Gepard for his German airfields mod.

And a special thank to Florian who made the best looking airfields i've ever seen in any Sim!

And i want to thank all creators who made all the great objects i used for this mod. Without your work i would never had started this project.

Thank you all!




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Thanks for your piece of art!



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Is it compatible with NatoFighters 5?

We will know it in a short time.

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Outstanding work mates. its really great the new look of the terrain

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 Okay I might not be seeing something but my SFE folder doesn"t have a "Terrains" folder in it. I am in the Users/Saves folders.

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then, the rule is


Create one !!! :biggrin:

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Superb, thanks guys , and Rends for putting this together and the extras!!!

Edited by Spectre8750

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Very beautiful!!! Thanks a lot!!!

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Is it compatible with NatoFighters 5?



We will know it in a short time.


I believe that no, but with a few .ini edits could be compatible, (Netherlands, Belgium, France and Demmark airbase not apear). The campaigns ini must be edited to change the name of the airbases like the targets.ini, but is the greatest Germany terrain that i see!!!!!

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I totally agree with Hans Topp, but I hope that new bases (and why not) better and further ones could be added on Belgium, Netherlands, France, Denmark and Poland as did in last NATO install.


At last with this new fantastic scenery and Stary previous magnificent work SF-2EU is a whole new game ....


.... far better than any expansion Tk (sorry today Tw) could  make,  if finaly he could stop playng with his silly mobile phones.


So thank you so much.



Edited by paulopanz

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Can the latest version of Stary's trees and tiles be dropped over the top of this without any issues?

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Can the latest version of Stary's trees and tiles be dropped over the top of this without any issues?

What version are you talking about?

This mod use Version 3 of Starys hires Germany textures.

Any other textureset won't be compatible.

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What version are you talking about?

This mod use Version 3 of Starys hires Germany textures.

Any other textureset won't be compatible.


Oh.  I see.  For some reason I thought they weren't included.

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Since there are completely new airfields, i was wondering if i could re-use them for instance in the desert terrain.

I know where to find the LOD files, but when I open them in the HXD there are no jpg's or bmp's to be found in there... So I don't know what image files are linked to the LOD's.

Maybe you could release the new airfields as a separate mod that people can use in the other terrains...


other than that great work!

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Since there are completely new airfields, i was wondering if i could re-use them for instance in the desert terrain.

I know where to find the LOD files, but when I open them in the HXD there are no jpg's or bmp's to be found in there... So I don't know what image files are linked to the LOD's.

Maybe you could release the new airfields as a separate mod that people can use in the other terrains...


other than that great work!

Slick cowboy, if you find a way to reuse LODs in desert map, would you explain it in a post? i would like to use them in the sweden map

Edited by stuntman

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i found the image files linked to the airfield LOD... for some reason i can't do a search in the hex editor...


reusing them in another terrain is a question of pasting the LOD files and its image files in the terrain and then updating the targets and types files

maybe this can be found in the knowledge base... never checked... i sort of do it by trial and error...

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If you want to use the new west Germany airfields please ask Florian for permission.

If you want the new East Germany airfields go ahead and use them.

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it's not for something i want to release, just for personal use

but if they can be reused in the Scandinavia map for instance, then obviously you need permission

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do you have download for just the in-plane map? I would like that.

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