Mig29A Pack
By dast24
so here i´m releasing the Mirage Factory MiG 29A Package
All Mig 29A´s from the original SF1 Packs are in this package.
Soulfreak--for Paran and Norm 90 skin
GMG Group for awnsering stupid questions :-D
CA Team for the knowledge base
MF Team for releasing the original Pack.
Rafale B Flight Model Beta 1
By Teras
this is a new flight model for A-Team's rafale b released under beta 1
this flight model shall fix all the problems in flight that you had with the one comes with rafale b from a-team website
--- IN THIS FM :
landing gears fixed
pylons and missiles rail added
ai going to use new radar system as called RBE2 AESA radar
chaffs flares and ECM systems added
brand new control systems
all new engines
how to use :
firstly you have to download the rafale b from A-Team website
NOTE : you must have membership in order to download it
once you download the aircraft head here and download the FM
after downloading the FM do the flowing
extract rafale b.rar to your HDD
copy rafale b.ini to your rafale b directory
replace if ask and rename if needed
- play
Credit :
A-Team \ model and avionics
Me \ flight model
thanks for everybody who gave me advises and helped me making this FM
enjoy it
Aermacchi MB-339A for SF2
By ID(io)T Team
Macchi MB 339A Version 2.0 for Strike Fighter 2 by ID(io)T Team
Development and operational history
Aermacchi went on to perform an effective "facelift" on the MB-326 to create the "MB-339", a modernized derivative. The first of two "MB-339X" prototypes performed its initial flight on 12 August 1976, with the second following on 20 May 1977. The first of 107 production "MB-339A" trainers for the AMI performed its initial flight on 20 July 1978, with the type entering service in 1979.
The MB-339 retained substantial commonality with the MB-326, differing mainly in a new forward fuselage with a raised cockpit, and twin ventral fins plus a taller tailfin to compensate for the loss in yaw stability due to the new forward fuselage. The MB-339 also featured updated systems, particularly rocket-boosted SICAMB / Martin Baker Mark 1T-10F ejection seats with "zero zero" (zero speed zero altitude) capability. However, the MB-339 retained the Viper 632-43 engine; Aermacchi had seriously considered replacing it with a more modern and fuel-economical engine, but the Viper was cheap, reliable, and had good performance. The engine was license-built by Piaggio. The MB-339 retained the six stores pylons of the MB-326G. It did not have built-in cannon, but cannon pods, dumb bombs, and rocket launchers were qualified as stores for the light attack role.The MB-339 has been export in Argentina where ten "MB-339AA" were obtained by the Argentine Navy (ARA), with the type operating against the British during the Falklands War in 1982. Other MB-339A users included Dubai (seven), Ghana (four), Malaysia (thirteen MB-339AM), Nigeria (twelve MB-339AN), and Peru (sixteen MB-339AP).
The War Trial
Lt Guillermo Owen Crippa, a young Argentine Fleet Air Arm pilot, was tasked as No 2 of an armed patrol from Stanley airfield shortly after sun-up. The other Aermacchi jet trainer became unserviceable, so Crippa launched on his own. Near Jersey Point he spotted a Royal Navy Lynx helicopter, but as he pulled up to dive on it, he also sighted the ‘enemy’ invasion force anchored in San Carlos Water. Crippa broke off, reported his discovery of the British to his controller in Stanley – and then announced his intention to attack.
At low level and high speed he emerged from the radar shadow of Fanning Head, and fired all his podded Zuni rockets at HMS ARGONAUT. Crippa then engaged a RFA stores ship with his 30mm DEFA cannon, and before exiting the combat zone, took notes on the number and types of ship sheltering in San Carlos Water. He was subsequently awarded Argentina’s highest decoration for valour in combat. The British were also given a first taste of the courage and determination that characterizes Argentine military aviators.
Simply copy all the files in the respective directory of your game folder.
"User"\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2
NGHENGO: Main 3D model
Bobrock: 3D model and Cockpit
Paulopanz: Lots of skins, decals and Hangar & Loading screens
Spillone104: DEFA gunpods, INI work and sound
Baffmeister: FM tuning
Aleducat: Martin Backer MK10-1 seat
FastCargo: Fake pilot
Beta testers : All the above plus, Aleks, Starfighter2, Canadair, Erikgen, Silverbolt, triplethr3at, Steve_S, Blasto, Dysko.
Legal stuff:
This mod is freeware. Commercial use is not allowed.
Enjoy and good flight. :)
June 2011
Mirage 2000B Export Vol. 1
By ludo.m54
This addon offers the various Mirage 2000B in use in different Air Force, namely:
- Mirage 2000BG : Hellenic Air Force.
- Mirage 2000BM : Egyptian Air Force.
- Mirage 2000TH : Indian Air Force.
Compared to the single-seater, the 2000B is 19cm longer, is 219kg heavier and carry, internally, 60kg of fuel less.
1- Decompress the archive in a temporary folder
2- IMPORTANT! Backup the folders that will be modified.
3- Cut and paste this mod's folders in your game's Mod folder.
4- Enjoy!
3D model: Amokfloo, reworked by JAT81500.
Templates: Amokfloo.
Cockpit, pilots and fuel tanks: The Mirage Factory.
Skins: ludo.m54
Decals: ludo.m54 and Ghostrider883.
Sounds: Couby, Oxyd, Dassault Aviation.
Testing, ini tuning (mostly based on TMF's Mirage 2000 pack) and sounds importation: FDokal.
Hangar and loading screens : Gustav.
If I forgot anyone, let me know and I'll correct it asap.
Thanks to everyone on C6 and Combatace forums whom helped with this project.
*This addon is and must remain freeware.*
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms:
F-16AM Block(20) W/Jordan 2 Squad Digital KA2 Skin
By Spectre8750
F-16AM "Fighting Falcon"(20) w/Jordan 2 Squadron Digital MARPAT Skin.
Also Known in HyperStealth’s advanced digital KA2 camouflage pattern
created for Jordan.
For any Strike Fighters 2 Israel or Combo Pack Series.
Drop straight into "StrikeFighters2 Israel" Directory. Overwrite when
If You want the Years for this Aircraft to be available You'll have to
edit the ISRAELME.INI files AllowedDates and drop it in the "Terrains\
IsraelME" Directory under the "StrikeFighters2 Israel" Folder.
Also add to SQUADRONLIST.INI below and replace xxx with next sequence.
DisplayName=Jordanian 2nd Squadron
Aircraft INI's, Screens, Weapons, Pilot and Effects.
2011 Jordan KA2 and 1997 to pre 2011 Skin.
Thanks Go To:
TK and Crew for the F-16A Netz.
Thanks Gerwin for The Skin template for the F-16A Netz.
Also MGunny's Ordnance Weapons.
AleDucat's Boeing ACES II Ejector Seat.
Let me know if i missed anyone.
Have Fun
F/A-18A, A+ and C by The Mirage Factory for SF2
By Spectre8750
9 Apr 2011
F/A-18A, A+ and C for Strike Fighters 2 Generation Sims
wikipedia link :
SFP1 Model Credits
3D : Flying Toaster
Mapping, SFP1 import : BPAo
Base Textures : Column5
VMFA-122 Markings : USAFMTL
FM : Column5
3D : Flying Toaster/BPAo
Textures : BPAo, HUD from Kesselbrut
Effects : BPAo
Converted to SF2Gen: Spectre[8750]
Pilot : Thirdwire
Texture : Diego
3D : BPAo
Textures : Column5
Test Team
Camouflage, Manetsim, Sony Tuckson, Column5, Tom Venom, USAFMTL
Aircraft, Sounds, Effects and Weapons install Plug and Play.
Just drop contents into any SF2 series Mod Folder.
Hope You Enjoy it!
Released: 15,Sep,2009
Updated: 18,Sep 2009
Added AN/ASS-38 Laser Pod, reworked the cockpit.
Fixed Station 2 showing up right, Thanks EricJ.
Updated: 22,Sep 2009
Moved ATFLIR to intended location for this aircraft. Using the
Left Sparrow Station. Supposed to be an Adapter Plate for Pod
but best i could do for now.
Also changed Loadout a little and included all weapons and
changed the Pilot Skin out as he was beginning to smell.
Also added Cockpit Animation for 1 slot. Default is SHIFT+1.
Updated: 26,Sep 2009
ATFLIR With Adapter has now been Added. Now it Looks more
proper Thanks To EricJ and FastCargo.
Fixed and cleaned up the Cockpit, now Ground Mode works.
Added VFA-131 Skin and GEF404 Engine Sound and a new USNWind
sound with background Radio Chatter from the Desert Storm Mod.
Not sure who orig did it but sounds good. Thanks.
Also Added Patch for USMC VMFA-122 Crusaders Skin.
Updated: 10,May 2010
Updated Avionics.ini and the F-18_Effects.ini so effects and
cockpit work with December 2009 update.
Also updated the FA-18C_RWR.lst file.
Added: DestroyedModel DestroyedEffect to the Data.INI File.
Adjusted Gun sites.
Cleaned up Hangar and Loading Screens.
Updated: 15,July 2010
Updated Effects.
Added DDS Damage Textures.
Updated the FA-18C_RWR.lst file.
DestroyedModel needs to be in the \Aircraft root Dir.
Updated UserList.
Updated Screens to JPG's
Added Loadout.TGA.
Updated FlightData.INI
Changed AntiShipping to AGM-84E Harpoon In LOADOUT.INI and
included weapon.
Updated: 25,October 2010
Updated Cockpit.
Updated Effects.
Updated the RWR.lst file.
Updated FlightData.INI
Added Flight Dir Files needed for RADAR detection.
Updated: 14,December 2010
Updated Cockpit MFD Texture.
Updated Effects and Sounds. Delete old F-18Effects INI's.
Updated the RWR.lst file.
Updated FlightDATA.INI
Updated RWR_?.TGA's
Fixed TWS scan Distance.
Enhanced Wheel Texture Appearence.
Added Skins.
Added Squadronlist Sample info and full INI in the PilotData
dir for optional use.
Added sample Soundslist.ini in Flight Dir.
Added AN/ASQ-173. Added "SpecificStationCode=F182" in the
Weapon ASQ-173_DATA.INI file so Pods would switch during
different dates. You will want to add it to other Aircrafts
?_DATA.INI at that station in other Aircraft like the
F-14B_96 StationID=14 if you have it.
Updated: 27,March 2011f
Updated Data files.
Updated Weapons.
Updated Cockpit Cage Texture.
Updated Gauges.
Updated RWR_?.TGA's
Changed F-18_DTV.TGA Texture.
Moved Decals to proper Folder.
Added Correct Files.
Updated: 08,April 2011
Added F/A-18A and A+.
Updated Data files.
Updated Weapons.
Updated Landing Gear Data.
The A models come with original skins plus
the first USN and USMC Squadrons.
Mirage Factory
Flying Toaster
Sony Tuckson
TK and Thirdwire
By jahm
Bolivarian Venezuelan Military Aviation - Aviación Militar Bolivariana Venezolana (AMBV)
___ ___
___ /\ \ /\ \
/\__\ /::\ \ \:\ \
/:/__/ /:/\:\ \ \:\ \
/::\ \ /:/ /::\ \ ___ /::\ \
\/\:\ \ /:/_/:/\:\__\ /\ /:/\:\__\
~~\:\ \ \:\/:/ \/__/ \:\/:/ \/__/
\:\__\ \::/__/ \::/__/
/:/ / \:\ \ \:\ \
/:/ / \:\__\ \:\__\
\/__/ \/__/ \/__/
Grupo Aéreo de Caza No 11, Cap. Manuel Rios Aero-spacial base near El Sombrero, "DIABLOS" Hi-Res skins for SU-30MK2 Flanker.
Painted by me: Cmte. Jah
Background: Contract for 24 x Su-30MK2 was signed in 07.2006 by president Hugo Chavez,
as reaction for american restrictions in deliveries of spare parts to venezuelan F-16s.
Deliveries of Sukhois started very quickly in 12.2006, because KnAAPO have some
Su-30MK2 undelivered to China. Venezuelan Su-30MK2 are manufactured by KnAAPO
(Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Production Association). Similiar variant is used by China and Vietnam.
1,Unzip the Su-30MK2.rar
2,Copy ALL files from Su-30MK2 folder to :
Strike Fighters[WOE/WOV/WOI]\Objects\aircraft
3,Copy ALL files from Sounds folder to :
Strike Fighters[WOE/WOV/WOI]\Objects\sounds
4,Copy ALL files from Weapons folder to :
Strike Fighters[WOE/WOV/WOI]\Objects\weapons
and add it to your own weapon list
5,Then,enjoy it
Testing: in Strike Force Proyect 1,and testing in the other Third Wire games WOE/WOV/WOI with the usual adjustments.WOE need patch 10/08.
Need more weapons?
Solution: Bunyap's latest weapons pack, http://bunyap2w1.com/SFP1_Wiki/index.php?title=Weapons_Pack
You should be able to get all of these at Combat ace, Column 5, or AVSIM.
Houston I^ve a problem!
ok,There are some very small bugs but I am actively working on.
May i give this addnon to others?
Yes, only remember the gold rule: *This package will not be sold.
I have no reason to believe these files can harm your computer.
Still, use these files AT YOUR OWN RISK. If your computer is badly affected in any way, I can't be held responsible.
Gifts & gift certificate are welcome, you can do so through my Amazon wishlist gifts are also appreciated, if you are so inclined. Thank you for DOWNLOAD.
Permalink: http://amzn.com/w/AD03GB6AUP9A
Any Bugs please PM me...!
Let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. You can contact me by PMing in english or spanish, at Cmte. Jah at combatace.com or escuadron69.net
Previusly based in Su-30KN
Model - Jv44kt
FM by Lindr2,MarcFighter
Sound by MarcFighter,Erwin_Hans
Cockpit by - MarcFighter, BPAO Su-27 cockpit,and I repainted into a Su-30MK2 standart.
Radar Screen by Lindr2
Skin by Jv44kt,Erwin_Hans,and tail from MarcFighter's Su-27
Also,special thanks to Lindr2's datebase.
* I hope you ;like this art work,any comments,to jahm_jah@yahoo.com *
* with my best regards... *
* Jose Alberto Hernandez (aka Cmte. Jah) *
* Valle de la Pascua - Venezuela *
Tornado F3 For SF2
By NeverEnough
Tornado F3 For SF2:
Simply extract the contents of the Tornado F3 folder into your Mods\StrikeFighters2 folder.
Tornado Team
Main 3d modelling and programming: bobrock
FM and avionics advisors: Crusader, starfighter2
Sounds: Spillone104
Pilots: Aleks, Canadair, Erikgen, NGHENGO, Silverbolt, Spillone104, triplethr3at
Loading screen photo: David Cenciotti
TornadoIDS_Destroyed LOD from NF4+
G-55EUR Pilot Skin by X-RAY
Weapon Models: HiRes AIM-9L skin by ChrisBV
SkyFlash by Mirage Factory
SkyFlash6000 Data by Syrinx
43 Squadron 90th Anniversary Skin by Syrinx
43 Squadron Special Colors Skin by Syrinx
Afterburner TGA by dfang
SF2 Updates and Loading Screens by NeverEnough
This is a complete SF2 installation package for the beautiful Tornado F3 by Bobrock and the many talented modders listed above. The Effect Emitters have been updated to January 2011 patch level. The Wingtip Vortices have been changed so they move properly with the swingwing position. The new TorAfterBurnerEmitter utilizes the January 2011 Particle System combined with one of dfang's afterburner tga's to give the model an afterburner plume similar to photos I've found of the Tornado F3 in warp drive. Also included are two additional loading screens of the 43 Squadron Special Colors Tornado F3.
To use the additional 43 Squadron Loading Screens, change the line in the Tornado_F3.INI as shown below:
AircraftFullName=Tornado F3
LoadingScreen=F3_Loading.bmp<<<<Change this to TorF3_Loading.bmp or TornF3_Loading.bmp
For those of you who have not installed Bobrock's Tornado F3 in the Second Generation Thirdwire sims because there was no SF2 conversion, you owe it to yourselves to take this opportunity to correct that omission. Bobrock's Tornado F3 is really absolutely stunning!
Mirage 2000D for SF2
By JAT81500
Mirage 2000D Mod for SFP V2
This addon represent the two versions of the Ada Mirage 2000D
3D model: Amokfloo, some tweaks by JAT sometimes based on the work of The Mirage Factory,and BarbsMan.
Templates: Amokfloo.
Cockpit: Amokfloo.
pilots: Amokfloo, some tweaks by JAT.
Weapons: The Mirage Factory, Heero, JAT, and many others...
Loadout tga: ludo.m54
Skins: JAT.
Decals: JAT.
Hangar and loading screens : JAT.
Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies.
in memory of BPAo.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms:
Mirage 2000N for SF2
By JAT81500
Mirage 2000N Mod for SFP V2
This addon represent the three versions of the Ada Mirage 2000N
3D model: Amokfloo, some tweaks by JAT sometimes based on the work of The Mirage Factory.
Templates: Amokfloo.
Cockpit: The Mirage Factory.
pilots: Amokfloo, some tweaks by JAT.
Seats: Amokfloo,The Mirage Factory.
Weapons: The Mirage Factory, JAT, and many others...
Loadout tga: ludo.m54
Skins: JAT.
Decals: JAT.
Hangar and loading screens : JAT.
Sorry if i forgot someone, send me a PM, i will make public apologies.
in memory of BPAo.
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms:
Mirage 2000B ADA
By ludo.m54
This addon offers the various Mirage 2000B's standards in use in the French Air Force, namely:
- Mirage 2000B S3: RDM radar, Snecma M53-5 engine, Matra Magic II and Super 530F, no refuel probe.
- Mirage 2000B S4: RDI radar, Snecma M53-5 engine, Matra Magic II and Super 530F.
- Mirage 2000B S5: RDI radar, Snecma M53-P2 engine, Matra Magic II and Super 530D.
Compared to the single-seater, the 2000B is 19cm longer, is 219kg heavier and carry, internally, 60kg of fuel less.
3D model: Amokfloo, reworked by JAT81500.
Templates: Amokfloo.
Cockpit, pilots and fuel tanks: The Mirage Factory.
Skins: ludo.m
Decals: JAT81500 (from the TMF's Mirage 2000 pack) and ludo.m (rework).
Sounds: Couby, Oxyd, Dassault Aviation.
Testing, ini tuning (mostly based on TMF's Mirage 2000 pack) and sounds importation: FDokal.
Hangar and loading screens : Gustav.
If I forgot anyone, let me know and I'll correct it asap.
Thanks to everyone on C6 and Combatace forums whom helped with this project.
*This addon is and must remain freeware.*
Released under CombatAce Fair-Use terms:
F-16A Block 10 (USAF & NATO)
By Guest
****F-16A Block 10****
You have downloaded my version of the F-16A Block 10 for the USAF and NATO air arms.
I have included all four squadrons of the 388th TFW, the first unit to convert and be mission-capable in the type.
Consult README for installation instructions.
Mirage Factory Mig-29G Fulcrum-A
By dast24
I have here a
SF 2 port of the MF Mig29G for You.
I have also selected the Norm90 Skin from SoulFreak as primary,
because it fits better in my opinion.
Original Skin is included.
please leave comment and suggestions, it is my first port to SF2.
All the Other Mig29´s from MF will follow.
Mirage Factory for the super model and the hard work of the Mig
for SF1 and for given the permission to release it for SF2
Soul-Freak: Norm 90 Skin & the Help
GMG-team: thx for advice and support
Combatace-team: for the Knowledge Base
-everything in its place in the MOD-folder
Note: re-uploaded Version because of Missing Files
the german mig were only used in the fighterrole so i removed the possibility to carry AG-Weapons
By ace888
The is not the perfect F-15CJ_Kai.
This aircraft is base on the Stock F-15A SF2, you would need to have SF2 and/or Merged SF2 installed.
I have made a lot of tweaks on the plane. You can modify it to your own liking.
Thus, weapons and effects is not included, check download section for your preference.
Don't worry if you do not have the effects or weapons installed, the game will DEFAULT to SF2 Stock weapons for the specific time period.
Copy the content of the respect folders to your folder:
"Aircraft" to your "Object Aircraft folder."
"Decals", copy the entire decals folder content and paste it onto your decal folder. I was unable to use specific squadron
for decal folder, as it does not show up on the aircraft.
All of my skin has extensive logos on it... as the JASDF likes to change logos and decals often.
The lack of accuracy consist of:
-The feathers on the engine nozzle is still in place.
-The various antennas that is not shown or updated as per MSIP II and after.
-The larger bullet fairing on the left vertical stab. (should be the thin one).
-The speed brake position when deploy is not accurate (TK did not made the model to extend further).
-I was unable to have all the decals on the RIGHT "outter" vertical stab. and LEFT "inner" vertical stab. to face forward (toward the nose) as per actual aircraft. Two aircraft, the RIGHT "inner" logo is not facing forward.
-The skin pattern/color is not accurate, BUT the JASDF is notorious for having various skin patterns and decals at a drop of a hat... so I am not that much off.
-I'm sure you can find more but that is what is great about this game series... you can CREATE and CHANGE to your liking!
The file contain all of the current JASDF F-15CJ squadrons with the "EXCEPTION" of two skins.
The 1st Tactical Squadron and the Air Developemt and Test Command Squadron.
(Both squadron are provisional and aircrafts get rotated from active units or spare aircraft)
Oh, I added my own squadron "JASDF Shogun" (what if...)
The following are the Squadrons:
Hiko Kyoiku Kokutai (Tactical Fighter Training Squadron) Nyutabaru Air Base (RJFN).
23rd Hikotai (Squadron), 23Sq. replaced the 202Sq. in 2000 as the F-15 training unit.
Keikai Kokutai (Provisional Group) Nyutabaru Air Base (RJFN)
Hiko Kyodotai ("Aggressors")
2 Kokudan (Wing): Chitose Air Base (RJCJ), Part of the Northern Air Defence Force (HQ Misawa).
201 Hikotai
203 Hikotai
83 Kokutai (Group), Part of the Southwestern Composite Air Division (HQ Naha).
204 Hikotai (204Sq. swopped places with 302Sq. (F-4EJ_Kai) at the beginning of 2009 for better defense of the Southern flank).
6 Kokudan: Kanazawa/Komatsu Air Base (RJNK), Part of the Central Air Defence Force (HQ Iruma).
303 Hikotai
306 Hikotai
7 Kokudan: Hyakuti Air Base (RJAH), Part of the Central Air Defence Force (HQ Iruma).
305 Hikotai
8 Kokudan: Tsuiki Air Base (RJFZ), Part of the Western Air Defence Force (HQ Kasuga).
304 Hikotai
TK and Thirdwire - Stock F-15A SF2E/Skin
AleDucat - ACES II Ejection Seat
JimmyBid - F-15C cockpit flight control textures
MoonJumper - Avioncs work
Kesselburt - Original F-15C cockpit
Brain32 - Improved/new textures for the F-15C cockpit
331KillerBee- SF2 Weapon Pack
gbreuder - Alternate F-14 wing vapor effects
Old Diego - Pilot Pack
x Ray - Updated JASDF pilot skin
dfang - Afterburner effect
[ If I miss anyone it is not intentional ]
Please let me know if there is any issues or things missing (other than what I have stated above).
I take great pride on my work as do all of the wonderful people on this forum.
Have Fun!
8 January 2011
Aero L-39 C/ZO/ZA Albatros add on pack
By Monty CZ
Aero L-39C/ZA/ZO Albatros for Strike Fighters 2 series (Europe, Israel)
Under Win7 or Vista unzip content into User\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2(...)\Objects
Under WinXP is the destination in MyDocuments\ThirdWire...
History (from wiki):
The Aero L-39 Albatros is a high-performance jet trainer aircraft developed in Czechoslovakia to meet requirements for a "C-39" (C for cvi?ný – trainer) during the 1960s to replace the L-29 Delfín. It was the first of the second-generation jet trainers, and the first turbofan-powered trainer produced, and was later updated as the L-59 Super Albatros and as the L-139 (prototype L-39 with engine Garrett TFE731). The design is still produced in an evolved state as the L-159 ALCA, while more than 2,800 L-39s still serve with over 30 air forces around the world. The Albatros – the most widely used jet trainer in the world – is versatile, seeing duty in light-attack missions as well as in basic and advanced pilot training.
Role Military trainer aircraft
Light ground-attack aircraft
Manufacturer Aero Vodochody
First flight 4 November 1968
Introduced 1971
Status 2,800 still in use in various air forces
Primary users Soviet Air Force
Czechoslovak Air Force
Libyan Air Force
Royal Thai Air Force
Produced 1970s-1999
3D model: Monty CZ
Textures: Monty CZ, Soulfreak
Cockpit: Monty CZ
Flight model: Monty CZ
Hangar and Loading textures: Soulfreak
Thanks to:
Miroslav Han?ar, author of the www.l-39.cz page
Barry Hancock, from www.worldwidewarbirds.com (check his articles about flying the Albatros there)
all people from www.flightsim.cz who helped me
Soulfreak, Kulbit80, 76.IAP-Blackbird, EricJ, NeverEnough and others.
For comments visit www.combatace.com
Monty CZ
Italian AMX for Strike Fighters 2 Upgraded/Modernised
By dtmdragon
Italian AMX for Strike Fighters 2 Upgraded
-Year specific versions to reflect the major upgrade of the Italian AMX to give it a modern cockpit/avionics and improved smart weapons such as JDAM
-Modernized weapons capability and load out files
-Modernized cockpit with MFD and HUD
-High and low visibility markings
-Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
-All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
Credit: pcpilot
Tornado GR4 for Strike Fighters 2
By dtmdragon
Tornado GR4 for Strike Fighters 2
-Year specific versions to reflect upgrades in weapons capability e.g. Brimstone missiles
-Modernized Avionics & loadout
- Storm Shadow Air to ground missile included
-Modified from the NATO fighters GR1A
-Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
-All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
Credit: Dave & NF4+ team
Polish F-16D updated for Strike Fighters 2
By dtmdragon
Polish F-16D updated for Strike Fighters 2
-Extensive RWR.TGA files and updated RWR.LST
-All weapons from load out file included ( most are from MGunny's Ordnance Shop II for SF2 )
INSTILATION: Drop files in to appropriate folders, override when asked to.
NOTE: Has only been tested/used in a merged install of ALL SF2 titles
Credit: Diogo
A-10A's 23rd Wing Pope AFB
Just a quick work on default TK and TW standard SF-2E A-10A_78 aircraft.
Just to add to the game a modern HAWG in 2 of it's best liveries.
Inside you'll find both 23rd Wing squadrons skins,the 74th TFS "Flying Tigers" and the 75th TFS "Tiger Sharks" from Pope AFB.
These squadrons are also deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan too.
Thanks to TK and TW staff to mod up this plane!
Massimo "X-Ray" Pilot
Aermacchi MB-339A PAN
By ID(io)T Team
Hi Guys here we go again......
The celebrated PAN (Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale) "Frecce Tricolori" of the Aeronautica Militare italiana is going to celebrate their 50th anniversary andso we are with this special edition MB-339PAN release.
Just in time for the big Show on the 11th and 12th of September over their Rivolto Air Base
The original model has been completely reworked, remappedand retextured in hi-res.
In the pack you'll find the colored smokes, the demo-teamformations and all you need to enjoy the thrill of an aerobatic team.
ID(io) Team
AV-8A Harrier for SF2
By SFP1Ace
This is a ThirdWire WoE AV-8A Harrier converted for SF2. This package includes 331Killerbee's Enhanced Pack.
Unpack the archive and drop the AV-8A folder to your MOD /Objects/Aircraft directory. You'll also have to extract original lod files from WoE ObjectData.cat using the CAT extractor. Following lods: AV-8A.LOD, AV-8A_LOD2.LOD,AV-8A_LOD3.LOD,AV-8A_LOD4.LOD & AV-8A_LOD5.LOD once extracted should go to the AV-8A folder. The AV-8A_cockpit.LOD needs placing in AV-8A/Cockpit folder.
This is my first conversion so if messed something up, you let me know ;).
ThirdWire - original WoE AV-8A Harrier
331Killerbee - WoE Harrier Enhanced Pack
MigBuster - SF2 Knowledgebase conversion guide :D
Mirage Factory F-14A and F-14B Tomcat
By column5
Grumman’s F-14 Tomcat could be described as the Marilyn Monroe of aircraft designs. Both were at once beautiful and flawed, with indelible public images and yet often misunderstood and misrepresented. Both also met untimely ends. For many, the aircraft will always be remembered as the star of the hit 1986 movie Top Gun, but the Tomcat was a real weapon on the front lines of the Cold War, personifying the technological prowess and advanced production methods that the Soviet Union could not match, and which eventually drove them to break their economy in the attempt to keep up. For me personally, it will always be associated with the three years my family lived in Virginia Beach, near NAS Oceana, in the early 1980s. I vividly remember all of the jets that used to fly over our house—Skyhawks, Intruders, Phantoms and especially Tomcats. With their twin tails and swing-wings they had to be the coolest things in the air, and in retrospect I believe they really were. --c5
This aircraft is dedicated to our departed friend and Cheif of Production, Oli.
Please see the included PDF for information on the cockpit, including some known issues that will be addressed in a future update.
Model: Flying Toaster, BPAo
Skins and Flight Model: column5
Cockpit: Chris
Avionics: MoonJumper
Pilots: Diego
Extra Hangar and Loading Screens: USAFMTL
Testing: The Mirage Factory
Please contact one of the above people at CombatAce if you would like to use this mod in a freeware project. This mod may not be used as part of any payware project.
Update for SF2 JAS39C Gripen
By dtmdragon
This is an update for the JAS39C for SF2 available here at CombatACE.
You will need both the ‘JAS-39C Gripen For SF2 series’ http://combatace.com...for-sf2-series/
and the “Reworked and fixed JAS-39C Gripen skins For SF2 Series.” http://combatace.com...for-sf2-series/
Simple put my updated files in the appropriate place and let them override.
This update includes:
-Corrected Flare/Chaff dispenser locations and quantities.
-Flare and Chaff dispensers added to the skins of all Gripen operators.
-Updated threat library for the RWR
-Weapon pylons updated to reflect ability to carry latest weapons as well as the GBU-16 on outboard stations and Taurus KEPD-350 Stand off Missile on the inboard stations.
-Modification to RBS 15 missile to make it effective as an anti-ship weapon.
-Taurus KEPD-350 Stand Off Missile included. (3d model is not entirely accurate but all data.ini performance figures are.)
Thanks to everyone who has worked on the previous Gripens.
F-35A/B/C Lightning II V 2.5 for SF2
By FastCargo
F-35 A/B/C for the 2nd Generation ThirdWire sims...beta Version 2.1.
Very similar to Version 2.0, reformatted to SF2 standards with Weapons, Guns, Decals.
Also, several bugs fixed in all 3 models, including nozzle animations, carrier operations, etc.
Please contact us at CombatAce if you have issues not addressed in the readme or previous releases.
23 May 09
Version 2.2
The weapon editor for SF2 did not like the naming convention for the F-35 drop tanks. So I changed the names, edited the data.inis and now they are fixed. Also there is an avionics fix in there that goes in each versions folder as well.
Delete the old drop tanks in your SF2 weapons folder and drop these in. Then drop the data.inis and the avionics.inis in each version of the F-35 and overwrite.
F-35C sound fixed.
Various ini fixes by Crusader
Dave (USAFMTL) 29 May 2009
Version 2.3
Fixed gun naming issue.
Dave (USAFMTL) 3 Jun 2009
Version 2.4
Feb 2010 Updates By Jat
Version 2.5
Apr 2010
RWR fix
F-35A Engine Sound Fix
SF2E Mirage2000D Update
By Spiff
This is an update to the SF2 conversion of Florian's Mirage 2000D started by pablitoVPT and EricJ. This is a complete aircraft. Main reason for this update is a new flight model for hard setting with some minor updated avionics and weapons/loadout. Currently flying it in a merged install SF2E, DEC 2009. Your mileage may vary with other SF2 titles/installs. See the readme for details.
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