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Anyone tried StrikeFighters 2 with Windows 10?

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It worked ok with the Tech Preview, although i had that on a lower spec'd system. Stands to reason it will work ok with full fledged 10. Will be updating a laptop and desktop in a couple of days so can tell ya more then

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Thanks D...let me know, I am thinking about upgrading so I would appreciate the heads-up...


If anyone else has experience with Windows 10 and other Sims, please post your experiences here...would appreciate it...



Edited by viper63a

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Have ordered another SSD and have downloaded the iso - so will be testing bits over the next few weeks. Suspect I might have to get a different version of office :(

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I upgraded to windows 10 today and SF2 runs great. I had issues at first but then I switched from my Intel graphics card to my NVidia graphics card and now it runs perfectly!

Edited by warthog64

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I installed windows 10 last night got higher screen resolutions tried the highest. Red screen of death reboot no hard drive found power off reboot hard drive found all ok so so back to sim it works 2560 x 1440 45-60 fps...will try again in the morning. 

Edited by hi ho silver

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you guys updated bios for win 10?

also win 10 spies on you...check this on how to disable stuff....also found out my gfx card supports dx12....happy days.


One thing to think about when upgrading to Windows 10 is to upgrade your BIOS read more here : Click Here

But also Microsoft are sapping everyone's data read more here: Click Here

The short explanation is that everyone now has an Advertising ID which Microsoft uses to send your preferences to other third parties for money and so that you get more spam in your emails. This link also tells you how to turn off the features that do exactly that.

Microsoft are also making people pay £10 to remove ads from games such as Solitaire read more here: Click Here

But it's not all bad news this does mean that gamers now have access to Direct X 12 with Nvidia and AMD already rolling out the new update it is meant to give a significant improvement on graphics quality.

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yes m8 its considered as win 7/8 upgrade m8  no win 9

Edited by russouk2004

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yes m8 its considered as win 7/8 upgrade m8  no win 9

Diolch yn fawr. Might do my W8 laptop this weekend and my W7 gaming rig after that.

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Ok, I'm in...Downloading Windows 10 now...It may help if we listed our rig configs...Here is mine...will let you know what happens...


Windows 7x64bit


Cougar Solution Case
MSI Z87-G43 Gaming Intel Z87 Board
Intel® Core™ i7-4771 w/ Hyper 212 EVO Push/Pull Fans
Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x 4GB)
MSI NVidia GeForce GTX 760 2GB (OC)
2x500GB 7400RPM WD Black Label HDs
2xDVD LightScribe Drives
1xSony Blu-Ray Player
Air Cooled with 4xCase Fans (1x140m and 3x120m)


Wish me luck!



Edited by viper63a

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Ok! Windows 10 install completed. So far, I am impressed. I like the interface. A lot cleaner. I liked Windows 7, but always thought Aero was a waste of PC resources. No loss there for me. Hmmm...Now my PC looks like my Android phone on steroids? Also, programs are called "Apps" now? LOL...another Apple legacy...


1st and only casualty so far - NVidia Surround Screen. I knew there were problems with this going in. So I am down to 1 monitor now and it was expected. But I can live with that. I am fully confident that NVidia will release a patch if they haven't already.


Everything else I checked looks good...TrackIR and SF2 both started fine (the important stuff).


I will check out the PC over the weekend to see what else falls out...




PS!!!! During post install setup - DON'T TAKE THE EXPRESS SETUP!!! Do the custom so you can shut off ALL the Microsoft Spyware. I just turned them all off - including SmartFliter!!!

Edited by viper63a

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NVidia is fixed...Downloaded the latest driver/package. Tried to install it. It failed saying the current driver/package was already installed. Tried to uninstall NVidia, will not uninstall. Killed all NVidia services in task manager. Ok, now I can uninstalled all the NVidia software. Rebooted and reinstalled the new driver and set up surround display. All 3 monitors are working now.


Another weird fluke...all my controller buttons changed? Hmmm...Have to remap my CH Fighter Stick, Throttle and Pedal? Will do that later. I was able to fly SF2...Albeit with screwed up controls. 


So far still good.



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Ok, Not sure why, but I have to remap my controllers. No biggie. It may be because it's a multiple controller setup...ie FighterStick and Throttle buttons are interchanged...again, it let's me reassign, so more of an annoyance than anything.


Another note...sometimes, windows pauses for a long time with no message...I don't mean just in normal use. Mostly, I think it is running something for the first time...but it scares you every once in awhile because you think it's hung up, but it does come back eventually. Like when I ran SF2 for the first time, it sat there on the InitScreen forever...longer than anytime before in Win7. I just waited it out.


If you have any system cleaners/optimizers - like WiseCare or Cleanup4.0....takes a long long time...Maybe, I shouldn't use them in Win10...but WiseCare reported the performance at 1 when I first ran it. Now it is back to 10...so some getting used to...but all is well so far.


My first impression. Pretty good so far with SF2 and accessories (CH hardware, TrackIR 5). Some getting used to (hunt for things in different places - but more intuitive than Win7 and Night and Day from Win8). Overall, I am happy with Win10. Win10 looks like an Android phone on steroids. The panels are still annoying, but better (from a Win7 user point of view).


Still Testing...



Note: Cortana is the MS Mata Hara...you activate her and she will spy on you for MS...lol...but nothing different from the phone version. She will report to MS where you are, what you're doing and what you ever did - all in the name to make "your" experience better. So up to you. For now, she is off...

Edited by viper63a

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Note: Cortana is the MS Mata Hara...you activate her and she will spy on you for MS...lol...but nothing different from the phone version. She will report to MS where you are, what you're doing and what you ever did - all in the name to make "your" experience better. So up to you. For now, she is off...


Cortana:  "There is a lot of prOn piling up on the internet.  Hurry up, it won't download itself!"   :biggrin:

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If you have any system cleaners/optimizers - like WiseCare or Cleanup4.0....takes a long long time...Maybe, I shouldn't use them in Win10...but WiseCare reported the performance at 1 when I first ran it. Now it is back to 10...so some getting used to...but all is well so far.



I don't want to hijack the thread's main question, but regarding those cleaners, I had serious problems with WiseCare 365 v3.74, it corrupted the whole taskbar and Microsoft Edge (ex Internet Explorer), meaning I couldn't open them anymore, this was a serious problem as the start menu became completely inaccessible. I had to do a system restore, so I suggest to wait until such programs are officially Win10 compatible.


Regarding the thread, I haven't tried SF2 yet, I might post later my results too.

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Good to know Blaze, that is what I am talking about...I will stop using WiseCare until I see a Win10 version.


:) =v=

LOL at Fubar!

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Ok, Still going strong. Still impressed. Everything seems to be working. Almost reminded of Windows 7 after Vista.

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Wow.Good to know that Sf2 Is working. i kinda absentmindedly started the upgrade without backing up the latest folder.

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Works fine for me. 

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PS!!!! During post install setup - DON'T TAKE THE EXPRESS SETUP!!! Do the custom so you can shut off ALL the Microsoft Spyware. I just turned them all off - including SmartFliter!!!

Turns out I did the express setup :/

anybody knows a guide of what / how to disable things, privacy wise?

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