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Showing most liked content on 03/09/2023 in Files

  1. 4 points



    SF2 A-26C Invader Pak (Revamped) by Bobrock, Gerwin & Wrench 3/5/2023 = For SF2, Full-5 Merged (Reccommended/Preferred) = *Note: This a semi=major overhaul of the original A-26C released in 2013. Gerwin has reworked many aspects of the model, and THIS MOD WILL REPLACE ALL OTHER EARLIER VERSIONS!!! You are advised to move, remove, or delete any other versions of this you have in any/all mod folders. This new packaging covers the WW2 and post-war time frame. * *Note: (again!) In 1947, the "A" for "Attack" designation was removed from use, and the A-26 Invader renamed to B-26 Invader (for Light Bomber Squadrons). Also, with the retirement of the Martin B-26 Marauder after WW2, the number was "open for reuse". However, the displayed name on the Single Mission screen will read "A-26C Invader"; as that's what it be. BTW, this is the GLASS NOSED bomber version, with working Norden bombsight. Instructional PDF included. The revamp is supplied with 3 skins: 552nd BS, 386th BG, 9th AF ETO (1944 start date) 13th BS, 3rd BG (<1950) Korean War Era Generic NMF for any time period (10/47 start date) All skins are "natural metal", some with painted on national or squadron markings. The Generic NMF marking are ALL decals, and carries post-1947 USAF markings. The serial/Buzz numbers =ARE= correct for this aircraft, but represent no particular unit. This is true for the WW2 skins serials as well. The SF2 "Date Switch" is active, and will change from the WW2 to the post-war skin in October 1947. Weapons are =NOT= included; all stock items are used.The engine sound are included, it's been switched to the AvHistory R2600 x2 wav. Each skin has its own Hangar Screen. This aircraft is also equipped with a fully functional bombsight/bombadiar position. Included is Kesselbruts pdf on "How To Use the Bombsight". I'd suggest reading it however many times it takes, and to practice, Practice, PRACTICE!!! using it on the Bombing Range Terrain. The canopy opens with the Standard Animation Keystroke (tm), Shift/0. When 'in game', you'll see A-26C Invader (BRG) on the Aircraft Selection Drop down menu. This, also, will help to differentiate the aircraft from any other Invader you may (or may not) have. It stands for "Bobrock/Gerwin" as they did the real heavy lifting. As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read too. Good Hunting! Wrench Kevin Stein from the KAW Team, circa 2013
  2. 4 points

    Version 1.0.0


    Lockheed Nighthawk GR.1 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the amazing F-117A by Dels to create a fictional Nighthawk GR.1 in service with the Royal Air Force in the 1989-2010 timeline. I made this for myself but I'm releasing it 'as is' following a request. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the NighthawkGR1 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the NighthawkGR1 folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Big thanks to Dels for bringing us the F-117A and for generously uploading the templates. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - March 8th, 2023
  3. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Battle of Britain 2 Terrain Operation Seelöwe ***************************************************** This mod is made for SF2E. ---------------------------------------------------------- I. Battle of Britain 2 terrain Operation Seelöwe is a complete rework of my Battle of Britain terrain from 2009. It is completly new tiled, to give it a much better look. Each tile has now a size of 1024x1024 pixel, what is 4 times higher than in the old terrain. The terrain is made with "Operation Seelöwe" in mind. This operation was a german military plan from 1940 to land with strong forces on english soil. This operation was planed in a timeframe from summer till early autumn 1940. Thatswhy i made no seasoned tileset. To simulate the ground battles after the german invasion i set some german beachheads on the map, so that now CAS missions can be flown. The area of Londow along the river Themse is new tiled by using satellite images. To hold the frame rate of the game as high as possible, i made the rivertiles not as tga files, but as ordinary jpg files. Thatswhy you will not find waves and reflexions on the river Themse and the most other rivers in this terrain. The City of London is populated with house blocks. So is is destroyable by bomb raids. The airfields in Britain are made by using old air footages from WW2. The design of the german bases is fiction. I was not able to find air footages from 1940 for this airfields. Please make sure, that your bombers have the setting MinBaseSize=MEDIUM in their data.ini of the plane. Otherwise the bombers will also use fighter bases. At the moment Battle of Britain 2 terrain contains 312 target areas. Some target areas are named PQsomething. PQ comes from the german word "Planquadrat", which is in english "grid". I decided to use the term PQ to simulate german planningmaps. The terrain comes with two new nations. First the Luftwaffe of the Third Reich and the fictionary Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte of the Republic of Germany. Both nations have own insiginas, which you can select for single missions. The swastika i made only in a "camouflaged" version, because in Germany it is not allowed to handle this symbol in a game. I have also moded the missioncontrol.ini file. Now the planes are closer to their base when they start a landing approach. The terrain comes with 3 campaigns. No.1 is Operation Seelöwe, the german invasion in Britain in late summer 1940 No.2 is the so called Nonstop Offensive, the british air strikes over the Channel in 1941 No.3 is Operation Seelöwe in 1956 with a fiction Republic of Germany as invader. For the campaigns you need following planes: BF109E-4 by RussoUK https://combatace.com/files/file/14035-bf109e-47z/ Ju-88A-1 by Veltro2k https://combatace.com/files/file/15445-junkers-ju-88-a1/ Do-17P by Veltro2k https://combatace.com/files/file/15196-dornier-do-17p/ Spitfire Mk.1 by TMF https://combatace.com/files/file/13510-sf2-ww2-spitfire-mk1a-by-mod-mafiatmf/ Hurricane IA by Raven https://combatace.com/files/file/13646-sf2-ww2-hawker-hurricane-ia-etobob-by-raven/ WW2 RAF Bombers pack by Wrench https://combatace.com/files/file/13795-sf2-ww2-raf-bombers-pak/ For the german 1956 campaign you need a MiG-17 cockpit The best is made by Stary https://combatace.com/files/file/12684-mig-15-mig-15-bis-mig-17-cockpit/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- II. CREDITS: While making Battle of Britain 2 terrain i used a lot of files made by other modders. Thanks for this files! The tileset is basing on Jan Tumas tileset for First Eagles The most tod files are made by me, but i also used files made by Stary. The white cliffs objects are made by GKABS. The airfield objects are made by Geezer. Some hangars are taken from AirfieldDevKit_v1.1 The Robinson hangars are made by RussoUK2004 The industrial factories are made by Geezer. The fortification objects are made by Geezer. The cargoships which you find in London Docks are made by Nils 'Julhelm' Dücker I hope that have nobody forgotten. ---------------------------------------------------------- III. INSTALLATION: -Unzip the folders into your SF2 mod folder ---------------------------------------------------------- IV. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use the forum or send me a PM. ------------------------------------------------------------- V. Battle of Britain 2 terrain Operation Seelöwe and all of his parts are FREEWARE. COMMERCIAL USE IS NOT ALLOWED! ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany May 2021


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