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Showing most liked content on 09/12/2021 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    September 11 2021 YAK-130 skin pack - PART 2 This skin pack took a longer time than I previously calculated because of the holiday and the pandemic, of course. I want to thank to our estimeed collegue and friend Ludo.m54 who found time , between his valuable projects, to design four superb skins for this pack. The second pack gets two whatif skins (Paran and Argentinian). Paran skin was a request of one of my friends who's been a good boy all this time (you're welcome!). The other skins are expo skins (red/white demo/green), two Russian skins (camo 1/camo2) and one Laos skin. Later I will update the (second) skin pack with ECM pod skins to match each new skin colore made in this pack, as I did in the first pack. Enjoy and let me know what you think about them in the commentary section. INSTALL: Just unzip and copy the OBJECTS into your main SF2XXXX folder. CREDITS - Laos,/Argentina/Paran/Green skins - UllyB - Camo1/Camo2/Expo/Red skins - Ludo.m54 Skin Decals - Ludo.m54 & UllyB Additional decals - Ludo.m54 & UllyB COPYRIGHT THIS MODE IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE . You can use this product or parts of it in your future projects only with my consent if more than 30% of the original release is affected by your work . Also you must give proper credits to the ones who contributed in making it, in case I will allow it to be used by third parties as such. This package may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware addition. Under no circumstances may these files be sold or uploaded to a payware site or any kind of illegal warez site. Skin pack part 1 here:
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Lockheed/FMA IA-16 Serpiente: BACKSTORY: The year is 1998. Argentina starts showing its newly acquired A-4AR Fightinghawk, modernized to replace the old A-4Bs. While this was happening, it was clear that the Mirages had to be retired anywhere in a near future. So, the Fabrica Militar de Aviones, also called FMA, joins Lockheed Martin to develop a multirole, supersonic fighter, to fill the space that the Mirage will no longer cover. The result of this alliance is the IA-16 Serpiente, a multirole, supersonic and highly capable aircraft, developed from the F-16. The Serpiente is very similar to the Japanese F-2, but they have some differences that make them unique: while the F-2 has a boom receptor for air refueling, the Serpiente has a fuel probe, being capable of refueling from the KC-130 owned by the FAA. The avionics and a lot of parts from the plane itself are made in Argentina, and after 2008, the plane could be made in Argentinian soil without importing a single manufactured piece. The first plane flew in 2002, and was introduced in the FAA in the year 2005. The plane is equipped with Python 5 and AMRAAM missiles. It also can be equipped with AIM-9Xs and, due to the open architecture, it can be equipped with MICA and Meteor missiles. In 2007, Argentina recieved a first batch of 24 Serpientes, with 12 going to the 5th Fighter Group and the other 12 to the 6th Fighter Group, and in 2015, with the retirement of the Mirages and Neshers, another 24 IA-16 Serpiente Block 2 were ordered, plus the modernization of the existing ones to the Block 1+ standard, matching the avionics of the upcoming versions. The nacionalization of the whole assembly proccess of the plane has opened the opportunity for exports, being offered to small countries, like Uruguay, Paraguay and El Salvador. These 3 countries allegedly planned to buy 12 units of the Serpiente each one, but pressure from the US (even though the Serpiente is a US derived product) made them decline the offer. The Serpiente has seen service in the FAA for 15 years now, and is expected to surpass 2040. The future of this plane looks bright, with several modifications planned for the next year, like a radar-absorbing painting, to have semi-stealth capabilities (coming probably next update). Special thanks to: Dels, the creator of the F-2. EricJ, who uploaded the F/A-18A and its HUD, which I used for this mod. SandMartin, who helped me to remake the cabin. ValAstur, who inspired me to make this mod, and for the Nachash, the starting point of this. Eagle114th, for the screenshots, which he took while I was isolated, and for taking the time to test everything (he tested absolutely EVERYTHING and helped me correct it) ThirdWire, for this awesome sim. CONTENTS: Lockheed/FMA IA-16 Serpiente and its decals. Rafael Python 5 and Hughes AIM-120-AR, the missiles of this plane. Fuel tanks. Pilot and refuel probe. NOTES: The cabin is bugged, and we couldn't fix it. We corrected the position of the seat, but some things dissapeared, as far as I know, the LOD of the cabin is bugged.


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