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    1. Sukhoi Su-17/22M4 Fitter K

      I started this work some years ago. Armourdave made a great job.
      My upgrades are fixing some (old) bugs and adding new skins + decals,
      waiting for the promised extensive upgrades.
      My start is from Eburger68 last great enhancement and Y.Gordon's bible.
      What's in:
      SU-17M4 (8 skins)
      - Radar now works
      - Camo 1/2/3 wing paint fixed - other things tweaked
      - Navy, 2 German based, 1 Guards, 1 recon Skins added
      - Decals tweaked and changed
      - Silver one removed as I did not found any
      SU-22M4 (16 skins)
      - 4 PWL + historical decals
      - 4 original Soulfreak German skins + new decals
      - 2 IRAQI (1 old & 1 new)
      - 2 Aghani (1 old & 1 new) + historical decals
      - 1 CVL + historical decals
      - 1 BVVS + historical decals
      - 1 Angola + historical decals
      - 1 VPAF + historical decals
      Some new screens for both, decals randomizers etc.
      Needed sound, pilot & weapons included.
      Some more drop tanks too if You want to build a specific nation plane install.
      - Armoudave for the original model
      - Eburger68 for upgrades
      - soulfreak for SF1 German skins
      - Y.Gordon for serials & references
      - All in main mod folder
      I realy hope that they will be useful for all our scenarios: NATO, SWEDEN, ODS, IRAN/IRAQ, VIETNAM etc. etc.
      PS: if someone (*) was able to remove the tail intake from the vert fin I have re-made the Su-17/22M3 too .....


         (6 reviews)



    2. MiG-17PFU

      This is a new version of the MiG-17 PFU.
      Installation instructions:
      Copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder,
      (and you need a cockpit)
      Spillone104, and his team from "11009-mig-17pfpfu-pack"
      I wish you good hunting!


         (5 reviews)



    3. F-4K DLC (*) Enhancement Pack

      The United Kingdom bought versions based on the U.S. Navy's F-4J for use with the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy's Fleet Air Arm. The main differences were the use of the British Rolls-Royce Spey engines and of British-made avionics. The RN and RAF versions were given the designation F-4K and F-4M respectively, and entered service with the Phantom FG.1 (fighter/ground attack) and Phantom FGR.2 fighter/ground attack/reconnaissance) British designations.
      What's in:
      This is F-4K DLC Royal Navy enhancement pack.
      Stock skins have serials/nose door and aileron numbers.
      New Skins:
      - 700P NAS (RNAS Yeovilton 1968)
      - 767 NAS (RNAS Yeovilton 1969)
      - Phantom Training Flight (RAF Leuchars 1976)
      F-4K (75)
      - Royal Navy FAA Jubilee 1977
      - Royal Navy FAA 1878
      Canopy open = 0; Wingfold close = 9 (automatic in take off closing)
      - Tk & Tw
      - Purvis 1 for 1978 pics (V. 1.1)
      - F-4K DLC needed (*)
      - put the object folder in your mod install and overwrite.
      @ paulopanz


         (3 reviews)



    4. Xian H-6 Badger pack

      Delivery of the Tu-16 to China began in 1958, and the Xi'an Aircraft Industrial Corporation (XAC) signed a license production agreement with the USSR to build the type in the late 1950s.
      The first Chinese Tu-16, or "H-6" as it was designated in Chinese service, flew in 1959.
      Production was performed by the plant at Xian, with at least 150 built into the 1990s.
      China is estimated to currently operate around 120 of the aircraft.
      What's in:
      Xian H-6 (4 skin)
      Xian H-6A (1 skin)
      Xian H-6D (3 skin)
      Xian H-6H (1 skin)
      PLAAF Decalset
      - Spillone104 all 3D parts via FakePilots; new C-601, C-611 missiles; ini edits
      - Erikgen Tu-126 cockpit modded by Spillone104
      - paulopanz Skins, decals, screens, ini edits
      To Install:
      - You need SF-2NA
      - put all inside your mod folder
      @ paulopanz


         (9 reviews)



    5. The Ultimate Razbam F-102A

      Well, I'm hoping this will be the last update for this aircraft; not much this time around, just that I found that the Case XX wing not only did not go into production in 1969, it's first flight was in May of 1957! It comprised the last 338 (or so) of the entire production run and was actualy the most important modification made to the aircraft after the introduction of the Area Rule in early production aircraft, enabling the F-102A to fly Mach 1 at 55,000 feet, a full 5000 feet higher than the earlier (Case X Wing) aircraft. The other change I made was to fold the (67) into the other Case X and XX Wing planes; it wasn't a different aircraft it just went to Nam.:) The big difference in installation is because of the consolidation of types; (from F-102A, F-102A (60), F-102A (67), F-102A (69) to F-102A, F-102A (CaseX), and F-102A (CaseXX), it is now necessary (because the ini. names don't match) to pull the aircraft Lod.s out of the Razbam folder and drop into this one (pretty much the same as you did for the missles in the previous updates).The Lod.s from the F-102A go in the F-102A folder, the Lod.s from the F-102A (60) go in the Case (X) Wing folder, and the Lod.s from the F-102A (69) go in the Case (XX) Wing folder. Don't forget Cockpit Lod.s for each. The Aircraft ini.s are setup to only use the main (Lod.1) Lod., however if you drop all three into each aircraft folder you can always change your mind at a later date. This also includes Paulopanzs' latest skin pack, adapted for the changes in folder names. Hope this works for everybody; any screw-ups are mine. I've managed to get a lot of animations in the cockpit working; lots of stuff happening when you engage a target. Good luck, good hunting those Commie swine, and I hope you enjoy it.


         (4 reviews)



    6. C-141B Starlifter Replacement/Tweeks Pak

      C-141B Starlifter Replacement/Tweeks Pak
      = For SF2, Any and All (Full 5 RECCOMENDED!!!) =
      Some remods/tweeks/partial reskinning and new decals for the recently (re)released C-141B
      It is designed to totally REPLACE the C-141B in the Cargo Planes Pak, so you'll be deleting the
      aircraft and decals folder OF the original (re)release, and replace them with these.
      All the painted on markings have been removed, and new decals are used in their places. The
      tail flash represents the 438th AW out of McGuire AFB. Many other small changes have been
      effected; new avionics ini, lights moved (or removed), etc and so forth. Not a full and total
      rebuild, just some tweeks for minor improvements. The partial templates I created/used for this
      are included. Maybe someone will step up and give us a Lizard Camo.
      The skins supplied herein are in jpg format.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
      them!!! Also, give the "Notes" section a read, in particular on operational usage.
      The Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft.
      **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that
      cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**.
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    7. Mirage IIIRS Swiss Air Force

      Mirage IIIRS Swiss Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      The Swiss Mirages are equipped with RWS, chaff & flare dispensers. Avionics differed as well, with the most prominent difference being that the Thomson-CSF Cyrano II radar was replaced by Hughes TARAN-18 system, giving the Mirage IIIS compatibility with the Hughes AIM-4 Falcon AAM. Also the Mirage IIIS had the wiring to carry a Swiss-built nuclear bomb or French nuclear bomb. The Swiss nuclear bomb was stopped in the preproduction stage and Switzerland did not purchase the French-made bomb. The Mirage IIIS had an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this fuel tank could be removed and replaced with an adapter of the same shape. This adapter housed a SEPR rocket engine with its liquid fuel tanks. With the SEPR rocket, the Mirage IIIS easily reached altitudes of 20,000 m. The rocket fuel was very hazardous and highly toxic, so the SEPR rocket was not used very often. The Mirage IIIRS could also carry a photo-reconnaissance centerline pod and an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this carried a smaller fuel load but allowed a back looking film camera to be added. In the early 1990s, the 30 surviving Swiss Mirage IIIS interceptors were put through an upgrade program, which included fitting them with fixed canards and updated avionics. The Mirage IIIS were phased out of service in 1999. The remaining Mirage IIIRS, BS and DS were taken out of service in 2003
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Ludo, Denis Oliveira, Coupi
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      DATA.INI - Coupi
      Decals - Coupi


         (11 reviews)



    8. Mirage IIIRS Swiss Air Force (EARLY)

      Mirage IIIRS Swiss Air Force (EARLY)
      Install - Need Update July 2012 and DLC Mirage IIIO
      The Swiss Mirages are equipped with RWS, chaff & flare dispensers. Avionics differed as well, with the most prominent difference being that the Thomson-CSF Cyrano II radar was replaced by Hughes TARAN-18 system, giving the Mirage IIIS compatibility with the Hughes AIM-4 Falcon AAM. Also the Mirage IIIS had the wiring to carry a Swiss-built nuclear bomb or French nuclear bomb. The Swiss nuclear bomb was stopped in the preproduction stage and Switzerland did not purchase the French-made bomb. The Mirage IIIS had an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this fuel tank could be removed and replaced with an adapter of the same shape. This adapter housed a SEPR rocket engine with its liquid fuel tanks. With the SEPR rocket, the Mirage IIIS easily reached altitudes of 20,000 m. The rocket fuel was very hazardous and highly toxic, so the SEPR rocket was not used very often. The Mirage IIIRS could also carry a photo-reconnaissance centerline pod and an integral fuel tank under the aft belly; this carried a smaller fuel load but allowed a back looking film camera to be added. In the early 1990s, the 30 surviving Swiss Mirage IIIS interceptors were put through an upgrade program, which included fitting them with fixed canards and updated avionics. The Mirage IIIS were phased out of service in 1999. The remaining Mirage IIIRS, BS and DS were taken out of service in 2003
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Modelo - TK (Mirage IIIO)
      Texture - Ludo, Denis Oliveira,Coupi
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      DATA.INI - Coupi
      Decals - Coupi


         (6 reviews)



    9. Tupolev Tu-16 Badger Collection

      Although the Tu-16 began as a high-altitude, free-fall bomber, in the mid-1950s it was equipped to carry early Soviet cruise missiles.
      The Tu-16KS (Badger-B) version could carry AS-1 missiles over a combat radius of 1,800 km (1,125 mi).
      These very large weapons were aerodynamically similar to the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 fighter,
      fitted with either a nuclear or conventional warhead, had a range of about 140 km (90 mi).
      They were intended for use primarily against US Navy aircraft carriers and other large surface ships.
      Subsequent Tu-16s were converted to carry later, more advanced missiles, while their designations changed several times.
      A versatile design, the Tu-16 was built in numerous specialized variants for reconnaissance, maritime surveillance,
      electronic intelligence gathering (ELINT), and electronic warfare (ECM).
      A total of 1,507 aircraft was constructed in three plants in the Soviet Union, in 1954–1962.
      They were exported to Egypt, Iraq and Indonesia.
      Egypt: 20 Tu-16KS; 6 Tu-16T; 20 Tu-16KRS2/K-11; Tu-16R
      Indonesia: 25 Tu-16KS
      IRAQ: 8 Tu-16; 8 Tu-16K-11
      What's in:
      A) New flyable planes (you need SF-2NA):
      TU-16A *
      TU-16E *
      TU-16K-10 *
      TU-16K-10-26 #
      TU-16K-10-26 (76) *
      TU-16K-11-16 *
      TU-16K-11-16 (72) *
      TU-16K-26 (73)
      TU-16K-26P *
      TU-16KS *
      TU-16-KRS2 *
      TU-16P (72)
      TU-16P (76) *
      TU-16R *
      TU-16R (76) *
      TU-16RR *
      TU-16T *
      (*) New variants (#) Different model
      B) A plenty of skins for EAF, IrAF and AURI, too. Dedicated decalsets. All nation have some basic Tu-16 skins alongside specialized version in use.
      C) All the weapon You need.
      D) Original data.ini fixed, tweaked and lights enhanced.
      E) Stock planes have dedicated restore files to use after patches to make flyables again.
      TU-16K-10-26 will need to change lods, too as stated in its restore file.
      - Spillone104 3D parts, weapons (Cruise Missiles), sounds, effects, data fixing/editing, skins, tecnical research
      - Erikgen cockpit (adapted from Tu-1269
      - Paulopanz Skins, decals, screens, data editing, liveries reserch
      - Y.Gordon & Lindr2 references
      - all in main mod folder
      @ paulopanz


         (16 reviews)



    10. C-130E/H USAF pack (originally by Dels)

      This pack will add skins and some ini edits to Dels original C-130
      Hercules, in both the E and H models. This pack includes:
      AIRCRAFT: C-130E (with loading screens, ini edits and skins)
      The Skins: South East Asia camo and European 1 (Lizard) camo for the earlier
      models, Equipment Excellence Gray for both _94 models
      DECALS: includes decals for ANG logo and title, AFRES, and MAC,
      as well as 30 historical serial numbers for both the E and H.
      PILOTS: Dome and dome2 for the SKE dome. Also a FAKE_PILOT to make them
      WEAPONS: Parachute crate, Jeep, Paratroopers, wing tanks
      Sounds: C-130engine.wav
      TK: the overall game
      Dels: the original model and his many excellent templates for skinning
      Florian: for the para crate object, originally his fallifrachte from his
      C-160 Transall mod
      Killerbee331: the Jeep from his weapons pack
      Wrench and ravenclaw_007: techniques that i used to eliminate some meshes
      and get the droptanks to show in the loadout.
      mppd: the physical model for the SKE dome
      Slartibartfast, Dels and the unknown 3rd person: taking a peek at the beta for any
      glaring errors (sorry about no sound guys!)
      unzip and add to the appropriately named folders. allow overwrite where needed
      (should only be sounds and the fake pilot). enjoy.
      *********************** NOTES TO MODDERS ***************************************************
      This mod was created with you guys in mind. it has several decals and more importantly the placement in the
      decal ini's to assist you with doing many units and nations for the Herc. Feel free to add or improve this so
      we can see more C-130s in time appropriate skins on the airfields.
      Thank you for downloading this mod and i hope you enjoy it.
      Kevin Unruh
      aka daddyairplanes
      1 Mar 2013


         (7 reviews)



    11. F-4E ROKAF pack

      F-4E ROKAF pack
      - F-4E_75ROKAF
      - F-4E_86ROKAF
      - weapons
      Hangar and Loading screens are in 1920 x 1080 , optional 1024 x 768 Hangar and Loading screens are includet in a separate folder
      - Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack and overwrite if ask to
      - If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
      the AN/ALQ-200K ecm-pod from the Weapons pack-2 has an error ( i forget to link the nose and tail radome to the main body) so please use the AN/ALQ-200K ecm-pod that comes with this pack
      - original model by TW , BPAO , Crab_02
      - cockpits from TW
      - new updated model , textures and weapons by ravenclaw_007
      have fun , ravenclaw_007


         (12 reviews)



    12. F-4E USAF pack

      F-4E USAF pack
      - F-4E
      - F-4E Hard-Wing & MIDAS4
      - F-4E_72
      - F-4E_75
      - F-4E_78 TISEO
      - F-4E_79 TISEO & ARN-101
      - F-4E_86 TISEO & ARN-101
      Animation / Function
      - Canopy
      - Hook
      - Air Refuel
      - Wing fold ______________ only on hard wing F-4E´s
      - Gun Vent ______________ automatic when gun is fired or as soon as the landing gear is deployed
      - Brake Chute____________ works with the Air Brake below 150kts
      this mod replaces existing TW and TMF aircrafts , please remove the existing folders befor installing this mod , the existing skins / textures will no longer fit !!!!
      if you use the weapons from the Weaponds pack-2 please replace the AIM-9P-4 with the one includet here , that will fix the wrong texture
      Hangar and Loading screens are in 1920 x 1080 , optional 1024 x 768 Hangar and Loading screens are includet in a separate folder
      - Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack and overwrite if ask to
      - If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
      - original model by TW , BPAO , Crab_02
      - cockpits from TW
      - Decals for the 34TFS , 469TFS and the original Templates from Sundowner
      - Skins for the 57th FIS made by Soulfreak
      - TISEO made by Crusader
      - Testpilots , EricJ , Slartibartfast , JAT81500 , Dast24 , Centurion1 , Ianh755 , GodsLt
      - new updated model , textures and weapons by ravenclaw_007
      i hope i did not forget anybody
      the new Templates are available on request , i may upload them some other time
      have fun , ravenclaw_007


         (25 reviews)



    13. F-4E EAF

      F-4E EAF ( Egypt Air Force )
      - F-4E_79EAF , with 3 skins: - SEA camo - Egypt-1 - Hill Grey
      Animation / Function
      - Canopy
      - Hook
      - Air Refuel
      - Gun Vent ______________ automatic when gun is fired or you open the Canopy ( to simulate Hyd-Off on Ground )
      - Brake Chute____________ works with the Air Brake below 150kts
      if you use the weapons from the Weaponds pack-2 please replace the AIM-9P-4 with the one includet here , that will fix the wrong texture
      Hangar and Loading screens are in 1920 x 1080 , optional 1024 x 768 Hangar and Loading screens are includet in a separate folder
      - Drop all files into your mod folder the way they are setup in this pack and overwrite if ask to
      - If you are unsure about the way how mods are installed, check the knowledge base at CombatAce!
      - original model by TW , BPAO , Crab_02
      - cockpits from TW
      - original Templates from Sundowner
      - new updated model , textures and weapons by ravenclaw_007
      i hope i did not forget anybody
      the new Templates are available on request , i may upload them some other time
      have fun , ravenclaw_007


         (11 reviews)



    14. Third Wire DLC A-4K Skyhawk upgrade/ Enhancement for SF2

      This is an upgrade/ Enhancement for the Third Wire DLC A-4K Skyhawk.
      You will need the DLC A-4K: https://store.thirdw...m/store_dlc.htm
      Instillation: As usual simply drop into your mods folder and allow it to override when prompted. (This is important as the export end year date in the AIM-9G is incorrect etc)
      Changes include:
      -a more realistic loadout.ini file,
      -correcting of the air intake textures on all the textures,
      -corrections to the squadron markings on the ‘Green’ and ‘Maritime Grey’ textures,
      -accurate Royal New Zealand Airforce Pilot,
      -activation of the tail hook,
      -opening canopy,
      -landing light,
      -various other data.ini edits.
      -a few shots of chaff in each airbrake to simulate the practise of filling the airbrakes with chaff to give the aircraft a limited ability to deploy a onetime burst of chaff by activating the airbrake.
      Use the single mission editor to select and make use of some unique RNZAF A-4 loadouts
      -ravenclaw_007 for his amazing weapons packs
      -NeverEnough for the FMA IA-58a Pucara for SF2 which I used the triple and double rocket pods from to create the CRV-7 double and triple launchers from.


         (2 reviews)



    15. Kfir CE Ecuador Air Force

      Kfir CE Ecuador Air Force
      The Israel Aircraft Industries Kfir (Hebrew: ?????????, "Lion Cub") is an Israeli-built all-weather, multirole combat aircraft based on a modified French Dassault Mirage 5 airframe, with Israeli avionics and an Israeli-made version of the General Electric J79 turbojet engine.
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      data.ini - Coupi, Denis Oliveira
      decals - Denis Oliveira
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - ace888


         (9 reviews)

      1 comment


    16. SF2 Soviet Transport and AWAC Aircraft by Veltro2K

      SF2 Soviet Transport and AWAC Aircraft by Veltro2K
      = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
      This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's Soviet/WarPac Transport and AWAC aircraft.
      It is REQUIRED that you have SF2NA in your merged install, as several of these reference
      the stock 3W Tu-95 Bear destroyed model. Some reference the stock 3W An-12 destroyed
      model. Hence, the need for a Full 5 Merged install. It is usable without, but you won't
      have the dead wreckage on the ground. Also, the AWAC versions use the "AEW" avionics
      coding from SF2NA.
      Included in the pak are remods of:
      An-22 Cock
      A-50 Mainstay AWAC
      IL-76 Candid
      Tu-114 Cleat (Aeroflot airliner)
      Tu-126 Moss AWAC
      Aircraft that were exported have userlist inis included (ie: the Il-76). Any that I
      missed, End Users ™ are encouraged to 'fill in the blanks', and post those changes.
      All avionics, in particular for the AWACs, have been brought up SF2NA standards at the
      July 2012 patch level. New sounds for the prop engines are included. Although cockpits ARE
      included for all aircraft, really people...let the AI handle them. They exist for 2
      reasons: eye candy and targets.
      Skins remain in their bmp format, and decal radomization is set to TRUE. All decals
      reference stock markings, including the Bort numbers. New damage textures are supplied, in
      DDS format.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
      them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage.
      The Legal Statement has been changed with regards to these aircraft.
      For those that still have the original releases, as there HAVE been changes and additions
      in several of the inis, you may wish to examine them, mostly in respect to SF2NA, you may wish
      to replace the originals with these.
      **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems
      that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (6 reviews)

      1 comment


    17. F-4M Phantom[ FGR2]

      This is a completey re vamped version of the original TMF F-4M, that's why I'm doing it as a seperate download.
      If you have the TMF versions installed I strongley reccomend that you remove them before installing this pack as you will end up with lots of redundant files and less risk of something going wrong.
      The model itself has been heavily modified by Ravenclaw, so you know it will be of the highest quality.
      All skins are now jpegs and all are new......no two skins are the same regards to weathering etc.
      All new bump maps.
      Please read the readme for additional information.
      Again, many thanks to Ravenclaw for the time he has spent helping me with this project.


         (12 reviews)



    18. Mirage 5BR Belgian Air Force

      Mirage 5BR Belgian Air Force
      Install - Need Update July 2012, DLC Mirage IIIO and DLC Mirage IIIBA
      (Includes two versions)
      The Dassault Mirage 5BR is the Belgian licence-built version of the 5R (reconnaissance) Mirage variant. The 5R is broadly similar to the older IIIR from which it is derived, and conversion of the aircraft to an attack reconnaissance role proved equally straightforward. One notable difference is the chisel nose, which contains cameras instead of radar. The optional twin cannon pack is usually carried, and other options for armed reconnaissance included a reflector sight and low altitude bombing system. Most of the aircraft in Belgian service were retired during the mid-1990s
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture - TK, Denis Oliveira
      mod - Denis Oliveira
      Data and UserList.ini - Coupi
      Decals - PauloPanz


         (7 reviews)

      1 comment


    19. SF2 BAe Nimrod MR.1 Remod Pak by Veltro2k

      SF2 BAe Nimrod MR.1 Remod Pak by Veltro2k
      = For SF2, (Full 5 Merged ONLY!!)=
      **FUll 5 Merged reccomended, as the destroyed model references the stock 3W B-52, and many statements in the data ini refer to SF2NA coding only**
      A Re-release of the Veltro2k's Nimrod Martime Patrol aircraft, now with some (ok, many) updates for the SF2:NA environment.
      This is the complete aircraft package, with an new cockpit and various and sundry ini tweeks. Several new or updated weapons are included. The hangar and loading screens have also been converted for SF2 usage.
      2 skins are included:
      42 Squadron, in the original 2-tone (called Early)
      201 Squadron, in the Hemp (called, Hemp (doh!!))
      The skins will automatically change from the Early to the later Hemp at a (semi)specific date. (Read: my best guess)! Skins remain in bmp format.
      Decal randomization is set to TRUE for both skins. Basicly, it's the exactly as I released sometime back for SF2 (pre-purge), but with several enchancement and tweeks, now set up for SF2NA. Damage textures are in DDS.
      Loadouts have been adjusted to start with torpedos, and then switch to Harpoons, also at a 'best guesstimate' year (1983).
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read them!!! Also, give the "Note" section a read, in particular on operational usage.
      The Legal Statement has been changed with regards to this aircraft.
      For those that still have the original releases, you may want to delete said original (or back it up somewheres), as there HAVE been changes and additions in several of the inis mostly in respect to SF2NA. Consider this a FULL replacement of the original.
      **These aircraft herein are released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be created**.
      Good Hunting!


         (4 reviews)

      1 comment


    20. F-8E(FN) Crouze & F-8P(FN) Crouze Prolongé

      This pack is a TW DLC enhancement. So it's needed to work.
      WHAT'S IN:
      stock F-8E (FN): Prototype, 14F Grey skin
      New F-8P (FN): 2 blue skins, special Dernier Catapultage skin; dedicated numbers
      - Key 10 cockpit
      - key 9 wingfold
      (*) both animations are automatically closed at take off
      - Gaëtan Marie: LTV F-8E(FN) Crusader
      - Denis Oliveira 3D parts
      - Coupi F-8P avionics & Cockpit aspect (V. 1.1)
      - Paulopanz skins, decals, data.ini edits

      - all in main mod folder

      @ Paulopanz

      PS: we need a good Clemenceau/Foch carrier class


         (4 reviews)



    21. SF2 Cessna O-2A Skymaster by Veltro2K

      SF2 Cessna O-2A Skymaster by Veltro2K
      = For SF2, Full 5 Merged RECCOMENDED! =
      This is a Re-release of the Veltro2k's O-2A FAC aircraft.
      **Note: due to extensive modifications to the cockpit and other ini tweeks, it will =NOT=
      work in 1stGen SF/Wo* games at ANY patch level**
      As stated above, a reissue of the Skymaster FAC bird. Included in this pak are all the mods
      from the "O-2 Tweeks Pak' I issued in 2009 (and it's attendant readme). This is the complete
      Skins remain in their bmp format; Decal radomization is set to TRUE. A user list is
      supplied. New damage textures are in DDS format. All weapons referenced are STOCK 3rd Wire
      items, available in full 4/5 merged installs.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE read
      them!!! Included is my original readme for the "Tweeks Pak"; it's suggested you read this
      as well, as it contains a listing of all the changes, tweeks, mods and so forth.
      The Legal Statement has also been changed with regards to this aircraft.
      For those that still have the original releases, as there HAVE been changes and additions in
      several of the inis you may wish to examine, you may wish to replace the originals with
      **This aircraft herein is released in "AS IS" Condition. Any and all issues/problems that
      cannot be solved via ini edits will exist forever, as new models are unlikely to be
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (2 reviews)



    22. F-104A, Pakistan Air Force

      F-104A, Pakistani Air Force for SF2
      This will work only if you have installed DLC No. 28 AI Aircraft Pack 1, including the F-104A Starfighter. Without this pack installed, you will not have the necessary model files.
      Serials include the 12 F-104A aircraft supplied to the PAF, a further 9 loaned by the Royal Jordanian Air Force, and finally two F-104B aircraft of the PAF.


         (2 reviews)

      1 comment


    23. CAC Sabre Mk. 31 / 32

      In 1951, CAC obtained a licence agreement to build the F-86. It was decided to power the aircraft using a licence-built version of the Rolls-Royce Avon R.A.7. This involved a re-design of the fuselage as the Avon was shorter, wider and lighter than the General Electric J47 that powered the North American-built aircraft. Because of the engine change the type is often referred to as the Avon Sabre. To accommodate the Avon, over 60% of the fuselage was redesigned along with a 25% increase in the size of the air intake. Another major revision was in replacing the F-86F's six machine guns with two 30mm Aden cannons, while other changes were also made to the cockpit and to provide an increased fuel capacity.
      The RAAF operated the CA-27 from 1956 to 1971.
      In 1958–60, CAC Sabres completed numerous ground attack sorties against communist insurgents in Malaya, during the Malayan Emergency, with No. 3 Squadron RAAF and No. 77 Squadron RAAF. Following the Emergency, they remained in Malaysia at RAAF Butterworth. From August 1964 onwards these aircraft responded several times to incursions by Indonesian MiG-21 fighters. However, the Indonesian aircraft always turned back before crossing the international boundary.
      In 1962, a detachment of eight CA-27s, which was later expanded and designated No. 79 Squadron RAAF (79 Sqn), was sent from Butterworth to RAAF Ubon, Ubon, Thailand, to assist the Thai and Laotian governments in actions against communist insurgents. Australia and Thailand were allies of South Vietnam and the United States during the Vietnam War, and 79 Sqn performed air defence for United States Air Force attack and bomber aircraft based at Ubon. The squadron never engaged North Vietnamese aircraft or ground forces and was withdrawn in 1968.
      Former RAAF CAC Sabres were operated by the Royal Malaysian Air Force (TUDM) between 1969 and 1972. Following the establishment of better relations with Indonesia, 23 CAC Sabres were donated to the Indonesian Air Force (TNI-AU) between 1973 and 1975; five of these were former Malaysian aircraft.
      WHAT'S IN:
      - CAC Sabre Mk. 31 RAAF
      - CAC Sabre Mk. 32 RAAF, RMAF, AURI with IRM install (1964)
      A plenty of Skins (16) and all historical decal numbers by plane.

      - plane (fixed for SF-2) by Zur
      - sabre temps by Ravenclaw
      - original mod & screens by Wrench
      - Skins, decals, ini edits by Paulopanz
      - ini tweakings & professional testings by Spillone104
      - all in main mod folder and overwrite
      I realy liked this job. The plane is fantastic and remaking it with Mike and Alex a real pleasure,
      @ paulopanz


         (5 reviews)

      1 comment


    24. SF2I DLC 28 IDFAF S-199 Mule Tweek Pak

      SF2I DLC 28 IDFAF S-199 Mule Tweek Pak
      = For SF2 (Full4/5 Merged RECCOMENDED + DLC 28!)
      *Designed for use in the standard/stand alone SF2:I Mods folder (suggested usage)*
      **IF you do NOT have DLC 28, do not download this mod. It will be of no use to you
      This pak contains some "quick and dirty" mods for the S-199 "Mezek" (or Mule) recently
      released in DLC #28
      Now a flyable aircraft, with the included cockpit. 25 Historicaly accruate serial number
      decals, and NEW SF2 style Hangar and loading screens in my World Famous Box Art Style
      Loadout has been adjusted to add the 300 ltr drop tank, a different pilot figure,
      AvHistory Jumo engine sound. Canopy activated via the Standard Animation Keystroke,
      Shift/0. FM remains "as issued". See "Changes" in the Note section below for more stuff.
      Also included is my "One Click Restore" (patent pending) main ini for when it becomes AI-
      only again.
      When in-game, you'll see
      S-199 (3W)
      on the aircraft selection drop-down menu. This will differentiate it from the S-199 by
      MontyCZ (an excellent mod, btw!), in case you may have that one as well. If you DO have
      Monty's, you may want to rename it's folder and main ini to further differentiate it.
      Otherwise you WILL experience conflicts/problems/issues/and assorted troubles.
      As always, other improvements and changes/fixes are welcomed! As I said above, it's just a
      Q&D mod to get them flying so others can help out with any needed/wanted/whatever tweeks
      and fixes.
      As always, fairly easy to follow, yet detailed install instructions are included. PLEASE
      read them!!!
      Happy Landings!
      kevin stein


         (3 reviews)



    25. Mirage IIIE Armée de l'Air

      Avion Marcel Dassault Mirage IIIE Armée de l'Air (France) Mod version v1.0
      The Mirage IIIE was in service between 1964 and 1994. Improved version of the Mirage IIIC. The Mirage IIIE multi-purpose fighters were delivered with 2 versions: "Early" and "Late" variants presented into the SF2 game.
      Install - Need Update July 2012 (Minimum), DLC Mirage IIIO and DLC Mirage IIIEL
      Good flights!!!
      Animed Cockpit - SHFT + 1
      Texture Temp by Ludo.m54
      data.ini - Coupi
      decals - Ludo.m54
      Texture - Ludo.m54
      3D mod - Denis Oliveira
      Cockpit and Avioncs ini - Coupi
      Weapons - TMF SF1 Weapons pack.


         (11 reviews)




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