SF/WO* Missions/Campaigns
Sub Category
User-created missions and campaigns
In Memory of LCDR Dennis Pike - MIA March 23, 1972 (WOV)
By comrpnt
This mission pack replicates the final mission of Lt. Cmdr. Dennis Stanley Pike (USN), that took place over the Vietnam/Laos border on March 23, 1972. In that mission Lt. Cmdr. Pike and his wingman, Cmdr. Robert Taylor (USN) – commanding officer of Attack Squadron 192 – were flying A-7E aircraft assisting ground-based government forces being overrun by Viet Cong guerrillas, and also a downed T-28 with American pilot and Vietnamese observer in the same area. After forty minutes over the target area both aircraft were heading homeward, when Cmdr. Taylor received a call from Lt. Cmdr. Pike related to “oil pressure problems”. Moments later – and still 20 miles inside the Laotian border - Pike’s A-7E engine failed. Cmdr Taylor saw Lt. Cmdr. Pike eject from the aircraft. No trace of Lt. Cmdr. Dennis Pike has ever been found since. Loss coordinates were 152200N 1073400E (YC755030), and in 1973 his status was recorded as Missing In Action.
This mission pack has been tested with the October 2008 patch for Wings Over Vietnam (WOV).
Acknowledgements, Disclaimer and Terms
Thank you to all those modders that have provided the prerequisites I have used in my mission packs. If there are any problems with these missions and my own modifications, then please contact me directly, not the authors of the prerequisites.
Released under Fair-Use terms, as defined at CombatAce
Missions Included in this Pack
This pack contains the following combat missions:
1.[720323]DSP Profile A – follow a flight profile similar to that of Lt. Cmdr. Pike, including the simulation of engine problems in the target area
2.[720323]DSP Profile B – similar to flight profile A above, but without the engine problems so that you may complete the mission and return to base
3.[720323]DSP Profile A(D) – similar to flight profile A above, but set during daylight hours
4.[720323]DSP Profile B(D) – similar to flight profile B above, but set during daylight hours
And the following training missions:
5.[720322]Carrier Qualify(D) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a daylight carrier landing
6.[720322]Carrier Qualify(N) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a night carrier landing
7.[720322]Carrier Qualify(DBW) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a bad weather daylight carrier landing
8.[720322]Carrier Qualify(NBW) – take off and circuit the fleet, and carry out a bad weather night carrier landing
This Pack includes the following:
1.Detailed installation instructions - including list of prerequisites
2.Set of missions (as described above)
3.Detailed Mission Briefing
4.VA-192 Golden Dragons skin for the Mirage Factory's A-7E model
5.New 'type' definition
6.New 'target' definitions
Any problems, please let me know. Good luck!
comrpnt (02/2009)
ODS The Great Showdown version 1.0
By Jarhead1
This is the fixed version, ODSm The Great Showdown version 1.0
Sorry for the mistake folks, I thought I had all the bugs worked out.
By pato poli
Hello, this si my first job.
Is based on the last campaing of the Strike Fighter.
New airplanes: F-14A and F-4S (late), and for single mission also A-4E se, IAI F-21 Lion, Mig-28 (F-5E), F-16 Viper.
New enemy: more trainig and more moral to make them more agressive.
Various skin for the Tomcat.
New pilots: Maverick, Iceman, Goose and others.
More add-ons: IR growler louder, widesky, tracers.
New music, and main menu imagine.
View the README file for instructions and recon who work on it, direct or indirectly.
Hola, este es mi primer trabajo.
Basado en la ultima campaña original del Strike Fighter.
Nuevos aviones: F-14A y F-4S (tardio), y para mision simple tambien A-4E se, IAI F-21 Lion, Mig-28 (F5-E), F-16 Viper.
Nuevos enemigos: mas entrenados y motivados para que sean ams agresivos.
Varios skin para el Tomcat.
Nuevos pilotos: los principales de la peli.
Mas agregados: gruñido de misiles IR mas fuerte, cielo amplio, trazadoras.
Nueva musica e imagen del menu principal.
Ver el archivo LEAME por instrucciones y reconocimiento de las personas que trabajaron en el mod, directa o indirectamente.
Operation Desert Storm, Part 3 of 3
By JSF_Aggie
Operation Desert Storm for Wings Over Europe
This is a complete addon for WOE, containing a Desert Storm dynamic campaign, as well as scripted single missions.
This installer is 3 of 3.
Operation Desert Storm, Part 2 of 3
By JSF_Aggie
Operation Desert Storm for Wings Over Europe
This is a complete addon for WOE, containing a Desert Storm dynamic campaign, as well as scripted single missions.
This installer is 2 of 3.
The Battle For The Desert!
By scouserlad13
This mission has 50+ aircraft involved, its a big battle. You are flying
a Spitfire 5BL and you have 15 other spitfires at your command. Flying along side
you is a squadron of Hurricanes which consists of 16 aircraft. Your mission
is to take out the group of 32 FW-190'S that are escorting the He-111H3. Once you have
taken out the escorts head for the Bombers and take those out before they reach the tanks and troops
on the ground.
Good luck and Good Hunting!
Stick the mission file into your mission folder.
Files Needed:
(THESE CAN BE FOUND AT THE A-TEAMS WEBPAGE...http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ )
Spitfire 5BL
(These can be found at combatace)
Soldiers By Monty CZ
USA sherman M4a2-76-W by rebel ryder (I couldnt get in touch with him so i just want to thank him if he see;s this, and that i am sorry if he didnt want
this to be used)
Capun and the A-Team Skunk works for the Spitfire, Hurricane, HE-111 and FW-190D
Soldiers by Monty CZ
Sherman By Rebel Ryder.
NOTE: Put flight model setting to easy, that way if you go to make a hard turn you wont just spin out of control.
PS. Aircraft have been removed seeing as i caused some upset last time i uploaded, all is good now i think. Just want to say sorry for not reading the copyright thingy.
Jaguar Strike
By tomcat21
This is my time making a mission for WOE, so everything isnt going to be perfect. I tried to make it so there are alot of things going on *tank battle, enemy CAS, friendly intercept, and flak* but after i had a few problms, i had to cut it down a bit. I also had trouble ith the waypoints, but i managd to get it to the point where there arent any premature landings by the autopilot or wingman. So the waypoints arnt going to be the same as in other WOE missions. Hopefully next go round I get it right, lol. Anyways, this is just a simple Jag mission, the bases are close so there is no long flights, and you can quickly get into the action. If there are any problems, just let me know and I'll try to figure them out.
The only planes you need are the Mirage Factory Jaguar GR.1, Mig-21F *i think that one is already in the stock folder* and the F-14A from Mirage Factory.
and make sure you have the latest weapons packs and patches*or else some weapons wont work or the phamat and ECM pod wont show*
They can be found at www.column5.com. or on www.combatace.com
all thanks go out to column5 for the planes
Sea Battle Mission Two-Pack (WOE Only!)
By Kobuspoes
Hello everyone,
I made this to add some carrier battles to WOE.
It is my first release so please go a little easy on me.
It are 2 missions focusing on battles on sea were you have to protect your carrier from enemy attacks.
Requirements (Very Important!!)
CVN-68: In .rar file (Credits to Digital Overlord)
CV-59: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1 (credits to Beer & Capun)
Nanuchka 2 PTG: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1 (Credits: Designer Manuele Villa,Model modifications and data ini by capun,Texture skins and testing by Gramps)
Spruance Class Destroyer: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
Oliver Hazard Perry Class FFG: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (Credits: Ship Model by Beer,Weapons and INI files by capun,Original Model Design by Bonzonie)
Kilo Class Submarine: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (Unknown Author,found on the internet by capun,model also converted by capun.)
F/A-18A Hornet: http://column5.us/
3D : Flying Toaster
Mapping, SFP1 import : BPAo
Base Textures : Column5
VMFA-122 Markings : USAFMTL
FM : Column5
3D : Flying Toaster/BPAo
Textures : BPAo, HUD from Kesselbrut
Effects : BPAo
Pilote : Thirdwire
Texture : Diego
3D : BPAo
Textures : Column5
F-14A Tomcat: http://column5.us/
3D : BPAo
Textures : Column5 (templates)
FM : Column5
Sounds : Aaron Swindle
Tu-95M Bear: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=7752 (Credits: Veltro2K)
Weapons Pack: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=2672 (Credits: The ones who make those weapons and, of course,Bunyap for putting them all together in one installer.
F-14A VF-31 Skin: http://column5.us/ (Credits to Ferrit)
O.H Perry FFG Update SP4: http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ (Credits to capun and Beer,Make sure you get the SP4 UPDATE with the SM-1 launcher,NOT the helo capable one!!!!!!!!!!)
Special thanks to:
scouserlad13 for the link to these destroyers
Everyone who downloads this
Missions are made by me,of course.
Read the readme inside the package!!
Voodoo Dawn
By paulopanz
Hi, this only another icy, test mission over Bering Straits.
I love the Voodoos and the Bears, I hope you too.
So You only need Erikgen's new masterpiece F-101B to crush Veltro's superb Tu-95As.
Next Veltro's revenge ...... by F-102.
I'm waiting, and you?
Merry Christmas - Buon Natale
Red Storm V 3.0
By scrapper
This is my war over Europe campaign, Red Swarm V3.0. It is for WOE patch 10/08.
I have not tested it for any of the other Third Wire games, but I don't see
why it wouldn't, with the usual adjustments.
All out Brawl!
All downloads needed are listed in the readme. Thanks to all the modmakers, who's
creations have allowed me to put this together.
***Changes over V1.0***
RAAF P-3 removed(not NATO)
3 French squadrons added
1 Canadian squadron added
1 Spanish squadron added
3 Tu-95 squadrons added
3 new Su-17 squadrons added
updated for WOE 10/08 update
***Changes over V2.0***
Swedish Viggen removed(not NATO)
1 Spanish MirageIIIE squadron added
1 Denmark squadron added
1 Itialian F=104S-ASA-M squadron added
1 F-14 squadron removed
2 Polish Mig-23MF squadrons added
2 Czech Mig-23MF squadrons added
2 Greek squadrons added
fixed inital display files
Removed hard to find f-16C block 25
***Changes over V2.1***
Denmark squadrons changed to F-16_blk10-NDCs
***Changes over 2.2***
More ground units added
new menu screens included
start dates changed
loadouts changed
tornadofmk3 squadron added
Red Swarm V 2.11
By scrapper
I had to fix some things with V2.0.
I took out Sweden, which was not in NATO.
I added Greece and Denmark, which were.
I also added Czech and polish Mig-23 squadrons.
***Changes over V2.0***
Swedish Viggen removed(not NATO)
1 Spanish MirageIIIE squadron added
1 Denmark squadron added
1 Itialian F=104S-ASA-M squadron added
1 F-14 squadron removed
2 Polish Mig-23MF squadrons added
2 Czech Mig-23MF squadrons added
2 Greek squadrons added
fixed inital display files
removed hard to find f-16 block 25
***Changes over V2.1***
fixed soviet squadron start dates
Future changes will be added. I could not find a Denmark F-16 skin, so I may have to create one
Send a message with any questions or comments.
Operation Mountain Twilight v1.2
By Baltika
OMT v1.2
Included the updated terrain MOVEMENT.INI file which controls the frontline.
24 November 2008
Operation Mountain Twilight v 1.1
by baltika
Revision Date: 23 November 2008
This is an update of my original OMT campaign to work with Wrench's 4 seasons re-release of Majorlee's American North West Terrain. This has exactly the same planeset and installation requirements as the original campaign, so please see the v1.0 readme for all the aircraft and groundobjects you will require to install.
Obviously, you should use Wrench's updated ANW terrain build, not any previous ANW release. Here's the link:
Thanks to MajorLee for the original terrain, Wrench for his upgrades, and Deuces, Doghouse and Brain32 for the additional tilesets. If I have missed anyone out, please let me know and I will add them in.
What's new:
1. I have added 25+ new target areas to Wrench's original Target List. There are a number of new target areas based on Wrench's existing ones, but all of Wrench's updated targets are in there, so you do not lose anything from the updated terrain. I have also included Doghouse's SAM sites mod, with his permission, so thanks for that, Doghouse. You will find that flying down those canyons becomes a necessity, not a joyride, once the SAM sites go online!
2. I have substantially re-worked the strategic nodes based on the new Target List.
3. Due to changes introduced by the Oct 08 patches, I have had to split the campaign files into separate campaigns for Red and Blue side flyable. If you want to fly the campaign for the Global Sedition, select "OMT: Red" from the campaign selection menu. I have reduced the GS ground unit strength in the Red-Side campaign to make it less of a cakewalk for GS pilots. Blue Side campaign is still a tough nut to crack ;-)
4. There are a number of alternative Win/Lose screens included in the d/l pack. These used to be called out for individual squadrons, but that seems not to work under Oct 08 patch. So, the default Win/Lose screen is called out from the main campaign_DATA.ini file. You can change the settings to select alternative Win/Lose screens if you wish, just edit the name of the screenshot called out.
5. I have also included ext's RCAF Vampire skin, as I can't track down the d/l link. Thanks to ext for the nice skin, cheers mate ;-)
I have packaged the files up so it should be obvious where everything has to go.
Install the terrain and planeset first.
Unzip the d/l package to a temporary folder, then copy the unzipped files across. When asked to over-write, say yes.
You must use the included AmericaNW_targets.ini, AmericaNW_Movement.ini and AmericaNW_types.ini, or the campaign will not work properly.
You will have to copy the content of the "Add to SquadronList" folder to your existing SQUADRONLIST.INI, renumbering as the next in sequence.
There should be no problem with dropping the new campaign files into an existing OMT campaign install, just over-write when prompted.
As ever, back up any modded files before you overwrite them - it's easier to restore your originals that way ;-)
Most of the required planes are older mods, which may or may not work properly in the latest round of patches. Try flying in normal mode if you are having serious trouble with a particular plane. I haven't yet experienced any huge issues, but your mileage may vary.
Any problems, questions, comments, etc, drop me a line at combatace.
Happy Hunting to one and all,
Nov 08
Red Swarm V 2.0
By scrapper
An update of my Red Swarm campaign for WOE update 10/08.
***Changes over V1.0***
RAAF P-3 removed
3 French squadrons added
1 Canadian squadron added
1 Spanish squadron added
3 Tu-95 squadrons added
3 new Su-17 squadrons added
updated for WOE 10/08 update
Questions or comments can be sent to ryan_m0@yahoo.com
Have at it!
night carrier
By coolpilot
This is a modification to the stock carrier mission in Wings Over Vietnam.
You use the F-4J
The AI plane is an A-4F
It is on Digital Overload´s CVN-75
Thanks to Digital Overload for his CVN-75 carrier, Thirdwire for the game, and kreelin for the KMD
The Dragon V2.0
By scrapper
I decided to update my formosa campaign. There were many new planes out, why not add them?
It has been tested for WOE update 10/08.
There are many new enemy squadrons, as a consequence.
My life Expectancy was about 2.5 missions.
It is one giant fur ball, so bring an extra pair of shorts!!!
Tomcats in Vietnam (updated)
By coolpilot
Changed aircraft from F-14B to Typhoid´s F-14A+, so you don´t have to edit the loadout anymore.
Added 3 squadrons (1 flyable, 2 AI) : VF-213 and 2 A-6 squadrons
*note: There are a lot (and I mean a very, very, very large LOT) of sams, so I recommend you increase the number of chaff to your F-14´s.Also, you´ll need Typhoid´s F-14A+ and the VF-213 skin for the Mirage Factory F-14A.
My first attempt of creating a campaign.
This a fictional campaign set in 1992 where 3 F-14 squadrons (VF-31,VF-103, and VF-154) are sent to Vietnam.
You need the 3 versions of the F-14(A,B,D) what i did was i got TMF F-14A and Typhoid´s F-14D, then got fractalnoise´s avionics update and which comes with the B´s data and added it a skin. You need Fist of the fleet´s VF-103 and VF-31 skins (put the vf103 in the B version and the vf31 in the A and D versions) and the VF-154 skin which comes with either the avionics update or the F-14D (sorry I can´t remember which).
Digital overload´s CVN75
Marcfighters SU-27
Boopidoo´s team SU-15
101 tfs´s (uploaded by Silverbolt) MiG-31 BM
Note: You will have to modify the F-14B to carry bombs.
If i forgot to mention anyone who worked on all the things I used contact me and I will put your name here.
Just drop the "Tomcats in Vietnam" folder to the wings over vietnam/campaigns folder (you need the vietnamsea terrain)
Remember it´s my first campaign so it won´t be perfect.
If there´s any problem´s please tell me and I´ll try to fix them
Happy flying
Steel Tiger Campaign
By TeTeT
Updated alpha preview release of the Steel Tiger campaign, that adds ground combat and armed recon to the Rolling Thunder WoV campaign.
CVN-75 Mission
By coolpilot
This is a mission where you have to intercept bombers and fighters that are heading towards your carrier.
You need the CVN-75
The F-14A
The MiG 23 MS
The TU-16G
Thanks to all the people who worked on all of those planes, thanks to Digital Overload for the CVN-75, and thanks to Kreelin for the mission editor I used to create this mission.
This mission is for WoV
Ghardaka attack
By coolpilot
This is a mission based on the attack on Ghardaka airfield during the 6 day war.
To install, just put it in your missions folder
You need:
Mirage IIIC (mirage factory)
Israel 2 terrain
Latest weapon pack
You can find all of them here.
This is my 1st mission, so don´t expect it to be perfect.
This was tested in WoV, I don´t know if it works in the other TW games
The Curious Tale of the Lightning and the U2
By comrpnt
The Curious Tale of the Lightning and the U-2
This simple mission pack allows me to share with you some interesting experiences I've had carrying out ultra high-level interceptions with the English Electric Lightning F.6 and the Lockheed U2-A. From my observations, using Wings Over Vietnam as a base game engine, the behaviour of both aircraft seems very close to what was experienced in real life – a testament perhaps to the quality of the Thirdwire platform and the flight models of the test aircraft.
Choose from two mission profiles: Fmk6-U2@60k IC or Fmk6-U2@70k IC for Lightning intercept missions at 60,000ft or 70,000ft respectively.
This download consists of the original illustrated article that I posted at SimHQ and the mission files. Installation instructions and prerequisites are included.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms (See here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26131)
Regards, comrpnt.
WOE:BC Berlin Crisis
By KingAlbert
This is my first campaign that I developped for Wings over Europe.
Background Story
The campaign is set in an alternative history, where the Berlin Wall did not fall on November 9, 1989. Instead East-Germans trying to pass to the west were gunned down by East-German and Soviet border guards. In the following months the Soviets intervene to suppress a popular uprising in East-Germany. Unfortunately a small skirmish between US marines and Soviet/East-German troops in Berlin provides the spark for the third world war. The Soviets, in their effort to get rid of the pesky capitalist island in their midst, decide to capture West-Berlin. Realizing that this will provoke a retaliation from NATO, the Soviets decide to attack West-Germany straight away.
As a NATO pilot, you will fend off the Soviet invasion. The campaign itself only lasts 30 days, since NATO troops should survive for about 3 weeks until the first convoys from the US would arrive.
Installation Instructions:
You have the choice of following an extended readme (26 pages) or a shortened readme with only the required links. The installation file also contains several modified ini's, hangar and loading screens.
The extended readme will show you were you can download the files and how they have to be installed.
Since this is my first campaign any feedback is more then welcome.
WOE:BC Version 1.0
With this version you get the campaign with all the required aircraft and ground objects. The groundwar uses the default campaign from WOE. It's my intention to customise and extend this campaign with future patches, but with the current file s and downloads you can already take to the skies and fight the Soviets.
Aircrafts you can fly in this campaign
● F-15C Eagle
● F-16C Fighting Falcon
● F-4G Phantom
● A-10A Thunderbolt
● F-111E Aardvark
● A-7D Corsair
● F-4D Phantom
● F-4E Phantom
● Tornado Gr1A
● Tornado Gr1
● Harrier Gr3
● F-4M Phantom
● Jaguar
● Tornado IDS
● F-4F Phantom
● CF-18A Hornet
● F-16A Fighting Falcon
● Mirage 5B
● F-35 Draken
● NF-5A
● Mirage IIIE
● Mirage F-1C
I am a signatory of the Freeware Licensing Agreement, a extensive list off all modders whose work was used in building this campaign is included in the readme.
Happy Flying
Canucks over Europe v1.0
By littlesmoke
FILE TYPE: Complete installation
This is a complete installation. You will need a fresh install of Wings over Europe fully patched with Bunyap's weapons pack.
Two new campaigns against a variety of ground targets. eight different squadrons
Two new aircraft, four new skins with matching drop-tanks, with up-graded radar and avionics for the Starfighter.
New Menu screens and many more 'upgrades'
All as historically accurate as possible
Linebacker III (Beta)
By malibu43
Thanks for downloading my Linebacker III campaign. This is pretty much the finished version. I'm only calling this a Beta simply because it hasn't been extensively tested.
This is a completely fictional campaign senario created to allow folks to fly some of the 80's/90's era aircraft in a campiagn situation. It's set up to be fun, and not an accurate representation of what would have happened had there been a conflict in Vietnam in the 90's. The squadron names/numbers are just what was there from the Linebacker II campaign I used as a template, so many of them may be incorrect for the type of aircraft used. Also, I didn't really spend any time on which skins to use, so most the default skin for most squadrons will be whatever the default skin for the aircraft is.
I would recommend a dedicated install for this campaign to prevent corrupting something, but it doesn't need it. See the installation instructions for more details. They aren't required downloads or listed in the install instructions, but I would also highly recommend the "Green Hell" mod for the terrain and the "wide sky" mod as well to get the most fun out of this campaign.
Included in the zip file:
-Vietnam Targets.ini, movement.ini and types.ini
-LBIII campaign folder
-F-16C and F-18C
-TER_CBU weapon rack
-Menu Screen
-Ground Object updates
All the required downloads are availabe at Combat Ace. However, if you can't find something here, try Column5.us. Required Downloads:
-Bunyaps Weps Pack
-LAU-88_AGM_65D by KingAlbert
-Infantry Pack by Kesselbrut
-US Armor Pack (labeled 'US 70's to Now Pack' in downloads)
-BMP-1 by Rebel Ryder
-F-15C (recommend the MSIP F-15C/D for an updated HUD)
-F-111F from F-111 Package (look in the readme for where do get the cockpit)
-A-7E_Late_MF (from the MF A-7E pack)
-F-16A_BLK10_NDC (only pilot and fx are needed for F-16C_BLK40)
-Tornado GR1 from Tornado Pack
-LHA-1 USS Tarawa
-Soviet Artillery Pack
-SU-27 (marcfighters.combatace.com)
1. Recommended: Start with a clean, patched copy of WOE and Add entire VietnamSEA terrain folder from WOV.
If you don't want a separate install for the campaign, you can just follow the rest of the steps and add everything to your existing WOE (w/WOV terrain) or WOE/WOV Merged install. Most of the files you're installing shouldn't interfere with anything else, but I can't promise that. I would recommend a seperate install.
2. Add the included vietnamSEA_targets.ini, vietnamsea_movement.ini and vietnamsea_types.ini into the terrain folder (allow to overwrite)
3. Drop the LineBackerIII campaign folder into the campaigns folder.
4. Add the F-16C_BLK40 and FA-18C folders into the aircraft folder. Also run the installer for the F-16A_BLK10_NDC into a temporary folder, and copy all the pilot and extra files (effects, etc.) from the temporary directory into the appropriate directory in your Linebacker III (or WOE) installation.
5. Overwrite the TER_CBU entry in the weapondata.ini file with the included weapon data. You will need to overwrite the exsisting entry, not just add the data at the bottom. The only difference is the attachment points have been adjusted to allow only the outer and bottom attachment points to be used (for the F-16). Make sure to open the weapon in the weapon editor afterwards so it shows up.
6. Copy all the data.ini files from in the ground object update folder into their appropriate folders in the groundobject folder. This updates all the SAM's, AAA, and vehicles so they show up after the 80's.
7. Install all of the required downloads.
8. If your doing a separate install, place mainscreen.BMP and mainscreen_alt.BMP in your menu folder. I have included two different mainscreens, and you can switch between the two by simply naming whichever one you want to use mainscreen.bmp and changing the name of the other one to something else. There is also an icon you can use. I would also reccommend saving a copy of one of you favorite 90's rock songs in .wav format and renaming it mainscreen.wav and dropping that in the menu folder. I chose "Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns 'n Roses. Really sets the mood!
vietnamSEA_targets.ini, _movement.ini, and _types.ini by TeTeT
Modified LBII campaign by TeTeT
F-16C created using the F-16C_BLK10_NDC by Mirage Factory
F-18C created using the FA-18A from Mirage Factory and the FA-18ba from the checksix megapack.
Big thank you to these folks for the work they did and for allowing me to use it!!!
The Dragon V1.1
By scrapper
This version is made to operate with Formosa terrain Version 1.0
Using the new Formosa V1.0 terrain, I was able to create a campaign which also uses most of the new aircraft.
Aircraft like the: EF-2000, F-22, AV-8B, Gripen, and the SU-27.
There are a lot of downloads to get. You should be able to find them all here.
A detailed readme is included, with all the credit, for the people who did the real work.
*Changes over V1.o*
Now works with Formosa Version 1.0 instead of Version 2.0beta
F-15 squadron fixed
more Chinese squadrons added
more ground units added
offensive missions tweaked
Al Mansura Air Battle mission pack for WOI
By Gepard
The Air Battle of Al Mansura mission pack
This missions are written for "Wings over Israel".
The air battle of Al Mansura was the biggest air combat between Mach 2 fighterplanes. It was fought during Yom Kippur War on 14.October 1973 between the Egyptian Air Force and the israeli Heyl hav Avir. The israelis tried to knock out the egyptian airbase Al Mansura with a massive air raid and were intercepted by egyptian MiG's. Al Mansura was damaged, but finally the israelis lost 17 planes the egyptian 6. Up today the Israelis deny that this battle has taken place.
This missions pack contains 6 missions.
You can fly this battle for the egyptian side and for the israelis.
You can choose between intercept (MiG's), escort (Kurnass, Nesher) and strike (Ahit) missions.
Unzip all files into your Wings Over Israel\ missions folder
Thats it.
This missions are FREEWARE. No commercial use is allowed.
Hope you enjoy it
Michael (Gepard)
Made in Germany
June 2008
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