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allenjb42 last won the day on May 4 2024

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About allenjb42

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    Manchester, England


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  1. Super Sunday

    Training day with live ammo... Ambush 00 doing a pretty good impression of a MiG-31 Firefox..
  2. Viper Pit

    It's all Greek to me... SoloTurk and Spare over Istanbul (was Constantinople, now it's Istanbul, not Constantinople etc, etc)..
  3. An unexpected massive oil discovery in the South Atlantic suddenly solves most of Argentina's economic problems overnight, and the FAA embarks on a modernization program. While they await clearance to purchase F-35s they 'make do' with a package of F-15Cs and F-15Es, and begin aggressive patrolling towards the Falklands... Facing them are the four Boeing/BAe Eagle FGR.7s of 1435 Flight; 'Faith', 'Hope', Charity' and 'Desparation'...
  4. Boeing/BAe Strike Eagle GR.4s from 617 Squadron on exercise over the Mach Loop...
  5. Would it be a big step to get a Z-20 from this model too?
  6. If a second Civil War isn't popular, the terrain would also be good for Cold War Gone Hot scenarios: - A Red Dawn-style Soviet invasion, with Cuban and other Central/South American support, pushing up from the south and east - A Red Dawn remake with North Korean (!) or Chinese invasion forces pushing from the west - A 'what-if' NATO splintered after the election of left wing governments in member countries, including Canada, and the Soviets are carrying out joint exercises in Canada and push south - Intercept missions against Soviet nuclear-armed bombers flying from off-map bases in Russia and coming down through Canada to attack the US Also, some anti-terrorist/drug runner/bootlegger missions along the border will be interesting to play on this map in various time periods
  7. Great screenies, and I love the Viking too, but it's got 4 seats hasn't it, not 2? Mandatory two-seater screenshot:
  8. Tweaking some parking slots on the CVA-59 model with USS Saratoga, somewhere in the Persian Gulf..

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