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Showing most liked content on 09/13/2023 in Files

  1. 1 point

    Version 0.2.1


    In this package you find the current versions of my programs. Since all programs are using the same Qt and Microsoft Visual Studio libraries I thought it is convenient to put them all together. This package contains currently: LOD Viewer V0.5.2 Target Area Editor V0.2.2 (Updated) CAT Extractor V0.1.0 (NEW!) For usage instructions of the programs please read the readme files located in the Readme folder.
  2. 1 point

    Version 1.0.0


    Su-33 Camo for Su-27M (What if) Alternative history : [TRUE] The aircraft carrier Admiral Kuznetsov set sail on 15 October 2016 from the Kola Bay for takin part in Russian agression against Syria. The carrier was accompanied by an ocean-going tugboat, as a precaution due to potential propulsion failure. The airwing included 6-8 Su-33 fighters, 4 Mig-29K/KUBR multi-role aircraf. On 14 November 2016, a MiG-29K crashed into the sea after taking off from the carrier. On 15 November 2016, Admiral Kuznetsov, took part in bombing Syria. On 3 December 2016, an Su-33 crashed into the sea after attempting to land on the carrier. [FICTION] On 4 December early in the morning, the aircraft carrier's radar detected more than a dozen unknown air targets approaching their ship. In a panic, the Russians raised all Su-33 fighters to protect their aircraft carrier. But it was too late. In a matter of minutes all Su-33 planes were shot down. To this day it remains a mystery whether these were F-22 stelth aircraft or they were Israeli F-35 aircraft. Some person tells even it was martians. These cheerless news came to the Kremlin. The news of the loss of all Su-33 aircraft could not be published in the Russian mass media. Dumbfounded militarist propaganda residents, could inadequately respond to such a defeat of their troops. It was decided to hush up the news. Dmitry Rogozin minister of Defense Industry of Russia, suggested that all existing Su-27M to repaint in Su-33 camouflage colors. A few days later, at night at low altitude, all repainted Su-27Ms flew to Syria and start imitating the presence of the Su-33 in Syria and showed themselves in propaganda TV plots. We are waiting for the further events. BBC News, cpecial report, Syria. ======== This skin match (original aircraft) https://combatace.com/files/file/15049-su-37-flanker-f/ Or my repack https://combatace.com/files/file/16722-su-27m-t-10m-original-su-37-repainted/ ======== installation: unpack and copy to your installed before Su-27M or Su-37 folder. Be sure to overwrite the decals folder. It is very important! There is a fix for the UV grid of the original model, cause of which the second wing had a reflection of the first that the aircraft was disfiguring. ======== Used Decals from: NATO Fighters 4+ https://combatace.com/files/file/12230-nato-fighters-4-part-5/ By Dave (approved by Dave, January 20, 2016) =========== Skins was drawn based on outlines by Mariusz Wojciechowski and real photos. http://www.mariwoj.pl/ And Skins by me, bazillius If you like this skin you can copy, paste, remake, redraw use in your pack. I do not care of it. Kisses, waves, hand shaking and best regards.


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