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  1. 3 points

    Version 1.0.0


    SF2 T-34B Mentor (USN) Upgrade Pack by RussoUK/Wrench 1/12/2023 -For SF2, Any and All (Full 4/5 Merged plus Expansion 1 Recommended) Modifications to RussoUK's fun little T-34B Mentor (USN) make some major and minor adjustments in skins, decals, data ini and other misc stuff. This is the full aircraft, with all the bits as issued by Russ in the original release. Just in case you don't have said original release, you won't have to go scrambling around trying to find the "weapons" (ok, drop tank) pilots and sounds. Also, because I was/am too lazy to pick out and remove stuff. Easier this way :) All new historically correct decals have been created. It should be stated that the serial numbers (BuNums) and Modex numbers, while historically correct, are generic in nature representing no particular base unit or squadron. The SF2 Date SWtich (tm) is active, and will cause the skins to change on particular dates. The skins are: Navy1 -- VT-1 "Eaglets"(>1965) Aircraft is painted in standard "Trainer Yellow" Navy2 -- VT-1 "Eaglets" (<1965). Aircraft is painted white/orange ID panels the < and > indicate "before 1965" and "after 1965". As you can see, they represent Mentors from VT-1 "Eaglets" based at NAS Saufley Field, Florida. Most markings are decals; exceptions would be wing insignia/nation names on fuselage and/or wings. Other markings are decals, and Decal Randomization is TRUE. There are 18 serial/BuNum numbers for each aircraft; both skins share the same 'pool' of decals. The aircraft keeps all it's original designations, so will appear the same in-game as the original download. When in game, on the Aircraft Selection Dropdown menu, you'll see: Beech T-34B Mentor USN (R) Hopefully, this will differentiate it from any other T-34B Mentors that may (or may not) be available. The "R" stands for RussoUK, the model maker. As is always recommended, unzip to a temp folder or your desktop to give easy access to the rest of this readme for it's install instructions. Happy Landings! Wrench Kevin Stein
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    A bit of history. Extract from Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/399877246768865/photos/a.783005898455996/866828416740410/?type=3 "In 1976, Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya (Fuerza Aerea Uruguaya - FAU) began to seek a replacement for its North American AT-6 trainers and to complement its fleet of Cessna T-41D primary trainers, which had been acquired in 1969. Once the Beechcraft T-34 was considered as a suitable substitute for the "tejanos", to be incorporated into the FAU inventory, these mentors were registered FAU-660 to 684. La Escuela de Aviación Militar (Escuela Militar de Aviación - EMA) I received four planes, these were registered FAU-669, 670, 676 and 677, while FAU kept two planes: FAU-650, 651, 660, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 668, 671, 672 and 678, all operating with Grupo de Aviación N° 1. On July 14, 1980, four mentors were acquired by Chilean Naval Aviation, namely a T-34A, serialized FAU-651, and three T -34Bs, which received serial FAU-685 to 687. In 1982, when the (Centro de Instrucción y Entrenamiento de Vuelo Avanzado - CIEVA) was created, Group No. 1 of Aviation was designated as an "attack" unit, being replaced from its T-34B by the IA-58 Pucará. In turn, the T-34s were transferred to CIEVA just created. With the passage of time, the wear and tear, the accidents and the presumed cuts passed the invoice and the number of operating aircraft decreased considerably, until the point of having only 10 planes available for training at CIEVA and EMA for mid-1989. Fortunately, the following year, through a subsidy from the Spanish Government, the FAU received one T-34A that had been withdrawn from the Air Force of that country between 1987 and 1988, and had been stored in very good conditions. These T-34A arrived by boat in Uruguay on March 8, 1991, joining FAU on April 24, with registration numbers FAU-630 to 646. In May 1992, two T-34As were transferred to Naval Aviation, these being FAU-630 and 639. After 20 years of service, it was considered necessary to modernize the EMA training fleet, so in 1999 FAU awarded a contract for 13 Aermacchi SF.260s to a company in the United States." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * In this pack, everything BUT plane´s numbers and skins are not 100% correct as the planes were used mainly as trainers. This should be pretty boring! * Anyone is allowed to use the blank skins for other skins without ask me any permission, but don´t forget to share it! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits: RussoUK - 3D work Wrench - inspiration, support and inside ReadMe text. Ideal for Gepard´s awesome terrain "Rio de La Plata". Skins and decals - Me, myself and I Have fun!!
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    The Boeing 737 AEW&C is a twin-engine airborne early warning and control aircraft based on the Boeing 737 Next Generation design. It is lighter than the 707-based Boeing E-3 Sentry, and has a fixed, active electronically scanned array radar antenna instead of a rotating one. It was designed for the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) under "Project Wedgetail" and designated E-7A Wedgetail. Model: Veltro2k FM tweak : Wrench Skins&Decals:Trent0001 ,Wrench Cockpit: Kesselbrut old age is a bitch! if I left someone out, please let me know. install in Objects/aircraft folder THIS MODEL IS ONLY TO BE DISTRIBUTED AS FREEWARE AND IN NO OTHER CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL IT BE USED, EVEN IN PART OF ANYTHING THAT IS PAYWARE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COMBAT ACE MODDERS AGREEMENT


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