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SF/WO* Missions/Campaigns

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User-created missions and campaigns

    1. The Dragon V1.0 campaign

      Introducing my new campaign, "The Dragon". It pits NATO and Taiwan forces, against China.
      Using the new formosa terrain, I was able to create a campaign which also uses most of the new aircraft.
      Aircraft like the: EF-2000, F-22, AV-8B, Gripen, and the SU-27.
      There are a lot of downloads to get. You should be able to find them all here.
      A detailed readme is included, with all the credit, for the people who did the real work.


         (3 reviews)



    2. Little txt update for the Falklands

      Paul "COMRPNT" Taylor did some very good campaign start and end textfiles I forgot to add tem into the pack
      ... here they are.


         (2 reviews)



    3. Operation Reciprocality

      Satellite passed Al-Walid earlier this morning found heat booms indicating Syria Air Force has their first strike long range bomber airbourned. Almost at the same time, air activities near sector 83 and 54 are increasing. Reconnaissance aircrafts reported visual confirmation that SA-2 sites in the area have been refueled indicating a surprise attack is imminent.
      You are tasked to intercept any incoming threats and track distant targets, shoot them down as it deems necessary. Authorization code is AZBZ-BBEZ-DABD.
      Good luck gentlemen!


         (0 reviews)



    4. Instantaction Modern Beta

      I allowed to USAFMTL !
      Instantaction Modern .MSN file < JUST Drop to Missions folder
      Intantaction .Ini < First if you not extracted it yet, you need SFP1E program to extact it in FLIGHT folder
      BACKUP!!! your original instantaction.Ini , and change it.
      (This is a Beta version...)
      Options. txt
      <Maybe You need to edit the Options in the Thirdwire/ SFP1 folder and change the Instantactions section like tis:
      or paste it from Options .txt
      GOOD HUNTING ! I was try to ad like a secondary Instantaction button or scroll menu, but sorry I dont able yet !


         (0 reviews)



    5. NATO Fighters II

      NATO Fighters II
      You MUST follow these steps to properly install NATO Fighers II.
      1. NATO Fighters II (NF2) requires that you already have WOE: NATO Fighters (NF1) installed. Refer to the readme that came with NF1 for more information.
      2. It is strongly recommended that you finish any campaigns you are currently playing BEFORE installing NF2. It is possible that existing campaigns could become corrupted if you install NF2 while you are still playing them.
      3. Run the executable included in the archive you downloaded. When prompted, ensure that the installation path is pointing towards your NF1 installation. When the path is correct, continue the installtion.
      4. That's it! Everything is installed automatically and no modding is required.
      Thanks for downloading NATO Fighters II! This is part two in a series of expansion packs for Wings Over Europe designed to incorporate many of the best mods for the Strike Fighters series produced over the past four years. NATO Fighters II contains the following additions:
      New Ground Objects:
      - SA-3 GOA Mobile SAM Launcher
      - SA-9 Gaskin Mobile SAM Launcher
      - M1A1 Abrams Tank
      New Aircraft:
      - CF-5A Freedom Fighter
      - F-16A Block 1 Fighting Falcon
      - Jaguar GR Mk.1
      - MiG-23ML Flogger-G
      - OV-10A Bronco (AI FAC Only)
      - Su-15A Flagon
      - Tornado GR Mk.1A
      - Yak-25M Flashlight
      - Yak-28B Brewer-C
      Campaign Updates:
      - Added one squadron with Yak-25M as adversary
      - Added two squadrons with Yak-28B as adversaries
      - Added one squadron with Su-15A as adversary
      - Added two squadrons with Yak-28B as adversaries
      - Added Belgian No. 349 Squadron in F-16A Block 1
      - Added Canadian No. 434 Squadron in CF-5A
      - Added Dutch No. 322 Squadron in F-16A Block 1
      - Added RAF No. IX Squadron in Tornado GR Mk.1A
      - Added RAF No. 41 Squadron in Jaguar GR Mk.1
      - Added RAF No. 617 Squadron in Tornado GR Mk.1A
      - Added USAF 16th TFS in F-16A Block 1
      - Added two squadrons with MiG-23ML as adversaries
      Bugs Fixed:
      - Fixed a problem where some AI squadrons would have 0 aircraft at the start of the campaign
      - Fixed some aircraft names for consistency
      - Armourdave
      - Boopidoo
      - BPAo
      - column5
      - Fracture
      - JSF_Aggie
      - Kesselbrut
      - Kreelin
      - Missionneur Team
      - MontyCZ
      - MoonJumper
      - Pasko
      - Phamtuan
      - Raphael
      - Sony Tuckson
      - Sundowner
      - The Mirage Factory
      - The Wrench
      - ThirdWire
      - USAFMTL
      If I have missed anyone, let me know and I will fix it ASAP.
      The aircraft and other objects included in this pack are the property of their respective creators and are released as FREEWARE only. No objects in this pack may be included in PAYWARE products without permission of the owners.


         (7 reviews)



    6. Attrition War 67-73 VERSION 1.1

      *Version 1.1*
      This update lowers the intensity level from Version 1.0. Only enemy squadrons located nearest the border will be assigned missions. Supply has also been reduced for friendly and enemy squadrons. As a result, fewer enemy aircraft should appear in the air, better reflecting the limited nature of the historical conflict. Make no mistake, occasionally the campaign engine will generate large aerial engagements; this is historical, as well.
      Some base assignments have also been altered to better reflect historical positioning. In particular, IAF 101 Squadron has been moved to Bir Gafgafa on the Sinai Peninsula. The IAF maintained a Mirage detachment there throughout the Attrition War period; expect plenty of action along the Suez Canal.
      *The Campaign*
      This campaign depicts the situation in the Middle East as it stood between June 1967 and October 1973. Based on the stock WOI Yom Kippur campaign, it begins in July 1967 and ends in September 1973. When combined with “War for the Water” and “Golan Stalemate,” the player can begin in 1963 and fly a continuous nineteen-year IAF career.
      There will be no all-out air offensive; this is a long, limited conflict. Ground offensive has been disabled, so borders remain static. Supply is minimal, restricting the number of aircraft in the sky. Mission mix includes routine patrols punctuated by occasional strike missions into enemy territory. You may fly a maximum of fifty missions, roughly one every forty-five days.
      IAF fighter and strike squadrons start out with their historical aircraft, entering the campaign at the time they were activated. Some squadrons will upgrade both their livery and their aircraft type during the course of the campaign.
      The Soviets also make appearances in 1970 and 1971.
      *Unit Start Guide and Upgrade Path*
      -- 69 Squadron (1969): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
      -- 101 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)
      -- 102 Squadron (1968): A-4H Ahit --> A-4F Ahit (1972)
      -- 107 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak --> F-4E Kurnass (1971)
      -- 109 Squadron (1967): A-4H Ahit --> A-4F Ahit (1972)
      -- 110 Squadron (1968): A-4E Ahit (no upgrade)
      -- 113 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak --> Mirage 5 Nesher (1972)
      -- 115 Squadron (1969): A-4E Ahit (no upgrade)
      -- 116 Squadron (1970): A-4E Ahit (no upgrade)
      -- 117 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)
      -- 119 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak --> F-4E Kurnass (1970)
      -- 144 Squadron (1971): Mirage 5 Nesher (no upgrade)
      -- 201 Squadron (1969): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)


         (2 reviews)



    7. Golan Stalemate 74-82 Version 1.1

      *Version 1.1*
      This update lowers the intensity level from Version 1.0. Only enemy squadrons located nearest the border will be assigned missions. Supply has also been reduced for friendly and enemy squadrons. As a result, fewer enemy aircraft should appear in the air, better reflecting the limited nature of the historical conflict. Make no mistake, occasionally the campaign engine will generate large aerial engagements; this is historical, as well.
      *The Campaign*
      This campaign depicts rising tensions between Israel and Syria from 1974 through 1982. Based on the stock WOI Lebanon War campaign, it begins in April 1974 and ends in May 1982. Played in sequence with the stock WOI campaigns, “Golan Stalemate” allows for a continuous career from the start of the Yom Kippur War to the end of the Lebanon War. When combined with “Attrition War” and "War for the Water," the player can begin in 1963 and fly a continuous nineteen-year IAF career.
      There will be no all-out air offensive; “Golan Stalemate” is a long, limited conflict. You will face Syrian aircraft in and around the Golan Heights and Lebanon. Ground offensive has been disabled, so borders remain static. Supply is minimal, restricting the number of aircraft in the sky. Mission mix includes routine patrols punctuated by occasional strike missions into enemy territory. You may fly a maximum of thirty-six missions, roughly one every ninety days.
      IAF fighter and strike squadrons start out with their historical aircraft, entering the campaign at the time they were activated. Some squadrons will upgrade both their livery and their aircraft type during the course of the campaign.
      *Unit Start Guide and Upgrade Path*
      -- 69 Squadron (1974): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
      -- 101 Squadron (1974): Mirage III C Shahak --> Kfir C2 (1975)
      -- 102 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
      -- 105 Squadron (1975): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
      -- 107 Squadron (1974): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
      -- 109 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 --> Kfir C2 (1977)
      -- 110 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 --> F-16A Netz (1980)
      -- 113 Squadron (1974): Mirage 5 Nesher --> Kfir C2 (1976)
      -- 115 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
      -- 116 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
      -- 117 Squadron (1974): Mirage III C Shahak --> F-16A Netz (1980)
      -- 119 Squadron (1974): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
      -- 133 Squadron (1978): F-15A Baz (no upgrade)
      -- 140 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
      -- 141 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
      -- 143 Squadron (1979): Kfir C2 (no upgrade)
      -- 144 Squadron (1974): Mirage 5 Nesher --> Kfir C2 (1978)
      -- 201 Squadron (1974): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
      -- 253 Squadron (1976): Mirage 5 Nesher (no upgrade)


         (1 review)



    8. War for the Waters 63-67 VERSION 1.1

      *Version 1.1*
      This update lowers the intensity level from Version 1.0. Only enemy squadrons located nearest the border will be assigned missions. Supply has also been reduced for friendly and enemy squadrons. As a result, fewer enemy aircraft should appear in the air, better reflecting the limited nature of the historical conflict. Make no mistake, occasionally the campaign engine will generate large aerial engagements; this is historical, as well.
      *The Campaign*
      This campaign depicts intermittent border clashes that flared between Israel, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt from 1963 through 1967. These disputes began with disagreements over water rights in the region, slowly escalating into the Six Day War. Based on the stock WOI Six Day War campaign, “War for the Water” begins in August 1963 and ends in May 1967.
      Think of this campaign as a short prelude to the Six Day War. There will be no all-out air offensive; “War for the Water” is a limited conflict. You will face Syrian and Jordanian aircraft in and around the Golan Heights. There might be encounters with Egyptian aircraft near the Sinai Peninsula, as well. Ground offensive has been disabled, so borders remain static. Supply is minimal, restricting the number of aircraft in the sky.
      Mission mix includes routine patrols punctuated by occasional armed recon missions into enemy territory. You may fly a maximum of twelve missions, roughly one every hundred and twenty days. Played in sequence with the stock WOI campaigns, and combined with “Attrition War” and “Golan Stalemate,” the player can begin in 1963 and fly a continuous nineteen-year IAF career.
      *Unit start guide and upgrade path*
      -- 101 Squadron (1963): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)
      -- 117 Squadron (1963): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)
      -- 119 Squadron (1963): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)


         (1 review)



    9. SEEK & DESTROY 1

      Here My first uploaded mission
      FOR SFP 1 desert terrain, and you may cange, after use Deuces too.
      YOU NEED :
      SU-27 addon http://marcfighters.combatace.com/arq/Marc..._Su-27_v1.0.zip,
      and UCAVs addon, can download in Combatace >Thirdwire Series > Add-on aircrafts section
      How to install :
      Extract / unzip / unrar
      Just drop ( cut or copy, and paste) to the Missions folder
      and fly
      and free modify


         (0 reviews)



    10. WOI campaigns Expansion v0.1

      WOI campaigns Expansion v0.1 by Johan217
      This package adds more flyable squadrons for both sides in the stock WOI campaigns.
      - All 3 stock WOI campaigns updated to add more flyable squadrons for both sides
      - All stock WOI aircraft (except Tu-16 and IL-28) made flyable using stock WOI cockpits
      - Fixed FM for MiG-23 (thanks to BattlerBritain and nele)
      - Fixed loadouts for the Hunter (thanks to Wrench)
      - Fixed an error with Etzion airbase (thanks to SidDogg)
      Addon Requirements:
      Third party cockpits for most aircraft are available in the downloads section of www.combatace.com should you wish to use them.
      - Unzip the files to your desktop or into a temporary folder. Leave the folders option checked in WinZip.
      - Place the folders Campaigns, Objects and Terrain into the WOI directory, overwriting the existing files (make sure to make a backup first).
      - BattlerBritain for updating the MiG-23 flight models (edits based on the MiG-23 package by nele available at http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...;showfile=4565)
      - SidDogg for the Etzion airbase fix
      - Wrench for valuable info on aircraft loadouts
      Contact Johan217 by PM at www.combatace.com
      This package is meant as a testbed for future campaigns. Any suggestions for improvements are welcome.


         (4 reviews)



    11. Out of Africa V1.5

      Out of Africa 3 v1.5
      Migs VS Migs nd SU and Yak in Air-Sea Environment
      I changed the su-27 with FC's SU-33. It is too great to be left out.
      PLEASE follow carefully the mod instructions.
      IT does work.
      Loadouts and data.ini for the Su-33sim has been revised a little. I think there was the tailhook missing.
      I chose Drdoyo's SovNavy_4 skin it blends perfectly with the new canards.
      Campaing has been revised in order for both sides to NOT receive airplanes replace. You have to use what you get.
      I also changed the friendly-nation with a fictional aslan nation. I needed it because of the pilottrainingstandars set to POOR. this nation entry is needed only for campaign purposes in oder to have mig VS mig and have the loadout shows. I actually don't even know if this is the correct procedure but it works.
      This is the entry for nations.ini
      DisplayName=Kingdom of Aslan
      the campaign needs polishing; basescreens, a better read me, squadron.txt, etc etc;
      REALLY REALLY great
      There is room for more little campaigns in the future middle age. And I would like to create some atmosphere.
      I ve set the weapon resuppy at day 1; so that you will have immediately all the soviet weapons, AA and AG.
      PLEASE experiment with various AA and AG weapons especially missiles, since I am less than happy with probabilities of kill of even advanced weapons such as R-77 and Kh-29T missiles.
      I modified my weapondata according threads on combatace, and tuned down mig-23mld internal ECM strenght from 15 to 5. Those changes are NOT included in the campaign files I am providing, but please experiment.
      With this changed thoguh the whole air to air war is a little more realistic according to me. I have now a 40-50% hits with AA missiles.
      And it is challenging. FUEL IS an issue. You aìhave to decide wheter engage and pursue, but will you make it back to the carrier?
      Anyway as it is the campaign is fun to play. I changed also all the cockpits of SOVIET planes to the one of the su-27.
      In order to have working anti-ship missions you need to have the some ships labeled as generic and cargo_ship in their data ini.
      Every Ship so labeled will be thrown randomly in the shipping lanes; for the campaign I suggest you have the tanker and cargo ship and the yavuz frigate only
      IMPORTANT NOTE number two
      make sure that in your weaponpack ALL the weapon listed in loadouts are available for the year 2004; other than that don't touch provided datas and loadouts, everything should go well
      The tu-16G is optional; it is nice to experiment with. Sometimes in antiship mission you get tasked antiship and they will cover you with long range ARMS such as KSR-11
      Would be nice to have them go on anti-ship mission, but I have not seen yet AI-assigned anti-ship missions
      In a parallel universe, in 2004 things, went worse than in ours. World reduced to famine. Corruption, decay, starvation for food and energy. A new technological middle age.
      And in middle age there are mercenaries.
      In this story, ex-soviet union mercenaries
      The fleet of the former Soviet might navy, led by Carrier Gorshokov.
      The business is easy. Mtumba, leader, warlord of poor african state, is at war with Dictator of Madagascar Gorondi who is supplying his rebels. Both of them are evil and bloody dictators, but Mtumba pays well.
      Ships sail to the shore of africa from madagascar. They must be stopped, and this is the bussiness.
      Gorshokov task force, with two old kynda cruisers, and refueller takes place at Rasputin station.
      On board, Su-33s and Mig-29OVT modified for naval and multirole operations, and Yak41.
      They will hit the shipping lanes and, possibly madagascar airports and comm buildings.
      Gorondo has good weapons himself. Mig-29A and Mig23MLD to patrol the skies and perhaps attack the carrier herself.
      War at sea begins. A little meaningless fight in the future middleage.
      I hate writing readmes
      You need:
      Out of africa 3 campaign
      Su-27 (with su-33 Fast cargo mods)
      Tu-16G (optional)
      lybian koni
      gorshokov carrier
      OsaII class.
      Madagascar(AE) terrain
      All downloads are at combatace.
      I have provided no skin, and the name of the squadrons are only practical, anyway skins pointed at in the inis can be found on combatace as well.
      Install AE terrain, backup originals ini.files
      Install su-33 from Fastcargo.
      install the inis provided in campaign package in AE folder. Overwrite
      Install data.inis and loadouts provided for each and every aircraft. Overwrite
      Install the ships.
      Install campaign folder (AE3)
      Test everything and complain at the designer, try again and write an email for complain etc etc, you knw the drill...
      I HAVEN't done anything but the files in the package, everything else belong to respective designers, too many to list. Thank you and if you don't like seeing your work modified and around contact me and I'll retire the campaigns. But please have mercy.
      Please this is freeware, redistibute and have fun, but rememeber that little to nothign here is mine s you have to contact respective designers.
      instead for campaign design issue it is just my fault, I can be found at comabtace, and at pintogabriele@hotmail.com


         (0 reviews)



    12. Gulf of Sidra incident

      Gulf of Sidra incident between 2 USN F-14's and 2 Libyan Mig-23's on 4 Jan 1989.
      This is a set of missions replicating the Gulf of Sidra incident on 4 Jan, 1989, between 2 F-14's from VF-32 and 2 Mig-23's of the Libyan AF.
      I've built these missions to replicate the incident to the best of my recollection of the events that morning. Some of the ship locations, particularly the USS Belknap, are repositioned from their actual locations for reasons which I will decline to discuss, but are included as general background as are some additional aircraft included on general air routes and carrier based support missions.
      Rules of Engagement (ROE) in effect the morning of the incident are included in very general terms here. Follow these to make a challenging and realistic replication of that morning. Wartime ROE is NOT in effect and the ROE does not allow a pre-emptive attack. You are not required to wait for the bogeys to fire first but you can engage if the bogeys manuever aggressively in an attempt to obtain a firing position. Remember that the Mig-23 does have a forward quarter head-on capability! Attempt to intercept and escort but if the bogeys manuever to obtain a firing solution you are cleared to engage.
      The missions should be copied into your Strike Fighters/Missions folder. The Mig-23 Loadout, aircraft data and avionics updates should be copied directly into the Mig-23MS folder and overwrite the existing files (after you backup the originals!).
      WHAT YOU'LL ALSO NEED to run the missions are:
      1. The Mirage Factory F-14A
      2. VF-32 skin for the F-14A
      3. Mig-23MS (updated loadout, aircraft data and avionics files are included in this mission pack to provide realistic loadout and radar capability. The radar range settings have been adjusted to include a longer range selection, but the radar performance has not which will give a fairly realistic performance.)
      4. A310z *
      5. AN-12 *
      6. E-2C *
      7. KA-6D
      8 A-6E_TRAM
      9 CVA-63 (representing CV-67 JFK)
      10. Spruance *
      10.b. OH Perry *
      11. CGN-9 * (representing CG-26, Belknap, 6th Fleet Flagship)
      12. Libyan Koni *
      13. The Libya Terrain by USAFMTL (note: I've generated each of the Libyan aircraft airborne both to keep the mission elapsed time down and because the terrain version (1.4) that I used to develop these missions has a problem with the Libyan airbases that prevents launch and recovery. On missions 3 and 4 don't try to land - if you happen to make it back).
      * not required for the missions but provide realistic background of carrier air operations in the Med.
      All of the above are available from this site, and contain their own installation documents.
      Gulf of Sidra 1 and 2. Launch from the carrier and proceed to tank from Texaco. The E-2 is conducting airborne early warning and support ships for surveillance are on station. The A-6's are on a practice route over the Greek islands as you proceed and you should monitor their departure. When bogey's are called conduct a radar search. If the bogeys are closing vector to intercept and escort. ROE requires they take hostile action before you can engage. (one of these missions will be a benign intercept and escort and one will involve an engagement in close as it occured.) Return to the ship after the bogeys are outbound/splashed.
      Note: if you escort without an engagement the sim will record a mission failure - but you can record a personal mission success as a thousand such missions were flown successfully without hostilities during the years of armed standoff and occasional conflict between Libya and the US.
      Gulf of Sidra 3 is flown from the Libyan perspective. Vector to investigate the infidel violators of our sacred airspace! Sweep the skies of the invading crusaders and return to the glory of your country!
      Gulf of Sidra 4 is flown from the Libyan perspective. Vector to investigate the contacts to the north. Do not engage unless fired on, and return to report the infidel operations.
      Final note. The Gulf of Sidra event was an unplanned event, and from the USN perspective an unprovoked attack against a defensive CAP positioned to defend the carrier force during a routine transit of the Med. To this day, no one knows why the Libyan pilots manuevered as they did. It should be remembered that two very brave men, wearing uniforms and flying for their country, did not return that morning. All of the USN aircrews returned safely.
      Any questions give me a shout on PM.
      Battle Watch Captain and Tactical Action Officer, 6th Fleet Staff, embarked in USS Belknap on 4 Jan, 1989.


         (0 reviews)



    13. The Requirements of Wolves

      This is a package containing two missions and a skin for the Mirage Factory Kfir C2
      The mission comes in two versions, the only difference is that in the default version you are equipped with AIM-9L's with all-aspect capacity and in the hard version you are equipped with Shafir 2's without all aspect capacity.
      This mission takes place over the desert terrain.


         (0 reviews)



    14. Death Valley & Mountain Thunder missions

      These two missions, "Death Valley" and "Mountain Thunder" are written for the AmericaNW Mountain Thaw terrain mod I posted the other day, found here; http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=5419
      Just unzip and place them in your Missions folder.


         (2 reviews)



    15. Tet '68 V1.1

      After much research I am proud to Present my Tet 1968 capaign for WOV.
      Now with over 178 enemy and allied squadrons.
      The enemy targets the actual cities hit during the Tet Offensive.
      It will work in WOE or STF, but all WOV objects are required.
      ***Changes from V1.0***
      - OV-10A squadron added
      - US Army now playable.
      I took a stock WOV campaign and modified it for 1968. I added ground units and ground support missions. There are many new planes to fly including:
      A-37A, UH-1B, AH-1G, F-105F/G, A-1H, UH-34, B-26K, F-5A, AC-47, AC-130A, F-111A, OV-10A, Canberra b1, and others.
      Most of the downloads can be found at Combat Ace or at Column 5.
      As always there are tons of downloads needed.


         (6 reviews)



    16. Harrier Campaign V2.0

      This is a fictional campaign, set in the stock terrain of Strike Fighters Project 1. It is set in 1978, as Paran tries to invade Dhimar. Dhimar is assisted by the U.S. Navy, operating from the USS Nimitz, and by the USMC, operating AV-8C’s from several small, makeshift airfields.
      This campaign requires Strike Fighters: Project1. It was not tested with Strike Fighters Gold, but it should work.
      A big thank you to everyone who allowed me to include their work in this Campaign. Special thanks to Whiteknight, who made skins specifically for this addon, and to Kesselbrut, who allowed me to include some of his objects from the upcoming Falklands Campaign. Finally, thanks to Kreelin for the great AV-8C flight model.
      Dhimar Forces:
      ·80 DF-4D
      ·70 DA-4E
      ·48 DF-5E
      U.S Navy Forces:
      ·24 F-14A (VF-84 & VF-41)
      ·24 A-7E (VA-82 & VA-86)
      ·12 A-6E (VA-35)
      USMC Forces:
      ·18 AV-8C (VMFA-542)
      Paran Forces:
      ·48 MiG-23ML
      ·120 MiG-21PFM
      ·24 MiG-25P
      ·56 MiG-19S
      ·30 IL-28
      ·24 Su-17


         (13 reviews)

      1 comment


    17. PnzVietMis1

      This is a very fun (for me), quite historical mission, that I'm proud to share with you.
      Read the included docs, please.
      Paolo, Paulopanz


         (4 reviews)



    18. Flying Tigers V2.0

      ***Changes from V1.0***
      -AVG Squadrons now start with the P-40B
      -3 Ki-21 squadrons added
      -Less A6Ms at start of campaign
      -base screens added
      -More ground action
      -P-35A changed to P-36A
      Thanks to all of the modders mentioned in the readme, for all of their hard work.
      Lots of mods needed. Contact me, if you have trouble finding any of them. A great majority can be found here or at AVSIM. Enjoy!


         (2 reviews)



    19. Iran Iraq War Quick Update

      This updates the Iran Iraq campaign for SF1 to the latest patches: SP051506a and P083006. Both patches can be found at the Thirdwire site www.thirdwire.com
      simply place into your fully patched and installed Iran Iraq folder.
      If you do not have the Iran Iraq War all inclusive mod installed:
      1. You must have a seperate SF1 installation for this campaign.
      2. Make sure you patch the SF1 install to the latest released patches mentioned above.
      3. Then install the all inclusive Iran Iraq campaign (102 MB file) found at www.combatace.com ( follow installation instructions carefully including the seperate F-14a(IAF) and MIg-25PD install)
      4. Install the latest weapons pack.
      5. Then install this quick update.
      I include the original Iran Iraq War read me file below:
      This campaign is based on the Iran Iraq war that lasted from 1980-1988. It includes New terrain,, Persian music, photos, new screens, new sound files, new planes, new skins, and campaign files, heavily researched air units for Iran Iraq, historical air bases and locations.
      This needs to be a separate install.
      STEP 1
      Please make sure your sf1 game installation follows this path (or the medals will not work): C:\IranIraq\Strike Fighters\Flight etc.
      You may go into the MedalsIRAQ.ini AND MedalIran.ini files (located in the "flight" folder of this zip) and change the path if you so desire (AS AN Example ADDING d:\ drive instead of C:\ ).
      STEP 2
      Please install the contents of the folders to their respective locations (not the folders themselves but what is located inside).
      STEP 3
      You must have the following additional planes(and weapons pack) installed.
      Latest Weapons pack (can be found at www.combatace.com)
      There is also an optional skin pack that adds even more skins to the Iraqi side created by Phamtuan called : Phamtuan_Skinpack_Iraq that can be used to enhance the game. it may be found at wwww.combatace.com
      Step 4
      Go to the terrain folder in your SF1 directory. Locate the desert folder. Locate the Desert cat file. Copy file over into the IR folder located in the terrain folder (if you followed the instructions outlined above). Rename the Desert cat file in your IR folder from : Desert to : IR
      #1 There is a known issue while flying from some of the bases that will occur when there is a heavily overcast day with low cloud cover. You will not see the runway due to the clouds, your plane will be positioned above them on the runway. You may take off as normal and it does not affect game play. This is a visual glitch probably due to the terrain elevations and it is relatively rare.
      In order to properly simulate a protracted ground war (after all this war ended in a stalemate after 8 years!)
      we have frozen the ground offensives and they will not start for approximately 9 months of game time. If you play the entire campaign through, it will start before the campaign ends. This method is probably more historical.
      If you would like to change this setting, it is very easy to do. You need to open the IranIraq_data.ini file and find the following file:
      For both Force 1 (Iran) and Force 2 (Iraq) you may then change the value.
      Be warned that changing these settings may result in strange results (the war ending after several months as an example).
      Credit for this campaign goes to:
      USAFMTL: Project lead & Terrain
      MK2 : Project Coordinator, Campaign files, Music , Pilot Photos, hangar sound files
      Kouts: excellent Main screen and in game screens
      Sundowner: skins for the F-5A, Mirage, F-14A and the F-4D and E
      Sony Tuckson: Mirage skins
      Charles Gunst: Medals
      Bpao: Mirage, F-5A and F-14A aircraft (needs download).
      Marcfighters: Mig skins
      ArmourDave: SU-17
      Crab_02: F-4D pre block 27, so yes there is a new plane in this add on.
      Mago: Mig-21MF cockpit


         (2 reviews)



    20. Vietnam 1984 Quick Update

      This updates the Vietnam 1984 campaign for WOV to the latest patches: SP051506a and P083006. Both patches can be found at the Thirdwire site www.thirdwire.com
      simply place in your Vietnam 1984 installation.
      1. You must have a seperate WOV installation for this campaign.
      2. Make sure you patch the WOV install to the latest released patches mentioned above.
      3. Then install the all inclusive Vietnam 1984 campaign (215MB file) found at www.combatace.com
      4. Install the latest weapons pack.
      5. Then install this quick update.
      I include the original Vietnam 1984 description below:
      Vietnam 1984:
      The Vietnam War ended in a stalemate a decade ago. North Vietnam has taken the opportunity, of the prolonged cease fire, to build up its ground and air forces.
      The Soviet Union has recently taken an active role in mobilizing fighter regiments for the VPAF and the potential of the Soviet union adding actual ground troops to the area is now a reality.
      The uneasy temporary peace comes to an end. The Reagan administration Withdraws the United States from the decade long diplomatic process. On December 18th 1984 the coalition starts a 2 week air offensive against North Vietnamese targets.
      To install the mod simply place the folders that are inside the zip file in your WOV directory and say yes to overwrite the files.
      This Vietnam 1984 campaign mod requires a separate install of WOV. It Includes over 20 different flyable planes and units for the following (proper skins included when possible):
      94th TFS 'Hat in the Ring' F-15C
      53rd TFS 'NATO Tigers' F-15C
      4th TFS 'Fightin' Fujins'F-16A
      34th TFS 'Fighting Rams' F-16A
      561st TFS 'Wild Weasels' F-4E
      77th TFS 'Gamblers' F-111F
      VF-2 'Bounty Hunters' F-14A
      VA-75 'Sunday Punchers' A-6E
      VA-87 'Golden Warriors' A-7E
      VFA-113 'Stingers' F-18A
      VF-301 'Devil's Disciples' F-4SL
      VF-143 'Pukin Dogs' F-14A
      VMFA-542 'Tigers' AV-8C
      VMFA-314 "Black Knights" F-18A
      NO 74 Squadron 'Tigers' F-4J
      3rd Squadron RAAF Mirage III
      522nd Fighter Squadron F-5E Tiger II
      238th IAP Mig-29A
      241st IAP Mig-23M
      243rd IAP SU-15F
      1/921st "Sao Do" FR Mig-21MF
      1/925th "Lam Son"FR Mig-19 (IRM)
      1/923rd "Yen The"FR Mig-17F
      This campaign was tested using NORMAL settings for campaign difficulty. Single misisons should work but all of them are not guaranteed as the campaign is what has been tested.


         (3 reviews)



    21. Operation Torch V2.0

      Operation Torch V2.0 for use with Edwards Tunisia terrain.
      Welcome to the air war over Tunisia. There are a lot of mods required for
      this Campaign, so make sure you get them all. Its is Dec 1942, and the
      Axis forces have just counter-attacked west. Help defeat the German and
      Italian forces, by destroying their air forces. All mods needed are listed
      in the readme.
      ***Changes from V1.0***
      - 2 HS129B2 squadrons added.
      - 2 Free French squadrons added(One p-40 and one spitfire).
      - fixed unit numbering
      - Added Torch skin for the P-40E.
      - Added France skin for the P-40E.
      - Changed A-36A to Wrench's A-36 mod.


         (1 review)



    22. Fallen Angel V2.1

      Here is a WWII campaign over Europe(V 2.1). It starts in the summer of 1943. You can fly the P-47, P-38, P-51, B-17, B-24, A-26, Hurricane, Spitfire, Typhoon, Lancaster, or Mosquito. Prepare to fight against Bf-109s, Fw190s, Bf-110s, and even the dreaded Me-262. This campaign requires a great deal of downloads. It is best to install on a fresh, WWII, install of WOE. All of the downloads should be available on Combat Ace. Thanks for the modders, who created these fine machines. Read the readme for more details. Feedback is appreciated. Enjoy!
      ***Changes from V1.0***
      - Hs129B2 changed to Hs129B3.
      - 3 Me-410A1U4 squadrons and several others added for Nazis.
      - 55th fighter group now features my new Nose Art skin for the P-38H.
      - Fixed a problem with the BF109f4 squadrons not showing up.
      ***Changes from V1.1***
      - BF109Es and BF109f4s changed to Bf109G10s.
      - Me-410A added.
      - Actual units for Nazis, in some cases actual bases.
      ***Changes from V2.0***
      - Fixed problem with tail numbers not showing
      - Added skins 9-0-9 and 835th for the B-17g
      - Added skin Bare_Metal for the P-38H


         (3 reviews)



    23. Misty 32's Floating Trucks (WOV)

      [Welcome to the story of Misty 32 and the floating trucks]
      This is the story of Misty 32, flown by Ed Risinger. Historically Dick Rutan was the GIB (but in the WOV stock F-100D there is no GIB. You’ll need YAP missions 41-50 for the two seater F-100F). The mission simulates the surprise finding of a convoy of trucks in the clouds driving across a mountain-top ridge somewhere in RP1. Read about the real mission in this book: http://www.mistyvietnam.com/book.html
      Repeat Risinger's mission by calling in a strike flight (simulated) of 4 x F-4Cs on alert out of Da Nang. Mark the target with smoke and await the cavalry. If the strike birds fail, then have a go at strafing the convoy yourself.
      After the mission, RTB to Phu Cat, home of Misty. The Gunfighter flight will RTB to their home base of Da Nang.
      Watch out for reported AAA in the area as this is a well-used supply route and the enemy know how to defend it. There's no "kid on the karst“ here. These guys know what they're doing. Read more about the ‘kid’ here: http://www.mistyvietnam.com/exc_2.html
      During the mission you may need some gas, so top-up (simulated) via a friendly A310 tanker out of Da Nang, flying between waypoints 4 and 5 on your Nav. The tanker RTBs to Da Nang when he's completed 4 tracks.
      When you taxi out from the arming pit ready for take off, head to the end of runway 36 and wait. Misty 11 is returning from his early-morning sortie (you are callsign Misty 2.2, the second Misty flight of the day), and a Misty training checkout flight (pair) is also following up behind on finals. Wait for these three aircraft to land safely, before you depart. The reason for this is to add to the immersion, and also to get the timing right on transfer to the target area and simulated call to the strike birds to join you in the target area, once you have marked the target for them.
      *** Installation instructions are included to setup the refuelling tanker, camo drop tanks and static F-100Ds I make use of to populate Phu Cat. A briefing map is also included ***
      1. Install the A310 MRTT Refuelling Tanker, found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4453
      2. Download and install the F-100D Camo Tanks mod, found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1935
      [Optional Extra Install for Enhanced Immersion]
      Download and install the weather mod, found here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=2723
      [v1.02 update]
      Tweaked takeoff and departure altitude values to make it easier to capture TAKEOFF waypoint.
      [Final Word]
      I know it seems like a lot to download and install, but I tried to make this mission seem as realistic as possible so I think it's worth the setup effort to add in those extra pieces of the environment to make that happen.
      Anyway, I hope you enjoy the mission.
      Regards, comrpnt :-)


         (0 reviews)



    24. SFP1/SFG Dawn raid on P1 airfield parked aircraft (as requested)

      Here's a simple strafing mission that I did as a request for SFP1/SFG, using my earlier the Stock Static aircraft as targets.
      Take off immediately to stay in formation in your F-100D. You are on the wing of the 2nd pair. Each aircraft is tasked with different targets on
      the P1 airfield. Yours is the arming pit area, which contains numerous enemy parked aircraft. Other aircraft are parked elsewhere on the airfield.
      After the attack make your escape and land with your buddies back at airfield D10. Waypoints for navigation are programmed into the game.
      Good luck!
      Note: this is a short and simple mission. Total flying time is about 10 minutes.
      Download and install the static enemy aircraft from my earlier SFP1/SFG Static Stock aircraft pack, available here: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=4313
      Regards, Paul T. (comrpnt) :-)


         (1 review)



    25. Red Swarm V1.0 - 1985 WOE Campaign

      I needed a campaign to have most of my favorite planes all together. I hadn't seen very many campaigns in the 80's, so I picked a date that would be able to feature them. It's 1985 and the superpowers have fallen into a great war. NATO vs Warsaw Pact. You can play as The USAF, The USN, USMC, RAF, West Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Italy, or even Australia. Fly anything from mighty F-15 and F-14s, to Swedish Viggens, to lumbering P-3 Orions. It's a bare fisted, all out, brawl. Credit to all the true hard work is in the readme. Have fun.


         (7 reviews)



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