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Showing most liked content on 02/14/2025 in Posts

  1. 7 points
    i´m uploading F-4D Cockpit Pack version 1.0.3 right now what is new F-4D Cockpit Pack is updated F-4D Cockpit Fix updated F-4D_Radar_PPI removed from cockpit folder New F-4D_Radar texture Radar and TV Display texture size is set to1024 x 1024 in Avionics.ini Gunsight Depression optimised Gun Sight Mode Selector Knob is set to HUD_MODE_INDIDCATOR , to work with CAGE mode F-4D_IRIAF and F-4D_IRIAF_76 cockpits are added F-4D Cockpit Pack = F-4D cockpits and ini´s , Weapons Pack and Nuclear Effects for B61 and Walleye Mk6 ( no need to add the Effects if you have this Effects already ) F-4D Cockpit Fix = F-4D cockpits and ini´s , for everybody whop has the latest F-4D cockpits NOTE: i added a F-4D Cockpit Fix for everybody who has already downloaded the F-4D Cockpit pack , Please REMOVE the existing Cockpit folder before adding the new one in to the respective aircraft folder , copy and drop the new ini´s in to the respective aircraft folder and let overwrite if ask to i have tested all cockpits and could not find any problems , if you find something wrong Please inform me so i can fix it regards ravenclaw_007
  2. 5 points
    View File Su-17 Fitter-C V1.0 I know this has been a long way, but finally, we are releasing the first variant for the swing wing Su-17 series. The Su-17 (Sans Suffix) is the first production swing wing series coming from the fixed wing Su-7 series, which has been in service since 1959. the plane still shared some common parts with the 7, like the tail (same as the Su-7BKL series) and fuselage fuel pipes, to mention some external ones. The same store payload (more or less) was hanging from 6 external hardpoints, all for unguided munitions, the only real advantage with the Su-7 series is the swing wings that shortened the takeoff and landing runs. Unless its predecessor this specific variant was not widely exported, only Egypt was provided with a few examples (named Su-17K). CombatACE team who deserve credits on the project is mentioned below, please if someone is missing (Hey, this has more than 10 years in the making) is listed below: For the 3D aspects: Martin K. A.K.A. 76.IAP-Blackbird. Laszlo B. A.K.A. Logan4. Enoc M. A.K.A. FLOGGER23. The FM: Cliff7600 Armament Department: Snailman Cliff7600 Skinning: FLOGGER23 I want to thank the advice to the following guys: Snailman for the references Soulfreak for the stencil pics Stary for general skinning tips General installation tips. As this is a first release and the plane was operated by the Soviet Air Force, I recommend using it in the European/Asian-Ish terrains for realism. All squadrons and decals have been verified as historical, but errors may have been made, be nice to us (me) All of the mod folders have been arranged for you to drop them in the main game folder of your preference. Some weapons have been made from scratch, please review what you have and what you need. Some effects have been made, also, please back up what you have. Su-17K as mentioned above, will be released as separated for SF2:I Thanks to all who stayed this long with us to (hopefully) enjoy this release, we will work on the next variant as time allows, as they are in the final stages of release. Safe flights everyone! Submitter FLOGGER23 Submitted 02/14/2025 Category Su-17  
  3. 3 points
  4. 3 points
    Armstrong Whitworth Elswick Mk.II - No.74 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1937
  5. 2 points
    Armstrong Whitworth Elswick Mk.II - No.74 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1937 Skin Credit: Charles
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    this is the old, SF1 original version (not fully updated to SF2, but easily done). There's also a couple of fixes in the SF2 Terrains section that give in minor upgrades Use it as a base, if you want
  9. 1 point
    somebody told me a while ago that the radar texture in SF2 is hardcoded to 256 x256 that is not true , i simply changed the value below [RadarDisplay] ViewportTextureSize=1024 and now i have a very clear and sharp radar texture and i cult even add some small details to it that would not show up with a texture size of 256 x 256 final radar texture based a the F-4D weapons delivery manual from 1976
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point


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