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    1. Modern Russian Federation Medals Pack

      This pack is mostly intended to complement other works (campaigns) that YOU modder would like to design, involving the post-Cold War Russian Air Force as a flyable belligerent. Like my recent Medals Pack for Modern Ukraine, it allows campaign modders to explore both sides of local conflicts in the Black Sea / Sea of azov areas (using PFunk’s Black Sea 2.0a map). But it could also be used in modern what-if campaigns designed on many other maps bordering the Russian Federation (North Cape, Kamchatka, Korea/Manchuria...). And the recent involvement of President Putin's pilots in Syria (October 2015) gives new opportunities of campaigns where this pack could prove useful.
      The complete list of your available decorations is displayed here. Two panels have actually been designed, one for the Russian Federation before 2010 and one thereafter. While my work focuses on Russia’s conspicuous second wind in the 2010s, it seemed important to reflect the changes that happened on that year: not only did the Russian Air Force’s aircraft begin to display a new design for its insignias (the three-coloured star, see below), but also the Russian system of awards underwent large reforms in September 2010, with design and/or purpose of several orders and medals completely modified.

      Russian Federation Air Force


      Gold Star of Hero of the Russian Federation (2 possible awards)

      Order of St. George (4th Class)

      [available only in the post-2010 pack]

      Order For Merit to the Fatherland

      (3rd & 4th Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)

      Order of Alexander Nevskiy

      [design and purpose completely reformed in 2010]

      Order of Zhukov

      Order of Suvorov

      [3rd Class before 2010, single Class new design thereafter]

      Order of Kutuzov

      [3rd Class before 2010, single Class new design thereafter]

      Order of Courage (multiple awards possible)

      Order For Military Merit

      Cross of St. George (4 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)

      Medal of the Order For Merit to the Fatherland

      (2 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)

      Medal For Bravery (multiple awards possible)

      Medal of Zhukov (2 possible awards, available only in the post-2010 pack)

      Medal of Nesterov (multiple awards possible)

      Medal For Distinction in Combat

      [Ministry of Defense, available only in the post-2010 pack]

      Medal For Military Valor (2 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)

      [Ministry of Defense, available only in the post-2010 pack]

      Pilot's qualification wings (4 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)


         (4 reviews)



    2. Modern Ukrainian Medals Pack - October 2015 Update

      This mod provides quite a complete panel of the awards available to the Ukrainian military by our 2010s. It is mostly intended to complement other works (campaigns) that YOU modder would like to design, using PFunk’s Black Sea 2.0a map covering Crimea and the Sea of Azov, and the tragically rich events of Year 2014 there (and plausible prospects of even more tragic moments to come). Such hypothetical campaigns could explore various kinds of conflicts involving NATO forces, from a frantic all-out war, to local operations to recover Crimea or clear the Southern Donbass area, to a latent conflict limited to aerial skirmishes and incursions over some NATO-enforced no-fly zone, etc...
      The complete list of your available decorations is displayed here :

      Ukrainian Air Force


      Gold Star of Hero of Ukraine (2 possible awards)

      Order For Merit (3 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)

      Order of Bogdan Khmelnytskiy (3 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)

      Order For Courage (3 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)

      Order of Daniel of Galicia

      Medal for Military Service to Ukraine (multiple awards possible)

      Defender of the Homeland Medal

      Honor and Valor Distinction

      Appreciation For Valiant Military Service to the Fatherland

      Appreciation For Achievements in Military Service

      (2 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)

      Pilot's qualification wings (4 Classes, each one awarded only once in turn)

      Beware, none of these awards did exist in 1994 when Ukraine was still a newborn nation, so this awards panel should not be suitable as is for your installation of the SF2NA: Black Sea Crisis campaign. Fortunately, I have also enclosed alternative citations with postponed dates of awarding, that makes this panel acceptable for campaigns set in 1994/1996.
      October 2015 Update : adds air & ground counters, new medals (Order of Courage 1st & 2nd Classes, Distinction of the Ministry of Defense, pilot's qualification badges...), and completely reshuffles criteria for awarding for better realism and accordance with the Russian medals pack to come soon – with citations rewritten accordingly.


         (4 reviews)



    3. My Collection of A-10 Hangars and Loading Screens (for Spectre8750?)

      My collection of A-10 Hangars and Loading screens for Spectre8750. Not that you need them, but If you can use them, great...
      You will have to rename them to whatever the <aircraft>.ini is calling for...
      Includes photoshop templates if you want to create new ones...
      Please feel free to use them...


         (1 review)



    4. My Collection of F-16 Fighting Falcon (for Dave?) Hangar and Loading Screens!

      My Collection of F-16 Fighting Falcon Hangar and Loading Screens!
      By Viper 07/01/2015
      My collection of F-16 Hangar and Loading Screens. I used these to replace the Hangar and Loading screens in my F-16 mod downloads. Namely the excellent F-16 Mods from Dave and company!
      You may have to edit the Aircraft (eg. F-16A.ini) file to use these Hangar and loading screens. Or rename these files to the ones called out in the <Aircraft>.ini file.
      Also included are the photoshop templates I used to make all these screens (about 90 Hangar and Loading screens, total about 180 files).
      You can mix them, match them and use them however you like...but give me some credit if you use them in a mod you release to the public.
      Thanks and enjoy the screens!
      = Viper =


         (0 reviews)



    5. MY MENU

      Menu screens for Strike Fighters 2 (1024 x 768), created for myself!!!
      This is a set of images only, no ini files or changes.
      Just drag and drop, copy or paste, the files into your mod folder structure, as defined.
      Default location, for Vista and Seven is: C:\Users\<YOU>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 NorthAtlantic
      Any errors or mistakes are entirely mine.
      This is FREEWARE only, NO money is allowed to be made on the contents of these files, in whole or in part.
      Feel free to redistribute, as long as the original authors are given appropriate credit.
      Questions? Contact me at Combatace.
      Anything I forgot to mention is purely unintentional!!!
      10 Nov 2013


         (3 reviews)



    6. New MainScreen for SF2V (Vietnam)

      A new MainScreen for you to view on SF2V. This features the F-105 Thunderchief and some colorful images. Readme file includes simple installation details. Image size is 1920x1080 for widescreen monitors. ENJOY...!!!


         (0 reviews)



    7. New Transparent Menu Screen

      Merhaba millet
      Sf2 menülerinin şeffaf olmasını gerçekten seviyorum.
      Ben de sizlerle paylaşmak istedim ve psd dosyalarını ekledim.
      psd dosyalarını kullanarak istediğiniz görselleri ekleyebilirsiniz.
      12 parça 1920x1080 tam jpg
      Her amaç için kullanıma açıktır.

      1 download

         (0 reviews)



    8. New Transparent Menu Screen

      Hi everybody I really like that sf2 menus are transparent. I also wanted to share with you and added the psd files. You can add the images you want using psd files. 12 pieces 1920x1080 full jpg It is open to use for any purpose.


         (1 review)



    9. Ops New Dawn Menu pack(1080P/Modern Game Style)

      A collection of original menu images for my personal US-Iran campaign pack, I think they look good so share them with you guys.
      Copy all the folders into your SF2 main folder


         (0 reviews)



    10. Ops West Wind Menu pack(1080P/Modern Game Style)

      A collection of original menu images for my personal RUS-UKR campaign pack, I think they look good so share them with you guys.
      Copy all the folders into your SF2 main folder


         (0 reviews)

      1 comment


    11. Revised SF2 F-105_66 Loadout Option

      After looking at various real life pictures of F-105s I noticed that more often than not, F-105s going into combat carried an ECM pod on one outer pylon and a Shrike missile on the other. The option to make this selection isn't possible in the stock F-105D_66 so I decided to edit the stock DATA and LOADOUT inis to give a more accurate depiction, or to at least give the user the option to select this loadout before flying missions.
      Just pop these INI files into your F-105_66 folder and you're ready to go.


         (1 review)



    12. Screen Overhaul - (1920 x 1080)

      Strike Fighter Project 2 – Screen Overhaul v1.2 Customizable Edition
      The new version of SF2 Screen Overhaul 1.2 is now released.  Here is the following screen this mod completely overhaul:
      -          Main screen
      -          Single mission screen
      -          Mission editor screen
      -          Hangar (Default) screen
      -          Loadout screen
      -          Planning screen
      -          Roster screen
      -          Campaign screen
      -          Campaign editor screen
      -          Pilot records screen
      -          Options screen
      It does not yet cover another screen.  It is work in progress (WIP) for now.  What I am seeking for is feedback that will help me improving the mod further. It is one of my biggest projects I ever worked on for SF2. It gave me opportunity to grow a new skill I enjoy doing. 

      NOTE:  Now that SF2 Screen Overhaul is becoming a customizable version. If you make any mods that adds or change anything to this mod, please add my name and mod name to your credit part.
      You can contact me by PM in CombatAce (I am known as Eagle114th there) or Strike fighter series Discord chat (My username is Magic Dragon, so you can find me there too.)

      Version 1.2 NOTES:
      Buttons customization instruction:
      In Menu folder (SF2 mod folder), you will see various SF2 screen named as “BUTTONS_HANGAR, MAIN, OPTIONS, etc...), there are folders for each button.  In order, to change the color of buttons, go to one of button folder, you will see different folders for various color.  Copy the file from there and overwrite the files in any BUTTONS_(SCREEN) folder.

      For example, in BUTTONS_HANGAR, if I want to change the color of “LOADOUT” square button to blue; I go to the folder “LOADOUT”, then “Blue” folder, copy the files: LOADOUT0.bmp, LOADOUT1.bmp, and LOADOUT2.bmp.  Then I paste (Overwrite) the files in BUTTONS_HANGAR.
      Screens and Buttons customization Templates
      In different “BUTTONS_(different screen names)”, there are folder “_Templates’.  You can use it to change the designs, colors, or anything you want to do with the screen background or buttons. 

      This mod uses a font known as Orbitron.  I included it in _Fonts folder.

      I want to express my sincerely big THANKS to Menrva, Wrench, UllyB, Daddyairplanes, Wilches, JosefK, FalonCAF, and everyone else in CombatAce community for making this possible.  You all have been a huge help. 

      Because of Operation Desert Storm 30 years anniversary great mod, I was able to study the codes on how SF2 menu work, which led me into developing new menu for SF2.  This mod is truly fun to fly in SF2.  If anyone hasn’t tried it yet, I highly recommend it.

      There are detailed instruction that explains how to install in the proper ways in README file.  LEASE READ IT BEFORE INSTALLING! 

      I included the plans for the next version in the readme too.  

      The feedback are always welcomed!


         (4 reviews)



    13. SF-2 ISRAEL Replace Screens

      I was bored with all same SF-2 Israel screens,
      so I took Wrench's temps and made my own.
      I like these, I hope You, too.
      If feedback should be positive, maybe I
      could try to remake SF-2 EU or VIET, too.
      ALL stock screens redone.
      - Kevin 'Wrench' Stein for temps;
      - kout for original WOI Mainscreen I liked so much;
      Put all in Your main SF-2 Israel mod folder


         (1 review)



    14. SF2 WWII RAF _Pilot Record Screen.zip

      StrikeFighter2 RAF WWII Pilot Record Screen
      By tselepides
      Made from a gouache painting I had made.
      Installation instructions in Readme (included)
      Wrench for his templates. Thank you Kevin.
      Nick Tselepides,
      Athens, Greece
      19th Dec.2014


         (0 reviews)



    15. SF2 - Korea - Mainscreen

      Update of my Korean conflict mainscreen for SF1. Installation instructions included. Let me know if you encounter any bugs.


         (2 reviews)



    16. SF2 - Menu (UI) Expansion

      Eagle114th's SF2 Menu (UI) Expansion v1.2
      This is a second version of SF2 UI Expansion mod.  If you face any bugs or problems, please inform me.
      The purpose of this mod is to expand / improve the SF2 UI.  In the first version, it does two things:
      1)    Change the aircraft list when displaying the list.  Aircraft list are sorted by nation first.  There are three versions:
      a.    Version #1: Nations’ multi-branches are combined, so you’ll see (USN / USMC) A-4s or (RN / RAF) F-4Ks as an example.  If aircraft have skins for a multi-nations, it will have ‘>>’ at end of aircraft name.
      b.    Version #2:  There are both symbol ‘>’ and ‘>>’.  For any aircraft that is used by multi-branches, will use ‘>’, while any aircraft with skins for a multi nations will have ‘>>’ at the end of name.
      c.    Version #3: Same as version 2 with simplified year tag.  Instead of (19XX), it will show as ‘XX.
      2)    RWR and RADAR being displayed on the screen, there are 4 versions:
      a.    Version #1: RWR + RADAR upper right corner
      b.    Version #2: RWR + RADAR upper left corner
      c.    Version #3: RWR (upper left corner) + RADAR (upper right corner)
      d.    Version #4: RADAR (upper left corner) + RWR (upper right corner)
      Plans for next version:
      -    New menu + GUI (WIP)
      -    Make smaller version of RWR + RADAR
      -    If time permits, will work on ordinance list, so they will be sorted by type of ordinance before the name.

      The feedback are always appreciated!  ENJOY!
      Note: This mod is covers all aircraft in SF2 with all expansion pack and DLCs.
      1) MAKE A BACK UP COPY OF AIRCRAFT folder in Strike Fighters Project 2 mod directory. It can be found in this directory: SF2 (Main folder) -> Objects -> Aircraft
      2) In Aircraft Sorting List folder, choose one of three versions, and then copy and drop Objects folder in SF2 mod main directory.

      1) MAKE A BACK UP COPY OF WEAPONS folder in Strike Fighters Project 2 mod directory. It can be found in this directory: SF2 (Main folder) -> Objects -> Weapons
      2) In Ordinance Sorting List folder, copy and drop Objects folder in SF2 mod main directory.
      (RWR + RADAR)
      1) MAKE A BACK UP COPY of HUDDATA.INI in FLIGHT folder in SF2 Main directory.
      2) In RWR + Radar folder, choose one version of six versions, and then copy and drop Flight folder in SF2 mod directory.
      - First version of SF2 Menu (UI) Expansion
      - Added extra options for RWR + RADAR with half sized version (See Version #1A and #2A screenshot in RWR + RADAR folder)
      - Added Ordinance Sorting list
      Current projects
      - SF2 new MENU and GUI (WIP)
      Please contact me first if you want to use my mod for any purposes. 
      Eagle114th / MagicDragon116


         (0 reviews)



    17. SF2 - USNF - Mainscreen

      My USNF '97 style mainscreens, updated for SF2. Includes ATF, USMC, USNF and USAF variants. No other menu screens included. Includes installation instructions.


         (5 reviews)



    18. SF2 - Wings over Israel - Mainscreen

      This is an update of my mainscreen for the SF1 version of WOI. 1024x768. Two variants. Installation instructions included.
      Let me know any bugs/issues you encounter.


         (1 review)



    19. SF2 "Aces over Europe" 1920x1080 Photoshop Menu Templates

      SF2 "Aces over Europe" 1920x1080 Photoshop Menu Templates
      By Viper 05/26/2015
      Here are a set of PhotoShop templates for StrikeFighters2 Europe!
      Just place your image over the red backgound, merge down and save as a *.jpg file.
      Copy the Flight, Menu and PilotData to your mod folder and that's it!
      The package includes the default loading screen, main menus, and pilots!


         (1 review)

      1 comment


    20. SF2 "Aces Over North Africa" PhotoShop 1024x768 Menu Templates

      SF2 "Aces Over North Africa" PhotoShop 1024x768 Menu Templates
      By Viper
      A set of "Aces Over North Africa" Flight and Menu Templates for StrikeFighter2.
      Requirement: Photoshop or other graphics program that can edit Photoshop PSD files.
      You can created your own SF2 "Aces Over North Africa" menus. Load the Photoshop Menu Template you want to customize. Load the picture you want to use into Photoshop. Edit/Change/Resize the picture you want to use and copy it over the Red Background layer of the Photoshop Menu Template. Merge all the layers and save the file as a jpeg (jpg) image. Copy the new menu screen to the SF2 Menu folder. Done...
      Also included: 2 minute Prop plane wav sound file in the Flight Folder. Some Screens I already made (jpg files) I made using the templates.
      Use these however you want, just give me some credit...Thanks and Enjoy!


         (0 reviews)



    21. SF2 "Aces over Vietnam" Hi-Res Silver Border 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 "Aces over Vietnam" Hi-Res Silver Border 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
      By Viper
      Special thanks to Homefies, Spectre8750, Stary and eburger68 for their contributions to Combatace!
      This mod includes custom "vietnam Era" themed menu screens, pilots and (w/ 60s) music. This package also contains optional/alternate/upgraded Campaigns screens for both stock and expansions. There are many alternate screens in the Menu folder, so take a look and if you like some thing better, rename them to default names and use them instead.
      If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your CAMPAIGNS, FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
      Also note: If you are able - meaning, if you don't already have something in the Menu folder that you want to keep or is needed by some other mod you installed. It would be better to "Rename" your original Menu folder and let this package installs cleanly. Only if you can...
      *** To install...
      Note: My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Vietnam\
      1) Backup/Copy your CAMPAIGNS, FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in your StrikeFighter2 Vietnam mod folder.
      2) Uncompress the new Menu package and browse the content. As usual, there are alot of alternate screens in the Menu folder you may like better.
      3) Copy the FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders in your StrikeFighter2 Vietnam mod folder.
      *** Optional Campaigns screens...
      1) The "Campaigns" folder contain new images for the Stock Vietnam Campaigns. This is optional, but I think they look better than the stock pix. Copy the Campaigns folder into your StrikeFighter2 Vietnam mod folder.
      2) The "!Optional" folder contain new images for the Vietnam Expand Air and Ground War. Read the "Read-Me" in that folder for more detail. Copy the Campaigns folder from the !Optional folder into your StrikeFighter2 Vietnam mod folder.
      That's it...
      *** To Uninstall...
      1) Delete the CAMPAIGNS, FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders and restore the ones you backed up.
      That's it!


         (0 reviews)



    22. SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens and Music!
      By Viper 07/12/2015
      Download Do335's Excellent v1.1 package (Wings over Korea 1, 2, and 3) here...


      I made these upgraded alternate "Korean Air War" themed Menu screens to go with Do335's "SF2 Wings Over Korea" package!. Thanks Do335, for putting together the long awaited, easy to install package!

      Pleae unzip the compressed file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are some alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.

      If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT and MENU folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.

      To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT and MENU folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.

      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win97 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...

      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strikefighter2 Korea\



         (0 reviews)



    23. SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.1) Hi-Res 1920X1080 Menu Screens and Music!

      SF2 "MiG Alley" Wings Over Korea (KAW v1.2) Hi-Res 1920X1080 Menu Screens and Music v7
      By Viper 04/26/2020
      Note: I removed all the nation sounds from this Menu packs for size reasons. If you intend to install the "VIPER63A HQ Menu Sounds" pack, please install that pack first. Installing the HQ Sound pack over the Menu pack may overwrite some of the menu specific music files. You can always re-install this menu pack to get the menu specific theme music back.
      I made these upgraded alternate "Korean Air War" themed Menu screens to go with Do335's "SF2 Wings Over Korea" package!
      Pleae unzip the compressed file and preview the new screens before installing them. I recommend doing this as there are some alternate screens I have in there that you might like better.
      If you choose to install these screens, I recommend that you back up your FLIGHT and MENU folders in the SF2 Mod folder you're installing this mod into. Just in case you want to go back to your original setup.
      To install, simply unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT and MENU folders to your StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
      My StrikeFighter2 mod on Win10 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\Strikefighter2 Korea\


         (2 reviews)



    24. SF2 Alternate Desktop Icons

      SF2 Desktop Icons
      Tired of those ugly green stock icons? Well you can replace them with these...
      Forgot to mention, one icon (ODS) is from the ODS Pack...


         (9 reviews)



    25. SF2 Area 51 Test Pilot Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens!

      SF2 Area 51 Test Pilot Hi-Res 1024x768 Menu Screens!
      By Viper
      So, I do a lot of mod testing, I hate testing a new mod on an existing install I play on, so I have a dedicated install using the Nellis Terrain pack for testing new mods. This is the menu screens I use for that install. However, you can use these screens for any SF2 series if you like.
      1) Creating a new mod install...First, you need to create a new Tester Mod game and folder. You can use any SF2 Series Game as a base. In your install folder (the merged Thirdwire folder), copy and renamed "StrikeFighter2 Europe" (exe and ini file) to "StrikeFighter2 Area51" (I used "StrikeFighter2 Europe" for my tester base - you don't have to). Run it to create the "Saved Game" mod folder.
      2) Unzip and copy the uncompressed FLIGHT, MENU and PILOTDATA folders from this package to your new StrikeFighter2 mod folder.
      My StrikeFighter2 mod folder on Win7 64-bit was..(yours may be different)...
      C:\Users\<your_id>\Saved Games\Thirdwire\StrikeFighter2 Area51\
      3) To remove the new mod folder, just delete it and you're done. If you want to reset your tester install, rerun "StrikeFighter2 Area51" and copy the menus back into the reset mod folder.
      4) Test more mods in a new clean tester install...


         (1 review)



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