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LloydNB last won the day on April 26 2019

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    Wellington, New Zealand


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  1. Thanks guys Well, that complicates things. The squadrons I'm skinning for the Battle of France and North Africa had a mix of aircraft - some with the bomb bay and some without. An Aero Journal edition I have has the actual serial numbers for each GAO squadron, from which you can determine the correct under wing codes. Perhaps that means I'll do an early war version of the .data file, allowing the section of mixed squadrons. LloydNB
  2. I'm looking to make changes to the .data file for the Potez 63.11. The books say it also had a small internal bomb bay that held 8 10kg bombs. its not clear where the bomb bay was located as none of the panel line drawings or cut-out diagrams I have show it. My guess is that it was under the pilot, close to the centre of mass. The gunner had to be able to man both the ventral and dorsal gun. The orientation of the bombs was probably horizontal in two stacks of five - there doesn't appear to be space for vertical bombs, such as in the p.633. What do you think? LloydNB
  3. View File Potez 631 skin pack These are a repaint of the original files to represent four of the squadrons operating the P631 in France 1940 - two night fighters and from the French Navy. I have tried to match the underwing codes with the aircraft numbers. New Hangar and loading screens, user list and data file included. This is not a full install. Please download and install the original version first. You'll get to keep Charles' excellent original textures. Submitter LloydNB Submitted 11/19/2021 Category French Origin  
  4. Potez 631 skin pack

    Version 1.0.0


    These are a repaint of the original files to represent four of the squadrons operating the P631 in France 1940 - two night fighters and from the French Navy. I have tried to match the underwing codes with the aircraft numbers. New Hangar and loading screens, user list and data file included. This is not a full install. Please download and install the original version first. You'll get to keep Charles' excellent original textures.
  5. Progress shots. I still need to change some of the flight numbers for ECN 1/13- the aircraft below (No.117 flown by Cap. Treillard) was actually White 1, not White 2 as depicted. The P63.11 may take some time as the fuselage is mapped a little differently to the P630. It means that the size and orientation of some layers will have to be tweaked. However, when done, there are dozens of possible squadrons and theatres.
  6. I'm also working on the P633. I've managed to add a decal giving the pilot an aiming window but it bleeds into the nose on the left side. That will require another decal to cover it. I can add a rear window (below the gunner's feet) and a landing spotlight but they do the same thing. The P633s hung on making up squadron numbers at the start of hostilities. The aircraft represented should be used in blended squadrons with B693s. As most of the P633s were aircraft held back from foreign orders, I've represented them with letter suffixes to their aircraft number - C for China, R for Romania and G for Greece.
  7. A re-skin of the Potez 631 C3 in development. The aircraft number and under-wing codes are historically correct, although only some aircraft are recorded as being in particular squadrons. Most that were recorded were downed aircraft.
  8. New Aircraft

    Well if you ever need inspiration, just come on down to the Hood Aerodrome, Masterton New Zealand, where Peter Jackson keeps some of his collection. https://ww2aircraft.net/forum/threads/the-vintage-aviator-hangar-masterton-nz.46396/ They are even more impressive in the air during Wings over Wairarapa.
  9. I remember reading here the other day that people continue to have problems getting TGAs to show properly on aircraft. The problem is down to paint programs producing 24-bit TGAs, whereas the game needs 32-bit files for the Alpha channel to be included. The answer is a handy little utility that I keep on my desktop. Its an Alpha Converter by Adam Najmanowicz. Simple to use - just open the utility up (there are just two files), select TGA files as the output,select and drag your 24 bit TGAs on to the utility. For a 128x128 file you will seen the file size change where you have the TGA files stored e.g. from 66KB to 65KB. You can find the utility for download at Adam's blog - https://blog.najmanowicz.com/search/alphaconv/ Remember to select an uncompressed 24-bit format when making the files in the first place.
  10. View File Belgian BR.XIX (1940) These aircraft represent the Ecole d’aéronautique pressed into service at the outbreak of World War II as communication aircraft. Submitter LloydNB Submitted 05/05/2019 Category First Eagles - Golden Era - Allied Skins  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Skin for Stephen1918's Breguet XIX. These aircraft represent the Ecole d’aéronautique pressed into service at the outbreak of World War II as communication aircraft.
  12. Modders - whats on the list?

    I'm using that page as my guide. I thought a few Ecole d’aéronautique (Cockatoo) aircraft pressed into service flying in an army communications role would be representative of 1940. The numbers should probably be in the 130-156 range to represent the last surviving air frames, although I have record of No.78 being abandoned at Oostende. Well, its posted.
  13. Modders - whats on the list?

    Working on the Belgian Br.19. I've got the standard rudder makings sorted. All it needs is the individual aircraft numbers in the place indicated and matching codes under the lower wings.
  14. View File Breguet XIX Republican pack I have depicted three Republican squadrons: 22 Grupo, 23 Grupo and Alas Rojas (Red Wings). I would have liked to assign squadrons (Escuadrilla) to the first two skins but it would have only been guesswork. The Red Wings was a unit that was equipped with a range of aircraft including: nine Breguet XIXs; five Nieuport 52s; one Fokker F.VIIB; and one DH89 Dragon Rapide. It operated in the Aragonian front, hitting targets in Zaragoza, Huesca, Tardienta and Barbastro. LloydNB Submitter LloydNB Submitted 04/26/2019 Category First Eagles - Golden Era - Allied Skins  

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